
Dimensions May Die(Devil May Cry)

Old Name: Devils May Die Maybe it was because Victor had never lived a full life that he was given a second chance, but he knew that he wasn't gonna waste it on keeping it safe let's just say that everything he would do would probably be messy but that didn't mean he couldn't have a fun in a world filled with Devils, Angel's and Boobs! "I've hit the Jackpot!" (Multiverse Fanfic) Around 2k-4k words right now _____ Slow-paced 3 chapters a week No-Harem but if there is it would just be two girls nothing else and he won't immediately get them. Writing for fun don't expect anything good but that doesn't mean it would be trash I have standards! First World: Highschool DxD(Just to start off and build some ground) Second: Dororo(Short Arc) Third World: Frieren Beyond Journey's End(Currently)

TheFanBoy · 漫画同人
44 Chs


[Kuoh Church]

Multiple people we're now in a stand-off Raku a normal highschooler was terrified as he suddenly disappeared from his classroom, while Aizawa a Veteran Pro-Hero was assessing the situation and assumed some sort of quirk teleported him to a church with a bunch of strangers while Rem was holding her Morningstar getring ready for any attack while Victor in the other hand was ready to grab Ebony and Ivory out of their holsters.

"Why don't we all calm down.." Victor was gesturing for all of them to lower theit weapons well except for Raku who took a crude imitation of a kareta stance, Aizawa was still holding and making it seem his capture scarf was floating as his quirk was activated while Rem looked prepared to summon her horn but thankfully they didn't need to as a screen appeared infront all of them

[Welcome to the system Group Chat #Z36-39]

(All of you are variants of your original version Integrating infromation please stand by and prepare for a massive headache!)

And as soon as system showed the screen everyone was given the gist of the situation from their reason on being chosen, on where they are and many more pieces of information such as a system tutorial.

Victor of course didn't get the headache so he just sat down in a pew and waited for everyone to fix their composure, Aizawa was the first one as he sat next to Victor still in disbelief

"So the Multiverse exist and im supposed to complete mission's?, now I'm definitely not gonna get any sleep might as well accept it. The names Aizawa Shota. I don't what country or world we're in but my first name is Shota"

"Victor Sparda and your in Japan if it was a fantasy hentai plot" Aizawa hearing those words looked at Victor waiting for him say it was a joke but alas it wasn't and instead all he got was an awkward thumbs up, Rem on the other hand still in disbelief as she's read books about the concept of the 'Multiverse' and was in deep thought but instead she observed her surroundings and realized she was in a fancy looking church before finally looking and Victor

"I am assuming by how you know our location this is your world?, if so allow me to introduce myself I am Rem and as you can see I am a maid" After her short introduction she began observing the artwork of the church windows and was quite curious about Jesus who was carrying a cross on his back, while Raku on the other hand was panicking due to the fact that he wasn't only now in a group of Multiversal travelers who accomplished missions he was in it as a normal teenager. And the system didn't even give them all any benefits or gifts so right now all he had was his cooking skill, in a panic he reached for the church doors and opened it to only be met with Asia who was right outside looking confused about the new arrivals.

"Uhm Victor(No Sama or kun she isn't speaking Japanese) Who are they?" She curiously asked as she just finished sweeping the pathway to the church but instead of getting an answer Victor just threw a roll of cash at her.

"Asia go buy us a broom"

"But we already have a broom-" And before she could say anything Victor burnt the Broom to ash with his Demonic Lightning

"What broom" Asia looked at him weirdly and confusingly before a bit of hesitation and got the hint and left.

"Now then I guess we're a team now you guys wanna say your abilities?" Victor non-chalantly spoke as if someone's abilities weren't meant to be kept a secret, obviously Victor knew all their abilities since he recognized then from different forms of fiction but he was confused on why a normal teenager like Raku got chosen but he didn't bother asking.

