
Chapter 464 Equity Plan

Time flew by, and after continuous prompting from Su Wen, He Shiguang finally completed the drug potency testing and the construction of a business model a few days ahead of schedule.

The team at Hezheng Hall quickly confirmed the effectiveness of Su Wen's drug formula, and they immediately applied to the Drug Administration for on-site trials while preliminarily valuating Su Wen's formula.

"Mr. Su, we value your intellectual property for the drug formula at one hundred million. Our side at Hezheng Hall is putting forth one hundred million in cash as well as a team to form a new pharmaceutical company,"

That was one of Su Wen's demands.

He didn't want to join Hezheng Hall directly, as he would eventually become a worker there; he wanted to use the knowledge in his head as intellectual capital to invest in and operate a company.