
A Son Forced Pt. 01


All characters in this story are over 18


Jason awoke with the sound of the last handcuff tightening around his wrist. Gagging as his 40-year-old mother stuffed her panties into Jason's mouth. Jason's muffled pleas went unnoticed for the life of him. Jason can't figure out why his own mother is about rape him for the lack of a better word.

For the past three years Jason had known what was going on between his mother, father, and sister. Only a blind and deaf man could only miss what they were up to. Yet he never said a word, why well, they're his family, and Jason didn't really care what they did any more.

Why should he they practically been ignoring that he even existed since Jason was 15. That was when it all started between the three of them. Jason's father always wanted a son that was out going and fit like he was. However, he didn't get the kind of son he so hoped for. Ever since Jason read 20,000 leagues under the sea when he was eight. Jason knew what he wanted to do with his life. So instead of focusing on what his father wanted him to be. Jason hit the books literally studying works from Shakespeare, to Steven King all before the age of ten.

Studying the art form of what he would eventually become eight short years later. While granted his first novel wasn't what Jason genuinely wanted to write. "Yet one most go where the cash flow is," Jason told himself when he submitted his work to an agent. Granted not under his own name of course. Nevertheless, Jason was truly shocked when his agent accepted the story he had submitted; since then Jason can honestly say he was the only teenager with $250,000 bank account that he used for his work.

Of course, his family doesn't know anything about this, which is the way Jason like it. Whom he tended to keep in the dark as long as possible about what he did. Jason knew for a few month's now that his mother and sister were fans of my work. Given the numerous volumes of his novels scattered around their rooms. Plus, the fan mail he had received from them didn't add to anything to what he already knew. That was until one fateful day when his agent showed up at the front door of their home.

"Yes?!" Jason heard as his mother answered the door. Standing as 5' 8" and a little over six feet if she was wearing her the heels she wore with her suit, when she went into her law office along with his father. Her raven hair pulled back in a tight ponytail. She didn't like to wear a bra when she was home. The taut t-shirt allowed anyone to see every detail of her still firm breasts. Her blue jeans contoured to her pear-shaped ass, and her toned legs. Jason grew up being intimidated by her, when he was in trouble it only brought out the lawyer in her. That in of itself should, and rightly so give anyone pause. Was Jason attracted to his mother? Not one bit, true she was attractive if he went off what his overly horny friends would say about her. Jason loved his mother as any son would, yet the distance grew between them as the years went on.

Jason didn't really look at her in a sexual manner. He wasn't about to get mixed up in the drama that was enfolding around the other members of his family. Jason had enough on his plate at the time than to deal with that. He had already been excepted into the college in town to get his English degree. Jason could hear his father's words now rattling around in his head.

"Boy you're never going to make any money with that," his father said constantly ever since Jason made up his mind. Little did he know that Jason was already monetarily set even before he told the family. Jason just smirked at him as he continued on with his rant.

"Yes, I'm looking for a Jason Windham," his agent said looking over Jason's mother as she held the door open.

"Jason!" Jason's mother yelled from the entrance way. "Jason come down here now!" Jason's heart raced as his scrawny leg's carried him down the hall, it wasn't like his mother to yell from across the house. Fear crept up his spine, going through everything he had done, yet Jason couldn't find anything that would cause his mother to raise her voice. Once he got to the door blowing out a sigh of relief as Jason caught sight of Jacklyn his agent.

"Oh, hi Ms. Evens," Jason said, smiling broadly as he caught sight of those gorgeous green eyes. All the while his hormone driven mind could say, "Man I so want that!"

"Jason you know this woman?" his mother turned towards him with a skeptical look.

"Yes," Jason said nodding his head trying to catch a view of her bosom.

"Then who is she?" His mother asked placing a hand on her hip giving Jason that look he knew all too well. It was the same look she always had when Jason was in trouble.

"I'm his agent," Ms. Evens said coming to his rescue. How Jason adored her at that moment.

"Agent? Jason why on earth would you need an agent?" His mother asked ushering Jacklyn in. Jason said nothing simply ignoring his mother like they had done with him all those years. There was someone far more important before Jason that held his interest.

"Because I do," Jason simply said leading Jacklyn into the living room. After the customary greetings and what not Jacklyn finally got to why she had flown down from New York. The look his mother had as she stood behind the couch it was priceless to Jason. Yet Jason knew he was going to pay for it once his guest was gone.

"Well, seeing how you are still in school and unable to come to our office to sign the contract for the five books."

"Books? Jason is she trying to say that you're some kind of author," Jason's mother laughed in disbelief.

"Why yes he is, he's one of our best and quite successful," Jacklyn said, looking over her shoulder glaring at his mother. Coming to Jason's rescue once again he was so falling in love with this woman. "Now I know we talked about waiting till next year to release your book. Yet we and the publisher have already gotten 100,000 preorders." Jason didn't hide the wicked smile he had when his mother's jaw dropped. Jason was quite certain Jacklyn said all this just to irk his mother which was working to his amusement. "We were thinking if you're okay with it we'd release it either in late spring or early summer," she said smiling proudly with a sparkle of mischief in her eyes.

"Sure, you know me Jacklyn, I'm sure my fans would like that," Jason said, looking straight at his mother giving her a knowing smile.

"Great," Jacklyn said, pulling out a check for the early release. "Now I have the contract right here," she said, sliding it across the coffee table.

"Let me see that!" his mother said snatching it off the wooden surface before Jason could get to it. Anger burned through his veins as she flipped the papers. "Kevin Sol why do I know that name?!" her hazel eyes flew wide as the realization struck her. "No! You can't simply be him not him," her eyes raking Jason over as he held out his hand. Not bothering to hide his devilish smile knowing full well what his words did to her.

"What's wrong Mara? I thought you and Jack," Jason said looking up at her. Jason hadn't called them mom or dad since he was fifteen. "Wasn't your and father's words to me that I would never be able to make money off my degree. Yet here we are not even in college and yet one of the best romance authors in the country." Snatching the contract out of her hand as she just stood there dumbfounded. Giving his own look through the contract Jason had with Jacklyn's firm. As his signature graced the dotted line Jason's father and sister walked through the door.

"What's going on here?" Jack asked which Jason promptly ignored his question. Knowing full well what he and Margret had been doing before they got home. Jason made damn sure they weren't ever going to take this away from him.

"There you go Jacklyn," Jason said sliding the signed contract to her.

"I know it's only a formality," Jacklyn said, pushing a void blank check across the table in full view of his parents. Again, Jason knew this was for his benefit how his heart fluttered. Jason's eyes quickly glanced over at them noticing their shock and flabbergasted looks. Jacklyn pulled out her phone dialing the accounting department of her firm. Giving them the authentication number before handing Jason her phone.

