
Dimension X Dragon (DxD)

Synopsis: [Odd Double] Also Known As The Odd Eyes Gauntlets a mid-Tier Longinus That Can Double The Damage Dealt By the User upon Impact Little Is Known About [Odd Double] And Sakaki Yudai Will Unravel It Secrets.

27_BuddyXBurst_39 · 漫画同人
10 Chs

Chapter 9 {Are all priest like this?}

(Yudai POV)

Man : "Oh I see, well thank you again Yudai-kun"

Yudai : "Yup, I'll see you again when I'm needed" I left my clients house.

Yudai : "Yes Another contract finally Done!" I was walking near the road, Vehicle were passing by "Time to buy some grub, Which one should I buy from big start or 8/12?" Yudai saw 8/12 Closed "Tch 24/7 my ass, Big start it is" When I entered I saw there was only one customer inside.

Yudai : "Hmm what should I get" I looked at all the types of chips they had "Classic or honey butter?" I looked at the prices "Well classic is cheaper Sooo" I grab the classic flavored chip "And a Cup of spice flavored instant ramen, i think this will fill me up for a bit" I went to the cashier and paid it.

/~Change Scene~/

(3rd POV)

Yudai : "I cant wait to eat this" Yudai was holding the things he bought from the supermarket. "Asia-chan?" he saw asia walking alone. 'Crap president banned both me and issei from meeting a sister so I better get out of here' As Yudai was about to leave 'Shes a lost girl on unknown territory it's no big deal leaving her alone at night especially since she doesn't know the towns in and out.....yup no big deal at alllllllll' Yudai then quickly turned around and approched Asia.

Asia : "Yudai-san?"

Yudai : "Good evening Asia-chan, how have you been?" he waved

Asia : "Wonderful, but..."

Yudai : "What's the problem, Asia-chan"

Asia : "Well...You see....I'm" Asia plays with her hair.

Yudai : "Your lost aren't you" 'Ill just give her a map'

Asia : "Yes"

Yudai : *Sigh* "Well we're are you going anyways and at night?" Asia looks away from Yudai.

Asia : "You see...I have..."

Yudai : "Have? have what?"

Asia : "J-job! yes a job" Yudai looked at Asia and think.

Yudai : "Ohh like those people from churchs knocking on the door telling the words of Sky Daddy"

Asia : "Y-yes your correct Yudai-kun but who exactly is this Sky daddy person?" Yudai pointed up the sky "O-oh, i didn't know there was a person in the sky" Asia looks up at the sky.

Yudai : "No thats not what i meant- never mind" Yudai sighed 'it weird i thought they do that in the morning' "Here" Yudai gave asia a map of the town 'i forgot to return this to one of my client'

Asia : "Thank you so much yudai-san"

Yudai : "no problem" Yudai smiled "So how is your stay at here at Kuoh asia-chan?"

Asia : "Its been wonderful so far!"

Yudai : "Thats great!" Yudai smiled "Have you started exploring kuoh yet?" Asia looks down

Asia : "I... have not been allowed to leave the church"

Yudai : "Why?"

Asia : "The sister only allow me to leave the church if its a job like what im doing right now"

Yudai : "Asia"

Asia : "I need to report my progress to the priest" Asia looks at yudai "so please help me"

Yudai : 'I might regret this later' "who said im not going to help you?, aren't i already helping" Asia smiled "So where to?"

Asia gave Yudai a Piece of paper with an address.

Yudai : 'Huh this address...seems oddly familiar' "I know where this is, its going to take us about maybe 30 minutes of walking"

Asia : "R-really!"

Yudai : "Yeah would you like me to take you there?" Asia Nodded shyly "alright follow me" Yudai started walking and asia just following behind him 'I'll just make sure she safely arrived at her destination and after that I'll never see her again' Yudai remembered was Rias told to both him and issei.

Asia and Yudai strolled down the street, their steps in sync as they talked and laughed.Talking with each other made it seem that 30 minutes was 5 minutes and they didn't notice that they have arrived at Asia's destination.

