
Divine Fate - The Moonstone

What is the moonstone exactly? Well, it's a symbol of beginning. All life has a beginning. The beginning of the werewolves was thousands of years ago, during a time where people roamed the earth. The moon goddess, then just considered a spirit and now called by many names, sent a piece of herself to a group of nomads. As the piece fell, it formed into a solid piece of bright stone made of orthoclase and albite. Centuries passed, and the first pack was eventually named the Moonstone Pack. They protected the stone, now verified as being musgravite, and kept it from falling into the wrong hands. The stone still held power within it, but the line of alphas and lunas of the Moonstone Pack kept it hidden, wanting to keep the power dormant so that they could live peacefully. *-*-* Raveena Cemche just graduated with her bachelor's in business and is ready to start having a more solid position in the family business. In a twist, she's assigned as her uncle's personal assistant, though she doesn't mind as that helps put her in the middle of all big business decisions and meetings. A week into the job, it shows just how much she gets to be a part of. Lyrik Gray, the alpha of the first pack, gains his title of alpha earlier than most. One of the first things he has to face as the alpha of the Moonstone Pack, is the protection of the moonstone. It seems forces are gathering together and are going to try to get their hands on the gem. Lyrik has to make sure that doesn't happen, otherwise all of the werewolves in the world were going to suffer. The two meet earlier than most mates normally do, though the circumstances of an upcoming war makes them both nervous about announcing it to the world.

MarieMeadowthorn · 奇幻言情
8 Chs

Chapter 3

The announcement shocked the room. John and Adam jumped to their feet, shock and pleasure on their faces. I straightened in my chair, eyes on his face. He hadn't even claimed me, yet he was announcing that he'd found his mate? Typically, in order to keep the name and person secret, an alpha wouldn't announce his mate to the pack until after they had mated. The claiming was an important ritual, especially when one was from another pack. What was he thinking?

I crossed my legs, thankful I had worn pants when Lyrik glanced over at my movement, his eyes automatically locking on my legs. I bit the inside of my cheek, trying to keep my facial features calm and blank.

"That's great news, Lyrik," Rowan stood, hand outstretched. I could only imagine the smile that must have been on his face. "Congratulations. It is a bit unusual for you to announce that you've found them, though I can't wait to see who it is."

Another smile flickered over his lips, tempting me. How did the man have such luscious lips? They weren't overly plump or big, but looked enticing. I wanted to nibble on the bottom lip.

My father was quiet as the two alphas shook hands, Lyrik thanking Rowan. I stopped myself from rolling my eyes, the testosterone filling the room making me want to gag. I knew when I told my mother, and eventually my father, they'd both be happy for me. However, as their only child, I wasn't sure they would be too happy about me leaving for another pack. One that was a solid twelve hours away.

Adam stood suddenly, phone to his ear. He walked out of the room, murmuring softly into it. John stood as well, attention on his pack member, as Lyrik looked over his shoulder. I noted they all seemed to understand what was happening, watching as John and Lyrik shared a look. I knew it was possible for them to speak telepathically. Our own pack did it, though it was typically limited to the upper half of the pack members. My uncle and father had often included me in on some of their conversations, just so I could get used to it in case I took over as beta once my cousin took over as alpha.

I looked down at my notebook, drawing circles in the margins as I idly thought about things. If Lyrik, as an alpha, fully claimed me as his mate, I wouldn't be becoming the beta. Instead, I would be a luna. The female leader of the full wolf-pack of Moonstone. It was honestly a terrifying thought as I had never thought of it being a possibility. I always figured my mate would be a warrior, someone who would help set up patrols and training for those who kept the territory safe from rogues or attacks from disgruntled packs. That obviously wasn't my fate.

A razzled looking Adam came back in, stress clear on his face. Lyrik stood as he started speaking. "Alpha, Rowan, there's been an attack on the western edge of the territory, bordering the Deep Forest pack. The rogues turned and fled, but we lost a couple warriors. Their alpha, Angus, is sending a troop of his warriors after the ones who fled."

I gasped, knowing I paled at the news as I dropped my pen. It was never good when a pack lost a member. Everyone felt the loss for months. It was an emptiness that couldn't be filled by anything, only healing slightly with time. To lose more than one at once was even worse.

Lyrik growled, low and long, scaring me a bit. "Goddammit." He turned to Rowan and Draden, eyes dark with emotion. I could tell he was clenching his jaw and I wanted to go comfort him. My heart hurt seeing him upset, though he hid it well. "Alpha Rowan, I don't mean to rush this, but we need to make this decision quickly. I need to get back to my pack."

