
My Sister is a Failure


When she phoned me with her news, I wasn't really surprised; in fact I'd been expecting it for the best part of a year to be honest. What I was surprised about was just how unhappy she sounded.

"He's left me," she howled, her words nearly drowned amid her tears, "My marriage - it's over, I'm useless; absolutely completely useless!"

My sister's words disappeared into a cacophony of unhappy noises, few of them understandable.

"Come on Susie - try to calm down - it won't help getting all upset," I said, feeling somewhat inadequate.

"I can't help it - I can't stop," she cried, "It's horrible - it's ended - it's all over!"

"Whoa! Slow down! Take it easy - don't let it get on top if you!" I said as soothingly as possible but Susie continued to cry loudly.

"Hey darling girl - hold it together for me," I said, hoping that she'd listen to me.

"I'll try," she sobbed, "But every time I sit down and look at his chair I just start again."

"Hey, come on Susie, it's not the end of the world - yours isn't the first relationship to crack up," I said as I tried to reason with her, "Hell, I've been through it myself and I'm still ok...come on, pull yourself together you sweet little softie. Tell you what, I'll come over if you like - then you can cry on my shoulder."

"Oh Chris, thank you, thank you," she sobbed, her words muffled as she blew her nose loudly, "I really do need a good shoulder right now."

"Ok - give me an hour or two and I'll be there," I said, "I'll be on my way any minute."

That she was well and truly cracked up was pretty apparent and someone needed to be there with her or she might fall apart completely. Not just a friend but someone closer than that so that only left me. Sadly our lovely parents had both succumbed to their injuries in a car accident some year or so ago...but I was more than happy to help.

I loved my normally happy and chatty sister and quite honestly I didn't see enough of her these days. We lived far enough apart that nowadays we only met when we made the effort to travel and although we chatted on the phone and on the internet often enough, it wasn't the same as meeting and being together.

And that was especially true because of one particular thing; I truly lusted after her body! I knew it was wrong to lust after my sister but just one look at her would send disgustingly waves of emotional desire through me - desires that were and would remain unfulfilled no doubt. To me she was perfection - a warm loving pretty woman who seemed to ooze sexuality from every pore and who caused hidden sexual desires to quickly rise in me. Sister or not I longed to get to know her a whole lot better even though I knew in my heart that it was entirely wrong. That I hadn't already tried was down to my 'decent' upbringing - no normal brother would consider such action; would even let his mind dwell on the subject.

Nevertheless and despite my secret lust for her body I was protective about her. We were only four years apart (me at 26 and Susie at 22) so we had similar tastes and ways and we usually managed to understand each other - something that she and her soon-to-be ex-husband obviously didn't.

Inside twenty minutes I had a bag packed and was on my way, slipping into the traffic with a fifty mile journey ahead of me. A myriad thoughts swirled about in my brain as I considered what to say to Susie because, as I said, I'd seen this coming for ages and my brain was full of suitable phrases.

'Complete fucking idiot!'

'Waste of oxygen!'

'Should have been terminated long ago!'

'Dunno what you saw in him!'


Don, her husband whom I had long ago renamed "Dumb" behind his back was exactly that - a typical Neanderthalic blockhead. Full of himself; as ignorant of niceness as a traffic cop and as chauvinistic as a reality star he was exactly the kind of guy I'd have avoided like the plague. The kind of guy who was all loud and in-your-face and utterly unlikeable in my opinion, but Susie fell for his manly charms - an instance that proved that our tastes did differ occasionally. He most certainly wasn't the kind of guy I'd ever wish to be seen with.

With all those negative thoughts in me, the way to cheer her up was going to be hard to find...

No, it was going to be a case of just saying whatever seemed appropriate at the time - and if it hurt Susie then perhaps it would help her learn not to pick another guy like that.

Soon I was parking up outside the flats and then striding purposefully to her door - which crashed open as I approached it.

"Oh Chris!" Susie howled as she leapt at me, her hot tear-dampened arms around my neck in an instant, her wet cheek and shaking body pressed hard against mine, "Oh Chris - I'm so sorry!"

"Hey - sorry for what, Sis?" I asked rhetorically as I held her tight, feeling her sobs shake her body, "There's no need to be sorry - I'm always here for you."

"No, I'm sorry that Don left me - I'm sorry my marriage didn't work out - I'm sorry I'm useless," she howled wetly.

Somehow I managed to manoeuvre her back inside the flat and shut the door - it wouldn't really help to tell all the neighbours of her emotional state and then we just clung together in the lounge, Susie's body shuddering with grief while I attempted to hold her as it all flowed from her. And then eventually she was all worn out and I was able to lower her to the couch and sit beside her, our hands still grasping tightly.

I let out a long sigh before attempting to find the right words...and I realised that the best thing was to go straight to the point.

"Susie - you're better off without him," I said bluntly, a statement that immediately brought out another shower of tears.

I grabbed some tissues from the box on the coffee table and gently wiped her cheeks.

"Now come on, listen...," I continued, "He was a pig - I bet he did absolutely nothing round the house."

"Well, he did used to help me carry in the shopping..." said Susie through her tissues.

"Oh sure - he did that, but why - so he could get his booze, I bet!" I answered.

"Yes - I'd bring those home for him; he'd get all nasty if I didn't..." Susie agreed.

"Hah - he used you like a servant, didn't he?" I carried on, rubbing in the evidence, "I bet he treated you like dirt? I bet he only married you so he had a lovely woman to come home to."

Still wracked by sobs Susie did at least manage to nod her head as the truth sank in and eventually the tears dried up too, so I continued.

"But you don't need all that shit - you're a capable woman; you're pretty and you're intelligent - and you can bounce right back from all this - believe me," I told her, "So stop feeling sorry for yourself."

"Yes, but I'm useless - I'm a failure, it's all my fault," she whimpered but I shushed her quickly.

"You're not - and it wasn't your fault and you know it. Was it your fault that you didn't act like a slag for him?" I fired at her, knowing it would hurt her but that it made sense to tell her the truth.

"I wasn't a slag," she said and I nodded.

"No you weren't - you held up wonderfully," I said, soothing her but adding, "And was it your fault that he was a dickhead?"

"He wasn't," she blubbered, but her words carried no conviction now so I hit her harder.

"Ok," I said, "Then was it your fault that he used to go out and chat up other women in the clubs at night, was it?"

Susie's face turned hard for a moment as my words drove in and she frowned, before nodding again as she understood at least some of the truth, then spoke again.

"He didn't, did he - did he really chat up other women?" she asked and it was my turn to nod.

"Course he bloody well did - I heard it from one of my old mates - and I live fifty miles away now," I replied, "So if I heard it I bet plenty of others knew too...and it wasn't just chatting either, I might add."

"But I didn't know..." said Susie, still very downcast as tears continued to run down her face.

"That's because you loved the bast...your husband," I said.

"The old rose-tinted glasses," I added under my breath...