"Is this Mr. Windham," said a high-pitched woman as her voice came over the line.

"This is he," Jason said noting his father's growing frustration being ignored. Which thankfully he didn't have to endure it as his mother pulled them into the kitchen.

"I'm transferring the funds into your account as we speak," the quick chirp of his phone vibrated in Jason's pocket. Opening his e-mail clicking on the link to his bank account. "To confirm the money has been transferred, yes?"

"Yes, it has," Jason said with a satisfied smile.

"Thank you," she said with a pleased voice. "Oh and, I just love your books," she said in a whisper.

"Awe, thank you, always a pleasure speaking with a fan," Jason said before ending the call. "I'll walk you to your car," he said handing back her phone as she rose.

"That's some family you have," Jacklyn said as she opened the driver side door of her rental car.

"You have no idea."

"Listen I know you're going to college in the fall," Jacklyn said her eyes running down Jason's body. "Why don't you come up to New York for a couple of weeks during the summer. I can show you around the office and help you met some fantasy agents. I know that's what you been working towards, I just hope you keep writing romance, so we can keep working together," Jacklyn said with a seductive smile.

"Most definitely," Jason said matching her smile. Waving as she pulled out leaving Jason alone with his family. Looking over his shoulder Mara stood in the doorway her index finger beckoning Jason to her. "Crap!" Jason muttered wishing he had gone with Jacklyn.

"We need to talk!" Mara growled taking Jason by the arm dragging him into the dining room. Jason's father and sister already sat at the table sharing their own sexual banter. Rolling his eyes at their attempts to hide the fact from him. Pushing Jason into the chair three pairs of eyes burning holes into Jason's body. "What do you have to say for yourself?" Mara asked after a few moments of awkward silence.

"About," Jason said drawing out the word.

"Don't play stupid boy you know damn well what!" Jack barked his brow wrinkling in anger. His salt and pepper hair coming undone from his comb over.

"Why didn't you tell us that you were this famous author?" Margret asked in awe.

"Well! We haven't got all night!" Mara said furiously as she leaned on the table.

"Why do you all have somewhere to be?" Jason asked tilting his head. Pleased at their shared looks knowing he had put them the defensive.

"Don't get smart with me Jason," Mara said taking charge of the situation. Blowing out a breath knowing her anger was getting the best of her. "Jason," she said in a calm tone sinking into the chair next to her husband. "We are simply curious as to why you never mentioned this us before. Is this why you told us about what you're going to college for?"

"Is there a reason I should have? And yes, it is as a matter-of-fact." Edgar to be done with this conversation so he could get back to work.

"Jason we're a family this was so important. That you should have told us, so we could celebrate this achievement in your life. We still would like to," Mara said smiling warmly at him.

"Since when Mara for past three years each one of you have practically ignored the fact that I lived here. Why should I tell you a damn thing when that," Jason said nodding towards his father, "has constantly belittled me for not being so like him? When I have reached heights, he couldn't even grasp at the age of 18. So, tell me why I should share my private life with you, do you share yours with me," Jason said arching an eyebrow hinting that he knew their dirty little secret.

"Jason please don't talk like that," Mara said nervously glancing at her husband.

"Like what Mara," his anger rising after years of neglect bubbling to the surface. "If Jacklyn hadn't shown up here today, seeing the amount I earn and hearing the popularity of my work. Don't pretend to deny it I know you saw my check. None of you would ever know it was I that authored those books. Now are we done here I have work to do," Jason asked rising from his chair none of them said a word his guessed they were too caught off guard to speak. Given they thought he was simply a pushover, how little did his family know the true man that lay beneath the surface. Mara simply nodded unable to say a word as Jason headed towards his room.

"Do you think he knows?" Margret asked in a low whisper.

"Of course, I know I'm not an idiot as much as you all would like to think," Jason said sticking his head into dining room. Their startled looks were so priceless to him, Jason just couldn't contain his chuckle. "I'm going out for dinner don't bother waiting up for me. Wouldn't want to disrupt whatever the three of you do when I'm not here," Jason said leaving them all red faced. "Finally, some payback after all these years," Jason said to himself. Closing his door as Jason stripping off his shirt looking down at his scrawny chest. Shrugging his shoulders knowing that he can work out to his heart's content once he had moved out. However, at that point in his life Jason was simply more focused on making enough money before he graduated. Jason had planned on moving out once his days of high school were over. Yet with Jacklyn's invitation to New York moving out was put on hold for the moment.

"Jason!" Mara called out he could hear her anger filled footfalls halfway across the house. "Jason! Answer me damn it!" Jason heard her footsteps on the stairs his stomach began to fall.

"What! I'm changing," Jason called out hearing her marching down the hall. Mara burst into her son's room as his pants rose above his knees. Jason failed to see the slap coming before it was too late. Instinctively, dropping his pants the pain in my lip from the cut Mara's ring gave him was more paramount the sting of my cheek.

"Jason, I'm sorry," Mara said apologetically as Jason's blood ran down his chin. His brain began work again telling me him was nude in front of my mother. Hastily pulling up his pants ignoring the fact that his blood was saturating into the hard wood floor. Mara didn't miss that fact either her eyes running over Jason's naked cock. "I didn't mean to do that," she said taking a Kleenex from the box on his desk. Jason pulled back as Mara tried to clean his wound. "Here," Mara said tearing up which was odd to Jason. It wasn't the first time she had slapped him or was it the fact that he pulled away from her. Jason stared confused by her actions as she walked towards my door. "Please," she said stopping in the doorway. "Don't go out alone we would really like to join you for dinner. I know this is a special night for you Jason we only ask that we can join you in it," Mara said looking over her shoulder. The tears Jason saw broke his resolve letting out a long sigh as he relented.

"Fine," Jason said she was still his mother, however much he disliked his own family. "I'm leaving in twenty minutes with or without you." Looking in the mirror above his dresser to see if the blood had stopped.

"We'll be ready," Mara said whipping away her tears.

"Then I suggest you and the others put on something more appropriate for where I'm going," Jason said winching as he pressed the Kleenex back to his lip.

"Why where were you planning to go?!" Mara asked stunned she had thought it be just a simple fast food restaurant.

"The Moor's," Jason said tossing the used Kleenex into the wastebasket. Jason knew he could get a reservation at such a short notice. Yet now it appears Jason needed a bigger table then the one he normally asks for.