Yudai : "Well looks like this is your stop" Yudai noticed a familiar looking bike parked outside 'isnt that issei's bike?'

Asia : "Thank you so much Yudai-san"

Yudai : "Nah it was nothing really" 'somethings wrong'

Yudai watch asia enter the house safely, Feeling content yudai turned around and started walking back home...

Asia : "N-Nooooo!"

Hearing the feminine scream of asia Yudai turned around to the house where asia came inside.

Yudai : "I knew something was wrong that house is where one of our contractors live" Yudai silently and slowly went inside the house 'But why would asia need to be here?'

Yudai Entered the house quietly, Walking down the hallway made Yudai feel uneasy.

Yudai : 'This is bad i really have a bad feeling about this'

There are no lights in the hallway. There is a staircase that led to the second floor, but there are no lights on.

There is only one room at the end of the first floor with some lights on, and it's a faint light.

Yudai : 'Are the people in this house already asleep?' Yudai cannot feel the presense of any human (Expect for Asia) in the house.

Yudai peeked the open door to see.

Yudai : 'Issei!? and who the hell is that!?'

Asia : "...Father Freed...that person.." Asia looks at issei.

Freed : "Person? No, no. This shit here is a Devil, Hahaha, what are you misunderstanding?" The man with white hair said, the man seems to be a foreigner and he looks like he's still a teenager and He was dressed in a priest attire

Asia : "Issei-san is a...Devil...?" She seems to be shocked to find out the truth, and didn't know what to say.

Freed : "What, what? You guys know each other? Wow, Now this is a big surprise. Is it the forbidden love between a Devil and a Sister? Seriously? Are you serious?" Freed looked at both issei and asia "Ahaha! Devils and humans can never coexist! Especially humans from the Church and the Devils are the biggest enemies! Also, we are a group of heretics that was deserted by God, Asia-tan and I are humans that can't survive without the support of Fallen Angels-sama"

Yudai : 'What does he mean? Don't priests and nuns work under God?'

Freed : "Well now, leaving that aside, I need to kill this trash here or else I can't finish my job, so here I come, Are you ready?" The priest thrusts his sword towards Issei.

Yudai : 'Shit!' Yudai equipped his Sacred Gear, He was ready to intervene.

Right as issei was about to get hit by freed sword asia walks between issei and freed.

Freed : "Hey, hey Are you serious? Asia-tan, do you know what you are doing?" freed puts a stern look when he saw what asia was doing.

Asia : "I do, Father Freed, I beg you. Please forgive this person, Please let him go" Asia was standing up for issei "I can't stand it any more...You can't kill people just because they are entranced to a Devil and you also can't kill Devils, It's wrong!"

Freed : "Haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah!? Don't talk shit, bitch! You also learned that Devils are trash at the Church! Seriously, is there something wrong with your brain!?" Freed now has an anguished expression.

Asia : "There are good people, even among Devils!"

Freed : "There aren't, idiooooooot!"

Asia : "T-That's what I thought until recently... But Issei-san is a good person, That fact doesn't change even after I found out that he is a Devil! Killing someone is unforgivable! This kind of act! God won't allow such acts!"

Issei : 'She saw the corpse, and she found out that I'm a Devil, so she should be shocked, But Asia isn't backing down to speak her beliefs to the priest, What a strong willed girl, This girl is amazing'


Asia : "Kyaa!" The bastard priest hit Asia to the side with his gun, Asia fell to the ground.

Issei : "Hey, Asia!" issei went to Asia who was struck away 'There's a bruise mark on her face, That bastard actually hit her'

Freed : "The Fallen Angel girl told me very strongly that I can't kill you, But I'm getting a bit pissed, Since I can't kill you, than can I r*p* you or something? If I don't, I won't be able to heal my heart, But before that, I need to kill that trash over there"

The priest points his blade of light at issei.

Yudai : "Hey there" everyone in the room look at Yudai who was leaning besides the door frame "Sorry it took so long"

Issei : "Yu-yudai!"