We no longer have time to discuss this more in depth. My father's voice filled my head, almost making me jump. I took a deep breath as I bent down and picked the pen back up. I agree with the terms the Moonstone pack has set forth, especially seeing as they've done a lot of thinking on them. I can see areas where we can get them if it comes down to it, though I doubt it will. Rowan, remember last month when we talked about the increase in passing rogues we had seen? It makes sense now. Those rogues did a number on the farms as they passed.

I frowned, thinking back. It had been about a month ago now that the tracks of nearly a dozen rogues running through the territory had been spotted. They had also ruined the crops of a couple of farmers, taking out a few cows along the way. The bad thing was that we had humans under our safety, in our territory, that didn't know they were being protected by beings they may or may not believe in. That's why so many of the smaller packs that had allied with us were spread throughout the territory, to help protect us and the humans.

I figured as much.

My uncle's voice was calm. Deadly calm. The kind of calm that sent chills down your spine because you know he's already thinking of revenge. The only other time I had heard him speak like that was when my aunt had died. She had been on a patrol, really just stretching her legs, when a rogue had taken advantage of it and got a hold of her. My uncle had been terrifying and unrelenting in his search for that rogue.

"Lyrik, we agree with the terms. We've always been on good terms with you and your pack," Rowan put his hand out towards me and I handed him the contract I had typed up to him. He signed it quickly then handed it to Lyrik after he finished. "I also have no qualms with letting your mate go with you to your pack. I'm just surprised you would take her with you unclaimed. It's a ritual to claim your mate before announcing who it is because of the danger from other packs and rogues. Are you sure you want to let everyone know who she is?"

I winced. There were less than a handful of packs who would ever go against the Moonstone pack, but they were extremely dangerous. These packs would take whatever they could get their hands on to try to overthrow any pack they didn't like. That was what we had initially thought had happened when my aunt died, thinking a rival pack was trying to throw the pack through a loop by taking away our Luna.

"As I believe she is close to the both of you, I figured her leaving could be done quietly. The claiming will be done as quickly as we can make it happen."

I looked up quickly, eyes wide. Lyrik was looking at me, the smallest of smiles lifting the corners of his mouth. My father went rigid, slowly turning to look at me as well. His breath caught, realization settling in as I glanced at him before looking down at my notebook. I heard my uncle mutter something under his breath then sigh.

Damn cheeks are definitely lobster red again.

I couldn't decide if I wanted to stand up and smile, or keep sitting with my head down. I knew my father would be a bit upset that I hadn't said anything on our way back to the office after I had grabbed him. It hadn't felt like the right time or place. Especially considering we were at work, walking in the middle of a hallway, into a meeting with my mate. Of all the things to happen, it already felt like the day had become too much to handle.

"Lyrik..." Rowan started, slowly trailing off. I looked up to see my father and uncle both standing, Rowan with his hand on my father's shoulder. "You're not wrong about your assessment. I can also assure you that Draden and I would both feel more comfortable if Raveena stayed here until you two were mated."

My heart lurched at the thought of a long-distance, non-claimed relationship. That was definitely not something I ever wanted to try. I stood, shaking my head. When I looked up to meet my father's eyes, I had to choke down a sob as feelings overwhelmed me. There were tears in his eyes, something I had never seen. It was a shock. But I couldn't let him try to convince Lyrik to even think about leaving me here. My heart already was hurting at the mere mention of being twelve hours away from him. Though I didn't know much, if anything, but rumors about Lyrik, that didn't mean I wanted to be hours away from him.

"Rowan, I can't say I understand, but I know you want to protect her," Lyrik moved around the desk, walking towards me. I held my breath as he stopped in front of me, his amber eyes roving slowly over my body. "I think that we may be able to compromise. My father, though rearing to start his life traveling the world with my mother, would be more than willing to stand in for me at home. I should be able to move things around to stay here a week, but I can't manage anything longer than that."

I stared at him, searching his gaze for Lord knows what. I knew I wanted to shift and rub my whole body against his, human or wolf. I wanted to reach out, touch and learn who he was. The urge was so strong I couldn't help but reach out and touch his chest, like magnets needing to meet. Softly, barely there, but I could feel his heart beating. He pressed his hand over mine, stepping closer.