"Really!" Mara's eyes lit up at the news. It wasn't a secret that she fancied that restaurant they're the best in town. "Can you wait a little longer so we all can get dolled up?" Mara asked practical begging. Again, which was odd to him this wasn't something his mother normally did.

"Fine but you all only have," Jason said looking over at the clock which read 6:00. "Until 8:30 to be ready I'll make the reservation for nine."

"We'll be ready I'll make sure of it," Mara said as Jason pulled out his S7. Scrolling through his list of contacts till he reached the restaurants number. Not seeing Mara dash from his doorway as Jason hit the send button.

"Hey Marcus, it's Jason, I need to make that a table for four and at nine o'clock if that's possible," Jason almost groaned out load when he said it wasn't a problem. Jason had hoped he could get out of it and just go another night alone like he always did. Hanging up silently cursing to himself defeated that he had to spend the night with his family.

"Hey," Margret said, knocking on my door. "I just want to thank you for allowing us to tag along."

"Huh-uh," Jason said as he dug through his closet for the black dress shirt he liked to wear to The Moor's.

"Don't be like that bro," Margret said silently walking into his room. Jason's body stilled as she pressed her chest against his back. Her B cup breast felt so firm and soft against his skin if that's even possible. Her arms reaching around his waist pulling him close to her. "I just want you to know I've read every single book you have out."

"I know," Jason stammered trying to control his rebellious body. Jason took a dry swallow knowing this was as closest he had ever been to a woman regardless if she was his sister or not.

"Then you know how they make me feel," Margret said in a lustful whisper as her hand moved towards his waistband.

"Margret Ann!" His mother practically yelling out her name. "March that little tight ass of yours into the shower right this instance," Mara said pointing towards the bathroom. "Wait, did she just call her daughter's ass tight?" Jason ask himself sure that he had imagined it. "Sorry Jason, I'll see that she doesn't bother you while you get ready." Jason could only nod this night was already weird as it was, there was no sense adding more to it. Closing the clasp on mother of pearl cufflinks a soft knock came on his door, as the last page of the rough draft of his newest novel left the printer that sat next to his laptop.

"Jason," Mara said slowly inching my door open. "Can I use your shower your father is still in ours, and Margret is taking her time in hers."

"Okay," Jason said barely looking up as he pulled out his desk chair. Taking the stack of papers from the printer, grabbing his red pen knowing it was better to distract his mind while he waited.

"Oh, what do you have there?!" Mara asked as she leaned against Jason's back. Brushing her right cheek against his left cheek as her chin rested on his shoulder. "The Willows?! Is that the one about to come out?" she asked her breath hot in his ear. Draping her right arm over his shoulder then down his chest.

"No," Jason said shakenly wondering what the hell was going on with them, "it's the next one that will be out it's a part of the five books deal I sign this afternoon."

"Is that so," Mara said slyly her left hand rubbing along Jason's thigh. "Is it going to be like all your other ones?" she asked her tongue teasing Jason's earlobe. All Jason could do was nod his head, it would seem all coherent thought left him at that moment. "Will you let me read it?" Jason gulped as her finger circled around his left nipple.

"It's only a rough draft I'll have to edit it first," Jason said daring not to look into those hungry predatory eyes of his mother.

"I can help you with that if you let me," Mara cooed stopping her left hand just before her son's harden member. Feeling the heat of his erection against her skin

"O-okay," Jason stammered like a fool turning to look at his mother. Jason could have sworn that she was going to eat him alive at that moment.

"Good," Mara said squeezing Jason's thigh. Her hand brushing against his sensitive head as she rose causing a soft moan to escape his lips. "Well, I'm going to take my shower shouldn't take too long," she said stretching her arms to the ceiling. Jason could only watch in awe at the rise and fall of her firm perky breast beneath her red silk robe. Mara said nothing knowing where his eyes were lingering, she just simply turned around and sashayed into her son's bathroom shutting the door behind her.

"What the fuck is wrong with these people, and me for getting hard from my own mother?" Jason asked himself as he banged his head against his desk. Yet the answer to his question was not forth coming which only made his growing frustration worse.

As 8:25 flashed on Jason's clock on his night stand glad that enough time had passed to calm his body after his mother left him. Putting the rough draft on top of his laptop turning off his desk lamp as Jason headed towards the stairs. Stepping onto the landing seeing no one waiting. Hanging his head knowing they were always like this. "I should have gone alone like I always do," Jason said to himself.

"Hey if you're coming let's go! I'm hungry!" Jason called up to the second floor.

"We're coming!" Mara said as all three of them filed out of her bedroom. Watching as his mother walked down the stairs in her favorite black gown. True he had seen her wear it many times before, yet this time Jason could not help but see it in a whole new light. The way it showed every curve of her body, the way it swayed as she walked down the stairs. My sister followed in her strapless red dress that looked like it was painted onto her twenty-one-year-old body. Jason fought his mind from giving into those thoughts he had earlier, yet they were not making it easy on him. Jack just came down in an ordinary suit like he wore everybody. Which was fine to Jason, he just wanted to get this night over with. "Jack, honey, why don't you drive this is after all Jason's night," Mara said pulling Jason close.

"That's fine," Jack said taking the Porsche SUV keys from the bowl by the door. "So, son just how much have you made since you started all of this?" his father asked as he started the car.

"Do you honestly want me to answer that Jack?" Jason asked as he buckled himself in.

"Yes, I would like to know how much this little hidden operation of yours has netted you," Jack said turning around in his seat. Looking his son in the eye sincerely worried that his son had blown through all that money. Jack waited as he watched his son pull out a phone he never seen before. Wondering just what his son had been up to, since he has been distracted with other things.

"As of three hours ago $362,000," Jason said in all honesty without bursting into laughter as he put his phone away.

"Your fucking shitting me!" Margret gasped at the figure.

"Margret language," Mara hissed, "that's very impressive Jason," she said winking at me in vanity mirror. "Jack, mouth, drive," Mara said lifting up the visor.

"Oh right." Jason could only smirk at the stunned look his father had. For all his rants about how he wouldn't be anything in this life. It would appear to Jason he is eating crow now, which he found all so pleasing. "So, have you spent any of it?" Jack asked looking at his son in the rearview mirror.

"A little here and there, other than my phone, bills, and food I buy when I don't want to listen your belittlement and repudiations which my royalties cover the rest I let accrue interest," Jason said looking out the window. "Among my other investment's which I'm so not telling you about," Jason said to himself.

"Jason, sweetheart, please don't be like that," Mara said turning around in her seat.

"Why not, it is the truth Mara," Jason said not bothering to look at her. His mind was to jumbled with thoughts he rather not experience again. "Can any one of you honestly say anything would have changed before you found out I was rich?"