"Alright I'll start then the name's Victor I'm a half Demon I'm good with weapons and I can use magic and don't mind my bandage right arm it's personal stuff and I like Pizza I guess" After Victor's introduction they all had different reactions Raku was terrified about the part about him being a demon while Rem was intrigued Aizawa didn't care since it could be something normal about this world but he was interested about how well he could use weapon's. Despite some hesitation Rem stop up and began introducing herself

"I am Rem an Oni maid serving my lord Roswaal along with my sister I use a morningstar as my weapon and I'm proficient in water magic and my interest are cleaning" After doing a little bow she again sat down on the separate pew while as the same Raku was still nervous about the mention of being an Oni while Aizawa was focused on how she could hide a morningstar like that and make it appear out of no where.

"I guess it's my turn I'm Aizawa Shota call me Aizawa which is my last name since we may be a 'Team' but we aren't close, I'm a teacher and trainer by day and a pro-hero by night and I like sleep." Raku who heard Aizawa's introduction looked excited at mention about Aizawa being a hero and trainer thinking he could be trained by him while Rem was interested about him being a teacher, everyone turned the last person who was Raku who under the stares of everyone was nervous.

"I'm Ichijou Raku just call me either Ichijou or Raku it's up to you I'm a normal highschool student with nothing but really good cooking skills, and honestly the only interesting about me is that I'm the son of the leader of a more kind Yakuza organization" Despite sounding ordinary it was more obvious on what they we're all interested about Raku but soon after his introducing everyone had a screen pop up

[You have all been officially introduced!]

(As your first mission as a team you will be given 84 Hours to complete this mission!)



0/10 Stray Devil's

0/1 Beast


1 Gacha token each!



"All of you follow me so I can give you a better introduction to this world" Victor said he began walking to the basement stairs while the others followed him from behind

[Devils May Die]

Asia had been trying to learn Japanese with the old couples that visited during masses and Victor tried helping her but couldn't as he didn't know how to speak Japanese it just seemed like he did so instead she bought her the translation gummy and told her to use it when needed

[Devils May Die]

"This place is cool!" Raku as soon as they got in the basement was looking and touching anything he could see from the exorcist weapons the racks to cloaks and other types of clothing on mannequins, since he came from a normal world like any normal Japanese teenager despite being scared was amazed by fantasy related items. While Rem on the other hand was amazed of the appliances on the room since she was from a medevil world setting the concept of a toaster amazed her, while Aizawa was drinking a canned coffee he grabbed from Victor's fridge and it seemed like that was enough to make him happy

"Before I get you some weapons and gear I'll explain what we're up against, Stray Devils are basically Devils who abandoned or killed their masters and went rogue and all I can say is don't have any sympathy for them as they would eat a baby just for the fun of it. Especially you Raku your gonna learn sooner or later that you have to kill if your a member here" Victor's words made not only Raku but Aizawa uncomfortable Raku from a Yakuza family knew about killing as sometimes the members would arrive either covered in blood or sometimes even stab wounds they didn't say anything after those encounters but he knew they killed them, but he didn't judge them as he knew they would never kill without a reason so Raku nodded hesitantly to Victor's words.

While Aizawa who was an underground Hero wasn't unfamiliar killing as unlike what people expect the world of My Hero Academia is like any other world but with dangerous people with special abilities and Aizawa who may have not been shown to have killed had probably elimated targets that we're to dangerous but he always avoided killing and used it as a last resort since he didn't want to think about the people he hurt by killing that single person, but he didn't feel anything in this situation since by the mentions of Stray Devils he would assume they all deserved it but that was something he would have to learn the hard way later on, Rem on the other hand who was from a more brutal world understood their enemies danger and was disgusted of such creatures.

"Alright Raku I'm gonna give you this and since your technically a Yakuza you know how to use a gun right?, well that little thing their is a gun mostly used by the exorcist of the church it works like a normal gun but it's really effective against demonic creatures as it shoots 'Light' Bullets which is just holy bullets" Victor threw the gun at Raku who caught it and observed it looked like an ordinary Colt M1911 that was colored all white and gold, he observed it clearly and found that the safety was off so he immediately switched it on.

