
Exploiting Gwen


A couple of weeks ago, I was approached by a young employee of mine named Elizabeth. I work as a shift supervisor at a telemarketing center, and most of my employees are young college students trying to make a few extra bucks on the late nights. The rest are a few old men who come in to work, mostly to earn a little money for the strip club or to keep themselves liquored up when they're not working the phones selling timeshares.

Elizabeth is one of the college students that I work with. She started about three months ago, and recruited a couple of her friends to join with her. We joke about how she sold her friends into bondage when she brought them to me, and she teasingly jokes and flirts back about how lucky I would be if that were true.

Elizabeth sat down in my office across from my desk without preamble, and started speaking, "Hey, boss."

"What's up, Liz?"

"I've got a proposition for you."

"Oh yeah?" I raised my eyebrows. "Got some more souls to sell me? Some new recruits?"

"Ha. Not exactly," Elizabeth laughed, starting to twirl a finger in her hair. "But I do have an offer that I think you'll like."

Having no idea what she was talking about, I asked her to go on. She told me that a few nights ago, she and her friends had attended a sex toy party. Amongst all the silly games and subtle sexual tension, the conversation led to a discussion of sexual fantasies. Elizabeth shared some of them with me, and I smiled at her as I felt my cock stir, and she smiled back knowing what she was doing, turning me on.

"Then it was Gwen's turn," Elizabeth started. Gwen is another one of the girls that works for me. She's one of Liz's friends, but very quiet and shy. She's short, probably about 5'3", and has long brown hair that she usually wears in a neat little pony tail. She always dresses very conservatively, wearing long sweaters and long pants. Despite her demure dress, though, you can still sometimes catch glimpses of her tasty curves. Gwen is 21, so she's starting to develop into a full-fledged woman. She's got some smooth, round hips, and some well-developed breasts. She's very cautious to keep them covered most of the time, though. Fortunately, I'm able to sneak a glance from time to time when the opportunity arises.

Liz told me about how Gwen is incredibly shy and how they had to drag her to the party and promise to take her out to a nice dinner if she went. When it came her turn, Gwen begged them to leave her alone and not make her tell. Instead, though, they made her do a couple of shots to get her to loosen up, and waited patiently until she was drunk enough to start spilling the details.

Gwen told them about her fantasies. She told them about how she had only had sex with two guys, and those had both been short term things and very tame. She talked about how she secretly dreamed of being used and dominated, and how she would sometimes touch herself in her apartment and think of the possibility of selling pictures of herself for money to men online. Gwen was paying her own way through college, so she was always strapped for cash, but she had good friends who helped her out. That didn't stop her from creating her own fantasies, though, fantasies in which she was a high dollar model who made men pay a premium for a few shots of her ample breasts and smooth behind.

Then Elizabeth told me about how Gwen had fantasized about me.

I choked and felt my face flush red as soon as Liz mentioned that. Liz just smiled at me, and waited for me to get myself under control. "Are you serious?"

"Mmm hmm," Liz went on. "Gwen fantasizes about you a lot. Ever since she started here, she's been thinking about what it would be like to get you into her bed. She tells the most erotic stories. But mostly, she fantasizes about you using her and controlling her, making her into your little slut whore on the side."

"Wow," I managed.

"Yeah. We were impressed. From our little Gwen."

I just sat there, trying to take it all in. "You said you had a proposition."

"Yeah. I do. Well, we do. Some of us want to get together and have you fuck Gwen."


"Yeah. Not like a sex party or anything. It needs to be smooth and quiet. We need to surprise her."

I found my cock throbbing as she spoke, and adjusted my pants without modesty. "What do you have in mind?"

"Well, you know how Gwen is always needing money, right? It's no big deal, but it's gotten worse now that her parents split up. We'd like you to invite her and I over for dinner to your place some night. You know, as a treat for some friends. And then, once we're both there, I'll slip away and you can have Gwen to yourself."


"I don't know. Start by talking to her about how you've been looking at her at work. Tell her about how she's beautiful and how you've dreamed of having a moment alone with her. Offer her money. Offer her to pay her for the chance to fuck her. She won't refuse. In her dreams she begs you to exploit her."

"She begs me to treat her like a prostitute?"