"300k doesn't make you rich son," Jack said turning into The Moor's parking lot.

"You think that's all the money I have Jack?!" Jason laughed as he got out of the SUV. He had been planning this for a long time, Jason wasn't about to step out into the world unprepared. His mind was made up along ago the moment he left that house he would never return. No holidays, no birthdays, if there was a funeral Jason would simply stay in a hotel. A clean break from his family that was what Jason was looking forward to with the last few months left of his high school years. "You simply asked how much I have made since I became an author," Jason said before walking towards the entrance to the restaurant. He could feel their gaze burning into his back as the opened the door. Jason wore the biggest grin he ever had at that moment. Knowing that once again he held a secret that proved to them he wasn't what they thought he was.

"Hello Jason," Melody -- the hostess -- beamed at him as he approached her podium. "So, I take it you sold another book," she said smiling, running her finger down the reservation list.

"Hello Melody, yes, yes I did," Jason said as she gathered the menus. Jason's eyes dipping low watching her ass wiggle beneath her tight black skirt as she led them to their table.

"Mandy will be your waitress tonight," Melody said lightly touching Jason's shoulder. "I hope you enjoy your meal," she said more to Jason then the rest of his family.

"I always do," Jason said smiling sweetly up at her. Turning around watching her leave enjoying the view. What hormone driven 18-year-old male wouldn't watch her walk away?

"Jason, eyes front," Mara snapped rolling his eyes turning around in my seat. "Your father and I would like to know what you meant by that wasn't all the money you have?" Stilling his tongue as Mandy approached our table.

"Hello Jason, I take it be the usual tonight?" Mandy asked. Which was normally a fried duck breast in Parmesan crusted bread crumbs, with wild rice on the side with ice tea to drink. Dessert Jason normal went with the cheesecake or the chocolate cream pie.

"That be fine Mandy and a slice of cheesecake," Jason said nodding his order. "Mind if I borrow a pen for a moment?" he asked as she took the other's orders. Quickly writing down the true amount Jason had in all his accounts on the paper napkin. Handing the pen back to her before she left to get their drinks. "Do you really want to know?" Jason asked running his fingers along the folded napkin. All three of them nodded vehemently their answer, dropping the napkin in the middle of the table. Instantly, their jaws dropped when they saw Jason's true net worth of $8.76 million.

"That's just not possible," Jack said in disbelief.

"What you think I've been doing, twiddling my thumbs for the past three years Jack? I've been preparing for the moment I moved out of that house, not that any of you would have noticed my disappearance. So, with the help of Nana she played the market for me, while taking a cut of course," Jason said leaning back smugly. With that he had finally for the last time proven he was better than what they assumed Jason was.

"Wait what do you mean move out?!" Mara said aghast which shocked Jason. "You're not thinking of leaving us?!" Mara asked in a low whisper sorrow playing across her hazel eyes.

"Why yes I am. Once I've return from New York after I graduated. I'm already looking at condos to buy before I start college. Why do you think I've never once asked you to help pay for it? I've already set aside the money for it so once I'm gone I'm won't be coming back," Jason said reaching for his glass.

"But why son?" Jack whispered as Mandy set the bucket of chilled red wine next to the table.

"Must I repeat myself Jack," Jason said looking over the rim of his glass.

"But Jason," Margret reached over lightly touching his hand. "Wouldn't it be better if you stayed with us, so we can work through this."

"You all had three years to do that," Jason said pulling away from her.

"Please Jason, won't you reconsider waiting. I get why you want to go to college for. Your work is already outstanding," Margret said blushing remembering the nights she pleasured herself to his books. "I can only think what it be like once you have your degree," she said smiling warmly at her little brother. When she first heard it from her mother that Kevin Sol was her little brother she just couldn't believe it.

Yet her mother wasn't one to joke about the author that gave them so many orgasms. Ever since his fourth book had come out she had lusted after the author. She knew her mother felt the same way, seeing how they both had played with themselves in the same room as they read the current book each other was on. Now that his secret had been revealed she couldn't wait to play out every sweet dream she had on her brother. This too she knew her mother wanted, given how Mara would scream out his name when Margret was between her legs.

"Margret is right Jason," Mara said reaching beneath the table her hand resting on his knee. "We know you can afford whatever you want to do, and we can't stop you from leaving us," she said her eyes downcast she never knew he hated them so much. She had always thought it was just teenage hormones running wild. Maybe if they hadn't been so caught up with their own escapades she would have noticed it. Yet he never said anything to them she could only think he was only waiting for his chance to flee. "She is right your work is already so outstanding it can only improve once you get your degree. So, go to New York do what you must do there, given what you have done in the past three years. I can only assume you are going there to help advance your growing career," she said, concluding that she would make him stay one way or another.

"It's painfully obvious to me how much you don't like us," Mara said squeezing Jason's knee. "I get that, and we haven't been very good to you. We only have ourselves to blame for that. Can you find it within yourself to think this over some more? Give us a chance to make it up to you," she said. Planting the seed within his mind. So, Jason wouldn't be able to see what she had planned to make him stay. "Jack, don't you have something to say to Jason?"

"Jason I was wrong about everything," Jack said setting down his wine glass. "Obviously, I was and will be a jackass, yet I can't fault you in what you have achieved. Your right you have done more things then even I have ever dreamed about when I was your age. The planning you already put in place about your future only shows me my son has grown into a fine adult without me even realizing it," he said studying Jason's puzzled look.

"This is just too weird," Jason said getting up from his seat heading to the bathroom. Something was wrong with them and it wasn't about the money. That only caught them off guard which was understandable, how would you react when your own son told you he was a millionaire? Walking into the restroom Jason's mind was running through every scenario that he could possibly think of. Trying to figure out what their game was Jason knew they just couldn't just flip the sweet parent switch after three years. Unaware what was taking place back at their table.

"My god Mara, Jason is a millionaire! How the fuck does that shit even happen?!" Jack asked astounded of what of his son has become.

"I don't know Jack!" Mara snapped at her husband who sank in his seat. She was the one that broke him and her daughter now it would appear she was going to have to break her son. Pleasing his Mistress in every way that she deemed important. Mara just didn't think her own son would be her greatest conquest. She would take him willing or not how could she not? Given the numerous times he had made her submit to him. When she thought Kevin Sol was nothing more than a ghost.

"Mommy, I know that look," Margret said with a wicked grin. "Can I play with him once you're done?"

