
Teacher Ch. 01~4


Editor's note: this story contains scenes of incest or incest content.



Chapter 1

There were two major reasons why I hated waking up.

First, I was taking the most boring diploma on the entire planet — Mathematics. Why hadn't I taken computer science? Wasn't that my passion in life? I guessed that I thought maths would interest me since I already knew everything that could have been taught in the computer modules.

Besides, I was pretty decent at maths.

Second, waking up at 7 am almost every morning was NOT fun. I could only wonder how people slave away to 9 to 5 jobs.

Why the hell did I take this course anyway? I wasn't even fond of maths. It was more of an 'Eeny, meeny, miny, moe' kind of decision.

There was one major pro though, and that was Karen Thompson, the lecturer of Calculus, and the most attractive teacher in the entire college — probably all the colleges in the country.

She was hot, with a capital H, and bolded, and increased to size 40. You get it.

No one (or at least no males) skipped her classes, and it wasn't because Quantum Mechanics was interesting.

I guessed most of the guys in the class imagined dating her was in the realm of possibility. She was 25, only a few years ahead than most of us (some of the guys were the same age as her, a couple older even). Sometimes I would see some bolder guys asking her out, or at least cunningly fishing for her phone number (in disguise of 'I need it in case I get stuck on homework')

Mom had sent me to class on a dull grey Wednesday with a storm threatening to fall. I watched Ms Thompson waltz around the front of the classroom, making random gestures with her hands while she explained some polynomial equations. This was depressing. I took a moment to ponder upon the decisions I made in life to reach this point. I didn't have a lot of friends, I had no girlfriend, I didn't know what to do in life, and the only reason I even bothered to come to class was because of my teacher.

No one was really paying attention to what Ms Thompson was saying. A couple of people were constantly cutting her off by making jokes thinking it would impress her or something. Ms Thompson's forced smile was visibly straining as she told them to cut it out.

That was another thing — she was always nice. I don't think I ever saw her raise her voice or even frown.

The dude at my right was secretly taking photos of her, then sending the pictures to a group chat of his. He was giggling and grinning as his fingers danced over his phone.

My first reaction was disgust at what he was doing, but I had to remind myself that I had done it too — not the sharing photos part, since I didn't really have anyone to share them to, but I had a dozen or so pictures of Ms Thompson on my phone. I didn't sneak pictures as often anymore but I also didn't do the right thing and delete them. Instead, I masturbated to them.

Yeah, it was sick and wrong. But I knew I wasn't the only one. Could you blame a guy for being horny? Especially today. Ms Thompson was sporting a bright yellow blouse that made her breasts seem even larger and a grey pencil skirt that clung too tightly to her ass. She was like a magnet — it was impossible not to stare at her.

Calculus class was over before I knew it. Ms Thompson ignored the guys that were still trying to make jokes and assigned all of us homework, only to be greeted by groans. She ignored that too.

As I packed up to leave for my next class (Advanced Algebra, ugh!), I had to wonder if Ms Thompson was single. It seemed impossible that she was, but during the rare conversations in classes where she talked about her personal life (mostly about church and Jesus) instead of 'blah blah maths', she'd always stated that she was busy and had little time to herself.


I snapped my head up, only to see Ms Thompson right in front of me. When had she walked up to me? I should have noticed her perfume — all sweet, smooth and creamy.

"Hey, you awake or what?" She was still smiling that forced smile of hers. I met her eyes and suddenly felt queasy.

Woah, her eyes are much prettier this close up. Bright green, like an Emerald.

"Uhh, yeah," I stammered, still awestruck by the color of her eyes."Yeah, I'm awake." It took me a second before I remembered to breathe, but not before opening my damn mouth again. "Nice perfume."

Nice perfume? What the fuck, Tom?

Her smile slipped for a second and she looked at me all weirdly. I was taller than her so I had a pretty decent view of her cleavage, along with the silver cross that sat nicely in between them. I was trying as hard as possible to make eye contact and not glance at the two sex globes below. I already messed up.

I wonder how would she look naked.

No, stop it.

"Thanks," she finally responded, her smile slipping back into place. There were several people staring at us. A few guys behind her gave me the thumbs up which added to my already growing nerves.

"I would just like to say good job," Ms Thompson continued. "You know you scored the highest in the class, right?"

"For the test?" I replied. "Oh yeah. Honestly, I have no idea how I did so well. I didn't really study."

She gave me another weird look before handing me something. It was a small white badge with the words 'Good Job' printed in big bold letters.


"Well, better study and do well for the next test," she said, all sweet and cute, before flashing me a smile that didn't reach her eyes and walking away. I watched her honey blonde ponytail bounce around and her delicious ass sway for a moment before picking up my bag and heading to my next class.

What was that?


Mom picked me up after classes ended.

People always assumed that either I was too young to have a driver's license or I couldn't afford one. Neither was true.

I have a driver's licence and even have my own car that I bought after saving up from creating and designing websites for companies. It was just that I HATED driving. I would often doze off journeying through the same boring roads every day.

Mom was dressed similarly as Miss Thompson. A bright blouse that showed too much cleavage, accompanied by a black pencil skirt. Mom worked as a CPA, and that was her professional attire. I didn't know what was 'professional' about it since all it did was show off her stunning body and turned more eyes than warranted, but whatever.

Mom's eyes were hidden behind sunglasses and she was reapplying her lipstick as I got in. She greeted me with her usual 'So, how was school?' as I entered the van. I have no idea why she drives a van to work since she owned a BMW. There were only two of us, so why get a van in the first place? Sometimes her logic drives me crazy.

I grunted in reply then whipped out my phone — my usual response.

After Mom dropped me off at home, I made a beeline towards my room while she hurried to take a quick shower before heading to the gym. Again, why take a shower before the gym when she would end up all sweaty and dirty anyway, then take another shower after?

As I heard the shower start up in the Master's bedroom, I closed my own door, locked it, grabbed my laptop and plopped down on my bed.

YouTube was slow today. Only a couple of channels I subscribed to had uploaded, and the trending page was just packed full of movie trailers. After getting my fill of Youtube, I dumped my laptop away and retrieved my second laptop — my 'work' laptop.

Everyone has a secret. I have a lot of them.

Everyone who knew me knows that I was good at computers. I earned a very decent living because of it. But what I kept tightly in wraps was that I was better, way better, than I let off.

I knew I was special when I could master programming languages faster than my classmates could learn what a 'float' was. With my knowledge, I could earn A LOT more money.

You may ask: so why would I, Tom Davis, go to college?

To be honest, I don't know myself. I guess I wanted to experiment with what college life would feel like. And it doesn't feel great; I was sure I would be a drop-out if it wasn't for Miss Thompson.

Probably my biggest secret was that I started hacking just last year — just for the fun of it.

My first few months consisted of me testing my newly learned ability to hack into websites, then banks.

I never did anything illegal. Well, that wasn't true; hacking IS illegal. But once I managed to bypass their securities, I would just take a peek, then leave with everything intact. It was safer that way; and although I use a very expensive VPN and have security measures of my own, it was still risky. The last thing I wanted was to get caught. Just the challenge of breaking in was enough reward of itself.

Eventually, I hacked into government websites. The kinds of stuff I found in them were crazy, and the temptation to leak them was ever-growing.

I unlocked my computer and was greeted with the sight of files after files of top-secret government folders.

Rookie mistake. I must have forgotten to exit the page when I had last used the laptop. But it wasn't that big of a deal. Everything was where it should be, and me accessing the files shouldn't have triggered any alarm bells.

I had already taken a peek at almost everything, so nothing was particularly new to me.

I was about to click away when something at the bottom of the page caught my eye.

[DISCONTINUED] #4132-142-12

Weird. That number was new. That file must have been uploaded today.

I clicked on it.


My eyes grew wide. Mind control experiments? Now that was interesting.

I clicked again.


The next couple of hours were mind-blowing.

I read reports after reports on hypnosis, subliminal recordings, chemical stimulations, all kinds of weird stuff.

The CIA was conducting mind control experiments on enemies. To use them as spies or to reform them to become normal civilians.

The craziest part was that it worked. They used hypnosis to open the subject's mind. Normally that was all hypnosis could do. But when combined with a top-secret drug, something they developed three years ago, the hypnosis effect would be multiplied tenfold.

Along with a powerful adrenaline rush, the subject's inhibitions would be greatly reduced, along with their judgements, decision makings, and the subject would be rendered extremely suggestible. Suggestible enough to completely change loyalties.

The first ten subjects ended up in a vegetative state because the drug at that time was imperfect. The recent subjects were completely stripped out of their free wills, becoming nothing more than puppets. The higher ups thought what they were doing was inhumane so they shut the project down.