"Yes. It makes her so horny that she can't control herself. Even as she told us this, she had to run to the bathroom and finger herself. We all heard through the bathroom door. Gwen moans a lot."

"Oh God."

Liz smiled evilly. "You see. You want her too. How can you possibly say no?"

She was right, and we both knew it. So, we set a date and agreed to follow the basic plan that Elizabeth had outlined.

* * *

That Friday night, I heard a knock on my apartment door as I was putting the final touches on a pasta dinner. With my hands shaking as I thought of what might lie ahead, I turned off the burners and headed to open the door. As I opened it, Gwen and Elizabeth stood there, and both smiled as me as I welcomed them in.

"Hey," Gwen said quietly as she entered.

"Hey," Elizabeth said, giving me a knowing wink.

"How's it going? Did you find the place okay?" I asked.

"Yeah, it was fine." Elizabeth looked around. "You have a nice place."

"Thanks," I said. "You can just set your coats down on the bench. I'm just finishing up the bread. Why don't you come back here and sit down in the dining room while I finish up?"

"Okay," they chimed, and together they headed back to the dining room. I watched as they walked ahead of me, taking note of Gwen's body and dress. She was wearing sneakers, some long, loose black pants with a belt that hung down the side. Her top was made up of a black t-shirt that formed tightly around her breasts, and an outer shirt that was buttoned up only on the bottom two buttons. The result was that her top was splayed open, the mounds of her breasts outlined by the black fabric of her shirt. I felt my cock stir, and turned to head into the kitchen to finalize dinner.

Dinner was short. We sat and talked about work, and they talked about class. Liz talked about her boyfriend and how she knew he had cheated on her, but she didn't care because she was going to dump him anyway. Just as we were nearing the end of the pasta, Liz got a phone call on her cell phone. She excused herself and left the room temporarily before coming back in. "I'm sorry. That's my sister. She needs me to come pick her up from some place where her car broke down."

"Okay," Gwen began, "we can go."

"No," Liz replied. "You stay here. Jeff can take you home. Is that okay, Jeff?"

"Yeah. It's fine by me. Is it okay with you, Gwen?"

"Sure," she smiled a little, but seemed anxious and embarrassed.

Liz gathered up her things and waved as she left hurriedly from the apartment.

"So," I began, taking a deep breath and preparing to set in action our plan. "Elizabeth says that your parents got divorced."

"Yeah," Gwen said. She reached to tuck some hair behind her ear as she looked down. "It just happened a couple of weeks ago."

"How are you taking it?"

"Umm," Gwen said, looking around, "I'm taking it okay, I guess. I mean, I knew that this would probably happen. It's just hard, because they were helping me a little bit with some of my bills, but now they're going through the divorce and paying their lawyers and they say they can't give me any money right now. Not like they were giving me that much at all anyway."

"You need money, Gwen?" I asked, as if I didn't know.

"Well, sometimes. I mean, I make some with my job, but I mooch of my friends a lot. Liz is great."

"I can give you money, Gwen."

"No, that's okay. I mean, you don't need to do that."

"I wouldn't be giving it to you for free," I replied, reaching across to grab her plate and stand up to take it to the kitchen. "You'd have to give me something in return."

Gwen didn't speak, and I wondered if she was afraid of what might be going on.

"Elizabeth told me about the party you guys had."

"She did? What party?"

"The sex toy party where you got drunk."

"Oh. Oh! Oh no!" Gwen covered her mouth and looked at me, her eyes wide with terror.

"Yeah. I know. And I know what you think about when you touch yourself at night."

"Oh God," Gwen whimpered, and she started to cry.

Still persistent, I leaned forward, resting my hand on her shoulder. "It's okay, Gwen. I've been thinking about you too."

Gwen sobbed softly for a few moments before asking quietly, in almost a whisper, "Really?"

"Yes. And... I've fantasized about your fantasies. And I get hard when I think about using you. I stroke myself in my office when you're at work. I come home and think of you when I rub myself in bed."

Gwen sniffed, but I could see she had stopped sobbing and was glancing at me from the corner of her eye.

"I can pay you, Gwen. And no one will ever have to know."

"Pay me to do what?" she said, looking me full in the eye now.