"Of course, dear," Mara said her dominatrix coming out. "How can I not? Given how that boy has toyed with us? Though it may take some time to properly break him in," she said her finger nail clicking on the table. "The boy is to independent, his will as you can see is strong. So, I'll have to put our plan in motion tonight! I will not let that boy leave us not when he's just getting so interesting!" How many months had she thought about pleasing that man that made her squirm in her sheets. When her own husband failed to do so, that was the reason she took her daughter as a lover. To fill the void that her husband constantly failed to fill. Yet as much as she had tamed her daughter's pussy to serve only her and Jack. However, Mara still needed the hot hard throbbing member filling her to her heart's desire.

What she had seen of her son Mara knew he would do very nicely. Peering out of the corner of her eye at her husband, she knew his fifty years were catching up to him. He could no longer preform as he had all those years ago without the aid of a special blue pill. Wondering if her son would soon out place her husband in her sexual desires. A wicked smile formed on her lush lips as she noted the state of their wine bottle.

"No one say a thing to him about this," Mara whispered. "I want him confused and lost for some days after this night to break his will. So that he will come willingly to us," she said matching her daughter's smile.

"Mara, what if it doesn't work?" Jack asked seeing his son exit the restroom.

"It must! Now here's how it's going to play out Jason will drive us home. Which is only right seeing how we all been drinking. Margret, I want you to sit in the middle of the back seat, so he can see everything your father is going to do. Make sure you show him those tits, and that perfect pussy of yours," Mara said her finger stabbing the table. Taking charge as she always did in and out of the bedroom.

"Yes Mistress," Margret said giggling as Jason drew near.

"Jason, honey," Mara said her hand ran down his back pulling him into her. Not letting on she saw the semi-erect penis at her eye level. "Would you mind driving home? I know it's your night, but we seem to have overindulged on this fine wine."

"I kind of figured I would once you ordered it," Jason said keeping my gaze diverted from his mother's chest. Mara made a mental note not to underestimate her son's intelligence. He was far too keen for her liking, yet then again, he wouldn't have become this successful in three years. It was another reason she wanted him. The money was nice if she could propel him to the head of the household. Then they all could live happily, and she would gladly service him every day and night. Along with her subservient slut daughter seeing to his needs just so they all could travel the world. She wasn't about to give her son to another woman not when they alone could relieve his sexual needs.

"Good," Mara said hugging him resting her head against his belt buckle. Smiling to herself feeling the heat of her son's erection against her cheek. "Jack, keys," she said turning to her husband seeing her daughter gaze. Smirking to Margret knowing that Jason wasn't paying them any attention as he stood next to her. "Here you are," Mara said looking up at her son. Accidentally, dropping the keys at her feet pulling up the hem of her gown as he bent down to retrieve the keys, so that only he would see the lavender lace panties she wore that night.

Mara had to contain her mirth as her son looked like a deer caught in the headlights. How her cunt roared as his gaze lingered on her sweet entrance. Biting her lip as she allowed him to view her secret spot. How she longed to take him right there in the middle of the restaurant. The need to make him hers had been scratching at her mind ever since his agent showed up at their door.

"As something caught your eye Jason?" Mara asked smiling seductively at her son. "How adorable, he looks so innocent, not for much longer," she said to herself.

"N-nothing," Jason stammered feeling my cheeks burn. How he hated himself at that moment, what was wrong with him staring at his mother like that. He just wanted to crawl under the table and die at that second, yet Jason just returned to my seat.

"That's a pity," Mara said her tongue flicking against her teeth. Leaning forward her hand running up his forearm, her perfume filling his head with twisted thoughts. "I would love to show it to you." Jason just stared blankly at her. He was sure they all just heard his own mother coming on to him. Yet as Jason looked around the table it appeared like nothing was out of the ordinary. Jason began to wonder was it all in his head. Was he going insane? Did he need to seek professional help? Looking around for Mandy getting her attention that he needed the check.

Jason had to get out of there, had to get away from them so he could figure this all out. Jason's heel rapidly hammered against the floor as Mandy returned with his card. Leaving a large tip like he always did. Jason learned long ago you don't fuck with the people that serve your food. That was just asking for trouble among other things he wouldn't name. Walking towards the car at a quick pace his head down paying no attention to those behind him. That was what got Jason into this trouble in the first place. It was his mother's voice that stopped him in his tracks.

"Jason aren't you going to open the door for your mother?" Mara asked a mischievous light played across her eyes as the wind tugged at her gown. Grumbling silently to himself walking around the car daring not to look at his mother. Knowing it would only led to more twisted thoughts that he wasn't prepared to face. As the passenger door opened Mara moved far too close for Jason's comfort. Her breast pressed into him, Jason's heart hammered against his ribs. Jason knew without a doubt she could feel his erection. However, she said nothing only giving him a kiss on the cheek. "You're a good son," Mara said her hand running down his arm, "I should have told you that long before now," she said her hot breath against his ear sending gooseflesh along Jason's skin. "For that I am truly sorry for everything. I've enjoyed tonight thank you for diner," Mara said her hand brushing along the length of his shaft as she got into the car. Hanging his head wondering why they were fucking with him.

"Fuck! Fuck! Fuck!" Jason muttered as he walked around the rear of the car. Jason was okay with them doing that among themselves. He didn't want anything to do with it, or did he? Was this why Jason was growing to enjoy his mother's touch? Shaking his head, Jason needed to be clear headed for this. She had to have something planned and the flirting was only the beginning. Groaning as he pulled the keys from his pocket, getting into the driver's seat, red lace panties hit the steering wheel. How foolish he was as Jason looked back only inches away from my nose was his sister's freshly shaven pussy her velvety soft lips tempting him. To reach out and taste the honey dew that had gathered along its surface. Her soft moan filled the interior of the SUV as Jason's breath flowed over her superheated sex.

"Jason, what are you looking at?" Mara asked with a concerned look. She watched him look back, but Margret had already returned to her seat and Mara had retrieved her panties. All was going as planned Mara had to stifle her giggle as she watched her son struggle with what just happened.

"It's nothing," Jason said. He was sure that was his sister's cunt that filled his face. He could still smell her, yet as Jason looked back after his mother brought him out of his daze. Margret was sitting comfortably next to their father giving him a worried look. Then there were the panties Jason knew they were real yet there wasn't a trace of them. Blowing out a shallow breath they had to be messing with him. Jason knew he wasn't going insane, or was he?

"Then let's go home," Mara said yawning stretching her arms over her seat dropping her daughter's panties to the floorboard. "You don't mind if I rest my head on you?" she asked as they pulled out of The Moor's parking lot. Winking to her daughter in the mirror telling her to start the show.