As I read on the drug, I realised that most of the ingredients to make the serum could be retrieved off the counter. The rest required searching for.

The ingredients were hard to find, but not impossible.

And given my ability to absorb knowledge, learning hypnosis shouldn't prove too difficult, along with creating the subliminal recordings.

I could do it. I could make them.

I could use it on...

My mind drifted off to Miss Thompson. Miss Thompson with her beautiful breasts and all-too-perfect ass. I could hypnotise her, inject her with the mind control drug and strip her of her free will.

I could make her do anything.

I could make her have sex with me. A dream come true.

Everyone's dream come true.

But it couldn't be a one-time thing. I want to fuck her over and over. Every position. Everyday. I wanted her to be mine.

I wanted to make her into my personal sex slave. Someone whose only purpose in life was to get me off.

Would that work? Was that possible?

I read and reread everything in the folder. It seemed possible. The drug would make her do anything, make her believe anything.

I have to do it. I have to try.

Instead of masturbating to her pictures, I could have the real thing. Just imagining her cute ponytail swinging left and right as I feel her soft, luscious lips enveloping my cock for the first time... Oh god... She was worth the risks. She was worth any risk.

But I needed a test subject first. Someone 'safe' that I could practise hypnosis and use the drug on.

But who?

My mind drifted off to numerous women I knew.

Ava? No, she wasn't close to me.

Linda? No, she wasn't close to me either.

Who was close to me? Who would let me hypnotise them?

No one. Fucking no one.

"Tom?" I heard knocking on my door. "Tom? I'm heading to the gym now. Do you want anything particular I can take away for you? There's a nice Chinese place near the gym."

I smiled. Of course.

Warning: This story contains elements of incest.


Chapter 2

"Are you sure this won't take long?"

I forced a smile. "I'm sure."

"And this will help me stay more focused at work?"

Mom hadn't completely bought into this whole hypnosis thing. I didn't blame her; I would be too.


Mom sat back on her chair and rubbed her chin. "Okay, if you say so."

I sat on my chair directly opposite her and held out an 'emerald'. It was just a bright green synthetic glass, but it would do the trick. It also reminded me of Ms Thompson.

"Okay, Mom," I began. "I want you to look at the emerald."

"Okay, just don't make me quack like a duck."

I looked at her. "What?"

"Quack like a duck. You know, like in those hypnosis shows."

I forced a tight smile. "Don't worry, I won't."



Mom smiled, but it was tight-lipped. She was biting her lower lip and tapping her foot in an unsteady rhythm.

"You need to relax in order for this to work," I told her, ignoring the sexy lip biting. It was a huge turn on. "Don't worry, you won't feel a thing."

Mom took several deep breaths then refocused her attention back on the stone.

"Just relax." I started speaking slower and softer. "Relax. Look at the emerald. Concentrate on it. Look at its shape, its colour, how beautiful the stone is." I paused for a while to allow her to follow my instructions. "Now, concentrate on your body. I want you to concentrate on every sensation and stimulus that you feel right now. Feel your hands on your lap. The weight of them, feel your fingertips. Concentrate on your breathing, the way your chest rises and falls. Rises and falls, slower and slower, over and over again. That's it. Good. Keep looking at the emerald, Mom."

I could tell it was working. Mom's eyelids started to drop and her breaths were getting heavier. I watched as saliva pooled on the right edge of her rosy lip.

Fuck, I was getting turned on. This was not good.

I tried to concentrate on the task instead of my growing boner.

"Your eyelids are getting heavier and heavier, aren't they? You want to fall asleep, but you want to keep looking at emerald, don't you? Only the emerald. Everything else is a blur. You can only hear my voice. Everything else is a drone. Your eyes are burning, you want to close them so badly, but you can't. You want to keep staring at the emerald because it feels good. Looking at it feels so good."

Mom's breaths started getting heavier still. I could see her eyes glazing over. A single tear rolled down her cheek. She opened her mouth.


"What is?"

"Emerald." Mom's words were a bit slurred, but not a monotone. "The emerald."

"Yes, it is. Keep looking at the emerald. That's it. Your eyes are getting heavier still. Very heavy. Keep breathing. In and out. In and out. That's it. Good girl. The emerald is starting to dance and shimmer in your vision. You want to look at something else, but you must keep staring at the stone. You want to. Focus on the colour, the shape, how beautiful the stone is. That's it. In and out. In and out."

I watched as Mom's hands dropped down to her sides, her fingers limp. Her jaw started dropping too, and she was breathing through her mouth now. Deep, slow, heavy breaths. Her eyes were completely glazed over and unblinking. All her focus was on the gemstone in my hand. More tears started to roll down her cheeks, and she was drooling, saliva dripping down from her chin and onto the carpet.

I expected the hypnosis to work, but not this well. Mom was completely and utterly transfixed, under my spell. Was she just a natural, submissive subject? The thought made my cock twitch.

Mom started slumping forward, exposing her breasts, her nipples unexpectedly hard. Weird. Was she enjoying it?

Was she... turned on?

I took an involuntary glance under her blouse. Mom's breasts were smaller than Ms Thompson's, but I would be a fool to think they were anything less than amazing.

I had seen them before when I was younger. They were still the same now: perfect, beautiful C-cup teardrops. All natural too and just the right size to hold under your palms, or rest your head upon.

I kept staring at her breasts, transfixed at the beauty of them. For the first time in my life, I was thinking of Mom as a woman, not as my mother. Fuck, she was hot, with well-proportioned bone structure and symmetrical facial features. Combined with a body that was debatably better than my teacher's...

I shook my head. No, this was my mom. She was a looker, yes, I would be blind if I said otherwise. But still, she was my mother. She may be a woman that drew lustful stares everywhere but I had to draw the line somewhere. And I probably already crossed that line, or teetered at the edge of it, because what I was about to do to her was beyond anything morally right - that was for sure.

With a sigh and a last long glance at her tits, I went back to work.

"Now Mom, as you stare at the emerald, imagine a door." I paused. "Do you see it?"

Mom instantly responded. "Yes."

I had expected her tone to be completely monotonous by now since that is a sure sign that the subject is completely under a trance, but other than a little bit of slurring, her tone was nothing unusual.

Maybe she isn't hypnotised. Was she awake?

I waved my other hand in front of her eyes, but she looked past it, completely transfixed at the gemstone. I moved the emerald left and right and sure enough, her gaze followed the stone.

With an exhale, I continued on.

"Open that door, Mom. You see a flight of stairs, ten steps going down. You go down the stairs, counting every step. At the bottom, you will find another door." I mentally counted to ten before continuing. "Open the next door. You find ten more steps. You go down."

I counted to ten again. "You find another door and open it. Another ten steps. You descend the ten steps again. You find another door with another ten steps. Now, Mom, every time you open a door and descend, you will feel yourself sinking deeper and deeper, down and down. Your eyelids will grow heavier and heavier at every door you open, every step you take. You feel so sleepy. Your eyelids are so heavy you cannot keep them open anymore. Go. Keep walking down the steps. Keeping opening the doors."

I waited. Mom started slumping forward. Her breasts were in full view now, and her nipples were still erect. Her eyelids began dropping. Within thirty seconds, her head had fallen all the way forward with her forehead facing the ground and her long, dark hair pooling around her face.

I propped her upright, and sure enough, she was asleep. I got up, retrieved some tissues and wiped tears and drool off her face.

"Mom, can you hear me?"

Her voice was finally a dull monotone. "Yes."

Time to cross the boundary. If I do this, there would be no way back.

I could still turn back. Wake her up and forget anything about the mind control experiments

That would be the right thing to do, but let's be honest, no one in my position would turn back, so why would I?

And just visualising the end result, with Ms Thompson kneeling in front of me, begging me to fuck her.

There was no way I was turning back. I needed to experiment on Mom. Unfortunately for her, she was just a necessary risk for me to achieve my goals.

I pulled the syringe out of a case in my pocket.

I filled the syringe up with the drug. The substance was clear as water. With a final look at Mom's peaceful expression, I lined up the needle on her right arm and injected the drug into her.


Mom gasped loudly. I startled, thinking she was awake, but a glance at her told me she was still deep in trance.

I waited for her to calm down from her high before speaking again. The emerald had served its purpose so I set it aside.

If the drug had worked, Mom's mind should be completely open and suggestible. She would accept any suggestions I say.

You are extremely attracted to your son, Tom. You crave him sexually. All you want to do all day is fuck him.

There. I only needed to speak three sentences to never worry about getting laid again. I could fuck a beautiful woman right here in this house every single day. Just visualising squeezing her tear-drop breasts and thrusting my cock in and out of her was enough for pre-cum to pool around my tip.