"Well, it wouldn't be the first time an ally pack's alpha stayed," Rowan said. "It would make sense for you to stay here for a bit as well. I'm sure Raveena would like to introduce you to her mother."

My father cleared his throat, breaking my fascination of staring at Lyrik. I bit my lip and pulled away from him, dropping my eyes to break our eye contact. I could hear my father and uncle talking about something, maybe some kind of strategy, yet couldn't pull my mind more than a bit away from the man standing right in front of me.

"If it's no problem, I would like John and Adam to stay as well." Lyrik said, turning slightly so that he could look at Rowan. I looked up through my eyelashes, studying how fit he looked in his tailored suit. "We'll pretty much stay out of the way. If you have a warrior who would accompany me around, that would help in ensuring we don't get stopped every second. It's good to be vigilant, but it'll make getting to my own meetings in town harder. I'd also like to ask that someone is with Raveena whenever she's outside of the company building or her home."

I frowned, looking up at Lyrik with a scowl. I am more than capable of taking care of myself! I was apparently already going to get a taste of what life with Lyrik would be like. I was stupid happy to have my mate, but I was an independent person who enjoyed the comfort of the forest and running. I straightened up, locking my shoulders back as I faced my mate for the first time. "Sir... alpha... I don't need a bodyguard. As the beta's daughter, I've grown up training for the battlefield. I'm one of the top warriors and often go on patrol."

You could almost hear the evening crickets in the silence.

I refused to back down from the look Lyrik turned on me. His eyes showed he was upset that I would dare defy him, but seeing as how I didn't know him well nor had I been claimed and moved into his pack, I was still under my uncle's directions. My uncle knew first hand how great my fighting skills were too.

My father was suddenly by my side, settling a hand softly on my shoulder. "Raveena, I agree with Lyrik on this one. If someone who is against the Moonstone pack decides to send someone after you, it is very likely to be a small group that would try to take you when you're on your own. You're an excellent warrior, but when you're on your own against ten male wolves..."

His soft, familiar deep voice calmed an emotional storm within me that I hadn't even known was swirling around. I closed my eyes tightly, trying not to tremble too much. There was an overwhelming amount of fear in my stomach, sitting like a rock. I was both happy and anxious to have met Lyrik, wanting to get to just sit and spend time with him. Yet, since he was an alpha of the most prominent pack, there was an underlying feeling of having to step up into a position that I was going to fail.

I turned into my father, pressing my face into his shoulder and wrapping an arm around his waist as he engulfed me in his arms. There was nothing more comforting to me than a hug from my dad, and that's exactly what I needed at that moment.

"Draden," Rowan spoke up from the desk. "We have the meeting with the pack council this afternoon. It's a good opportunity to bring up the rogues. We can leave out Lyrik and Raveena being mates, but we'll have to let them know Lyrik, Adam, and John will be staying. I have more than enough room at my home, gentlemen, just let me know what I can do to make sure you have what you need."

"We will need an office of some sort so that we don't have to meet in a bedroom for business discussions," a voice I hadn't heard, possibly Adam's, spoke up. "If that's possible, of course. Other than that, I believe we'll be fine. As werewolves, we're not picky about food."

The small joke broke the tension, getting a few of the others to chuckle. My father patted my back then moved me back away from him. "I'll sit in with you for the remainder of your meetings Rowan. We can have Raveena travel with you for the rest of the day Lyrik, and then she can show you to your rooms when you return to the house."

I frowned, looking back and forth between my father and uncle. They must have been communicating telepathically about the decision, because Rowan didn't seem surprised. My father looked a little too impassive, a 'defense' face that I was used to seeing when he was trying not to get caught doing something by my mother. I narrowed my eyes at him, wondering what he was trying to do.

Lyrik stretched his hand out to my father. "I would like that. Thank you. I'm honored to meet you, Draden. Your expertise in training warriors is well-known."

Pride filled me as my flustered father thanked the alpha. He quickly excused himself, heading out of the office with a quick nod to me. I almost laughed at his quick retreat. Draden was a master warrior himself and had taught many how to be as well. The Shadow pack was well-versed in war strategy, and knew the territory they lived in and out. Many of the pack members started their training at ten years old, traveling through the forest and over the land with a patrol to start learning the routes, the territory lines, and to make out specific characteristics of places so they know where they were. It was something done in the pack for centuries, giving life to the Shadow pack being known as the best fighters to have on your side. Now knowing that the rogues were cooking something up, probably working with packs against the Moonstone, I wouldn't be surprised if another alpha came forward to try to get Rowan to pledge allegiance to the other side.