Susie sniffed loudly and we had a break while she blew her nose and wiped her eyes and when I went to fix us a drink I found a pile of cans of lager in the fridge. Soon I had the kettle heating for a cuppa while I cracked open one of the cans from her husband's stockpile and a short while later the water was hot and I was stirring the coffee. And then her coffee was ready and I returned with it, to see Susie looking somewhat better at last.

"Cheers," I said as I lifted his can, "Here's to old shit-face - long may he not return!"

Susie's face fell briefly then cheered up slightly as I put the cup of coffee down before her.

"Come on, it's over now," I said as Susie and I drank, "You're in a whole new world now."

I let the conversation lapse for a while as we refreshed ourselves and while Susie recovered before I opened the discussion again.

"Right - now then, what's next?" I began, my words firm and my intentions clear, "It's gonna be hard for you but I suggest that the best way forward will be for you to clear this place of every last sign of Dickhead's presence. Anything that you find of his put in a big box - I guess you've got one. Then, when you've done that, send him a text and say that all his crap is outside in the car park and that he'd better fetch it soon or someone will nick it, ok."

Susie, still with tears appearing, nodded slowly so I continued...

"I'll put it down there, then it's up to him," I told her, "And make sure you tell him that I'm here for you now and that you don't want to see him again. Get it - can you manage that?"

"Yes Chris, yes I can. I'll do that - oh thank you," said Susie eagerly, "I'd never have been brave enough to do that just in case he might come back."

Susie was energised at last but was still somewhat subdued and possibly frightened.

"Can you help me?" she asked as she rose, her voice all small and trembling.

"Sure - but make sure that whatever I chuck out is his. Don't get rid of his booze though - that's mine now!" I answered, trying to add a spark of brightness, "Come on then - let's get to work."

Don had seemingly taken most of his clothes already but he'd left behind quite a bit of junk and it actually took two large boxes before Susie was satisfied that she'd found everything. And while she texted him I lugged the boxes downstairs and dumped them on the far side of the car park, kind of hoping that the local kids would find them first!

By the time I was back with Susie she was able to tell me that Don was on his way, fearful of losing his possessions and cursing me roundly. She showed me his text message - all misspelt and full of threatening capitals.

I laughed at that - Don was no threat to me. He may have been all mouthy and bossy to Susie but on his own he was nothing and I'd be quite happy to give him what he really needed - a good hiding.

And I could do it too - I taught karate (and kick-boxing) and could put a guy like him on the floor in seconds flat - very flat if necessary!

But nothing happened. Instead, Susie and I watched as he picked up the boxes - the bottom of one of them falling out as he did so! I almost laughed as he gathered up his dumped possessions, loaded the boxes into his car and drove off, although not before raising two fingers to us!

"Stupid pig," I muttered, "Knew I should have waited down there for him..."

"No - let him go," said Susie, her hand on my arm, "No need for you to get into trouble over him."

I growled menacingly - the gesture aimed at the back end of his departing car but it was the last gesture I needed to make - he was gone. But whether or not Susie could equally soon forget him was another matter.

She let out a long sigh as she turned from the window and looked at me, her face still reddened from crying.

"Oh Chris - what on earth am I going to do now?" she said, the tears starting falling once more.

Quickly I enfolded her in my arms and held her tight while her sobs slowly subsided against my chest. But the action of holding her was doing nothing for my composure; instead it was sending growing waves of lust to my groin as her hot emotionally sensual body squashed comfortably against me.

"Come on. You'll be fine," I said blasély, as I pushed us apart rather abruptly, my arousal now doing the threatening, "You'll be better off without him, that's for certain."

"Yeah, but what am I going to do? He did everything for me except the shopping; he paid all the bills, he organised me - he did almost everything important," she cried, wringing her hands, "I've lost track of everything..."

"Yeah - that's so you didn't know what he was up to," I said accusingly.

Hmmm, yes, she did have a point though and one that needed attention quickly. My brain worked hard as I considered what to do, finally coming up with a plan of action.

"Ok come on Susie, let's have a pen and paper and we'll work things out," I said and a few moments later we were seated at the table as I asked as many questions as I could and Susie answered as best she could. Eventually we had a detailed list of the bank accounts, her credit cards and who needed paying and something to work on. Susie had unearthed assorted forms that would provide identification too but it was all going to take time to sort out, so I paused in our research as I planned ahead.

"Look, it'll take some time before you're up and running, so I'll stay overnight if you don't mind - perhaps just for the one night," I said, "Have you got a spare bed handy?"

"Err no, that's a bit of a problem," replied Susie, "Is the couch any good instead?"

"Anything," I replied, knowing that I'd sleep well enough if I was tired.

"I'll find you a pillow and stuff," said Susie, "I'll make sure you're comfy."

She rose and left me, a small spring in her stride now I noticed and there was a sudden spring in my groin as Susie turned and blew me a kiss over her shoulder.

Her cheekiness was both arousing and happy-making and I found myself following her with my eyes, realising how cute she was; how nicely shaped she was; how her ass rose and fell deliciously; how her hair fell over her shoulders - and how her eyes sparkled and her lips had gleamed when she looked back over her shoulder at me. She was such a pretty sexy girl when she was happy...and I felt my forbidden lust rising inside.

I was glowing happily inside as I returning to the pile of notes and papers before me and didn't even notice her returning, complete with another cup of coffee and another can for me.

"Thanks love, you're a sweetheart," I said absentmindedly as I concentrated on the problems, only to be interrupted by Susie's hand coming to rest on mine.

"Do you know what," she said, "That's the first time I've heard anyone say that to me in ages. Don never said that sort of thing..."

I looked at her sadly and seriously before understanding.

"No - of course he didn't - I told you, he just used you. Sort of 'nice to come home to' using, wasn't it?" I said firmly, "So don't start feeling sorry he's gone, ok."

"I wasn't - I was just thinking how lucky I am to have you," she said softly, causing a lump to come to my throat and my groin again.

I put my other hand on hers and squeezed it gently before returning to sort out things and before long the list was organised into a plan. Soon I had my phone in my hand too and was calling up the numbers, with Susie adding words here and there to allow me to act on her behalf.

And I was then that I began to discover a few problems.

That bastard hadn't been paying the rent - they were almost four months in arrears. And then I found that her bank was as good as empty too and that Susie's end of month wage would be entirely swallowed up by an overdraft. On his instructions they'd been living off her credit cards and she hadn't realised that he'd appropriated her money.

So now, not only was she broke but when I spoke to the landlord he said that an eviction notice had already been issued. What's more, I'd discovered all this inside the first hour of phoning so what the hell else remained to be uncovered?

"You're in the shit Susie," I admitted, "You're screwed."

Her face which had been falling steadily yet again now crumbled apart as the truth sank in and her tears began once more and even a good long hug didn't cheer her much.

But inside me, the seeds of an answer were growing...