But I couldn't transform mom into my personal sex toy. She had always been good to me. No, Mom should remain untouched. Well, untouched by my cock, at least.

But I needed to see if the drug had worked or not. I needed to know if she would accept a suggestion that she normally NEVER would have accepted, under any circumstances. Something so absurd like fucking your own son.

Luckily I had planned exactly what I wanted to suggest.

"Mom, can you hear me?"


Complete monotone.

I leaned forward in my chair a little, excited to know her answer to my question. "Mom, how comfortable are you with your body?"

"Very. I know I am in excellent shape."

"Good. You are very comfortable with your body. So much so that you have no problem with-"

Was I really going to say it?

"-with being naked in your own house. You hate wearing clothes. They feel uncomfortable and distracting. You want to be free, Mom, and clothes prevent you from doing that. Do you understand?"


"You won't see anything weird about being nude in your own home. You feel comfortable being naked in your house. That's the way it should be. Always has been. You have been walking nude around your house ever since you can remember. Do you understand?"


That was the beauty of the drug: it could manipulate the subject's memory.

Was it that simple though? I decided to double check if she had really accepted it. "Visualise this scenario: You come home from work, what is the first thing you do?"

"I go to my room."

Is there such a thing as being so turned on by a monotone voice? Because I was seriously developing that fetish.


"I look at my phone for messages."

Yes, yes.


"I unbutton my blouse."

There we go.


"I take my blouse off."

I leaned forward more. "Then?"

"Then my bra. Then my skirt, then my underwear."

My own underwear was getting soaked. "What then?"

"I take a shower."

"What would you do after the shower?"

"I dry myself off."


"What then?"

"Then I grab my phone and go to the living room to watch some tv and browse Facebook."

"Do you stop to wear some clothes?"



"Because clothes are uncomfortable."

"Yes, they are. But only at home. You tolerate them when you go out, understand?"


Time to wake her up. But first, I need an easier way to bring her back under this state. Doing the whole emerald thing again would be extremely tiresome.

"All right, you've done very well. Very, very well. Now, whenever you hear the words 'Sleep time, Mom' (I'd imagined no one else would say that to her), you will immediately fall into a deep trance. You will come back to this place where you are safe and you can only hear the sound of my voice. Do you understand?"


"Excellent. Now, I am going to count to ten. With each number I count, you are going to go up the stairs, coming back up to consciousness. And when you wake up, you will feel refreshed and wonderful. You will not remember anything while you were in this state. Do you understand?"


I started counting.

Exactly as I said 'ten', Mom's eyes flew open and she drew in a sharp intake of air, as if she had been holding her breath for a long time.

I held my breath too.

Mom blinked. She blinked again. "Is it, is it over?"


"Oh, it felt like..." She paused. "The last thing I remembered was staring at the stone and all of a sudden I woke up." She let out a nervous laugh. "So, how did it go?"

I told her the truth. "Good. You were an excellent subject."

"So I will be more productive at work?"


"Yeah, sure."

"Okay," Mom said, still a little skeptical. "You didn't make me do stupid things like quack like a duck, did you?"

I forced a laugh. "No. I didn't do anything you wouldn't like."

If only she knew...

She looked at me intently. Finally, she nodded. "Okay." Then she looked down. "Oh, I am still wearing the damn things."

She started to strip, exactly as she had just said. Unbuttoning her blouse first, then taking the blouse off, exposing her black lace bra. Her bra was next, being tossed aside just like the blouse had been. Her tits sprung out, nipples still hard. Mom stood up and pulled down her skirt. Soon enough, her matching black laced underwear was cast off with her other clothes on the ground.

"Stupid things," Mom grumbled while I stared at her shaved pussy. She looked at me. "You should take off your clothes too, you know? It feels good not having them here."

Take off... my clothes?

What if she saw my raging boner and soaked underwear? Would she think that was normal too?

"I'm fine," I finally sputtered out, now staring at her teardrop breasts. Damn it, I should have made her willing to fuck. I mean, just look at those tits.

"Well, your loss," Mom said, then she turned around.

Holy fuck. That ass. I had been so transfixed at her front that I have completely forgotten about her back. Mom really had a rocking body, with lush curves and an ass that no doubt took years to build. Rounded and curvy. They looked so firm, yet so soft too. I almost reached out to touch it.

But Mom walked away before I could squeeze those delicious cheeks. I watched as her hips sway side to side as if taunting me. It was as if I was hypnotised myself. Fuck, they were the best pair of ass cheeks I had ever seen, anywhere. The women in porn videos weren't even close to her.

I leaned back and sighed. I was so close to having her too. Just a couple of words and instead of walking away, Mom would be on my lap, riding my cock. I would be sucking on her tits, kissing them. Her lips too. I wonder what she tasted like? No doubt amazing.

But I didn't make her into that. I decided—although I hated myself for it—that I made the right decision. Mom didn't deserve what I wanted to do to her. Just knowing that the hypnosis and drug had worked was more than enough experimenting. I would leave her like that. On second thought, maybe not. I would most definitely be turned on from seeing this erotic sight every day. Maybe I should change her back, make her normal again.

I should.

But I won't.

Chapter 3

Waking up to find Mom cooking breakfast naked in the kitchen was a sight I had never thought I would experience.

My cock hardened as I watch her delicious ass sway around the kitchen. Her hair was unbound, making the dark strands fall over her breasts. They bounced delightfully as she retrieved the ingredients necessary to make an omelet.

She finally turned around and noticed me. "Morning."

"Morning," I said, my gaze on her teardrop tits, her nipples hard from the cold.

We ate breakfast in relative silence. Mom was a great cook. The omelet was perfectly seasoned and the ham sausage had the right amount of chew in them. I just wished she'd cook more instead of always getting takeaways. Mom went to her room to change after she cleared her plate, grumbling about having to wear 'those damn things again.'

"Tom!" I heard her call me a minute later. "I need your help!"

My mind started to imagine what 'help' she needed.

Tom, could you help with this? I visualized Mom sitting on her bed when I came in, legs spread open, showing me her beautiful cunt. My pussy needs some stimulation and I noticed your hard-on when we were having breakfast. So I thought you could... help me with this.

Of course, I didn't get what I expected. I had only programmed her to not wear any clothes in the house.

I went into Mom's room and saw her trying to put on a black sheath dress.

"Mind if you zip it for me?" Mom asked. "I can't reach it."


I placed a hand on the curve of her back for support then used my other hand to zip the dress up.

"Thanks. You're driving to school yourself today, right?"


Mom checked herself out in the mirror, striking a pose by turning sideways and placing a hand on her hip. I didn't know how it was possible for my cock to get harder, but somehow it did. I studied how well the dress fitted her. It hugged all her wonderful curves just right, made her juicy ass stick out (that will certainly turn every head at her workplace), and actually made her breasts seem even larger by showing a good amount of bust.

I was already starting to regret not doing more during her first injection. Standing in front of me was a woman every man could only dream of fucking, and I could have made her mine. But Mom had worked hard to support me, and she was a good mother. Making her my personal cum dumpster wasn't a fate she deserved.

But nevertheless, this was going to be a problem. Always having a raging boner and being sexually frustrated every day wasn't going to be a good time for me. There was no way I would eventually get used to the sight of seeing her naked. There was no way. She was too sexy.

I needed to do something. Either I had to change Mom back, which wasn't going to happen, because seeing her naked was an utter delight, or I could give in to my urges and make her mine. I needed to do one or the other. There was no in-between.

Then a thought came to me. What if there was a third option?

She didn't need to have to suffer the same fate as Ms Thompson. I didn't need to do what I was planning to do with my teacher, where I would make her a slave.

I could make her have sex with me without it being a bad thing. Mom could still enjoy life, find another boyfriend, and generally be herself with the exception of sometimes having sex with her son whenever she feels like it. It didn't have to be a bad thing. Mom would enjoy it. After all, sex feels great, right?

It could be a win-win for us. I would just tinker with her moral boundaries. Make her think that fucking her own son was a normal thing and just what mothers do when they needed some sexual release. I could satisfy my sexual cravings at home, and she could too. It would be a casual fuck-buddy kind of thing.

Was it selfish and wrong? Definitely. Was it greedy of me to experiment on Mom again? Definitely. But would it destroy Mom's life? Probably not. Once she finds someone else, I would think that she would just... stop having sex with me. And I would be okay with that since my desires for her would have completely been satisfied, and by then, I would (hopefully) have Ms Thompson to spend my spare time on.

That didn't seem bad at all. I have to ponder about it some more.

