
Dimensions Traveler Agent

In a world where superpowers thrive, a little dust finds himself to be someone that has no superpowers. When he thought he was about to die, a miracle descend upon him, a golden opportunity that lead him to become king of kings. Watch Ren as he travels through dimensions to fix anomalies that erode other worlds. A savior of worlds and creator of miracles.

TreasurerOfDreams · 奇幻
6 Chs

Almost Becoming an Anomaly

"Where have you been?", Ren asked as he kept training his magic.

[I'm sorry Ren, but I have a piece of bad news for you].

"Hm? what news?", Ren stopped from training and looked at the emoji in front of him seriously.

[Well, I see it's not too late yet but your new talent is a problem]

"Yeah? what of it?", Ren felt so as well, especially when he tried to fully use the mana absorption skill.

[Well, the grade was a little special you see... you remember the Wheel of Chances right? F to SS+ grade talent?]


[Actually, there's something beyond that SS+ which is an SSS grade. The tiny lines between those two F and SS+ grades contain another line that almost cannot be seen with normal eyes. But it's indeed there]

[That tiny line was an SSS grade price reward]

"Oh? but... what so bad about it?"

[Let me explain why there reason why the chance of getting the SSS grade reward was so minuscule. About 0.0000000001% chances but you still got it on the first try. I don't know whether you're lucky or unlucky, Ren]

"Ah, but isn't it good? a grade beyond SS+ grade should be amazing isn't it?"

[That's the problem! it's too great that it will start absorbing probability around you and if we let this talent fully manifest itself then you will start to be categorized as an anomaly!]

"What?!", Ren almost jumped from his place, although he never faces these so-called anomalies yet, seeing his job will be to hunt down anomalies, he surely doesn't want to become one.

[Well, fortunately, it's not too late like I said. Ren is also very wise not to use the power of the talent fully and speeded up the process]

"Then how do we prevent this? you're not going to tell me to discard this talent right?", Even though he just got this talent a few days, he's already grown quite attached to it. Besides, for a talentless(former) like him, this kind of talent is a godsend.

[Don't worry it's not like that, but we need to stop the talent from fully manifesting]

"And how do we do that?"

[There's something called a limiter. Not only it can limit your power usage but it will also prevent your talent from fully blooming to its max potential]

"Limiter? so I can limit the talent while still using the portion of its power right?"

[Yeah, it's called a 3 stage limiter. The first limiter was the weakest and the 3rd was the strongest]

"So 3 limit huh, yeah let's do it", This is also perfect since his story about using a magic tablet wouldn't be so suspicious now.

[But let me warn you, Ren. This talent is like a strong rubber, right now we're pressing it down, but when you open the limiter, it will immediately reach its max potential]

"Um, I got it", So only for an emergency measure. Sure, that's also his plan.

[Then let's start, which grade do you want to use the third limit on?]

"Well... let's go with the SS class first"

[Um, then 2nd?]

"A class"

[Not S class?]

"Nope", although he wanted to at first, he wants to give an element of surprise with that spike of power.

[Alright, then the last one? this will be the grade you use from now on]

"Um... let's go with a D grade"

[So low? are you sure?]

"Of course! average is the beverage for secrets like this"

"Besides, I like the D from the flower Dandelion"

[Oh, and why is that?]

"It's my mother's favorite flower"

[Ah... Ren really loves his family huh]

"Yep, they never gave up on me and always encourage me, they're my treasure and the reason I never gave up".

[It's nice, having family]

"Well, you're also my family now. After all, you gave me hope and strength"

[I'm also... family...]

[Ah right, wait let me finish putting the limiter first]

"Ahaha, okay", Ren chuckled because he can somehow feel the flustered expression from the holographic emoji in front of him.




5 days later.

Holy Light Academy, is a middle-level grade academy. The best academy in the Holy Light city as you can figure out from the name. In this place, Magician and Warrior will be combined in the same class. That is to train their synergy with each other. The Magician is the backliner and the warrior is the frontliner.

Of course, there is also a close-range combatant for magicians called combat mages and a long-range combatant for warriors that is an archer but as I explained, this is only to train synergy. Besides, for a magician, you can only choose your occupation in advanced level education.

Elementary Level teaches about the basic rules, middle-level trained teamwork and synergy between the two, and of course a more advanced level of education than the elementary level.


Right now Ren is in the car with his father and on his way to Holy Light Academy. Ren's Mom can't come since she has something to do but she already gave him a lot of things... well remembering this morning made him a headache. His mother is just that overprotective. It's not that he dislikes it though.

After a while, Ren looked through the car window at beautiful-looking buildings in the distance.

When they arrive at their destination, Ren got off from the car and his father said, "Go, show them who's the champ".

Hearing that Ren smiled and as he walked to the gate he gave a side thumbs up.


"Ohh... so this is the Academy of the central cities", Ren looked at the Inside of the gate from the outside with sparkling eyes.

He walked inside following the other children like him. An examinee for the entrance examination. Fortunately, the school is free to join if you had talent that is. And there's no other fee besides the test fee.

You can say he's blending in as no one really came to him... Nah, he's just too inconspicuous. Although he dressed nicely, everyone around dressed better, and not only that, his face and charm are at most average, and maybe below. He's not degrading himself, he's just stating facts and he's not too bothered by it anyway.

'Still, the inside looks as amazing as the outside... and even more?', Ren looked around as he walked following the designated path for the examinee. He can even hear some examinee converse with their friends while looking around like him.

"Whoa, it's amazing isn't it?"

"Yeah, this is my first time going to school this fancy".

"Hehe, me too, I guess it's fate that we met at the academy gate"

"Yeah, fated friend hahaha".

'Fate? friend?', Ren heard their conversation and inadvertently looked left and right...

Does this mean I have no fate with friends?

Ren sighed along the way and finally, he reaches the exam building. This is where all the examinations will be commenced. Though, it looks a little small from the outside.

'C'mon Ren, you can do it!', Ren slapped both of his cheeks and made a 'go fight!' posture with both his hands.

Tut, sorry for the late update. But I pretty much have no schedules for updating. I usually write when I feel like it, otherwise, I'll just play games. Well, I guess gotta train for that.

TreasurerOfDreamscreators' thoughts