"Susie," I said, holding both of her hands, "I think you're going to have to do a runner; well, kind of."

Susie's mouth opened wide as she gasped like a fish out of water before closing again, the action seeming to squeeze yet more tears from her eyes. I ignored her plight since I hadn't finished talking yet.

"Ok - it won't help in the long run because we've still got to sort out your bills," I continued, then counted off her problems on my fingers, "but if you try to stay here, firstly you're going to be evicted and secondly you've no money left. And thirdly I bet he hasn't paid your phone bill or your water bill or any of other important bills, so one way or another he's left you in a right old mess."

"Yeah, but how - what - where," she spluttered, her mind unable to contain all the bad news at once, "Oh help me, help me Chris!"

Tears once again flooded over my shirt as she flung herself at me before I could apply a wad of tissues but I remained as calm as I could - at least I had an answer.

"You're coming to stay with me," I said, realising that my bachelor freedom was about to be fractured, "I've got the space and at least you won't be making any more bills - and you'll have me to look after you and to help sort things out until you get back on your feet, ok. You'll obviously have to give up your job though."

"You'll let me come and stay with you?" she asked, shocked by the situation, "Honestly?"

"Can't think of any other way round," I said, "And I can't leave you here all on your own. It doesn't have to be for long though."

"Oh Chris - oh God, how can I thank you?" she asked, a warm wet smile appearing, "Oh that's incredible!"

"No - it just makes sense," I added while inside me I actually felt quite good about the idea now, "And like I said, don't forget that if you move you'll lose your job so you'll need to find a new one."

"Huh - that's the one good thing as far as I'm concerned - I hated that job. I'll love telling them that I'm off," she sniffed, "Anyway I don't think I was much good there."

I felt my eyebrows lift as Susie's insecurity appeared again, but it was all going to be behind her soon.

"So that's sorted then, yeah?" I asked and Susie nodded, some kind of relief washing over her features.

That night, after a scratch meal I slept on the couch wrapped in a sleeping bag as Don seemed to have taken the spare duvet and somehow I slept adequately well; the only real interruption being when Susie came to see if I was ok, bending over me in her nightie as she checked me. When I opened my eyes they were filled with the sight of her freely hanging breasts - the sight substantially stirring my cock for a while...but otherwise I was perfectly comfy. Perhaps the beers helped me to sleep - certainly the sight of her breasts didn't.

And so it was that by noon the following day we had a small removal van and driver at the door; a couple of hours later we'd shifted all her belongings into it and less than an hour after that we were in my car, soon depositing her key through her ex-landlords door and leaving all her chaos behind.

It was a warm day and Susie was now wearing a light summery dress with a delightfully scooped front and with the car windows open the material was billowing around, the draught even lifting her skirt occasionally, showing off expanses of her long smooth and apparently naked legs. It was nice enough to have a pretty woman beside me but when various parts of her curvy anatomy kept being displayed my concentration was much needed to keep the car on the road.

I'd been seriously short of female company of late and Susie's presence was stirring up feelings that I shouldn't really be having...feelings that hit me all too often when Susie was around.

But somehow I applied myself to my driving and soon we were pulling into my driveway while Susie's eyes took in her 'new' home.

My dad always used to say "bricks and mortar maketh the man," even if his quoting wasn't perfect.

Well, that had been one of his pet phrases and his way of telling me to invest in property and so I'd done so as soon as my salary allowed and this house was the result. It was nothing fancy but it was mine (co-owned with the bank of course) and I'd pumped a lot of my efforts into making it as nice as I could.

Susie had visited me once before so she knew the place vaguely but even so she seemed pleasantly aroused from her gloom as she stepped inside.

"Oh Chris, aren't you clever!" she said as she admired the stained and glowing woodwork, "Oh - that's so lovely!"

Then she was standing in the lounge looking at the garden and the patio, all of which looked bright and pleasant in the summer sunshine. I opened the sliding doors and the warmth flooded in as we stood side by side in silence.

"Mmmmm, it's so peaceful," Susie eventually said, "So relaxing..."

"Hope you can enjoy it for a while then," I replied, "Do you good to relax."

A big shuddering sigh left her lips as Susie realised that her world had been turned upside down and that it would never be the same again...but then she turned and smiled at me, the first proper smile I'd seen from her since this disaster began.

"Oh gosh - I'll relax alright - it's going to be so good not to be nagged at," she said as she settled onto the sofa, "Oh Chris, how can I thank you?"

The sight of my sister smiling and looking happy was enough to raise a fair degree of wistfulness in me along with a sudden and unintentionally sexy desire that had been building in me for ages. I shook my head to remove the longing as I formulated my reply but deep inside me it remained, a lustful thought about how erotic and desirable my sister was. But now was not the time or place for such thoughts...even though I knew exactly how she could thank me!

"Ok Susie, I was going to save this until later but we might just as well get things sorted," I said, "Count this as a holiday for a few weeks until you feel a bit better. And then we'll get together to try to rebuild your life. We've got to sort out how you're going to pay your way; you'll need a job - and we'd better find a solicitor and have a go at your other half, because I don't see why you have to pay for his stupidity."

It was a bit of a lecture but it was intended in the best way - to outline the problems that Susie (and I) would have to face.

Thank heavens that Susie was feeling a bit stronger now because she did need to help herself - I couldn't do it all for her and now she held out her hands towards me.

Quickly I sat down beside her and we squeezed each other's hands.

"That sounds so good Chris, I promise I'll help," she said, "I know it's going to be hard but I'll make it if you're here for me. I'll try to make it up to you as well."

She squeezed my hands hard as she spoke, the action symbolic of her intent.

"I love you, my darling brother," she said and we kissed, the warmth and softness of her lips speaking of more than just platonic feelings.

"And you Susie," I answered, "Love you too - so much."

I cursed myself as I spoke, my words having tumbled from me almost unintentionally because they too carried far too much feeling. My inner mind wanted to say, "Love you so - too much" but I'd managed to get the words in the right order before they left my mouth. Something seemed to be happening between us that was so powerful and compelling; I actually wanted to rip her clothes off and make love to her - this woman, my sister, and she seemed to be almost encouraging me. And as for making it up to me - wow! How I could interpret those few words!

Perhaps fortunately the door bell rang just then as the van driver let us know that he'd made it and for a while I was busy helping him unload her furniture into my garage and her smaller possessions into the house. My car would have to stay on the driveway now but since I often left it there anyway, that wasn't a problem.

And then he was off and I went back indoors, to the smell of something delicious - real cooking smells!

Susie was in the kitchen surrounded by the pots and pans of work underway, of a meal in the making and I was impressed!

"Susie darling," I said, "You didn't have to do that, I could have got us a takeaway or something."

"I had to do something," she replied, "I felt so useless just sitting there while you two did all the work."

"Stop saying that - you're not useless," I told her quickly and firmly, "You're a lovely lady but you've got to learn to be proud of yourself; to stand up for yourself - to be what you really are."