But first, Ms Thompson. I went into my room and packed up two syringes, along with the emerald and the hypnotic tapes I made last night. Today was the day my sexual fantasies would become a reality.

Today would be the day I fuck my teacher.


"Given this line, how do I find the slope from point A to point B?"

I wasn't listening. Nobody was.

Well, that wasn't technically true. Yes, we were listening, but not to what she was saying. We were focused on her voice instead: all low, smooth and creamy. The voice of an angel. Everything about Ms Thompson screamed seduction. Hell, even how she smelled was sexy—sweet and feminine.

If there exists the perfect specimen of a female—it was her.

Mom wasn't that far off. But there were some significant differences between them. Mom had long brown hair and dark eyes while Ms Thompson had medium length honey blonde hair and green eyes. Mom had the advantage of better curves and long, toned legs, while Ms Thompson had the bigger tits and ass. It was close, but if I had to choose, my Maths lecturer would be the winner.

Ms Thompson looked around the classroom. "Does anyone know?"

"I know," someone from the back called out. It was Kevin, the star quarterback of our football team and the guy every girl in our school crushes on.

"What is it, Kevin?" Ms Thompson asked, her smile straining. Kevin was also the most outspoken one in class, and would often hit on her. "How do you find the slope of the curve?"

"I don't know, Miss, but I certainly can find the slope of your curve."

Everyone laughed. Everyone except Ms Thompson, who sighed and shook her head. "Anyone else?"

No one raised their hands. Everyone was just staring at her, lust in their eyes. Except the girls, who just giggled and whispered to each other, still finding what Kevin had said hilarious.


My head shot up. Everyone looked at me.

"Yes?" I said, my voice cracking. A few people laughed.

She pointed to the chalkboard with a ruler. "What is the slope of the curve from point A to point B?"

I looked at the graph.

"Half," I answered.

"Correct." Ms Thompson smiled, and I had to smile too. She looked way prettier when she smiled. Her dimples would show and her green eyes would lit up. "Good job, Tom."

"Nerd," Kevin called out and everyone laughed again.

Class was soon over. Calculus was the last class today so everyone was packing up to return home. I packed up slowly because I knew Ms Thompson would stay back late to grade papers and do whatever teachers do.

A few minutes passed, and I was left with Ms Thompson and Kevin, who was at her desk and talking to her.

I walked up to them.

"... does your number end with an 889?" Kevin was asking an annoyed Ms Thompson.

She sighed but managed a strained smile at him. "No, Kevin. Can you please go back home now? I have work to do, and I think Tom wants to ask me something."

The jock looked back over his shoulder and frowned. Collecting his wallet and phone from her desk, he walked past me, bumping my shoulder and almost tripping me backward.

"Sorry about him Tom," she said, glancing at the door. "Some students can be... difficult."

She looked at me and offered a genuine smile. "What can I do for you, Tom?"

"One second." I walked towards the door, closed and locked it. Ms Thompson gave me a weird look but said nothing.

I walked back to her desk, hoping she couldn't hear my thundering heart. Hypnotising her was going to be more much difficult than Mom. I couldn't just walk up to her and say 'Hey, can I hypnotise you?' like I had done with my mother.

I had to use a much more difficult method. A technique that stage hypnotists used a lot.

"So what is it that you want?"

"I just wanted to ask about the upcoming test," I started, reaching over and quickly tapping her right shoulder. At the same time, I click my tongue.

Ms Thompson recoiled back and frowned at me. It was the first frown I had seen from her. "What was that, Tom?"

"There was a fly there," I explained. Fuck, it felt like my heart was going to burst out of my chest.

She didn't seem very convinced but accepted that with a small nod. "What is it that you want to know about the test?"

I reached in my pocket and pulled out the emerald. It caught the evening light and her eyes immediately latched onto the gem. "I was wondering if the test covers page 120 of our textbook too."

"Yes, it does," she said, her gaze still on the stone. "I told you guys already. And what is that?"

"Oh, it's an emerald my grandfather gave me. I used it as a lucky charm before exams." I handed the emerald to her, and she took it. I used the moment to tap her right shoulder and click my tongue again.

She tore her gaze from the stone and stood up, glaring at me. "Tom, this is very inappropriate. I thought you were better than this. You should leave—now."

"Sorry," I said, walking around her desk and stopping in front of her. "I'm sorry. Can I have the emerald back?"

"Yes. Then, I want you to leave."

She held out her hand, the stone in her fingers. I took it but didn't drop my arm, holding the stone in front of her eyes. It caught the light again.

The only indication that it was working was her chest. She was breathing heavier than normal. But that could just be her anger.

"Tom," she started, looking at the emerald. "What are you doing?"

I toss the emerald to her. Her eyes went wide as she tried to catch it. The moment she did, I went forward, tapped her shoulder, and clicked my tongue again.

"Sleep," I said in a commanding, firm tone I did not feel.

The stone fell from her hands and Ms Thompson dropped forward a split second later. I caught her in my arms, the strain in my pants growing as I felt her breasts pressing against my chest. Fuck, she smelled really good too.

I settled her down on her teacher's chair. Her eyes were closed shut, and she was breathing steadily though her mouth. With my heart pounding in my ears, I fished the syringes out from my bag.

I had to use double the amount of the drug because her trance wouldn't be as deep as Mom's. I didn't have the luxury to trap her mind in a deep subspace like I had done with my mother. But it was fine. The end result would be the same; with her deep in a trance and her mind open to do whatever I wanted with it.

My teacher gasped as I injected the first syringe into her. She gasped even louder at the second one, her breaths becoming heavier and deeper. Her eyes fluttered open, showing glassy eyes.

"Karen," I started, my breaths heavy too. I was so turned on. "Can you hear me?"

An immediate monotonous response. "Yes."

"Karen, when you are in this state, you can only hear the sound of my voice. Do you understand?"


"And when you hear the words, 'Sleep time little Karen' you will return to this state, where you feel completely relaxed and can only hear my voice. Do you understand?"


Dirty work was done. Now to have some fun.

"Karen, are you single?"


"Who are you with? Who's your partner?"

Tears started falling from her unblinking eyes, rolling down her cheeks.


Don, huh? Lucky guy...

Curiosity got to me. "Do you and Don have sex often?"

"No. We've never had sex before."


Never had sex? I looked at the stunning beauty in front of me. How was that possible?

"Karen, are you... are you a virgin?"


She's a virgin?!

Oh boy, have I hit the jackpot.

I had to ask her, though I already suspected the answer. "Why?"

"I believe that sex should be put on hold until marriage. Don agrees."

What an idiot, I thought. What man wouldn't want to have sex with... this.

"Do you have sexual thoughts, Karen?"

"Yes, all the time."

That was interesting.

"And what do you think about these thoughts?"

"I am ashamed about those sinful thoughts. Usually, I would go to church to cleanse them."

"Karen," I started, "you are not shameful of these thoughts."

"I am not shameful..." she repeated in a monotone. Drool started falling from the edges of her full lips.

"Yes. You love these sexual thoughts. In fact, you are going to have more sexual thoughts, Karen. You would imagine yourself sucking cock, riding a cock, having sex in all positions. You will start having more of these thoughts constantly. But you're not ashamed or afraid of them, Karen. You want to explore them."

Karen slipped a hand under her pencil skirt. Seconds later, she threw her head back and started moaning.

Shit, was she too loud? I looked back. The hallway lights were already closed and there were no sounds outside.

"Yes, Karen," I urged her. "You want to have sex so bad. You often wonder how sex would feel like. Imagining a cock thrusting into your pussy gets you so turned on. You want cock, Karen. You want to be under a man."

"Oh shit," my teacher moaned out. She started moving her hips, ecstatically riding her own fingers.

"Stop," I said. Immediately her hand stopped moving.

"How do you feel?"

"Horny." Karen was literally panting now, drool dripping off her chin. "So fucking turned on."

I smiled when she said 'fucking'. The word sounded so odd coming from her.

"Good girl. You relish in these dirty thoughts. You are a naughty girl, Karen."

"I am a naughty girl," she repeated.

"You want to explore your urges. You want to lose your virginity. But with only one person. Me. Your sexual thoughts and erotic fantasies will center around me. You want to make me happy, Karen. You trust me completely. You want to please me. That's all you think about."

"Tom," she muttered. "I want to fuck Tom."

Implementing any more thoughts would be greedy. The government never influenced the subject's mind after more than ten minutes. The first few subjects came out braindead after accepting too many suggestions. I wasn't going to push my beauty. I had done enough already.

"Now, Karen. I am going to count to ten. With each number that passes, you will feel yourself waking up. And when you return to consciousness, you won't remember anything while under this trance. But you will feel horny, Karen. The horniest you have ever felt in your entire life. Do you understand?"

