
First Part - Battle Royale (2)

"If what the boss predicted come true, should we move the men from the port to tackle this matter instead?" Alex asked. His reply was OK, but through Stein, Zhang Qin Feng noticed some differences in his tone.

There was a hint of anger in his speech, even if he managed to control it pretty well.

As for his reason for seeming impatience, it's linked to the death of two deputies in the attack. The two deputies were chosen from his team of elites. And right now, their deaths greatly affected his ability to reason.

"No. All the deputies will remain where they're posted, except for Satella's core team, do you understand?" Zhang Qin Feng said. His strict order means he won't allow anyone to disobey this order.

"This..." evidently, Alex had other plans in his mind. But it was thwarted by Zhang Qin Feng even before he thought about it.

"Do anyone here know what is their current numbers right now? And what kind of strength they had?" he continued.