"What am I?" she answered; her face downcast, "All I am is a failed housewife - well I'm not even that now."

A few tears were forming again and I quickly grabbed her and cuddled her by way of reassurance, before she broke from my arms as a saucepan threatened to boil over.

I found myself heaving a big sigh as I pondered the long road back to recreating the woman I knew that Susie could and should be before I plucked another can of lager from the fridge and left her to her tasks. Oh well, all the rebuilding would take time and didn't need to happen right now.

Before long Susie's head was poking out from the kitchen to ask me to lay out some eating irons and shortly thereafter a generous plateful of food was before me with Susie coming to sit beside me.

"I hope its ok," she said unconvincingly, "I think I put too much salt in the vegetables and the gravy's a bit runny and..."

"Shut up Susie," I said firmly, "Stop worrying - it's great, I'll eat it and I'll enjoy it. I couldn't care less about little things like that - at least you've cooked for us, that's the best thing."

And it wasn't all that bad at all. Sure, the gravy was rather runny but I actually preferred it that way and as for the salt, I didn't notice it because the food was tasty and delicious and was just what I needed. Even Susie tucked in well and before long there wasn't much left to show for her efforts apart from empty plates. Considering that she was in a kitchen and home she wasn't used to, she'd done well, especially when you added her fragile frame of mind to the recipe.

"That was really good," I said as I leaned back, feeling my belt almost uncomfortably tight, "You're hired!"

Susie laughed, the first laugh I'd heard from her since this whole thing blew up, a bright young laughter that spoke of happy days and cheerful things and pretty girls. I found my eyes glued to her as she gathered the empty plates and took them away.

It gave me time to admire her as she busied herself. She'd recovered some of her bounce already or at least certainly her boobs seemed to have done so! The change in her posture, from hunched to more upright seemed to have added inches to her breasts, which were generous anyway. Now they seemed to overshadow her trim torso and her slim legs to protrude excitingly outwards and even upwards. Most assuredly they were bounteous and firm and I could easily imagine that they'd have small tight pink nipples atop each one, which could be chewed and sucked delectably while my hands caressed her...

"Bloody well stop it!" I muttered to myself, suddenly feeling very aroused.

Suddenly I realised that I'd been lusting after her tits; considering her as a sexual creature; imagining her as a potential bed-mate and it was all wrong! She was my sister - my only sister whom I loved and adored and fancied - oh God, I was off again!

"Fuckin' stop it!" I said to myself, "You're going to have to get those ideas under control."

"What's that?" a voice came to me, floating from the kitchen, "What ideas?"

"Ahh - oooh umm, nothing," I managed to reply but as I did so I realised that my cock had slowly risen into full erection, every hot inch of it.

I'd just succeeded in tidying away the recriminating evidence before Susie appeared, dampened but with splashes of washing up water rather than tears. She had two cups of coffee in her hands which she brought over and planted on the table before joining me.

"You had some ideas?" she asked again, "Anything interesting?"

'You don't want to know how interesting,' my mind said to me, 'For fuck's sake, keep calm!'

"No - I was just letting my mind wander, enjoying my meal," I succeeded in saying, "That's the first meal anyone's cooked for me since I left home, I think - here I mean, not out in a restaurant. It was really good of you - thanks Sis and thanks so much for washing up too - I could have done that."

Susie's smile said more than thanks, she was glowing with pleasure as she leaned towards me, her weighty breasts sliding over the table top.

"And that's the first time anyone's thanked me for my cooking," she replied, "Don never used to say anything like that."

"Yeah well, he was a prat anyway," I said, knowing now that I was safe to decry him, "Just fuckin' ignorant."

I stopped to see if Susie was objecting but instead she was nodding as my words sank in.

"I bet he never held doors open for you or pulled out your chair or anything like that, did he?" I added and Susie shook her head firmly.

I drove on solidly and almost viciously determined to undermine the man she'd married.

"I don't suppose he even asked your permission to fuck you, did he?" I continued.

As those harsh words were uttered, suddenly Susie's face screwed up and tears formed again, quickly rolling down her cheeks.

'Fuck - I've gone too far', my mind said, 'Oh, perhaps not.'

Smartly I grabbed a tissue and dabbed away the tears and as I did so, Susie's hand came up and covered mine. She held me softly and warmly as the tears dried up and then lowered my hand to the table, her fingers still holding me.

"I didn't want to say anything about that," she said, "But you're right - he'd just take me whether I wanted it or not."

She was blinking away the tears as she spoke, doing her best to keep a grip on herself and she's moved so that she held my hand now with fingers that were gently smoothing my own fingers and palm in a manner than was entirely seductive. I felt movement down below as my cock took interest and felt relieved that Susie couldn't see such activity from where she sat.

"I've never spoken to anyone about that," she said, her voice quiet and soft, "But he was rotten to me that way."

I felt my own eyebrows lift as she finally admitted the truth about Don; that he was a bossy arrogant asshole and not worth worrying about. And then Susie continued...

"Chris, I can tell you this because you're my brother but I wouldn't tell anyone else; when he wanted sex he'd just tell me to get in the bedroom and if I wasn't undressed by the time he came in he'd hit me and then rip off my clothes - and I hated it!"

"Wow, I never realised he was that bad," I offered and Susie nodded and continued...

"And he'd push me down on the bed and force my legs open and just shove it in whether I liked it or not," she said and she winced as the memory flooded back, "And because I'd be all cold and dry he used to hurt me like anything sometimes..."

"Fuckin' bastard!" I exclaimed quietly, "Fuckin' asshole."

It looked as if the tears were about to return so I lifted our hands to her face to hold the tissue at the ready but Susie was more under control now and merely sniffed loudly then squeezed my fingers and shook her head.

"No, I'll be alright now I've said it," she said, "It was just the effort of actually telling someone - of being honest with myself - but I've done it now!"

"Glad you did," I said as our united hands lowered to the table again, "It's usually best to get it out of your system, isn't it."

"But it's hard to do that," she answered, "Especially when I used to get in so much trouble if I spoke out of place."

Inside me something still wanted to beat the shit out of that useless fucker but he was as dead as history now so perhaps it was better to just forget his existence. But her words and actions weren't helping me at all. Instead of feeling all protective I too now wanted to rip off her clothes and drive my cock into her! Down under the table my cock was straining for release - propelled by her sexual descriptions and by the warmth and movements of her fingers. Somehow I wanted them to be wrapped around my cock instead of around my own fingers; somehow I wanted my fingers to be stroking her wet folds instead of the dry folds of the tissue. I found myself gritting my teeth to distract me but Susie noticed.

"What's the matter?" she asked soothingly, "Don't get all worried. I'm ok now, really; I feel much better, don't worry about me."