"What's wrong with resting against the door like you normally do?" Jason asked trying his best not to look down. Yet as his eyes flickered to the rearview mirror Margret sat bare chested, her fingers pinching her nipples while his father's hand pulled up the hem her dress. "No that can't be right." Jason told himself pulling his gaze away and back to the road.

"Why should I," Mara said batting Jason's shoulder playfully. "When I have you here beside me," she said her left hand resting on Jason's upper thigh. Far, far, far too close to something Jason didn't want her to feel. His knuckles turned white as he felt her fingertips skimmed along his rod. Jason had to take his mind off the sensation, "Fuck!" Jason screamed out in his mind as Jack had two fingers deep within his daughter's pussy. Margret's eyes rolled back, Jack's thumb rubbed along her clit in a blur. Jason's eyes flashed back to the road looking towards the clock he still had fifteen minutes until they reached home.

"F-f-fuck," Jason moaned as his mother wrapped her hand around his painful throbbing cock. Slowly, stroking along its length through Jason's dress pants biting his lip knowing he couldn't hold out if she kept it up.

"Something wrong Jason?" Mara asked looked at Jason innocently.

"You know damn well what you're doing," Jason said breathing heavy trying to stave off his climax.

"You shouldn't speak to your mother like that," Mara growled in his ear, squeezing hard on Jason's cock. At that moment Jason was so glad for a red light he didn't think he could drive another foot. With the pressure his mother was applying to his blood engorged member.

"Then how the fuck should I speak to you when you're...," Jason couldn't finish his sentence as he beat his head against the steering wheel. A horn blasted behind them, slowly pulling away from the intersection. Ten more blocks, Jason knew he be home he just had to focus on that.

"You should address me as your Mistress," Mara cooed nibbling on his earlobe. Jason was about to laugh in her face, yet as he looked back something strange was happening to his sister.

"Fuck Jason I'm cccccummming!" Margret moaned lifting her hips daring him to watch. "Watch me Jason it's all for...," Jason couldn't understand the rest as her body went into convulsions. Pulling on her nipples as her canal flooded with her cream soaking the car seat.

"Did you enjoy that Jason?" Mara asked resuming her soft caressing. "Would you like to fuck her? Would you like to put this hard cock in her tight cunt?" she whispered softly in his ear.

"Your fucking insane woman," Jason growled pulling into the driveway. There was no fucking way he was ever going to do that. Jason wasn't like them granted, yes, he was a virgin at the time. That was wrong on so many levels no matter how much his body betrayed him.

"Leave us!" Mara commanded peering over her shoulder. This was a side of his mother Jason never seen before. His father and sister offered no backtalk, no smartass comments just unyielding obedience. "Now Jason," she said turning his chin as Jason killed the engine. "You will learn that when I say something it's to be obeyed!" Jason just couldn't hold back his laughter at the absurdity of what she was saying. The slap that followed he was prepared for not the fiery look in his mother's eyes.

"Jason we are going to fuck! That's a fucking given!" Jason's eyes shoot wide at that was the time he had ever heard her curse. "How much you fight me in this depends on you," Mara said taking his hand in hers pressing it against her tit. "Feel your mother's tit Jason," her tone told Jason she wasn't going be denied. "Do it now Jason!" The anger in her voice chilled him for a second. Only for a second though breaking her hold hopping out of the car, slamming the door behind him

"You're fucking crazy bitch!" Jason yelled for all the neighborhood to hear. Yet he couldn't get the feeling of how his mother's tit felt beneath his hand out of his head as Jason walked into the house. What Jason saw when he stepped into his home stopped him cold. Margret was bent over the couch facing towards the front door, while their father pounding her from behind.

"Jason!" Margret cried out as her folds clamped down on her father's cock. "Please Jason, come fuck me!" she pleaded as Jason started up the stairs wishing the months would pass faster so he could escape this looney bin.

"Fucking shit!" Mara seethed as she slammed the door.

"I'm sorry mommy. I did everything you told me to," Margret said before collapsing forward as her orgasm hit.

"I know you did my sweet girl," Mara said her hands going her shoulders pulling the straps down. Allowing her gown to cascade down to her ankles, unaware that Jason was standing in the shadow of the stairwell. Trying to figure out just what they were planning so he could be prepared for the next time they tried something. Yet as his mother's thumbs hooked beneath the waistband of her panties. Jason's eyes were glued to her pear-shaped ass as she bent forward catching a glimpse of her pussy lips. Looking down at the taut peak that was protruding from the front of his pants.

"Traitor," Jason sneered at his traitorous appendage. Jason's cock twitched as to say, "Don't blame me you're the one that's watching."

"Now my submissive slut lick your mother's pussy," Mara commanded lifting her leg onto the back of the couch. "Yes baby, you eat mama's pussy so good," she said holding Margret's head to her vagina. "I taught you so well," Mara said running her hand through Margret's chestnut hair. "Jack, until I have Jason you are not to fuck me or Margret after tonight." Jason wasn't ashamed to admit the most sinister smile spread across his lips after hearing that.

"Oh, come on Mara...," the look Mara must have given Jack must have been something. Jason thought he was going to faint while still hilt deep within his sister. "Yes Mistress," Jack mumbled.

"What I didn't hear you!"

"Yes Mistress," Jack shouted.

"Better!" Mara said tilting her head back enjoying the pleasure her daughter was giving her. Sneaking up the stairs a wicked thought streaked through Jason's mind.

"Hey!" Jason called down knowing he had startled them, interrupting what pleasure they were having.

"Jason. please come down, you know I'll take care of you," Mara said lowering her leg from the couch. Walking softly towards the stairs knowing if he just saw her naked she would have her prize.

"Umm...yeah, no, I was just wondering if Jack and Margret were still going at it?" Jason asked from the shadows loving the scowl he could feel that was forming on his mother's face.

"Please baby, you don't have to do a thing let mommy take care of her baby."

"I'll pass I'm just going to head to bed. But don't let me stop you from whatever it is you all do," Jason said walking loudly to his room. Listening at his door just in case something interesting was about to take place.

"Fuck!" Mara screamed in frustration. "Why is it so fucking hard to entice Jason?" she asked turning to glare at Jack and her daughter. "Jack, pull that dick out of our daughter. If I can't have Jason right now you can't cum," Mara seethed bending down grabbing her discarded garments. "Jack NOW!" With the deafening silence anyone could hear the slick pop as Jack's dick left Margret's cunt. Silently, closing his door as Jason heard his mother stomping up the stairs.