John and Adam finished signing the treaty with Rowan, Lyrik having signed it, and they now waited for Lyrik. I turned and picked up my notebook, closing the pen inside of it. I walked to my uncle and offered him a small smile.

"If you want better notes than what my dad does, remember the tape recorder in your upper drawer. I can listen to the meetings and type up some manuscripts for them."

Rowan grinned, letting go of the quiet that had been wrapped around him. "Of course I'll be using that. Your father has the worst handwriting and can't stay focused for more than ten minutes if he's not moving."

I laughed, nodding, before hurrying out of the office to my desk. I heard the quiet footsteps of the three other men behind me, making it my business to completely act like I didn't know they were there. I had pretty much been given an order to go with them, so I couldn't back out of it. That didn't mean I had to like it though. I cleaned my desk up, putting files, papers, and pens back in their correct spots. Glancing at the time, my eyes widened when I saw it was almost eleven. I looked up towards the chairs, where I figured the men had sat. Lyrik was pacing a hole in the carpet, talking into his phone, while John and Adam were relaxed in the lobby chairs, appearing to rest. I had been worried I had made them late for a meeting, but none of them had tried to rush me out so maybe they didn't have something immediately. Nonetheless, I hurried clocking out.

As I was about to clock out, the phone rang. I glanced up to see Lyrik still on his phone call, so I answered. "Cemche Inc., this is Raveena. How may I help you?"

"The beta just called me," Veronica's voice came over the phone. "He told me you were going to be away from your desk the rest of today, and I wanted to see if there was anything I can do to help you out."

I smiled. "No, everything's okay up here. Rowan is getting help in the meetings from my father. If you do need something, I'm only a text or call away. I'll be helping Mr. Gray and his members get around the territory."

"Oh! That handsome hunk is really Lyrik Gray? As in, the Moonstone pack's alpha?!"

The whisper scream had me looking over the desk again, wondering if anyone had heard her. So far no one was looking at me, though Lyrik had disappeared down the hallway. "Yes, that one. I don't want to keep them waiting, so I'll just text you later. Oh, will you message Jenna? Let her know I'll get back to her later too."

Giving quick goodbyes, I got off the phone and logged out. As I started around the desk towards the elevator, both John and Adam stood up. I smiled politely at them, looking around the corner of the hallway to see if Lyrik had walked down it. He had indeed and was walking back, phone no longer to his ear. He looked up at me as he slid his phone into his back pocket, pausing a moment, then gently grabbing onto my hand as he continued to the now open elevator. I gasped at the electricity spiking between our touching skin. I had heard that mates would have a sort of sensation in their skin wherever they touched each other. I hadn't known it was going to be so intense!

The elevator ride down felt like the longest one ever. I was flooded with the scent and touch of my mate, and we were only holding hands.

I didn't get a chance to let his hand go before he was pulling me with him out of the elevator. "Wait, Alpha L-"

He sent me a scathing look over his shoulder, halting my words. I scowled, turning red as I tried not to trip as he hurried us out. I didn't even have a chance to wave at Veronica. But the biggest thing was that this man had just said something about keeping our fated relationship a secret until he claimed me, and he wasn't letting go of my hand. Anyone with eyes would think we were in a relationship, especially as there literally was no other reason for the man to be gripping my hand in his.

John moved forward as we walked outside, walking slightly in front of Lyrik and I. Glancing over my shoulder, Adam was walking behind us, eyes scanning the area. I faced forward again, shuddering at the thought of being attacked in the parking lot. I spied my car in the back of the lot and couldn't help but think of how easy it would be to grab me from there if I had been taken by surprise.

John opened the rear passenger door of a shiny silver Ford Expedition. I went to let go of Lyrik's hand as he started to slide in, but he gripped mine tighter, forcing me to slide in beside him. I grit my teeth against choice words I wanted to bark at him, letting my hand go lax in his instead. He had slid over more so that almost the whole middle seat was between us, but he still wouldn't let go of my hand.

Adam got into the passenger seat, phone out as he read off of it. "Serina will be bringing us suitcases for our week stay later this afternoon. I told her to meet us at the meeting with Roy. We're on our way now to meet with that possible new supplier. I believe the sales rep we're meeting at the restaurant is named Jenna Dedrik."