No, I wasn't worrying about her; I was just lusting after her. I'd been without a steady girlfriend for years now and the absence was showing. I'd had one regular girlfriend soon after I'd bought the house but she came home with me only for sex and only when she was in the mood - which didn't seem to be very often. That was why we parted, our sexual needs were so different that we were often at loggerheads and since then I'd just not found the right girl. Sure, I'd had sex with some girls but never very often and now I was feeling very needy. But not with my sister - well, I presumed not!

I shook off my lusty thoughts and tried to talk about something that was unrelated to sex - then I noticed the clock.

"Hey - do you realise it's almost midnight," I said, "Where's it all gone? I'd swear it was about seven o'clock only five minutes ago!"

"Oooh bloody hell - so it is," replied Susie, seemingly more surprised than I was, "And we haven't even thought about sleeping."

"Exactly - we haven't even got your bed ready," I said as I rose from the table, my erection having suddenly died with the change of subject, "Come on - you'd better tell me what you need - how many pillows, blankets and such."

"Wow - so I have an option?" asked Susie as she accompanied me down the hall, "I'm not used to all this luxury!"

My mind once again growled as thoughts of retribution against Don crept in; that bastard had some payback coming to him but not right now...

I pushed open the door to the second bedroom, turned on the light and then stood there with Susie beside me as we scanned the piles of clothing and boxes of her possessions. It might have been alright had I not been using the room to dump my own unwanted bits and pieces in as well...

"Oh shit," I exclaimed, "We've got some work to do."

"I'd forgotten that we'd just piled all my stuff here," said Susie as she walked through the heaps, "We got sidetracked didn't we, when we should have been in here sorting things out."

Susie and I began moving around, rather ineffectually shifting the occasional box from one heap to another until we met in the middle of the room and looked at each other.

"It's not going to look much like a bedroom," I said, "We can just about clear the bed for you but it's going to be a right mess for ages yet."

"Oh well, not to worry," Susie said affably, "Come on then, let's get to work."

For the next half an hour or more we lumped boxes and bags around, eventually clearing some space around the bed even though the rest of the room still looked something like a warehouse. Then we stood, both breathing heavily from our efforts as we considered the scene. Our eyes met - mine apologetic and Susie's looking somewhat concerned but we both managed a weak smile.

"It'll do," she said, "At least I can lie down - now all I need is some pillows and a cover."

"Ahhh, bugger!" I said with feeling, "They're in that cupboard - the one you can't see behind that bloody great pile - oh bloody sod it!"

I stepped across the room to start moving the boxes but Susie reached out and stopped me.

"No Chris - don't bother - you'll get all hot and tired," she said, "Don't you have any spares in your room?"

Quite honestly I didn't think I had but it was worth a look, so we headed across the landing together, finding ourselves wedged together as we both tried to enter my room at once.

"Uhhh!" Susie grunted as the pressure twisted us around and brought us face to face, "Bloody great lump, aren't you!"

But it was really Susie's tits that were the big lump - they stuck out more than the rest of her body and were now squashed against my chest. Smartly diverting her attention from the possible sexual content of our meeting I leaned down and kissed her cheek before twisting away and into my bedroom, hearing Susie chuckling lightly behind me.

I scanned the room, wondering if I kept any spare bedding in any drawer or cupboard; then remembering a spare blanket in a bottom drawer.

"Ah, got it!" I said as I pulled the drawer open and dragged the blanket out, "Here we go."

But the blanket was thin and seemed quite small and there was only the one and even a search through every drawer and cupboard failed to produce more bedding. All else that I could offer her was one of my pillows which she hugged to herself, her nose wrinkling as the miasmic vapours of my body arose from the pillow.

"Dunno what else to do," I said somewhat ineffectually, "I'm a bit stuck - everything else is in that cupboard in your room."

"Don't worry - I'll be ok," said Susie as she yawned, "I definitely don't feel like shifting all that stuff again at this time of night."

"Ok - you sure?" I asked, because one meagre blanket wasn't much but Susie nodded.

"I'll manage," she said as she eyed my much more substantial double bed and duvet, "I'm used to it anyway."

"Eh?" I said, stopped in my tracks by her statement, "You're used to it? What the...?"

"He'd often pinch all the bedding," she mumbled, "And then I'd end up with just my dressing gown over me so don't worry about me, I'll be fine."

"No way!" I exclaimed, suddenly spurred into decisive action, "I'm not letting you sleep like that. No - you sleep in here, you share with me."

Susie's head did one of those sudden twists - a double take as my unexpected words sank in.

"What - with you?" she said and I nodded.

"If you think I'm going to sleep with just that little blanket you're wrong and I shouldn't even have suggested that you could," I said, "No - you sleep here - there's room. And I don't hog all the duvet either!"

There was a sudden flurry of activity as Susie flung the pillow and blanket down and threw herself at me, her arms wrapping themselves around me, her delicious tits squashing against my chest, her hot lips fast against mine. For a few moments I wondered if she intended to rape me before she pulled back and stood beside me, panting quickly, her eyes all excited and glittering.

"Oh Chris - you're such a darling," she said, her voice almost glowing with warmth, "Don would never, not ever have said that sort of thing."

"I'm just trying to be nice," I said as my mind remembered the delicious feelings of her embrace, "We'll manage...come on, let's get on with it - I'm tired now."

It had been a busy and long day and with the emotion as well it had been tiring, probably for both of us.

Susie left me to go and find her night attire from her bundles of clothes in the spare room while I began to undress - and I was actually pushing my boxers down my legs when it sank in...not only was there my sister around but I slept naked!

"Oh fuck!" I exclaimed as I quickly pulled my boxers back up, snagging my balls uncomfortably against the seam, "Damn - now what?"

I'd have to keep them on. It would feel strange after my freedom but what else to do?

Then I was snapped from my concerns as Susie re-entered the room and I felt my jaw dropping as I saw her.

She was clad in what could only be described as her great-granny's nightgown - a heavy object of clothing that fell almost to the floor and which covered her far more than her normal daytime attire did. I gaped at her in shock.

"What the hell's that thing?" I asked as Susie stood there with her head bowed, "That's horrible!"

"It's what he made me wear when I was out of service - you know, when I had my periods," she said, hardly looking up, "And yes, it is horrible - it's all hot and scratchy too."

"But why the hell are you wearing it now?" I said, finding it hard to even speak.

"It's all I've got - Don cut all my nighties up; I found the bits in the bin - I forgot to mention that," said Susie, looking not a little embarrassed.

"Get it off!" I said firmly, "I'm not having you wear that thing in my bed!"

"But - but..." spluttered Susie.

"Get it off I said," I affirmed adamantly, "Just do it!"

I was annoyed right now - he had no right to make Susie wear that garment and I was annoyed both at him for insisting and at her for giving in. I was so annoyed that I just didn't think of the consequences.

"Yes Chris, I'm sorry, I'm sorry," said Susie contritely, her eyes wet once more and with that she sort of shrugged, reached downwards, grasped the material and lifted it up and over her head.