He could feel her anger filled glare as she stopped in front of his room. Jason could only assume if she thought hard enough he would simply open his door and submit to her which was never going to happen not after what Jason just heard. He was so going to ride this out as long as he could. Wondering how long Jason could keep his father from getting his dick wet. He only had five more months of his senior year then the two weeks he had planned for his trip. Then if Jason can fend off his mother seeing how they will never know where he lived. Jack would never ever have sex in this house again until his mother caved on her command. Jason wasn't proud of the cruel laugh that escaped his lips as he stripped for bed. Yet everything that man put him through Jason thought this was the ultimate pay back.

So, there they were after a few hours of sleep handcuffed to his headboard, with Mara's panties muffling his curses at the woman before him. Dressed in a black leather corset and a black lace tong cupping her womanhood. Her hands on her hips with a look of satisfied triumph in her hazel eyes. Jason's 'The 69 Eye's', burned mixed CD case lay open on his night stand, narrowing his eyes at his mother. Wondering what she was thinking messing with his things.

"I told you Jason we are going to fuck in the car. I gave you every chance to come to me willingly," Mara said smirking at Jason's muffled grunt's, "now I'm taking that choice away from you," she said smiling evilly at what she was about to do to her son. "So now I'm going to fuck you, and fuck you, and fuck you until you submit to your Mistress," she said turning around walking to his dresser, hitting the power button on his combo CD/mp3 player. "I know this is your favorite band, you say we haven't paid attention to you. Which is true, however, I do know this one simple fact about you," she said her hand's running over her backside.

"Do you like my ass baby?" Mara asked bending forward. Showing off its roundness, its firmness, drawing his gaze southward to her hot mound. "Well do you?" she asked peering over her left shoulder spanking her ass as she did. As much as Jason wanted to say fuck no he just simply couldn't, yet he still wouldn't answer her. It was just too damn perfect to him, shaking his head trying to dislodge those feelings. His mother must have seen it because she had an amused grin on her lips as she turned away from Jason.

As the song began to play Jason's eyes shot wide knowing exactly which song it was. "How the hell did my mother know my favorite song by the band?" Jason asked himself.

"I told you baby I do know this about you," Mara said as the song Perfect Skin intro faded out. The shaking of her ass hypnotized Jason as her strip tease began. Her fingers kept the beat as her raven hair spilled out along his dresser. Swaying along the front of the dresser as the chorus began to pick up keeping her back to me. Her hip's swinging to and fro as she started her dance of seduction. Spinning around bending forward, her hair whipping the air as she rose, her hand's running over her stomach marching northward. Her body giving into the rhythm of the music. Jason just couldn't look away as much he wanted to.

Mara's hands cupping her breast as her hips rocked as he felt his blood beginning to pool in his lower half. Try as he might Jason just couldn't stop it as he felt his cock continuing to grow. As his foot tapped to the beat Jason began to wonder if he truly had any control over his own body.

"Betrayer!" Jason growled at his erect cock. Lurching towards his stomach as to say, "I don't care what you think that bitch is hot. Is it my fault I want to be in that?" Jason's eyes were captivated as her fingers ran along her neck, those sultry hazel eyes simmering with hunger. Beckoning him to give in, to taste her lush lips as she bit softly down on her lower lip.

"Jason baby," Mara said in a lustful voice. "Did you know I call out your name every night," she said, walking seductively alongside the bed. Jason's pulsating cock beat in time with each step, his mother's eyes flared with hunger at the sight of it. "Did you know I burn for you every night," she said smiling, hinting at the next song as it began to play. Stopping a foot away from him bending over so that her ass would fill his view. Her hand reaching between her legs, running a finger along her slit a libidinous moan escaped her lips. Knowing how wet she was Mara just couldn't help herself. She hasn't been so sexually charged since she set this plan in motion.

"Jason how does your mother's pussy taste?" Mara asked as she rubbed her clit. "Do you like my taste baby? They're the ones I wore to the restaurant. Did you know how hot I got knowing that you're Kevin Sol? The man that made me submit to him every night. Begging to be filled with his cock as he fucked me until I couldn't take any more," rising from her position, "would you like to have a fresher taste of my hot wet cunt?" she asked her finger coating Jason's lips. "Does the scent of my pussy get your blood pumping?" Mara asked holding it up to his nose. While her other hand skimmed along Jason's chest before grasping the base of his cock. This was about the only time Jason enjoyed having his mother's panties in his mouth seeing how it muffled his moan.

"I'm sure you've read my fan mail that I sent to you, though at the time I didn't know it was you. Yet now that I know this makes it even sweeter that he(you) are my son," she said slowly beginning to stoke Jason's shaft. "What I said at the restaurant is true I do want to show you everything," Mara said running her hand through his hair. Releasing his cock as she backed away her body never lost the beat of the song. "Baby, would you like to see your mother's tits?" she asked with a knowing smile. "I know for a fact you haven't stopped thinking about them." Which was true Jason didn't or couldn't stop those thoughts as much as he tried.

Shyly, looking down towards the first button of the corset, then back to him knowing she totally had his attention. Jason's Adam's Apple bobbed up and down as the first button was set free. Watching the swelling of her breast as if taking their first breath after their long suffocation.

"My world is on fire no one can save me but you," Mara began to sing, "it's strange what desire will make us do," she said slowly inching down to the next button. "I never dreamt that I met someone like you," her eyes locking onto his foretelling of the unsung passion burning within. "I never dreamt I lose someone like you." Sweat began to form on Jason's brow as his mother's breast strained against the corset yearning to be set free.

"What a wicked game you play to make me feel this way," Mara said snapping lose the second to last button. "What a wicked thing you do to let me dream of you," she said spinning around peering over her shoulder. Watching her son eyes on her ass as she undid the last button. "What a wicked thing to say that you never felt this way," holding out the corset in her outstretched arm while keeping her back to him. "What a wicked thing to make me dream of you," spinning around grinning madly as she saw Jason's response.

"I know you like my tits Jason there's no point in denying it," Mara said her thumbs hooking beneath the waistband of her thong. "How many months have I longed for this, I thought my fantasy was just that," she said inching the fabric down. "Now that's about to be fulfilled and you my dear Jason will soon be a man."

"Oh my god! Oh my god! It's so perfect!" Jason screamed out into his mind as Mara stood naked before him.

"One last chance to come to me willingly," Mara purred as she crawled along my bed. Shaking his head as much as she is beautiful, Jason just simply couldn't cross that line. "Oh, are you sure? I will have you one way other the other," she said grinding her hot dripping mound along his shaft. "Fuck!" Jason moaned inwardly his fist clenching, how his body succumbed to that wonderful sensation. "That's it baby, just let go, it's okay." Mara's forehead pressed against Jason's. Her breath heavy as her clit rubbed against his rod as her hips worked in quick strokes to breach his threshold. "Jason," she said breathlessly. "Doesn't your cock feel so good rubbing against me?" Her hand's taking hold of the headboard to steady her own trembling body. She had to control herself she was the Mistress she couldn't allowed herself to cum before her son did. Yet the wait had brought her to the edge and now her prize threatened to push her over.

