

The Morenos mansion was still as stunning as Annalise remembered but right now, that was the last thing on her mind. The air was thick with grief and so was her whole being.

She was moving mechanically into the house aware of the pitiful eyes of the servants that followed her. She hated it, hated everything, and left to her she simply would have loved to curl up into herself and be left alone for the rest of her life.

At least the bodyguards ignored her, focusing on their business. Annalise had never seen so many of them in one place before, the house was crawling with them.

And as though listening to her, Mrs. Moreno paused at the foot of the stairs, her hands on Annalise's arm.

"Rose here will take you to your room, dear. I'll send up a meal soon." She said,

Annalise nodded, her blurred vision caught the view of the girl in front of her, she sent her a kind smile before leading the way upstairs.