
chapter 5

After that I set the trap to catch fishes. The trap I made was like in made like bucket type in which both water and fish can come from one side but only water can exit from the other side while fishes will be trapped in. So after I set my trap and tie it to nearing tree ,I made my way to the forest while forest is dangerous but males go hunting everyday ,so approx two miles away from village it's quite safe for villagers,so that females ,old beast, and young cub can travel and collect some fruits.

As I made my way to the forest I see quite few females with their young cubs while their males were protecting them from a distance. After passing through them I see a lot of trees with fruits .

I see cocoo tree that's the name of coconut tree in this world ,well the tree was very tall so it was impossible for me to climb this tree without equipment so I settled to collect to coconut that were fallen from the tree as I didn't have any basket so first I quickly made a basket ,after collecting coconut I remember I don't have any tool to open this so I will go by this in trade market . Well coconut water maybe dried by then but no worries I can still make oil from this and their shell can be used as bowls .

After I collected cocoo, I see some bushes which were full of strawberries I was so excited and suppress my voice as to not alert beast men well it's not that they will steal these fruits from me but it's quite opposite they will I have gone made as only weak animals eat these fruits and these beastmen are quite strong so they not eat these fruits and hunt animals to show their strength to females and only females ,old beastmen and young cub will eat will them to satisfy their craving , as this world is quite backward fromy previous world they don't understand how rare it is to eat pure fruits with no chemical, pesticides, and pollution.

After collecting these I was quite excited to discover new varieties but I held myself as I am alone and I can only carry so much, as made my way to the river I heard some whispers

"Isn't she Elena why is wondering here alone ,is she not scare to be taken by ferals"

"Are you kidding who will take a infertile female well it's better to be accepted by ferals atleast she will have some male "

" Hey what's she is carrying in her basket

"Isn't that cocoos ,what she will do with them we can't even eat them as their shell are quite hard"

I didn't bother to answer them and completely ignore them ,well they will surely know in the near future their uses and I am planning to sell their products in the future.

As I came near the river I see quite fishes trapped in them struggling to free themselves and a black ball 'wait what '

I quickly take my trap from the water to see what was that , I see a very cute male cub of black leopard and it was curled into a ball with visible injuries . Taking the cub in my hand I was quite scared as I don't know whose it was ,so firstly i took him to the house of village doctor.

" Oh my what happen to the cub " granny Lynn said as I took the cub in their house , after that healer came from one of the room and he smell like herbs maybe he was making medicine then he gesture me to lay the cub on the stone slab ,as I lay him down village healer 'henry' said "it's not serious he got washed in river ,I will apply some herbs for these extranal wounds by the way Elena whose cub is this"