
Interest (2)

"Boss!" the soldiers patrolling the Turbine Town proceeded with a salutation when Zhang Qin Feng walked past them.

"Return to what you're doing. Are the department leaders around?" Zhang Qin Feng casually replied. But considering that he could save some time searching around, he thought about asking the soldiers for some clue.

"Chief Valerian is in the shelter doing research. If we're not mistaken, Chief Victor and Satella are at Chief Marvin's place." one of the soldiers answered. He's confident of their whereabouts because he just came out from that two places.

"Good. Take this with you, but eat it after your duty hours." Zhang Qin Feng tossed two chocolate bars to the soldier and left in a hurry.

"Milk Chocolate with Ganache and whole Hazelnut?"

"What is that?" the soldier asked.