"To have sex with me. To let me use you. To let me touch you and ravish you. To taste your lips and to make you cum. You'll be my cute little sex toy."

"Cute?" she smiled.

"Yes, very cute."

Gwen didn't speak, she just nodded.

At that, I reached into my pants and pulled out my wallet. Without a word, I pulled out $300.00 and set it in a wrinkled stack in front of her. Gwen stared at the money, and I quietly leaned in to start kissing her neck and shoulder, letting my hands cup her breasts through her shirt.

Gwen was trembling. I could feel her body shaking as my hands squeezed her, and as my kisses explored her. But soon the shaking got softer, and I started to do more.

I bent down and picked Gwen up in my arms, carrying her silently to my bedroom and setting her down on the bed. She laid back, spreading her legs a little as I stood in front of her, unbuttoning my shirt and taking off my pants. Next came my t-shirt, boxers, and socks, so that I stood naked in front of her, and looked down at her as she chewed her fingernail, waiting to see what I would do next.

First I pulled off her shoes, dropping them with small thuds on the bedroom carpet. Next, I climbed onto the bed, spreading her legs and letting my rigid dick rest against the fabric of her crotch as I unbuttoned her outer shirt and pushed it off her arms. Gwen cooperated, knowing that I had paid her for what was to come. Next, I took hold of her black t-shirt and slowly lifted it up her body, exposing the pale skin of her stomach, the lacy blue fabric of her bra, and the ample cleavage between her breasts. I pulled the shirt completely off, and noticed how messed up Gwen's hair was now that her shirt was off. Before I let her rest, though, I reached behind with one hand and unclasped her bra, letting it drop free of her breasts.

I can't tell you how long I'd waited to see those perfect mounds. Her breasts were heavy, soft, and smooth. Her nipples were hard, and I reached down to cup her tits in my hand, weighing them. I started to massage them, squeezing them forcefully as I pushed Gwen back onto the bed, and she gasped out loud. Her gasp turned me on more, and I found myself climbing up the bed, my legs straddling her on either side, my dick in my hand in front of her face.

"Let me hear you touch and fondle your breasts as I jack off onto your face."

Gwen moaned in reply, and dutifully cupped her own breasts, rubbing them heavily. Her moaning started as soft sighs, but as I stroked myself in front of her, her moans became louder, and I watched as she opened her mouth, licking her tongue at my dick, waiting for its cum.

"Mmm. That's it. Do you want me to cum on your pretty little face?"

"Mmm hmm," she groaned. She was panting and whimpering now, and it drove me wild. In no time at all, I was grabbing her head with my other hand, pulling her hair and pulling her closer to my cock, feeling the surge rise inside me.

I forced my dick in her mouth, and she ate it hungrily. For all her shyness on the outside, she could be a beast in bed. She gulped at my dick, and I felt her lick my cock and bite it gently as she tried to take it all inside. Her tongue was like soft velvet, and it brought me to the very edge.

Before I exploded, I pulled my cock from her mouth, slapping it gently against her face before finally jerking myself to the point of explosion. Still pulling her hair, I tossed my head back and furiously pumped the shaft of my dick until cum spurted in several hot, heavy streams onto Gwen's pure and soft and small little face. And she screamed in delight, and her tongue struggled to lick at my dick to get the rest of the cum as it slowly oozed out the tip. When I was finally done, and my body was exhausted, I told her to swallow my dick again and clean it off like the little cum whore that she was. She moaned and ate hungrily, squeezing my butt with her hands as she did as she was told.

I staggered off of her then, and sat on the bed looking at her, taking in her young body. I felt my dick throb weakly and stir as I again fixated on her huge breasts, and started to rub it instinctively.

"Gwen, take off your pants and panties." I breathed heavily as I spoke, and Gwen complied without even getting up from the bed.

"Now," I continued, breathing hard still, "turn this way and look at me as you finger yourself and touch yourself. I want you to make yourself cum."

Gwen did as I said. She turned a little on the bed so that her legs were wide open facing the closet, and she looked at me with her deep, green eyes as she licked a couple of her fingers and lowered them to her pussy lips. She was aching, and I saw her press her pussy into her hand at the first touch. Curious, I reached down between her legs, placing my hand over hers, and felt how wet she was.

"God, Gwen," I licked my lips. "You're soaking wet down there."

