
A Poultry Paradise

After the call ended, the fairy tapped into the space in front of her.

More than a hundred screens glowed for a few seconds before activating. "Yes, Your Highness."

"How is the progress?"

"We have more than a dozen rank 4 captains willing to risk it all. We suspect they're used by the rank 5s to test the waters."

"The army spies?"

"There must be a few."

"No worries," Hazel's green eyes glowed. "The army is not monolithic. The loyal faction is the largest but also the most exposed."

A dozen spaceships were returning from different parts of the duchy. Their immediate superiors gave them sudden missions, forcing them to scatter throughout the region.

The rank 2s and rank 3s thought it was just another mission to suppress the rebels and kill the deserters. But the rank 4 captains guessed it was something else.

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