
Chapter 2

Noah: present

"He said insurgencies", Benson interrupts the head of marketing while laughing. I don't see what's funny and everybody else feels the same way because they stop to look at him as well, probably wondering what knot he's lost again.

Dad isn't in the best condition at the moment and looking at Bensons face, I kinda regret my decision to sit in for him at this meeting .

Most of the board members are dads old friends, the people he built his empire with, while others were additions along the line who've also contributed to the growth of the company .I've never really liked most of the members of the board but this Benson guy is a straight out idiot. The only thing that keeps him in the company is his abilities. The board members know it, dad knows it, I know it so we don't complain when he's being his asshole self. We just let it all slide cus he's contributing to the company too.

Benson stops laughing once he realizes that he's gained everyone's attention. He clears his throat and takes a sip of his water. The marketing guy goes back to the projector to continue explaining his reports for the month. Half an hour later, I leave after the meeting ends and I've managed to sort out most things. I need to be at the hospital by evening but I'd drop by my apartment first.

Somehow , I change my mind and end up going to Dotty's instead. A restaurant close to my street. I'm hungry and could use some food.

Dotty's not a five star restaurant. It's just pretty decent and I prefer eating here than any other five star restaurant.

The owner of the restaurant sees me the moment I walk in and waves me over.

"Hello Dorothy", I greet curtly

"Oh hi sugar. How're you doing. It's been a minute", she says everything with a wide smile on her face. Dorothy has always been an erratic person and as much as I prefer quiet people, Dorothy has a charm to her persona.

"Yeah. Been a bit busy"

"So, what would you like to order?". Her tone is suggestive and I almost crack a smile. Dorothy is middle aged, late forties if I'm not mistaken and flirts a lot with me but I've learnt that she doesn't actually mean any of it.

"The usual"

"Coming right up. You taking it home sweetie?"

"Yeah, I have some things to finish up"

"Oh okay". She turns to the window behind her to communicate with the kitchen staff then turns back to me.

"What's up with you?". She always asks this question even when she never actually gets an answer from me.

"Oh, we're back on with late deliveries. Got a replacement for poor Jonah . Just telling you since you used to order dinner. We could whip you up something tonight as well"

I don't answer immediately. I give it a bit of thought. I'm not good at cooking anything so I used to rely on Dorothy's restaurant to provide my meals and truly, since their temporary issue with their delivery man last week, I've been getting my meals delivered from a less appealing restaurant or skipping dinner altogether. I could come at night to eat here but I work a lot at night, it won't be convenient. My order comes out and Dorothy packs it up while ringing it in. I pay and she hands me the bag.

"I'm glad you sorted out your delivery issue Dorothy, I was getting tired of missing dinner", I tell her with a small smile. She smiles back

"Anytime sweetie". I leave the restaurant and make it to my apartment, eat the food and get lost in work. Somehow, I lose track of time and end up skipping dinner again.

The next day, I get off work late and manage to order dinner. I finished everything at the office so I won't have to work while home. Delivery doesn't take a lot of time and I sigh in relief while moving to open the door. The knock sounds again followed by a feminine "Delivery for Noah 'sugar' Brooke". I can almost hear the mocking smile in her voice and for once I wish Dorothy wasn't always so extra.

I swing the door open a little bit more forcefully than normal while grunting out a hesitant "That'd be me"

I must have used a bit too-much force on the door because the girl jerks back in surprise and I still because I recognize her. It's annoying that I still do after so many years but my memory is potent. She looks much different than before but at the same time, she looks like she hasn't changed at all. She's still a little lady, albeit with certain parts of her body more formed than her earlier, most likely teenage self and a certain maturity to her. The most unchanged part of her however is her eyes. Exactly like I remember them, they still hold the same power they did the first time I looked into them.

"Uhm, I'm sorry. I have a delivery for Noah". She hands the takeout bag to me and I take it, my composure slipping back in place.

"You're the delivery guy?", I ask, scanning her and her lack of uniform. Dorothy's delivery guys always had uniforms

"Oh, no. But I work at Dotty's too. I don't do deliveries though. I get off my shift around now so Dotty requested I deliver this to you and go home from here"

"How do I pay then? Since you won't be going back to the restaurant"

"Oh, you'd give me the money. I'd give it to Dotty in the morning". I raise an eyebrow because this isn't usually protocol but I also know Dorothy has never been one to follow protocol.

"I won't run with the money", she says sounding genuinely insulted. "I mean I get your concerns but you're getting treatment from Dotty that doesn't follow protocol so I assume you know her enough to understand that she mostly always knows what she's doing". The frown between her brows is angry and she looks like she could try to take me on if she was given the chance. Never mind that she's like five foot nothing and couldn't cause harm to my pinky.

"Okay", is all I say before pulling out my wallet and hanging her the payment

She takes it "thanks", then turns to walk away.

I didn't tell her we've met before but it's obvious she has no recollection of our first encounter so I'd keep that info to myself till totally necessary.