"Aizawa you can grab anything from the rack, Rem have this it's a shortsword used by the church again it's effect against demonic creatures I want you to use this if we're in close quarters since a morning star isn't that practical if your fighting in an alley or near Raku" Rem grabbed the short sword and observed it she knew how to use a sword of course but she preferred her Morningstar but understanding the situation she nodded towards Victor who tossed Raku a new pair of clothing, specifically the ones freed used

"Put this on buddy bathrooms on the end of the hall it's better and more durable than your high school uniform"

"Cool!" If Raku knew who owned these clothes before he would be in the shower in a heartbeat but he went to the bathroom to put it on while Victor grabbed a hot pocket and placed it on the microwave while Rem was right behind him observing what in her eyes wa sa strange machine before someone grabbed her head and slightly pulled her back

"Don't stay to close to the microwave"


'God she's like a country bum...' After a few minutes Victor grabbed the hotpocket out of the microwave and took a bite out of it while Rem was curiously sniffing the surroundings and was amazed how a little machine could make something delicious, but Victor ignored her antics and sat down on the sofa and turned on the TV and began watching movies on neflix and since it was 2017 in this all he could watch was anything from 2017 and before that so he just played Forrest Gump on.

"Didn't expect you to grab that""Victor looked at Aizawa who now had a bow and arrow on his back specifically one he obtained from killing a Rogue Yokai who tried to kill him, the arrows we're special as they naturally stored the energy surrounding them and since they we're always close Victor they contained a bit of his demonic energy making them something similar to V's cane

"It's silent and more efficient since all your firearms don't have even a single damn silencer" Aizawa sat down next to Victor as he grabbed one of the hotpockets that we're microwaved without even asking while Rem found the cooking materials such as the mixer fryings pans and pressure cooler, and for a maid like her who loved to cook it was basically god send

`Life is like a box of chocolates`

"Forrest Gump? So your world has this old movie what year even is it in this world?"


"That old?" Aizawa who was from a world set in the mid-later 2100's being in 2017 was like something out of a fever dream and that included being in a different universe


"Eep!" Rem screahed as she turned on the blender and immediately she punched it causing it to break apart

"Really Rem?"

"Forgive me..."

"I look so cool!" Raku was arrived from the bathroom and was showing off his clothes which actually fitted him quite well, finally seeing that everyone was outfitted with better gear Victor grabbed a back pack that had 2 Devil Breakers attached to it and and tons of ammo and explosives inside and turned off the TV

"Alright are you all ready?" Everyone hearing Victor's question nodded including Rem who quickly cleaned the broken pieces of the Blender and immediately with a tap of his foot a magic circle appeared below them

"Oh I forgot to mention I just got this spell so if we end up in the sky someone catch Raku!"

"EHH!?!?" Raku the person in question panicked and in the next second they all disappeared leaving Asia who just arrived

"I wanted to go too..."

[Devils May Die]

The variant of this Rem is actually more confident since the Ram of her world never lost her Horn

[Devils May Die]

"AHHHH!!!" Raku was screaming his lungs out as they were a few hundred feet above the ground while Aizawa was a bit tense yet he was looking for a place his Capture cloth could bind in and swing so he wouldn't fall to his death while Rem and Victor we're entirely calm

"Hang on kid!" Aizawa grabbed Raku by the bell and as he was about to land wall runned along a building when tossed his capture cloth to a billboard post and swinged down slowly with Raku still being on his hold, Victor on the other hand landed safely by using air hike to slow down his decent while Rem used her morning star to stick it to the walls of another building as she slowly stopped her decent

"That was fun right!?, well anyways welcome to Kyoto!" While Victor welcome the others the locals we're looking at them weirdly before Victor tossed a card with a magic circle on the ground which glowed and everyone who saw their fiasco seemed to forget it, that was a spell Victor got from Sona due to the fact that everytime he went somewhere they had to wipe everyone's memories of his actions so she had given up just given him cards with the magic circle ready to be used.

"Now you may be wondering why we're in Kyoto? Well we're gonna kill the strays that hide here!" And so the first mission of the Group Chat began with the Edgy Nirvana Backup, Harem protagonist, a teacher that desperately needs sleep and Blue Haired maid began



The group chat is here and we're 11 chapters away until the first part fo the fanfic ends after the first part Victor will go to a random world along with the group chat members and possibly the church and Asia! But for now I hope you all enjoy this bonus chapter