Asia : "Yudai-kun"

Yudai : 'Issei looks ready to fight with his whole life on the line' "Yo"

Freed : "HA" the lunatic man smiled "So you want to end up like your devil friend there!?" Yudai just glared at freed.

Yudai : "Asia-chan please take care of issei" he stood up to face the crazed lunatic.

Issei : "Becareful Yudai that man is not right in the head"

Yudai : "Thanks for the heads up"

Freed : "Eh? Eh? Seriously? Seriously? You are going to fight me? You will die, you know? You will die with a lot of pain? I have no intention of killing you painlessly, okay? Now then, Let's see if I can make a new record for the smallest minced-meat"

Yudai raised his fists in a fighting position.

Freed : "Then Ill send you where you belong! hahahaha" Freed launch his whole body towards Yudai.

Yudai : "Then ill just drag you down to hell with me" his Gauntlets glew, Freed smiled...

Freed : "IDIOT!"


Yudai : "Gah" Yudai was able to block one of the golden bullet but it seems one of the bullet hit him in the stomach, yudai puts his hand in his stomach where one of the bullet now resides inside.

Freed : "You though i would fight you head on hahahaha!" Freed approached Yudai but not too close for yudai to reach him.

Yudai : "Please Forgive me..." Yudai was now on his knees looking down the floor some tears where falling, Asia and Issei where Surprised.

Asia : "Yudai-san!" Asia puts her hands over her mouth in shock.

Issei : "T-theres no way Yudai can lose!" 'it impossible yudai would lose to that man I've seen what yudai i capable of, so why is he weak now!?'

Freed : "What lost your will to fight? I would to if i was fighting myself" freed now confident in his abilities to kill yudai, Approached him confidently "Where was all that talk that you were saying huh!?"

Yudai Stayed silent...

Freed : "Maybe i should just kill you right now" freed pointed the tip of his sword at yudai's neck "But wheres the fun in that" freed puts down his sword "You deserve to die slowly like the devil you are!"

Asia: "Yudai-kun is also a devil?"

Yudai : "pff..."

Freed : "Where was that confidence you had HA!?"

Yudai : "Right here dumbass!" Freed was finally in yudai's range.

Freed : "Wha-" Freed was gut punch...


Freed crash through the wall of the house.

Freed : "*Cough* How could you a devil not flinch by a golden bullet through your stomach how!?"

Yudai stood up to everyone in the rooms suprise he was laughing.

Yudai : "Hahaha man good thing you where arrogant if not i wouldn't have landed that hit" Yudai wiped of his tears from laughing silently, Yudai stomach was infact not hit by the bullet but rather he scratched it on his own.

Issei : "Yudai did you-"

Yudai : "Plan this, yes that was why i was crying back there" Yudai pointed toward his heads "because of the genius plan i thought of" Yudai smiled innocently.

When yudai heard the gunshots he was actually able to block two of them, Yudai though of the greatest plan to fighting a crazy person, to make it seems that he had won.

Yudai made it seem that one of the bullet hits his stomach, by putting his hands in his stomach he made sure he scratched it for the effect of bleeding.

By doing this not only did he fool his enemy he also fooled his alliance, his enemy approached him confidently not thinking he would lose, the only thing freed did was talk, he did not attack yudai due to freed's own arrogance and now Yudai gets the first hit.

But why?, Why would he do all of that?, He could have just fought seriously at the start so why?

Its Because Yudai did all of that for Fun.

Yudai : "Asia-chan please heal issei's wounds" Yudai took a fighting position "Issei after you get healed lets trash this Lunatic" yudai looked at issei.

Issei : "Alright, but was that whole part of you losing really needed? you scared us to death!"

Asia : "Issei-san is right that was mean Yudai-kun"

Yudai : "Hahaha sorry i just thought it would be funny ahahaha...ha you know to lighten up the mood" Yudai looked at where freed crashed, to see that freed was not there "Where-" yudai dodge out of pure instinct.

Freed : "We just meet and Your kind of irritate me, so can I cut you? Can I shoot you? Is it OK? Okay then, Now I'm going to stab your heart with this blade of light, and I'm going to blow your head with this cool looking gun! Man, I'm seriously going to fall in love!"