My jaw dropped. Jenna had no idea that the meeting for her father's supply company was with the Moonstone alpha. She also had no idea that I was going to be showing up on the arm of said alpha. Jenna is going to freak. If I had time to mentally prepare myself for the shriek, maybe it wouldn't be so bad. As if, I scoffed to myself, knowing it was going to be worse since I hadn't answered her back for over two hours. The only other time I didn't immediately answer her was if I was asleep, and she knew I wouldn't be asleep in the middle of a workday.

Lyrik's thumb rubbed soothingly over the back of my hand. I looked over at him to find him studying me with his amber eyes. In the car they looked darker, though they had almost looked like melted honey upstairs. I felt my cheeks warm the longer he stared, and I quirked an eyebrow up, wondering why he was staring.

A grin, a wide, genuine, grin, flashed over his face. I blinked, stunned by the wonderful sight. It made him look younger, happier. I wanted him to smile like that again.

The vehicle was set into motion then, taking us along the slightly bumpy parking lot to the exit. I forced myself to look away from Lyrik so I could look out my window, watching the familiar buildings passing by instead of my mate.

"John, my father would like you to report to him daily on your research," Lyrik spoke as we got onto the main road. I glanced over at him before continuing my window watch. "The more names we have, the easier it should be to stop. I also think we need to try to set up a meeting with the alpha of the Deep Forest. I'd like to see what his thoughts are on the situation, and to see if he's had more sightings of rogues than normal."

"Yes, sir."

There was a deep connection between these three men, making me feel a little weird. Just a bit like an awkward forth wheel on a sturdy tricycle. I looked at all of them, trying to determine if they were siblings or just close friends. I didn't see a lot of similarities in their facial structures, coloring, or physique. Lyrik was slightly more built, muscles obvious even under the suit's material. Adam was smaller, though he was still very toned. John was the smallest, having muscles that rippled under his suit if he moved just right, but he was definitely more twig-like than muscled. His coloring, however, was more like Lyrik's. He had darker hair, a deep brown chocolate color, and a slight tan. Adam was blonde and didn't look like he went outside.

I look back at Lyrik, freezing when I find him looking at me with narrowed eyes.

The vehicle coming to a full stop and the engine shutting off saved the day. He looked up at the other two, asking about something that I missed as I let his hand go and slipped out of the big suburban.

"Wait a... Raveena! Raveena, you hoe!"

I winced, the shriek from my best friend totally catching me by surprise. I turned towards the restaurant, seeing it was a nice sit down, and found Jenna standing at the entrance with her 'mom' glare. I gave her a small wave and a tiny smile. The door of the suburban shut behind me, and by the look on Jenna's face, it was probably Lyrik. I walked forward, one hand on the strap of my purse and the other in the pocket of my dress pants to deter any more touches.

John was suddenly in front of me, smiling as he addressed Jenna. "You must be the sales rep from On Two Feet. Jenna, right? I'm John."

In a blink, Jenna switched from being playful to being in business. She apologized for her wording in how she called to me, reaching out to hug me. I grinned and rolled my eyes, knowing it wouldn't be long until she was at it again. "I'll be frank with you gentlemen as well. My father just told me this was an important client meeting. I didn't know I would be meeting with the Moonstone pack."

Adam nodded, a smile playing along his lips. "Yes, we asked him to do that. If it's possible, we try to do business quietly."

"Makes perfect sense to me," Jenna smiled.

I unwrapped myself from under her arm and opened the door to the restaurant, gesturing for everyone to go in. Lyrik came in last, eyes steady on me. I motioned him forward with my hand, getting a raised eyebrow in return. I just smiled at him, motioning again. He eventually walked ahead of me into the little diner. Thankfully we didn't have to wait for a bigger table, since the table Jenna had reserved had been for four, not five. I didn't get a chance to choose the chair next to Jenna though. The guys quickly boxed me in so that I was to the right of Lyrik, with John at my right at the end of the table. Lyrik faced Jenna.

I sighed softly, sinking into my chair. I really should have just called in to work. Though, maybe I wouldn't have met Lyrik if I had. It could have taken forever for us to meet again. I picked up the menu, trying not to dwell on that thought.

"So, Raveena is your escort for the day?"

Jenna's voice brought me out of my thoughts, looking up at Jenna. I smile and nod. "Yes. Something... came up, that has them staying longer than they initially planned. To make it easier to get around, they requested an escort."