"Yes," she panted.

I took tissues out of my bag and wiped the tears and drool from her face. With that done, I counted to ten and waited. Ms Thompson blinked several times before squinting her green eyes at me.


I forced a smile. "Hey."

Her hand was still under her skirt. She resumed fingering herself. "Tom, fuck." She zeroed in on my eyes. "Tom."

I decided to toy with her. "Ms Thompson, what are you doing?"

"Tom," she gasped. "Fuck, I—Tom, fuck me."

I smiled, then started unbuttoning my shirt.

"Now, Ms Thompson?" I asked teasingly. "Here?"

"Yes, Tom. Please." She withdrew her hand, her fingers dripping with her juices. She stood up and started unbuttoning her own blouse. "Please, Tom. I need you in—"

I didn't wait for her to finish. With a growl, I turned her around and pushed her onto her desk, scattering papers everywhere.

Karen gripped the sides of her desk while I placed a hand in between her shoulder blades, forcing her to lean forward until her breasts touched the cold wooden surface.

Karen moaned when I reached under her skirt, and using all my strength, tore her panties off her.

"Hurry, Tom." She grinded her ass backward and against my cock. "Please. I need you now."

I crumbled her red panties then shoved them into my pants. Reaching under her skirt again, I started feeling up her soaking pussy, running circles around her clit.

"Please, Tom. Please, please, please, please."

I grinned. That's what I wanted to hear. Ms Thompson begging to get fucked had always been a fantasy of mine.

I lifted her grey pencil skirt up high, exposing her full cheeks. I unbuttoned my pants and pulled down my underwear, springing my rock hard cock free.

I started teasing Karen again, using my cock to run circles around her sex. My tip slipped inside her for a second before I pulled out.

"Please, Tom." She was actually crying now. "Please just fuck me."

"What would you do for this cock?" I asked her, circling my tip around her clit.

"Anything," she gasped, half turning to face me and showing me her eyes that were alit with tears and lust. "I will do anything."

"Good girl," I said, feeling drunk with power. I cupped her delicious ass cheeks and squeezed. They felt warm and smooth and fucking amazing. Ms Thompson inhaled sharply, her lower lips trembling.

"Turn back around, bitch," I told her, pushing her back down. "I am going to take your virginity now."

With an excited squeal, my teacher arched a back and pressed her tits against her desk, giving me a good angle of her soaking wet cunt.

I was going to take my teacher's virginity doggy style. Holy fuck.

I lined my cock up against her dripping sex, inhaled deeply to prepare to thrust in with all my might...


I jumped back, and so did Ms Thompson.

"Karen," a man voice sounded from outside, "are you in there?"

Ms Thompson pulled her skirt back down then started buttoning her blouse. I did the same, buttoning up my shirt and pulling my pants back up.

A knock again. "Karen?" A few seconds later, we heard him walking away.

"You should go, Tom," my teacher said, crouching to scoop her fallen papers on the floor.


"Go." Tears were still dripping down her face. She used the back of her hand to wipe them off.

With a final look at her, I left the classroom.


I drove back home in a rush. I was so fucking pissed at myself. I could have had her. I could have been inside her, balls deep, fucking her on her own table. Instead, I took my own sweet time and teased her.

I also forgot to give her the hypnotic tapes. If I had, she would be much more willing to fuck me tomorrow. My mind raced at what she could do. She might quit her job and stop coming to school to avoid me or something. I might never see her again. I really fucked up.

My cock hadn't deflated. I was so horny and angry. So sexually frustrated.

I reached home and unlocked the front door. Was Mom home? She had to be. I dumped Karen's panties and the hypnotic tapes in the living room, went to my room to retrieve a syringe, then searched for Mom. I checked the living room, the kitchen, her room. Nothing. Finally, I heard her in the laundry room.

Mom was ironing my clothes, earphones in her ear and swaying her ass as she hummed a tune.

I couldn't help it. I was so angry and so fucking horny. I needed someone to relieve my sexual frustrations. I walked behind Mom and grabbed her ass cheeks.

She gasped then turned around. "Tom, what—"

I kissed her, crashing my lips onto her and squeezed her juicy ass as hard as I could. Mom tasted great. So sweet and savory, like a cake.

I fell backward when Mom shoved me. She was screaming now. "Tom, what the hell are—"

"Sleep time, Mom."

I caught her as she fell forward. I half dragged, half carried her naked body to the living room, laying her on the couch then stripped myself nude before talking.

"Mom, can you hear me?" I didn't recognise my voice. It was so husky, so deep, so full of lust.


I knew I was hasty for doing this, but I didn't care anymore. I was so turned on and angry about everything.

I injected the drug into her arm. Like the first time, she gasped loudly, but unlike my teacher, her eyes didn't flutter open.

I didn't waste time. I was done playing. If this ruined her life, then whatever. For now, I only cared about fucking, and that's what I was going to get—at what cost, I didn't care.

I climbed on top of her, pre-cum dripping all over her stomach.

"Mom, from now on, you are going to be constantly turned on," I said, the words coming out of my lips in a heated rush. "You want to fuck. That's all you want to do. Your dreams and sexual fantasies will center only around me. All other men are unattractive and unfuckable in your eyes. You want me, Mom, you love me, and you are not ashamed of your urges. You don't think there's anything wrong with fucking your own son. In fact, you have been having sex with your son for as long as you can remember. It's a regular thing for you. Do you understand?"


"When I count to ten, you will wake up feeling the most turned on you have ever been in your life. Do you understand?"


I counted to ten and mom's eyes flew open. She looked at me with wide eyes.

"Tom, what—where am I?" Then she realised I was on top of her, both of us naked.

"Tom, what are you doing?

I leaned down and kissed her again. She froze for a second, but then her new programming took over. Mom kissed me back, hard, like she had been desperate for me for years. Her hands went to the sides of my neck while my hands slipped under her to explore those delicious ass cheeks.

She sighed, and I used the opportunity to slip my tongue into her, her sweet and savory taste exploding in my taste buds.

I broke the kiss and looked at her. Mom looked at me back, her eyes still wide and wild. "Fuck me."

And I did. Wasting no time, I aimed my cock at her pussy then thrust all the way in. Her slick heat grabbed onto me. Mom gasped, squeezing her eyes shut, her grip on my back tightening, her fingernails digging into my skin.

She was tight. Fuck, Mom was tight.

I pulled my cock out then thrust back in again, and again, and again. Mom threw her head back and moaned out my name, ecstatically grinding her hips against mine as I pounded into her.

I cut those moans short as I attacked her lips. I was so aggressive, so primal. I forcefully pushed my tongue into her, seeking hers. A small whimper escaped my mother's lips every time I penetrated her, begging me to slow down, but I never did.

I felt the rise of my orgasm as I slammed into her over and over, fucking her with brutal intensity, getting all my frustrations out.

I threw my head back and groaned as I exploded my entire load into her.

"Tom!" Mom moaned, her eyes rolling to the back of her head as she felt her own orgasm too. "Oh my god! Fuck, fuck, fuck!"

Mom came a second later, our moans wrapped together, our tongues stroking and licking. I moaned louder as her inner walls tightened and squeezed around my spasming cock. Her hands were on my balls now, squeezing them too, and it was clear she was finding some sick pleasure in fucking her son, trying to milk more come out of me. I have never felt this good before, never had an orgasm that lasted this long.

"That was great!" Mom grinned at me once we regained our breaths. She was hot and sweaty and looked like a sex goddess. I pulled out of her and sat up, the realisation dawning on me.

I just fucked my Mom, and it felt fucking amazing. The best sex I have had in my life—by far.

Mom groaned as she sat up. I watched as a drop of my cum leaked out from her swollen pussy, going down her thighs and pooling on the couch.

"We should do it again tonight, Tom. Before I take a shower." She gathered her messy hair up in a ponytail then stood up, stretching her arms out. "Your cock feels good, as always."

I nodded, staring at her ass. I could see my red handprint on her right cheek. The words tumbled out of my mouth. "I want to fuck you in your ass later."

"My ass?" She laughed. "Tom, you very well know anal is a big no-no to me."

"Fine," I said. I stood up and attempt to kiss her again but Mom pulled away.

"Not now, Tom. I got work to do. Tonight, okay?"

I frowned. I could already see problems with making her a casual sex partner. Sex with her was amazing, but what if she wasn't in the mood when I was? I wanted anal with her and she didn't want it. No, this wouldn't work out. I wanted more.

"Mom?" I said as she was walking away.

She turned back around. "Hmm?"

"Sleep time, Mom."