"Fuck! Jason make me cum, make your mother cum!" Mara screamed out into the night. Jason was sure if the others weren't already awake they were surely now. Mara's hips took hold of Jason as her juices-soaked Jason's lower stomach as her orgasm flared. Jason just couldn't hold back any longer his sperm surged forth coating his chest in five white strings of white goo. "Yes, that's it," she said with a giggle running a finger through one of the strands. Her eyelids fluttered as the taste of Jason's seed danced across her taste buds. "You taste so sweet baby, now I wonder what this cock will taste like," she said with a mischievous grin.

"From now on you are only allowed to cum in my mouth or my tight juicy cunt," Mara said licking up the cooling beads of spunk. "If you ever disobey I will punish you! You are mine now and forever!"

"Now who do you serve," Mara asked kissing down my chest.

"No one, you fucking crazy bitch," Jason said in his mind, yet in reality it just came out as jumble garbage.

"You serve me Jason, you will not leave me." Jason groaned as his mother's slick hot mouth engulfed his deflating cock.

"F..k ...U!" Was the best Jason could get pass the wadded up panties that were stuck in his mouth. He hasn't gone this long being ignored just to give in, however, wonderful her tongue felt against the back of his cock.

"Look at it Jason!" Mara growled holding his stiffened manhood. "Are you truly going to say you don't want to shove this beautiful cock deep into my twat?" she asked rubbing Jason's dick against her cheek. Vehemently nodding that he wanted none of this, or was Jason just deluding himself? "So be it then if you won't come to me then I will break you!" Jason swallowed hard as his mother took on a whole new demeanor. A sadistic smile played across her face as she swung her leg over his hips.

"Open! I want to hear your moans as I fuck the shit of you!" Mara said taking her soaked panties out of Jason's mouth. Backhanding her son causing the cut on his lip to reopen. "You do not speak rudely to your Mistress," she hissed before claiming my lips as her own. Jason had to admit having his mother's tongue twirling around his was very simulating. Still that didn't mean he was going to ever break.

"Fuck you, you crazy bondage whore!" Jason seethed. The moment he saw her eyes dilate Jason knew another slap was on its way, or that no one ever got this far with her. He wasn't disappointed when his head rocketed to the right. Jason's eyes flickered open watching the ragged breath of his crazed mother straddling him. Her ever so tantalizing breasts rising and falling as she fought to fill her lungs. Jason could feel the heat radiating off his mother's sex. "Was she getting turned on by this?" Jason asked himself. There was no doubt she wasn't beforehand, this was something else, something more animalistic that Jason saw in her eyes.

"What's wrong Mara has no one stood up to you?" Jason chuckled darkly knowing he was playing with fire. Yet it was the only way to play her game, so in for a penny in for a pound so they say. "What you think I'm like Jack? I'm sure he broke the moment he felt that masterful tongue of yours," he said with a bloody grin as his hot blood dripped onto his chest. "It was probably the same with Margret. But know this I'm not that weak Mara," Jason said letting her see the fire of his defiance. Yet as he said that Jason knew his cock was rock hard. "Fuck! What the fuck is wrong with me?!"

"So, go on fuck that cock, I know you want to." Jason had to steel his resolve against those narrowing hazel eyes. "Know this," he said pushing his face into hers as the handcuffs became taut. "You will have to rape your own son are you truly willing to go that far," Jason said hoping she didn't call my bluff. "I can't stop you from taking this body," rattling the cuffs to prove his point. "But know this my will, will not be broken not by you, not by Margret so have your fun while you can."

Then Mara did something Jason prayed she would never do. Her hand grasping the back of his neck to keep him from seeing what she was about to do. Jason eyes went wide as he felt his sensitive head pressing against her channel. How desperately he didn't want to enjoy the sensation of her walls, as they tightened around his shaft as she sank his rod deeper into her body.

"I can feel you so deep baby," Mara said breathing heavily as she slowly picked up her pace. "It's okay Jason enjoy it, it's not wrong to want your mother to make you feel good," she said looking deep into her son's eyes.

"Fuck you Mara!" Jason said falling backwards. "The only one here that's enjoying this is you!" God. How Jason wished he could believe his own lie. Yet he couldn't, not when her folds closed around his cock. Massaging his rod in ways that his hand could never hope to achieve. Biting back his howl of pain as she dragged her nail's down his chest drawing rivets of blood.

"Jason," Mara said through pleasure filled moans. "You shouldn't make me angry, not when I know your cock loves being in my cunt. I can feel it swelling ready to burst." As much as Jason wanted to deny it yet she was right. He was about to cum. Jason just had to think of a way not to give her what she wanted. As if she could read his mind her hips quickened Jason's cock glistened in her hot slick juices as her cream flowed down his rod with each thrust.

"Fuck! Fuck! Fuck!" Jason screamed as he felt the tingling of his balls knowing my climax was nigh.

"That's it baby," Mara said leaning across his chest. How Jason loved the feel of her breasts as her nipples dragged along his skin. As she glided along his member, her tongue flickering out teasing Jason's lips. Before embracing them like she owned them. "Fuck Jason!" she moaned into my mouth. "My pussy loves that young cock filling me to the hilt," she said pushing herself up so that she could feel her son's hot seed shooting deep into her womb. "Now fill you mother's cunt with that youthful cum. That I know is just waiting to erupt from that magnificent cock."

"Fucking god damn," Jason moaned as his balls emptied into his mother.

"See was that so bad baby?" Mara asked as his cock slid out of her tight hot hole. "Next time I'll teach you how to please your Mistress," she said feeling her son's cum leaking out of her.

"You can shove that crap up your ass Mara there won't be a next time," Jason spat, yet he could feel the embers stirring in his groin. "Why the fuck is this shit turning me on?" Jason asked himself. Again, his mind couldn't give him no answers to his growing questions.

"Have you forgotten Jason, you are still at my mercy," Mara said leaning on her arm smiling cruelly. Jason kind of did why had he forgotten that simple fact? "I told you Jason I was going to fuck you, and fuck you, and fuck you until you submit to your Mistress," she said her fingers walking across his chest.

"Mistress," Margret said from Jason's doorway. Wearing nothing more than a black lace teddy, her body on display for her bother to view at his heart's desire. "Then may I be of assistance to you," she had lain awake all night waiting for this moment.

"What a most delicious idea!"