A friend to women far and wide across the countryside, he became the marvelous Divine Doctor of the Peach Blossom utopia!
Su Wen and Wang Xuejun had chatted a bit long that morning, and by the time Su Wen left the department office, it was nearly noon.
Su Wen simply arranged to meet Ding Yingying in the campus cafeteria, he had never attended college or eaten in a cafeteria before, and walking in to see groups of vibrant young students dining together, he really felt a bit envious.
All those legs blooming in the late summer and early autumn, all those little mouths chatting away about their youthful anecdotes, all those bright young faces laughing, it made Su Wen want to live here. "Youth spent outside of a university campus is incomplete," so they often say on the internet.
"Should I ask Professor Wang to pull some strings for me to get a degree, and come study here too?" Su Wen only had a nine-year compulsory education, and even though his current talents meant he no longer needed an educational qualification to prove himself, getting a degree still seemed like a good idea.