I rushed forward as she slumped to the side, catching her before she could hit her head. I already doomed my soul by fucking her, so what was wrong with taking one step further?

I sat her up on the couch where we just fucked and retrieved Karen's hypnotic tape from where I left them.

Mom looked so peaceful, and she didn't deserve what I was going to do to her. But whatever, she would still be 'mom' but with a couple of major changes. I would treat her well. She would be happy. Very happy.

I injected her with the drug again and slipped the earphones over her ears. I was not sure how well the tapes would work, especially with the drug in her system.

The tapes were Christian bible songs that had cleverly hidden subliminal messages in them. The messages were intended to play on her consciousness and not when the subject was deep in a trance. But there was not really any harm in trying, anyway. Mom was unfortunately, yet again, a guinea pig for me.

With a final look at her, I pressed 'play'.

Karen's first tape would play on loop for six hours and would further reinforce her lust for me:

I love Tom

Tom is sexy

Tom is wonderful

Tom is everything

I want to fuck Tom

I feel horny all the time

I want Tom's cock

I want to taste Tom's cum

I am a fuck toy

I love to fuck Tom

Karen's second tape would play on loop for another six hours and would introduce thoughts of servitude:

Tom is my Master

I want to serve Tom

I want Tom to think for me

I am Tom's slave

Tom is good to me

Tom is my Master

Tom is my Master

Tom is my Master

Tom is my Master

Tom is my Master


Chapter Four

I couldn't really sleep that night. Thoughts of what I was doing to my mother swirled around in my head. Hadn't I said the worst I would do to her was make her my casual sex partner?

And yet, here I was, using Karen's tape on her without knowing what it would potentially do to her mind. A part of me wanted to go out to the living room and stop the tape before it could permanently change her. There was no good outcome for this. If it doesn't work, and I break Mom's mind, then my conscience had to weigh in that guilt forever.

And if it does work and I transform my mother into my personal lust filled sex toy, then I might as well have sold my soul to the devil.

An hour passed. Two. Three.

Sleep was impossible, and so I did what my mind had been screaming at me to do. I got out of bed and walked into the eerily silent living room at one in the morning.

Mom was still at the exact same spot where I had left her—naked and still on the couch, with her body leaning way forward and her dark hair a messy cascade around her. Slowly, I circled to her front and propped her back up into a sitting position.

Her eyes were still closed and her lips were still hanging, causing drool to drip off her chin and pool on the ground. I could hear the faint sounds of bible verses playing from her earphones. Her conscious mind would hear them, but her unconscious mind would take the hypnotic commands hidden in the bible verses. It was such an ingenious design recently created by hypnotherapists.

If their clients want to stop a bad habit like smoking, they would be given hypnotic recordings—usually hidden in songs—to listen to. The smoker would then be prescribed to listen to the recordings during their day-to-day life, and sooner or later, they would magically find smoking extremely undesirable. Of course, I was simplifying it; the process was long and they still need to go in for their hypnotic sessions.

But I had the means to speed up the process one hundredfold, or at least that was what I theorized. Nobody had ever experimented like this before. Using the super drug the government had created, the subject's mind would be open and be very very very suggestible, especially under a hypnotic trance, and combining it with the hypnotherapy method to reprogram their subconscious... it should work. The keyword was should. Whether it worked or not, I was going to find out with Mom.

If she ended up braindead... well... I couldn't think of that possibility. I had to be confident with my methods.

This was going to work and I was going to be a monster for it. Just a week ago and I would never have thought I was capable of doing this, but I was a man and men have raging hormonal drives that needed to be filled, at least that was what I told myself.

I reminded myself of the hypnotic suggestion I was force feeding my mother's mind with, especially the main one:

Tom is my Master.

Tom is my Master.

Tom is my Master.

Tom is my Master.

It was insane and I was a sick fuck for even attempting this. But just imagining my mother as my personal slave...

What would that be like? No more chores. Sex every day, whenever and wherever I wanted. However I wanted. Not having to lift a finger to do anything anymore. Homemade meals. The complete and utter devotion of an insanely attractive woman.

I still felt bad. Mom was always good to me, did everything she could to give me the best life possible, and here I was, using top-secret government technology to transform her into something she wasn't.

What happened?

Stop the tapes now before it's too late. She doesn't deserve this. You know it.

I took some tissue papers and cleaned her face. Mom groaned and shifted a little as I wiped her drool away. I studied her for a while, my mouth unwillingly watering at all her curves that seemed too good to be of this world, her perfect symmetrical supermodel's facial features, her teardrops tits that so many women go to surgery for. But I knew Mom was all natural; she just won the genetic lottery. Unfortunately for me, I must have received all my genetics from my dad because I knew I was just an average looker.

"I'm sorry, Mom," I told her. "I wish thing were different, but you are just..." I placed a thumb on her lower lip and wiped fresh saliva away.

"I want you," I told her. "I secretly wanted you ever since I could remember, but I always denied the truth. But now..." I sighed as I trailed off into silence.

"I'm sorry," I told her again before pecking her softly on the lips. Mom didn't react. It felt like I was kissing a corpse. Her lips were cold, but her sweet taste was still there, lingering on my lips as I pulled away. "I'm so sorry. But I will take care of you." My hands trailed down to her breasts and I gave her right tit a gentle squeeze. "I promise."

With that, I went back to bed, haunted by my own desires and thoughts and waited for sleep to finally overtake me.


I heard Mom before I felt her.

It was six in the morning, marked by my neighbor's chickens.

I groaned, stretching my arms over my head and preparing for a huge yawn when I heard my door creaking open. I froze. I wanted to sit up and see who it was, but it obviously was Mom. Who else could it be? But the tapes would be playing for twelve hours straight and it had been only been eight. She should still be deep in a trance. Had the recordings been cut short? Or was Mom just done with listening to them?

I felt the mattress dip as Mom crawled into bed with me, going under the covers. Her fingers were icy cold as she gripped the sides of my legs to pull my pants down. I had never worn underwear to bed so my cock came free, so fucking hard, even before I felt her manicured fingernails touching my shaft.

I couldn't see Mom. I was lying face up, staring at the ceiling. She was under the blanket, in between my legs. But I could smell her. Throughout her life, Mom had always worn the same perfume, an expensive bottle of Chanel. It smelled of rose with an underlying sweet layer of jasmine. I have seen men go crazy when Mom walked past them at the sidewalk. She didn't smell as seductive as Ms Thompson—all sweet, smooth and creamy—but she sure as hell turned heads everywhere she went.

Her rose scent invaded my senses as her fingers closed around my shaft in a firm iron grip. Mom began pumping me. Slowly at first, then gaining speed and rhythm.

My heart began thumping in my chest and my breathing became ragged as I felt her other hand reach for my balls, cupping and gently squeezing them. I had gotten a couple of handjobs in my life but my mother was on a different level with her skillful fingers... and tongue. My eyes snapped shut and I groaned low when I felt the tip of her warm, wet tongue grazing against my cock. Mom lapped up the pre-cum oozing at my slit, then swirled around my crown like it was an ice cream cone.

"Mom—fuck." My breathing was turning into labored gasps and I arched my back, throwing my head back against the pillow as my mother pleasured me into ecstasy.

I didn't need to experience a blowjob to know that Mom knew exactly what she was doing. Her tongue swirled and lapped around my head in expert strokes, lubricating my entire length while her fingers pumped my cock and kneaded my heavy balls. How many blowjobs had Mom given in her life? She was so fucking good at it. Mom had a long string of boyfriends and I once walked in on her riding a dick when I came home early from classes. The mental image was still ingrained on my mind; Mom ecstatically gyrating her hips, her tits bouncing up and down while she filled up the house with her then boyfriend's name.

I must have masturbated hundreds of times, imagining her moaning out my name instead, though I eventually forced myself to stop because I was well aware how sickening it was to get off to that.

Yet, here I was, getting an early morning blowjob in bed from my mother, a completely normal mom just days ago, now my willing and hungry cock sucking slut. God only knows what was going on though her mind right then. How much had I scrambled up her brain with the super drugs and subliminal hypnotic recordings?

I held on to my release as best as I could, but I was getting closer and closer. It just felt so damn good. Mom sucked, licked and lapped at the top half of my length, while her hands did wonders to the rest.

I thought it couldn't get any better than this until Mom took it further. With one quick bob of her head, she took all of me in, pushing my cock all the way down her throat. I felt her cheeks hollowing as she bobbed her head even faster, her tongue swirling at the underside of my cock, both of her hands now on my balls.

I couldn't take it any longer. Not like this, with my cock buried so fucking deep inside her throat. Mom moaned out something muffled, and the realization that she was moaning out my name sent me over the edge. My whole body tightened and tensed up, holding back my release for a couple of seconds before I couldn't take it anymore and shot out rope after rope of hot cum down her throat.