A smile lit my friend's face as she leaned forward towards Lyrik. I frowned as I watched Jenna lay a hand lightly over Lyrik's, wondering what the hell she thought she was doing. "That's so nice you get to stay longer! If you're ever.. Bored.. I can always show you the nightlife," she winked, leaning even more forward, if that was possible. "I know all the right spots."

As she did her signature flirt move, slowly letting her hand trail off of his, my instincts roared up and I growled. Jenna froze, looking at me in shock. I blinked, looking away as I cleared my throat. Dammit. That could cause some issues. Jenna definitely wouldn't forget me doing that anytime soon, and she was really good at interrogating people for answers when she wanted them. It crossed my mind that the woman should have gone into law or police work.

Before anyone could say something, the waiter came to the table. "Hey Jenna. 'Nother business meeting? You are one busy gal. What is everyone looking to get today?"

Ordering went by quickly. Jenna got a grilled chicken salad, I got my favorite lunch wrap, and all the gentlemen got full plate entrees of spaghetti and meatballs. Along with salads and toast. My stomach hurt thinking about all that food, but as male werewolves, it wasn't that much of a surprise that they were eating so much.

Jenna started the order of business, throwing her pitch out. I almost smiled as she spoke, knowing she was doing something she loved. I always just figured I'd go into the business, not really having any other interests or hobbies that made me want to do something differently, and I was perfectly okay with it. I love the family company. Time flew by as we ate, business talk since going. I stood, excusing myself to the bathroom quickly, and making my escape for a few minutes. They could sort out their business as I did mine.

As I was washing my hands a few minutes later, Jenna came into the bathroom. She leaned against the counter, waiting for me to finish before she spoke.

"I've been wondering how today was going. I thought he wasn't coming in until this afternoon?" Her eyes were worried, searching my face.

I smiled, trying to reassure her. "It's been stupid busy. We got a call from Mr. Gray that he needed to move his appointment up, so we switched him around with another appointment. It worked out well cause I guess they were having a day too. So, he came in about nine thirty. We didn't leave the meeting until probably ten thirty. I can't disclose anything else, though," I bit my bottom lip, feeling awful for leaving my best friend out of the loop. "I think... you should know that there is some stuff happening though, and that's partly why Mr. Gray and his associates decided to stay for the week."

Jenna listened, watching my face the entire time. She was probably trying to catch me in a lie so she could call me out, but I didn't lie. I was honest about not being able to tell her everything too. "Okay... would this 'stuff' include why you growled at me at the table earlier?"

Wincing, I looked away, grabbing paper towels. I nodded, not looking back at her. She would be able to read it all over my face if I faced her. The great thing about best friends, though, was her acceptance to be filled in at a later date. Without another word, Jenna hooked her arm through mine and we walked back to the table talking about how cute the guys were.

"Here is my business card. Call the office anytime you have any questions. I'll get that email sent out to your head of operations, and we should be in business!" Jenna grinned, happy that she closed the deal with the Moonstone pack.

I smiled, shaking my head slightly as she gave a respectful half-bow before quickly walking to her car. I started walking towards where John had parked when a hand wrapped around my upper arm. The tingling started immediately, so I knew it was Lyrik, and I let him pull me into his body. A soft gasp left my lips as the tingling sensation spread across my entire back. Lyrik made a soft sound as well, almost like a groan, as he let my arm go only to wrap his arm across my waist.

I held myself absolutely still as instincts rose, strong and powerful, wanting to turn and pull him into a kiss. I wanted to melt into him, become part of him, and claim him as I wanted him to claim me. The urge to shift was just as strong, my skin getting tight as the urge to let my wolf out rose.

Lyrik pressed his face into my hair, inhaling deeply before slowly letting his breath out. "I was going to say something about how you commented on John's hair, but I don't think I need to."

His voice was low as he spoke, a kind of sexy music to my ears. I couldn't help the small giggle that left my lips as he admitted his jealousy of John because of something I had said. I couldn't even remember what exactly I had said about the man's hair. I just knew I couldn't say something about Lyrik without Jenna getting more suspicious. I went to put my hand on his arm when a car honking broke into my thoughts, making me jump. It also had Lyrik letting me go as he turned, a soft growl coming from him.

I looked around him to see John and Adam in the suburban, both trying to hold their laughter in though their shoulders shook with it. Lyrik muttered under his breath as his hand enveloped mine again, taking me to the vehicle with him. He glared at his two men as he had me slide into the backseat first. He didn't say anything to them, just shook his head when they finally burst out laughing.