The priest came sprinting towards Yudai.

Yudai : 'I need to watch out for his gun since thats the only thing that can really hurt me' freed slashed yudai's neck.

Freed : "Kukuku again, again and again!" freed relentlessly slashed each part of yudais body "Eh?" freed backed away.

Yudai was not affected...

Freed : "Are you truly a devil!? why are you minced meat yet!?"

Yudai : "Im just built different" Yudai shrugs "Well My turn" Yudai ran as fast as he could to close the gap between him and freed.

Freed : "If my fancy sword won't work" Freed threw away his sword and grab something inside is coat it was another gun "Die, die, Devil! Die Devil! This is all for my entertainment"


Yudai kept running, he dodged and blocked all of the bullet shot towards him.

Once Yudai was close to freed, he Used every fiber of his being into one punch...


Yudai uppercuts freed.

Yudai : "K.O" Yudai looked up and smiled.

Freed's unconscious body was hanging from the seeling.

Issei : "I thought you were going to stall him or something" Issei was now healed.

Yudai : "I didn't really thought i would just take one punch i mean the fallen angel survived a lot of hits...oh wait he was just a human" Yudai looked at asia "Are all priest like this?"

Asia : "No...he was the first one i saw who acted like that"

The floor glows, The blue light starts to form a shape.

Issei : 'It's a magic-circle and I have seen this before its The magic-circle of the Gremory household!'


The magic-circle that appeared on the floor shines, Then the devils Yudai and issei know appear from it.

Kiba : "Hyoudou-kun, we came to rescue you..." Kiba smiles at issei "But i think were late" Kiba looked up at the seeling.

Akeno : "Ara ara, This is wonderful"

Koneko : "...Priest"

Yudai : "Oh hey everyone" Yudai waves at the newly arrived occult research club.

Freed's body slides down from the hole, landing on both of his feet.

Yudai : "I knew it" Yudai took another stance "I can't be that easy"

everyone except asia got into position.

Freed : "Kukuku lucky me more devil" Freed puts one of his guns inside is coat and grab a same sword like the one he threw.


Freed targeted the newly arrived devils, Kiba deflected all of those shots and rushed directly towards freed.


The sound of metal echoes throughout the room freed blocked Kiba's sword.

Yudai : "ORA!" Yudai joined the fight and sweeps freed's leg's causing him to fall.

Freed : "Oh, Oh!!! Devils working together what are you guys? Devil Rangers? That's nice, I can feel the heat, I'm getting turned on! So how is it? Are you the one sticking it in, and is he the one bending? So are you guys in that sort of relationship" Freed immediately rolled to the side and stood up.

Yudai : "Eww! What the hell are you even talking about!?" 'Im going to kill this idiot'

Kiba : "What a vulgar mouth. It's hard to believe you are a priest Oh, that's why you are a Stray Exorcist right?"

Freed : "Yeah, yeah! I'm vulgar! Sorry about that! That's because I strayed away! I was kicked out! That's why, screw the Vatican! I'm all right as long as I get to cut Devils whenever I feel like it! woah!" freed ducked.

Koneko threw a couch at freed.

Koneko : "...i wont miss next time" koneko now was holding a fridge.

Kiba : "You are the type that is the most hard to deal with, Someone who feels like they are living by cutting Devils the one who causes the most harm to us"

Freed : "Haaaaah!? You know, I don't want to be told off by a Devil? I'm trying to live now just like other people! I'm not in a position where pests like you can talk down to me!"

Akeno : "Even Devils have rules" Akeno is smiling, but her eyes are serious, She is showing a sign of will to fight and hostility towards Freed.

Freed : "Nice, I like those passionate eyes, Onee-san, you are the best, I can feel your urge of wanting to kill me, Is this love? No, I think it's a killing intent! Superb! This is great! I love the feeling of intending to kill and getting intended to kill!"

Akeno : "Then disappear"

Yudai : "Man this is getting crazy" Yudai looked at issei "Wanna join?"