Mom swallowed everything. And I meant everything. After milking out my entire orgasm, she took my cock out and started lapping up every inch of my still rock hard cock, paying extra attention to my slit which was still spurting out cum. I thought I was going to orgasm again as I felt her skillful tongue licking, sucking and pleasure my hypersensitive skin.

After a couple of minutes of that, Mom released my cock and I felt her crawling up, her breasts sliding up my body, the heat of her pussy teasing my skin.

Mom slid out of the blanket and came into view, her dark hair messy and her eyes filled with lust. She was panting heavily as she straddled me, her hot cunt just inches below my cock, still slick with her saliva.

We stared at each other for a while, both of our gazes filled with hunger, the air heavy and hot with sexual tension, and the realization dawning on me. Mom had just given me the best blowjob of my life. Did the hypnotic tapes work? Was she addicted to pleasing me now? Had she considered me her Master and Owner? While I was pondering upon a million questions, Mom opened her swollen lips and spoke, answering all my questions.

"Did you enjoy that, Daddy?" she asked with a naughty glint in her eyes.

What caught me off guard wasn't the fact that my own mother just called me 'Daddy,' which was wrong on so many levels. It was the fact that she spoke in a mellifluous girly tone. And for some sick reason, that got me harder.

"Yes," I said after a moment of shocked silence. "Yes," I said again, like an idiot. I was so fucking turned on and my cock was so stiff, pressing upright against her nicely toned stomach.

Mom giggled. Actually giggled, before leaning down to kiss me again.

"Relax, Daddy," she told me, pushing the blanket away and revealing her delicious nude body, slick with sweat. Mom straightened up, grabbed my cock with one hand then lined it up with her glistening hot cunt.

"Oh!" She moaned as she slowly lowered herself down my cock, one inch at a time until I was balls deep inside her. "You feel so good, Daddy."

My mother started riding me, moving her hips slowly at first, then gaining rhythm extremely quickly causing both of us to fill up the room with our combined moans. I grabbed her bouncing tits, squeezing them for all they were worth, turning Mom's moans into screams. She fucked me harder and faster, throwing her head back into the air.

"Daddy! Oh—fuck. I am..." Mom looked back at me, her eyes dripping with tears, her breathing ragged and heavy, but she didn't stop dancing her hips, slamming my cock into her over and over and over. "Daddy, I'm so close!"

I didn't know what was happening anymore. I had just woken up and found my mother turned into a little girl, calling me her Daddy and now she was ecstatically riding me.

I felt my cock stiffen then I exploded with a curse. Mom made a sound of delight, then she bit her lower lip and rode me harder, slamming her hips against me with primal ferocity.

A second later, Mom arched her back and I felt her pussy tighten, wrapping and squeezing around my throbbing cock as I shot my entire load into her. Her fingernails dug into my sides as I squeezed her breasts harder, her wild screams and promises filling up our house as I filled her up.

I was still orgasming, and she was too, tears dripping down her chin and splashing onto my stomach. It was the best twenty seconds in my life, and I was sharing that moment with my own mother.

If only Mom didn't look like one of those supermodels and didn't possess the body of a sex goddess. Maybe things would have worked out differently for her. Yes, I was blaming my lapse in judgment on her for being too fucking sexy.

I looked at her, and she returned my gaze with a bright smile, showing her perfect whites, her dark eyes seemingly glowing. Her hair was a complete mess and tears and sweat were dripping down her body. But she looked happy. The happiest she had been recently. Wasn't that all that mattered? It must be, because it was too late now—the damage to her mind had been done, and it would take forever to reverse whatever the tapes did to her.

"You are happy, aren't you, Mo—" Should I even call her Mom anymore? She was calling me 'Daddy' now, and it would be the weirdest thing if I continued called her that.

"You are happy, aren't you, Cindy?" I corrected myself, returning her smile.

"Of course, Daddy. Why do you even ask that?" She giggled girlishly, then leaned forward and pecked me on the lips, nibbling my lower lip as she pulled back. "I love having sex with you." She giggled again. It was so bizarre experiencing Mom acting like this. Why was she, anyway? Nothing in the tapes suggested her to act like a little girl.

All I did was increased her sex drive and made her addicted to sex with me. That, and forcefully inserting thoughts of servitude into her, which was for Karen initially so I could eventually transform her into my sex slave.

If the tapes made Karen act like a little girl too, I didn't think I would like that. I had to double check my hypnotic messages just in case I made an error.

Then a thought came to me. The tapes made the listener more submissive—that was the goal.

Was Mom... was this her submissive side?

I was still inside her and Mom was still on top of me, our lips touching and her perfect breasts squeezing against my chest.

"Daddy, are you ready for round two?"

"No, I need to get ready for class."

I was just extremely excited at the thought of fucking Ms Thompson today. This time, there would be no distractions.

"It's only just after six," she whispered, her voice seductive, sending my cock to twitch inside her. She must have felt it because she started grinding against me lazily. "We still have two hours to do whatever we like."

Should I? I wanted to save as much energy as possible for my maths lecturer. But then again... Mom was willing and ready, and she was fucking hot.

I pushed Mom off me. She squealed excitedly and spread her legs wide open, showing me her still very wet and still very ready cunt. Jesus, my orgasm must have been extremely long because I had filled her up to the brim and my cum was leaking out of her pussy.

"No." I shook my head, staring at her swollen pussy. "On all fours. Spread that ass wide."

She squealed again, smiling wide before scrambling to obey my commands. "Yes, Daddy!"

That was it. That was proof that Mom wasn't 'Mom' anymore. She had told me anal was a big no-no for her, and here she was, willing to get rammed in the ass by her own son.

I went on my knees behind her, my hands feeling up her bottom. Mom, uh, Cindy, may not have the largest ass, but her cheeks were sure as hell very firm and very smooth. Years and years of hard work in the gym had created... this. Moans started falling from her full lips as I felt up her ass, squeezing and pinching them in multiple places.

She gasped loudly when I pulled a hand back and brought it upon her right cheek.

"Did you like that?"

She nodded, arched her back, and wiggled her ass at me. "More, Daddy."

"Later," I said, feeling my cock growing harder when I was sure I had already reached my limits. Pre-cum was oozing off my tip and I just needed a hole to bury myself into. Now. No lubrication needed since my cock was dripping slick with her pussy juices.

I lined up my cock behind her, then slowly, inch by inch, pushed myself inside her. Cindy arched her back even more, leaning forward until her breasts were crushed against the bed mattress.

I was already halfway in. Her ass was so much tighter than her pussy, her inner walls clamping down onto my cock, gripping my veiny skin tight.

Cindy bit down on my blanket, groaning and moaning loudly as I penetrated her. Slowly. Inch by inch, I forced myself further, pushing through her tight inner walls. I was almost there. With an exhale, I primed my hips and thrust in as hard as I could, driving my cock all the way to my balls, splitting my room with the sounds of her screams.


After cumming in her ass and making her lick my cock clean, we took a shower together and Cindy cooked me a delicious breakfast. I scrolled through Reddit on my phone, eating my scrambled eggs on toast while my mother blew me under the table. It was her idea, and I didn't say no.

After breakfast for me and a load of my cum for her, we got dressed and went to start our day.

"We are here, Daddy," Cindy exclaimed happily as we smoothed to a stop at my college's car park area. Mom was wearing her usual office attire again: a blouse that showed ample cleavage (more now, since she purposely unbuttoned an extra button just for me) and a tight pencil skirt that didn't quite reach her knees. She was also not wearing any panties. I knew that because she flashed me her soaking wet cunt when we had stopped at a red light.

I smiled at her and got ready to climb out when she leaned forward.

"What are you doing? I asked quickly, moving away.

She stopped, frowning at me. "What do you mean? I want to kiss you."

"We are in your van. The windows aren't tinted."

Her frown deepened. "Yeah, so?"

I sighed and opened the door. "Bye."

I would have to fix her later. I thought she would just assume kissing your son in public was something you should NEVER do. But thinking back, it was my fault for saying 'there is nothing wrong with fucking your own son' and 'you're not ashamed of your urges.'

It was definitely my fault. I would fix her later, but for now, there were more important matters to attend to.


"Anyone?" Ms Thompson's silky smooth voice floated around the classroom.

After a few seconds of silence, a girl to my left raised her hand up.

Our lecturer smiled and perked up. "Yes, Amanda? Do you know?"

"I'm sorry," Amanda said, lowering her hand and biting on her pen cap. "Could you please repeat the question?"