"Oh fuck - wow! I mean oh Christ, I'm sorry Susie!" I exclaimed, feeling heat rising rapidly - to my cheeks and to my cock...because now Susie stood there in just her little panties, her eyes closed.

"Oh God no!" I sighed, feeling my penis rising and filling and rising even more, "Bloody hell Susie - I'm so sorry; I didn't expect that!"

"So I see!" she answered, "So is it ok if I sleep like this then?"

"Umm, uhhh yesss, I guesssss," I said, my eyes taking in all her delicious attributes.

She looked so damn desirable as she just stood there with her hands by her sides. Her slim long legs were together, the divide between them leading my eyes directly upwards to her groin and her little panties wherein a small patch of pubic hair was discernable; then upwards over her flat tummy to her navel with a small gold belly bar; then up further to her incredible mammaries, her twin handfuls of breasts that hung there quivering, rising and falling - and oh God - she had a small ring through one nipple!

My cock jerked hard and insistently as my eyes locked onto her breast and it needed quite an effort to tear my eyes away from that erotic vision.

Somehow I managed to look at her face, to see a quizzical look on it, one that was nowhere near as downcast as before. Somehow I managed to close my mouth before I drooled everywhere...

"So - what are you thinking?" Susie said, her mouth smiling, "Am I as rough as Don used to say I was?"

"Ruff? Ruff alright! Ruff, ruff!" I answered, feeling things quickly climbing out of control, "I feel like a fuckin' dog in heat! You're...you're indecent - you're fuckin' lovely!"

"So you kind of fancy me do you?" said Susie, her voice soft and beguiling, "I think part of you does, that's for sure!"

"Oh no!" I groaned, my hand automatically falling to cover my erection, "I'm sorry Susie - I can't help it."

But Susie seemed to have changed from a downcast waif into a much more aggressive creature; suddenly she was licking her lips while her eyes were glittering with something akin to her own lust.

"Why on earth should I mind?" she asked as she rotated her shoulders, causing her breasts to rise and sway, "I'd feel proud to share a bed with such a lovely big hard-on!"

She turned around, pulled back the duvet and sat on the bed, her hands sliding up and down her smooth sleek thighs.

"Aren't you going to share it with me?" she said, her voice all husky and exciting.

I was gasping like a fish out of water now, unable to form lucid thoughts.

"What, what the hell are you up to?" I succeeded in saying eventually but Susie continued to look entirely fuckable.

"Don't you want me then?" she breathed, "I think you do, don't you!"

"Yeah, but...but..." I spluttered.

"I just think it would be nice," said Susie, her face all smiles now, "Don always demanded sex; he was always nasty about it - but you - you've been so lovely and kind...and what you've got down there looks absolutely delicious!"

I had to glance down; it was an automatic response but I saw only my hand covering my throbbing erection - well, most of it because I'd missed covering the bell end of my cock which was protruding above my waistband!

"Ahhh!" I groaned as I did my best to cover myself further, "Oh Susie, no, I'm so sorry - it was an accident!"

"No don't!" she exclaimed as I hid my penis from her gaze, "Oh Chris, I was enjoying that! And that's no accident - that looks perfect!"

"Yeah, but you're not supposed to see it," I said, my eyes still roving over her charms, "I'm your brother."

"Mmmm, and you're a brother I ought to get to know a whole lot better," said Susie as she stood up, "Wouldn't you like to find out more about me too?"

As she spoke her hands moved to her hips and with a fluidly graceful movement she slid her little knickers down and stepped out of them to stand there entirely naked before me.

If my cock had been hard before then it was like rock now and sudden spasmodic surges kept jerking my groin, thrusting my cock hard against my hand.

"Oh God Susie, we're not supposed to..." I said, unable to move or drag my eyes from her adorable body, "Its incest...!"

"Is it?" she said, sounding all young and childishly innocent, "So you're really imagining us having sex together are you?"

"Oh fuck!" I squeaked, "I dunno - I don't know what I'm doing!"

"Well how about you coming over here and keeping me company," Susie said as she sat back on the bed.

Then, with an easy grace she slid under the duvet before lifting it up to show me her reclining body.

"Come on then, don't you need to lie down?" she breathed seductively, "I feel all lonely here by myself."

I made one last attempt at declining her delicious offer.

"But why?" I said, entirely inadequately.

"Oh Chris - because of so many things," Susie said, "Cos I love you, cos you need me and cos I want you."

Susie sat up, her big luscious breasts resting on the duvet.

"I used to let Don screw me but I hated it and anyway he was useless, to be honest," she said, "But I want you to love me; I don't just want to let you use me like he did - I want you to make love to me and I want to enjoy it too."

"But...but...but..." I spluttered uselessly, "It's wrong!"

"Oh shut up Chris - who's to know?" Susie answered, interrupting my stumbling words, "You've been so nice to me and now I want to be nice to you."

Her eyes now sparkled with excitement.

"Anyway, I think I'll enjoy that thing of yours a lot more than I did Don's!" she added.

Her hands reached out to me, imploring me to join her and I found myself stepping forward closer to the bed as if sleepwalking.

"Hold my hands," said Susie, her fingers writhing and pleading, "Please, just touch me; let me touch you!"

Her moving fingers were within inches of my cupped groin now and somehow one of my hands lifted and found hers, our fingers intertwining.

"Oooh that's better," said Susie softly, "And the other one please, pretty please!"

Almost without my brain understanding, my other hand lifted away from my erection and met her fingers, the touch sending a shuddering shock through my body.

"Ohhhh Chris - thank you," said Susie as her hands grasped and pulled at mine, "Please Chris, come to me now!"

With another stumbling step forward I was within inches of the bed and Susie's hands released mine now; one to snake around my hip - and the other to softly stroke the exposed end of my straining penis.

"Ahhh, no, no," I said as her warm fingers pushed my boxers down further and began moving languidly up and down my shaft, "Please don't - you mustn't!"

"Oh I must!" groaned Susie as her fingers closed tight around my penis, "That feels so lovely - I can't wait!"

Apart from the inches that were rock hard, I was putty soft in her hands as she pulled me towards her and almost before I knew it my boxers were falling around my ankles and her hand was around my naked cock. I knew for certain now that we'd end up making love; there was no way that I could back out now - no way did I want to either!

"But, but what's come over you?" I said, my breathing unsteady now as her hand stroked me, "You were never like this before?"

"No - I was repressed by Don - I always wanted to make love, to really enjoy our sex - but he never let me. He just fucked me with no feeling, no love or anything," said Susie, her thumb doing thrilling things to my knob, "But I know that with you it'll be different; so much better and so loving too."

Briefly Susie let go of me but only to throw back the duvet; then her hands were back, pulling me towards her with renewed energy it seemed. I was entirely exposed to her now, as she was to me - her hips were lifting her pussy up to me as if to invite my penis. Pussy lips that looked flushed and excited, hot and ready, just like my cock!

