
(EDT) Rescue (6)

"ROAR!" the howl from the monster sounded like a proclamation of war came as soon as the sun slumbered. In an instant, the zombies' signatures were increasing in the circle of their Luna Device. Their numbers were in between the thousands at first. They overwhelmed the sensor's individual recognition mode when it surpassed ten thousand signatures.

The sensor ended up revealing a hint of red in their surrounding perimeters as first-level alert, along with hundreds of smaller yellow dots, which have now been assigned to the Tyrants.

It seems that the peace earlier was just a warm-up to the battle that will happen right now.

"Boss. Your order." the Vanguard-2 leader grabbed his minigun and stood on top of a box with vacuum-sealed foods. He quickly glanced outside before the illumination was utterly gone and noticed that what was before them was no longer woods but sea.

A sea of zombies moving at them in waves.