
Natives (1)

"I'm sorry, brother," Zhang Qin Feng said while he gave the trusted team leader of his a big hug. The sight where Zhang Qin Feng gave Alex a big hug may seem odd to the bystanders, but only those who fought alongside them know how significant is his action right now.

Furthermore, Zhang Qin Feng did it the instant he stepped down from the vehicle carrying him into the base. This act of his shows how vital is Alex's presence in their boss' faction.

"I'm fine, Boss. You don't have to feel guilty or whatsoever," said Alex as he gave Zhang Qin Feng a tap on his back. He could have responded the same as Zhang Qin Feng, but at the same time, he felt that there was someone worthy of this much more.

Alex's sentence was like a rock mountain that was lifted off from Zhang Qin Feng's shoulder.

His return was also good for Zhang Qin Feng's mental health, burdened by an invisible weight he placed on himself.