Issei : "Hell yeh" Issei was ready to brawl until a red haired girl appeared on his side

Rias : "Issei I'm sorry, I never expected that a Stray Exorcist will visit this client's house, i never noticed because there was a barrier set up a while ago" rias apologize

Freed : "what were you doing you bitch" freed glared at asia "taking care of the barrier was your job"

Rias : "Issei Did you get wounded?"

Issei : "Y-yes, sorry...I was shot...but its all good im ok thanks to asia-chan hahaha" Rias looks at asia.

Rias : "Thank you for helping my cute little servant"

Asia : "N-no problem but you should thank yudai-san if it weren't for him i don't think i would be able to help issei-kun" rias nodded.

Rias : "looks like you were messing with my cute little servant" Her voice is low and sounds scary.

Freed : "Yes, yes I have been playing around with it, I was planning to cut his body all over but I was interrupted by him" Freed glared at Yudai, Yudai just waves and smiled "and it finished as a dream"


A section of the furniture behind the priest is blown away.

Rias shot out a ball of demonic-power.

Rias : "I make sure I never forgive those who harm my servants, I especially can't forgive a lowlife like you damaging my personal possessions" Her intensity causes the atmosphere to feel frozen.

Her killing intent lurks around the room. There is a thing that looks like waves of demonic-power surrounding Buchou.

Akeno : "Buchou, there seems to be few Fallen Angels heading to this house, At this rate we will be at a disadvantage" Rias gives another stare at the priest.

Rias : "...Akeno, we will return to our headquarters once we retrieve Issei Prepare for teleportation"

Akeno : "Yes" Akeno starts to cast a spell as soon as Rias urges her to.

Issei : 'Teleport?, Are we running away?' Issei looks at Asia "President We have to take her as well!"

Rias : "I would agree to take her since she help one of my servants but It's impossible, Only Devils can use the magic-circle to transport, Also, this magic-circle can only teleport me and my servants"

Yudai : "Is there anyway other way we can help her?"

Rias : "There is one but well have to take on all the fallen angel coming here and we cant afford that" Yudai looks down, he seems to be thinking of a way to save asia.

Issei eyes and Asia's eyes met, She just smiles at issei.

Issei : "Asia!'

Asia : "Issei-san, let's meet again"

That was the last words that issei and asia exchanged at this place.

Next moment, Akeno finishes casting the spell, and the magic-circle on the floor starts to glow blue again.

Freed : "Like I will let you escape!" The priest came slashing at the group of devil, but Koneko-chan threw the refrigerator against him.

The Priest dodge the refrigerator and kept slashing towards the group.


Yudai : "Round 3 you bastard" Yudai slammed his right leg in freed's face.


Everyone (except freed) : "YUDAI!?"

Rias : "Yudai come back here at once that is an order!"

Yudai : "Sorry Rias-senpai, I'll disobey your order just this once"

Rias : "Akeno cancel the telepor-"

Everyone from the occult research club teleported in an instant.

Freed : "Hahahah you absolute dumbass your gonna get your self killed hahahahha"

Yudai : "Asia can you stand up?"

Asia : "Y-yes but why? why didn't escape? Ouch!" Yudai flicked her forehead.

Yudai : "Were friend duh, plus issei gonna do this later anyway i just thought of it first" Yudai prepares himself "I might die here but for the safety of my friend, I Sakaki Yudai will overthrow the heavens just for her to live a normal and safe life without you or those damn fallens!" Yudai once again raised his fist "So lets dance!"

[BUDDYxBURST] : Ah hi, sorry I've not updated this fic in a while like how long is it been since ive poster a chapter?

Oh the last time i updated was 5 months ago...

Again im sorry just gotten lazy Nothing More, Nothing Less...

As an apology i draw Sakaki Yudai this fic's MC...It's still a prototype/ might not change it because im lazy :"(

Since it's Christmas break i think i can make maybe 4 or 3 chapters, Im not promising anything, I just think if I don't get lazy i 'might' make those 4 or 3 chapters...

That is all...