And my cock wasn't just ready, it was straining to enjoy some pleasure, the tip already moistened by a slippery bubble of precum that Susie now spread around.

"He's so big," she breathed, "And so hot - oh Chris - I want you so much!"

"It's not big!" I managed to reply as I surveyed my seven inches, "Average or a tad bigger I think, that's all."

"It's huge to me!" said Susie, "And I'll tell you something else...Don was tiny and I mean tiny! He was only about four inches even when he was all hard - and once he'd shot off he almost disappeared!"

Suddenly Susie was laughing and smiling broadly as the truth was released - suddenly she seemed to unwind as she let slip that last hidden secret.

With strong arms she pulled hard at me, so much so that I found myself lying beside her almost before I could respond. But I did at least manage to ask one more question.

"Is that why he was so much in charge, do you think?" I said as Susie's hand began stroking my cock again, "Because he was so inadequate elsewhere?"

"Must have been," said Susie as her hand lifted mine up to her breast, "Because if anyone was a failure it was him, not me. Out of bed he was in charge but once he'd fucked me he was useless - he couldn't even manage to cum twice in a row."

"Ah - now that I can do!" I boasted brightly, "May take a bit longer the second time around but..."

"Oooh Chris yesss," said Susie, her hand squeezing mine over her nipple, "I might even make you do it three times!"

"Oh what!" I exclaimed, a useless objection considering our current situation!

Susie, now that she had me horizontal, suddenly seemed to have six hands - they were everywhere. She'd managed to pull me towards her into a tight mouth-to-mouth embrace, she'd slid back my foreskin, she'd pulled my hips close to hers, she was massaging my buttock and she was tweaking my nipples - all at once it seemed!

"Mmmmm," she hummed as we kissed, her busy tongue exploring my mouth, "Ooooh Chris - you're going to feel so bloody good!"

A moment or two later and Susie was up on top of me, her luscious body sliding easily over my hips, her hot and heavy breasts spreading over my chest, her pussy rubbing energetically against my erection.

"Ooh Chris - this is going to feel incredible!" she breathed, her hot slippery wet lips sliding up and down over my penis, "Ahhhh - oh God, that felt so good!"

My knob had slithered in her wet cleft and I'd felt the firmness of her clit catch against my tip, bringing forth her gasp of pleasure. But the pleasure wasn't all hers - I was so hard it felt painful; so ready to make love to her that it twisted my mind; so much in love with her body that all thoughts of the illicit nature of our act were pushed aside.

All I wanted right now was for us to be united, my penis embedded into her very core.

And Susie was about to make that happen as she raised herself upright above me, her hands now on my thighs behind her to push her body higher. And then, poised above me with her quivering tits thrust forward, one hand grasped my cock and held it in position while she lowered herself onto me.

"Ohhhhhh yesssss," she sighed as her warm slipperiness made contact with my penis, "Oooooh Chrisssss, yessss!"

"Yesss lover," I replied urgently, "Take it easy - don't hurt yourself."

"No way is it going to hurt," said Susie as she pressed down a little more, "I'm so wet - so ready - oh God, this is what I wanted!"

"What, me?" I asked, not a little surprised, but Susie shook her head quickly.

"No - I wanted to be on top - to be in control - to do the fucking!" she said as her lips surrounded my knob, "I never could with Don - he never let me. And the fact that it's you underneath me makes it all the more exciting."

Another long sigh of contentment left her speechless as her body slid down around my penis. I felt the delicious tight slippery softness of her vagina around me and the warm firmness of her inner being around my sensitive tip. And then I was fully embedded with Susie's soft comfy ass pressed heavily against my thighs.

"Ohhhh Chrissss," she moaned sweetly, "You're the best brother anyone could ever want!"

I felt a huge shudder pass through me as the core of her vagina clamped around my knob, for all the world as if her innermost parts had kissed my cock and my hips jerked upwards with a sudden and spasmodic motion that caused Susie to moan again.

"Ohhhh yessss," she hissed, "You're right in there - I'm so bloody full - it's lovely, so fucking lovely!"

But I wasn't so concerned about how lovely it was for her or how full she was - all I knew was that I was in heaven! Long months had passed since I'd enjoyed the delights of a woman; long months during which time I'd had to put up with my fist to drag my essence from my cock, but now my drought was ended and in the most unexpected way.

But this was my sister who was riding me; who was caressing and grinding at my penis. I wanted to tell her to get off; to stop all this nonsense; to behave herself but I couldn't - it was far too exciting and sexy to stop her now because my conscience had long since deserted me and my cock had taken over control!

It was my cock that was making my hips push upwards, it was my cock that was searching for her erotic places, her quasi-mythical G-spot, it was my cock that seemed to be growing and enlarging inside her. It was certainly my cock that was causing Susie to moan and whimper with exciting delight - my cock whose nerve endings were being stimulated beyond my control.

"Oh fuck," I groaned, "Christ, I never knew...never thought we'd do this."

"Nor did I," replied Susie as she settled into a nice bouncy rhythm, "I guess I always thought about it but it was never going to happen - but then oh ahhhh, oh yesss, oh it's happening, thank God!"

Her body was all action now; her vagina was so busy around me; her hands were clawing my chest; her own chest was rising and falling as her breathing increased. Her face was flushed now, not with tears but with sexual arousal; not with sadness but with extreme happiness.

I managed to control my hands long enough to reach up and grasp her sweet hard nipples, each of which seemed to be connected directly to her pussy, especially the one with the little ring though the firm nub of flesh. My first touch sent Susie jerking even more wildly; my first squeeze sent a convulsive spasm through her pussy and when I pulled at her nipples she howled with frantic delight.

"Oooh Chris - do that - more - more!" she moaned, "harder - hard...ahhhhh, yessss! Oh my God!"

Susie was losing control of her body; she thrashed and jumped around so much that I had to let go of her nipples and hold her hips instead. Her talons were raking my chest as she began to climax and I swear that if she had teeth inside her vagina she'd have bitten off my cock, such was the pressure she applied. A sweaty glow appeared on her breasts and face and her mouth had gaped open - all the better to take in as much oxygen as her hard-working muscles needed. Susie may have been in control of the fuck but she'd lost it now as her orgasm scrambled everything inside her.

"Oh Chr...Chris - fuck - yess - cumming, oh wow!" she spluttered, her words only just making sense, "It's coming, coming -ahhhh - ahhhh - oh my God!"

She was entirely out of it now; her mind and body completely attuned to her orgasm - even her thighs were squeezing me hard, as hard as her pussy seemed to be working at my cock, as hard as her lungs were working too. But she looked radiant - glowing with powerful healthy energy. Her eyes were closed but her face told me how much she was enjoying herself - how much she'd needed this release perhaps.