"Unn," she shuddered, and arched her body again as she pressed our hands into her hot mound.

"Do it. Let me hear you cum."

Gwen quickly started to swirl her fingers over her clit and pussy lips. I withdrew my hand, instead taking hold of my dick again and watched with lust and longing as she swirled and rubbed herself with precision. Her body bucked, and her legs trembled. With her free hand, she dug into the comforter of the bed, and I watched in awe as she whimpered shakily, an orgasm rocking and quaking within her. She didn't stop, though, and continued to rub herself intently. She came two, three more times, each time her moans and whimpers getting louder until at last she screamed out, and I watched as her pussy squirted a little bit, wet cum dripping from her fingers onto the bed.

Her body collapsed, but she still idly rubbed her pussy lips with her hand.

"Now that was a show," I muttered.

"Mmm. I'm glad you like it." She looked at me and smiled.

"I did. And now I get to watch it again and again."

Gwen's eyes went wide, and she sat up in the bed.

I climbed off of it, and walked over to the closet, opening the doors wide. There, mounted between the clothes on the rack, was a small camcorder, aimed directly at the bed.

"Shit!" Gwen screamed.

"Relax," I said. "It's just for me to view. I'm paying you, after all."

Gwen seemed unsure, but I got up and walked over to my dresser, reached inside and drawer and threw another $200 dollars onto the bed. "There. Better?"

Gwen took the money, and rolled down the bed to place it in the pile with her panties, and shoes.

"Now," I commanded. "Get on your hands and knees."

Gwen complied without hesitation now, and she wiggled her butt a little as I climbed behind her. My cock was hard again, and I cradled it in my hand as I deftly rolled a condom on. I reached forward with my hand to find her pussy lips, and she shook and winced at the touch. She must have rubbed herself raw, but I didn't care. Instead, I guided my penis inside of her, and grabbed hold of her sides as the hilt passed between the folds of her pussy lips.

"Oh God! What a tight little pussy."

Gwen didn't reply, she just started rocking against my dick. Since she seemed to be angry still, I decided to start forcing myself inside her harder, grabbing hold of her ass and ramming myself inside her with each heavy, aching thrust.

Soon she started to grunt and moan, and we both started to pant and tremble as our bodies worked in effort against each other.

We fucked furiously and fast, and more than once my dick popped out of her, and I had to shove it back inside, each time met by a long, luxurious moan from Gwen as she felt the shaft run home.

"Mmm," I moaned. "This is the best little pussy I've bought."

Gwen gasped and moaned, and I felt her squeeze her pussy around my dick. I grunted heavily, and continued to force myself inside her, shoving my dick in as deep and hard and as fast as it would go.

Finally, almost by surprise, I felt myself stop my dick inside of her, and felt it spasm weakly, emptying the cum inside it into the rubber condom around my cock head.

"Oh fuck," I groaned weakly.

"Oh God," Gwen cooed.

We sat like that, me joined to Gwen from behind, making a few, slow, gentle thrusts on each other until I finally pulled my dick out of her, sliding off the condom, now filled with a load of my cum.

"You're a good lay," I said, tossing the condom into the trash by the bed.

"Thanks," replied Gwen, rolling over onto her side. "You aren't going to tell anyone?"

"No. But I'm afraid you're going to have to lower your rates. I can't afford $500 fucks all the time."

"Sure," Gwen assured, climbing onto her knees and leaning to kiss me softly.

Gwen's lips were dry, but soft and smooth. She gently slipped her tongue into my mouth, running it against my own. I reached down to cup and squeeze her breasts, and she laughed. "You really like those, don't you?"

"Well, they're amazing."

She sat back, and looked down at her breasts and then up at me. "Well, do you have a digital camera as well?" She looked over at the camera in the closet, which was still recording.

"Yeah," I replied.

"Then go get it, and take some pictures to remember this by."

I did as she said, and in no time had about 40 pictures of her in various poses and states of undress in digital form. Finally, I shut off both the cameras, and offered to give her a ride home. Gwen nodded and agreed, and she gathered up the last of her things, including the $500 I'd paid her for our time together. She wrapped her arm around mine, and together we walked to my car for me to drive her home.

It was an expensive lay, but it was worth every penny and more.