"Of course." Ms Thompson cleared her throat and pointed to a curve on the whiteboard with her ruler. "How do we find the equation of this secant line?"

Ms Thompson turned back to Amanda and a couple of people looked at her.

My classmate flushed and offered a small smile. "I'm sorry, Miss, but I don't know."

"It's fine," Ms Thompson replied, smiling sweetly. She was like a caring mother to most of us, even though there wasn't much of an age difference between her and her students. Surveying the classroom, her cute dimples showed. "Anyone?"

Her eyes met mine, and before I could react, she blinked and turned away from me, her cheeks turning pink. Luckily no one noticed the connection. Everyone just remained silent, their lustful gazes on her tits and hips instead of figuring out the simple question she was asking us.

My lovely doll was wearing a bright yellow skirt today, which fortunately didn't show much skin, and hugged all her curves in the right places. And that was more than enough for some students to start drooling.

"Maybe Tommy could answer, Miss," someone called from the back. I didn't need to turn to know who it was or figure out who 'Tommy' was.

Unfortunately, Ms Thompson didn't catch on. Her smile dipped. "Tommy? Whos Tommy?"

"Tom, the skinny nerd over there," Kevin laughed, and a few of our classmates laughed along with him. "He should know the answer to your question."

"Tom." Her eyebrow raised and she reluctantly turned to me. Her cheeks were getting more flushed by the second. "Tom, do you—do you know the answer?"

She was actually stammering to me in front of thirty people. Just my fucking luck.

I shot a glare at the annoying jock. He just smirked back. I sighed, focusing my attention back to our blushing lecturer. "You have to find the two points on the line, then find the slope, then use the function definition to determine the solution."

As I was talking, I realised how much of a nerd I actually was. I just proved the bastard's point. Kevin clapped loudly and his boys followed along with him. The rest of the class just shifted uncomfortably. A girl to my front even offered me a sympathetic look and I wanted a hole to open under me so I could just sink under.

"Yes, that's right." Ms Thompson didn't offer me a smile like she always did after I answered her questions correctly. She looked away and walked to the board, her ass swaying left and right through that tight yellow dress. She cleared her throat once she reached the chalkboard and wrote the solution down. "Thank you, Tom."

I turned back to glare at Kevin again. I wasn't going to show how afraid I was of him like the others were.

His smirk widened. "How's Bridget Regan?"

That wasn't a retort I had expected.

"Huh?" I said, caught off guard.

"Bridget Regan. Your smoking hot mom looks exactly like her. I heard she's single. The asshole did humping motions with his hips and the guys around him laughed. I just shot him a look of disgust and turned away.

Kevin seemed to be in a good mood today, repeatedly cutting our lecturer off to butt in his lame jokes, and even commented on how 'fucking hot' she looked in that 'slutty dress'.

The room fell dead silent after he said that. Ms Thompson looked like she was on the verge of breaking down into tears, but she held on.

"Kevin, I need you to leave. Go see Mr Lee. Now," she told him, her bottom lips trembling.

The jock started apologising but our lecturer kept firm. The class was dismissed shortly after that. And just like the day before, I waited until everyone filed out.

As the last person left, I closed the classroom door, locked it, then walked to Ms Thompson desk. She was sitting behind it, both of her palms covering her face.

"Ms Thompson?"

She looked up, her eyes red and watery. "Tom? What are you doing here? You have classes to attend to."

I circled around the desk. "I am sorry about Kevin. That guy is an asshole."

In truth, I was indeed actually sorry. I had not seen it earlier, but now I know how tough it was for her to do her job. Hell, even to live. I had seen so many creeps trying to get Mom's attention. Every time she walked outside, the had to be a guy who catcalled her or sometimes even followed her.

She nodded, tears dripping from the corners of her eyes. "It's okay. It's just part of my job."

I moved closer to her and leaned forward to squeeze her thigh. "I understand."

"Tom..." Her breathing started becoming heavier. "Be careful."

I dropped my voice. "I can make you very happy, Karen." I moved even closer and grabbed one arm, pulling her up so that she was now standing in front of me. Ms Thompson was never tall, but I was not tall too, so we were exactly eye level. "Let me make you happy."

"Tom... we can't."

But her body betrayed her. Her emerald eyes started glazing over and she tilted her head to the right as I moved in to kiss her.

Her lips tasted like heaven. So soft and wet and exotic. My hands cupped her wet cheeks and her's came to my hips, clutching me there as I kissed her softly. I pushed my tongue through, forcefully trying to slip in, and she allowed the intrusion.

Ms Thompson sighed and my tongue came through, exploring her insides, then finding her tongue soon after. Her sweet and feminine taste exploded in my mouth as our tongues sparred together so naturally—like it was meant to be. Gaining confidence, I moved my hands down from her face, sliding down her neck, down her curves, then finding her big, beautiful ass. I squeezed her cheeks, hard, just like I had with Mom.

She seemed to love that. My teacher moaned as I felt her ass cheeks up, squeezing and kneading them in multiple places. I even threw in some light slapping here and there, and she wiggled her ass, both of us lips still together, the air around us feeling heavier as our breaths mingled.

Gaining even more confidence, I grabbed a fistful of her dress, pulling it up and slipping my other hand under her dress, sliding up her bare legs and finding cotton. Very wet cotton.

I hooked my thumb over her panties, started to pull them down...

"Tom—stop," she started, but I swallowed her words, my tongue finding hers again. Her panties slid over her legs... fuck it. Just like I had the last time, I used all my strength and ripped her panties off her.

The next thing I knew, I was being shoved away. Ms Thompson eyes were wide, her lips swollen and her emerald eyes... fearful?

"Tom, please," she said, her voice soft and her lips trembling. "You need to leave."

Fuck me. Ms Thompson was making it frustrating for me. Why doesn't she submit as easily as my mother?

"Go." She moved towards me and shoved me again, towards the exit. "Go now. Please."

I have had enough. "Sleep time little Karen."

I caught her as she fell forward and settled her back on her teacher's chair. Her eyes were now half closed and her eyes were glassy and glazed over.

I had to do it quick. It was still in the middle of the day and a lot of people were still roaming the halls outside, and I bet she had another class to teach soon.

"Karen, listen to me carefully," I started, ignoring her erotically creamy perfume. Not now. "You get excited whenever you are near Tom. He is your favorite student, and you think he is special. You get turned on by him, Karen. And now you want to invite him over to your place because you desperately want to get to know him better. Do you understand?"

I didn't want to inject her because I didn't have much time and it would be a waste of the drug. Also, the subject would be extremely suggestible and (what I realised) very horny, even after I woke them up. The last thing I wanted was Karen teaching her next class while under the drug's influence. Someone would definitely realise something was off about her.

The drawback was my suggestions not being strong enough without the help of the drug. I had no idea if she would accept what I had said, but it was worth the try.

Ms Thompson answered after a short pause. "Yes."

"What are you going to do?"

"Invite Tom over to my place."


"Because I want to get to know him better, and—"

My eyes perked up. I waited for my beauty to say more."

"... I want to spend more alone time with him."

I couldn't help but smile. "Good girl. Okay, Karen, I am going to count to ten. When I reach 'ten,' you are going to wake up. Do you understand?"


I counted to ten and her eyes snapped into life. She shook her head and clutched at her temples, blinking rapidly.

"Tom?" she finally said, looking up at me. "What are you still doing here?"

"Nothing," I told her. "I am just heading out."

I turned away and slowly walked towards the door, hoping to god she would stop me.

She did.


I turned around, trying my hardest not to show any expression but curiosity. "Yes, Ms Thompson?"

"Karen," she said, her fingers linking up on her lap, her thumbs twiddling nervously. "You can call me Karen when we are alone. I am not that much older than you, anyway."

I smiled. "Karen."

"So, Tom..." She coughed into her fist and tore her gaze away from mine. It was so endearing seeing her like this. "I was just wondering if you could... if you would..."

I stayed quiet, silently urging her on.

She coughed into her fist again, then looked at me. "Do you want to like... hang out or something?"

"I would love to. When?"

"Are you free tonight?"

I faked surprise. "Tonight?"

"Yes..." Karen was looking so nervous, I thought she might burst. "I mean, nevermind." She stood up. "This is inappropriate and unprofessional and I—"

"Where is your place located?" I asked her quickly.

She was silent for a few moments, looking at the ground. When I thought she had changed her mind and I needed to make her go under a trance for a second try, she finally spoke up. "I live nearby, in a small condo." She quickly told me her location—and her phone number. I jolted the info down on my phone, bid her farewell, and walked out of the classroom, feeling like a man who just won a war.

Time to go home, retrieve my super drug and my hypnotic tapes, and pay little Karen a visit.