And then she was flopping downwards suddenly, her buttocks now resting comfortably upon me, her hands on my chest merely supporting her as she leaned forward over me, her whole body twitching from time to time. I put my hands under her shoulders and supported her weight to allow her to slump down until her lovely breasts were squashed between us, her face alongside mine, all hot and sweaty. We lay there for long moments as my cock languidly moved inside her, my hips rising and falling slowly as I let her down from her plateau.

And then she was lifting her head and smiling at me; a huge contented smile while her eyes glittered with tears and happiness.

"Oh fuck, that was incredible!" she said between breaths, "That was so bloody good!"

She kissed me and I naturally responded, our lips sliding softly together, our tongues gently exploring each other, our shared breaths warm and loving.

"I never thought this would happen," I said again once our lips had parted, "And do you know what - when you first phoned me you kept on saying that you were a failure, didn't you?"

"Yeah, I was - that's what I felt like," Susie answered, "But I feel so much better now."

"You certainly didn't fail at making love, did you?" I said cheekily, "I think you quite enjoyed that!"

"Bloody right I did!" Susie answered, giving me another warm kiss, "Oh Chris - and you were so much better than Don! You were so much bigger too - you still are, aren't you?"

I jerked my erection inside her and Susie's eyes flashed at me.

"Hey - you didn't come, did you," she said, "I think we'd better get that sorted!"

And then she was lifting herself off me, my sticky cock sliding reluctantly from her steaming pussy as Susie backed down the bed. Her hands grasped my penis, holding it upright, caressing my knob and smoothing my stem deliciously.

"Shiii...!" I began as her actions thrilled me but Susie stopped me.

"You've got such a lovely cock," she said softly, her breath gushing over my penis, "Let me try and finish you off."

It was my turn to say "Ahhhhhh" as her mouth descended over my knob and her tongue began to slide around the edge - then I gasped anew as her mouth allowed my penis to slide deep inside.

"Hooooooo yeahhh!" I moaned as my knob rubbed against the back of her mouth, "Oooh Susie - careful!"

"What's up?" she asked, her mouth lifting off my cock, "Didn't hurt you, did I?"

"No - no, you'll just make me come," I moaned - a comment that got Susie laughing aloud.

"What the hell do you think I want?" she asked, "I want you to come - I want to taste you; all of you!"

Instantly she ducked back down again, her warm sensual lips sliding over my heated flesh as her hand began to rub up and down my shaft. Immediately her wicked actions caused my penis to strain and jump, my hips pushing my erection eagerly into her mouth. Steadily, despite my jerky actions, she worked on, building up a quickening dual rhythm with her hand and her lips, every so often changing the theme as a session drummer might. The underlying tempo remained there while an interwoven love theme seemed to play on my senses, building up the tension and the excitement.

"Ooooh Susie," I moaned, "You're bloody good at that; you're wicked - I'm not going to last long."

"I know - I know! Come when you're ready," said Susie, her exhaled breath blowing over my sensitive flesh, "I want you - every bit of you!"

It was too late now to say much more - my body was speaking for me as my hips twitched and shuddered and rose suddenly - all signs of my impending explosion. My breathing had become ragged and quick, my heart was pounding, my hands were gripping the duvet tight as I neared my final moments.

And then, as Susie once more let my cock slip right to the back of her mouth, my control broke.

"Ahhh fuuuck!" I groaned, "Here it comes!"

"Yes, yes, yes!" Susie cried quickly, her words stilled suddenly as her mouth clamped around my frantic pulsating cock again.

"Yes, yes, yessss!" I hissed as I reached my critical level of excitement and my storage tubes contracted.

"Uuuuhhh!" I grunted as powerful signals from the muscles at the base of my penis caused vigorous contractions to drive the semen out of my penis, time and again - wave after wave.

"Ummmmm!" cried Susie as her mouth was flooded with my exudates, powerfully pumped from my cock.

"Fuuuuck!" I cried as my pleasure peaked; as the last wave of cum flowed from me, "Oooh Geeez!"

For a few moments all was quiet now. Only the sounds of my tormented breathing and of Susie's lips sucking softly at my penis could be heard; then I emptied my lungs out in one long breath.

"Ooooooohh, bloody hell Susie, that was incredible!" I said, now panting deeply, "That was just wicked!"

Susie lifted her head from my groin and looked up my body at me, her eyes now sparkling and her cherry-red lips shiny and wet.

"Was, wasn't it!" she exclaimed happily, "That was wonderful - I loved doing that."

Her finger slid over her lips before she sucked it, gathering any escaped remnants of cum - then she blew me a kiss.

"Thank you Chris, you were delicious!" she said happily.

I reached down and pulled her away from my cock and upwards over me until she was lying on top of me again, our warm bodies comfortably together. I pulled her lips to mine and kissed her, loving how smooth and slippery her lips were and how the taste of our juices added a new flavour to our kisses. We hummed together, a united and happy sound, both of us now content and at peace.

Eventually Susie raised her head from mine and looked at me, a look of intense love seeming to glow in her eyes.

"Do you know what? That wasn't the first blow job I've ever given but I don't remember when I last enjoyed one so much," she said, "I used to be quite good but then Don spoiled it for me."

"How d'you mean?" I asked as I held Susie's lovely body to mine.

"I didn't blow him - he'd just rub himself until he was ready, then he'd stick his cock in my mouth and just come - it was horrible really," she admitted, then she sniggered.

"Actually it was quite funny," she said, a small smile on her face, "He'd only squirt a few drops then he was done...not like you!"

I felt a glow of satisfaction suffuse me as Susie continued.

"No, he wasn't much good in bed," she said, "You're so much better already - in every way!"

"Yeah, I thought it was you who was the failure; that's what you said in the first place," I reminded her, "But then you told me it was him actually."

"Now I've cooled down a bit I can see that as well," said Susie, "When I was with him he kept making me feel useless but I'm not so sure now."

"Well, if that performance was anything to go by then you're far from useless!" I said, feeling my penis start to recover beneath Susie's slippery pussy.

"Takes two," replied Susie, her ass beginning to wriggle around on my rising penis, "And speaking of two, are you up for another round?"

My cock spoke for me by stiffening considerably between us, aided by Susie sliding her wet slit up and down his length but I still had a question.

"Hey Susie, I suppose you remember that we're brother and sister?" I said, my 'proper' mind rising to the fore for a moment, "And that we're not supposed to be doing this?"

"Well, I'm not complaining, that's for sure," she said, "Tell you what - let's worry about that in the morning! After I've had another lovely ride, that is!"

With that she lifted herself, then grasped my erection and slotted it into place, before lowering herself again, her hot sexy slippery pussy accepting my length comfortably.

"Tell you what," she said, as she dangled her tits above my face, "I'll let you call me a failure if I don't get you to come! And this time you're gonna come inside me, where you belong!"

Who was I to argue with that, especially when there was a lovely woman rising and falling on my cock once more! She may have been my sister and we were committing incest but so what! Anyway, I was only doing what any good brother was doing - helping my sister to feel better after the failure of her marriage!