
Different Sex Stories

Sex Stories From Different Sites. Short And Sometimes A Lil Bit Long Sex Stories... I haven't read all the stories so, i don't know if they contain NTR or not. if you find NTR, please mention it in the title comment so that people who don't like it can avoid it. Thanks! :) Enjoy all these stories...:) You can use these as a fap material, no one's gonna judge you ;) Ps: Cover Pic? Well, that's the cover of some manga on nhen*ai so, yeah just use Google scan...=_=))

TouchSomeGrassBruh · 漫画同人
59 Chs


- Please Aya, please - Jasmine moaned and the golden-haired girl was pleasantly surprised by those words. Despite everything, the princess was waiting for her permission before having the orgasm she so disperate needed, something that she could not have any other way than with feet of her servant in her beautiful face.

"I really made a nice wish" thought the young woman, before combing her hair again and, with a broad smile reflected in the mirror, she said:

- Cum my little princess, cum for me -

Ch 3:

- Come on Princess, show me a little more enthusiasm. Lick better between my toes! -

- Yes Aya, as you wish -

What was left of the powerful and spoiled princess? This is what would have wondered who had witnessed that scene, who would have seen a humble servant, lying comfortably on the future ruler's bed, giving an order to her own Lady, now totally out of control. A princess now slave to her drives and of that girl who had grown up with her, serving her, day after day.

Jasmine would never have imagined that the little girl who had arrived at the royal palace with a look full of fear, after having been abandoned on the street and having suffered who knows what abuse, would one day succeed in what the sultan had failed: to bend the spoiled princess Jasmine to her will, making her more docile than a puppy dog.

Not even in her dream Aya could never have imagined something so wonderful, and yet...

"Here we are" the young servant thought, while amused she observed the princess at the foot of her own bed, licking her soles without a moment of rest, almost with ferocity...and devotion.

As always, Jasmine tried not to think about how humiliating it was what she was doing, how low she had fallen, how quickly she had gotten used to that situation, to that strange taste and smell. But by now the princess had lost count of how many times she had worshiped her own servant's feet, which had become her obsession and even in her dreams her beautiful face, once the wonder of Arabia, it was constantly under those divine feet, as if it was made just for that purpose.

- I said to lick better between my toes! - Aya said nervously, trapping the princess's tongue between her big and second toe, while the princess clumsily tried to apologize.

Aya burst out laughing at that pathetic sight and, after freeing Jasmine's tongue, she enjoyed watching the princess's efforts to obey, desperately licking between her servant's toes, cleaning with her tongue and eating any traces of dirt she found. No hesitation, no complaints.

Jasmine couldn't help but make Aya happy, obey her. She couldn't take the risk of making her servant angry with her, the only person she could give her what she wanted, the only thing she was worth living for. As long as Aya was the exclusive owner of her orgasms, Jasmine could not help but be docile as a dog and hope that the girl, no, the Goddess, would grant her the chance to lie under her feet and have the long-awaited orgasm.

Aya obviously did not grant that privilege easily, she knew she holds all the cards and she never missed an opportunity to use the princess as a servant, reversing their roles. But Jasmine couldn't blame her for it, Aya had been a servant all her life and it was normal for her to be intoxicated by that unexpected power.

The princess still did not understand why her body was doing that to her, why her orgasms were bonded to the feet of that girl with golden hair, but over the days she had stopped asking herself those questions. Obeying, worshiping Aya and hoping for an orgasm, those were the only things that mattered. And so the princess had smelled, kissed and licked those feet for hours and she would have done whatever Aya asked her, careless of what was going on in the Palace in those days.

Someone began to notice that the princess left her chambers less and less, that she spent much more time with one of her servants, but few really cared. The sultan himself thought that it was another phase of the princess's troubled life. This new Jasmine wasn't that bad after all, she seemed peaceful, more silent and certainly less spoiled. The girl had not even complained when her father had told her, once again, that she had to find a husband, that the relationship with Aladdin had been just a beautiful fairy tale but it was now time to return to reality and do her duties as princess.

"Princess", Jasmine had begun to hate that word, that life apparently so perfect, a life that every other girl would have dreamed of having.

Aya was right, her words made perfect sense. The more Jasmine thought about them, the more she believed that her servant really understood what she felt, that being a princess was just a burden, a golden cage after all.

"Isn't it much easier now? Isn't it more relaxing to forget, even for a single moment, that you are a princess and try to be what you truly are and not what others want you to be? Doing only what brings you pleasure..."

Aya's words had stuck in the young princess's mind, those words that her servant had said as the princess under her feet had the most powerful orgasm of her life.

Aya was right, life was so much easier now. Jasmine only had to wait for the young servant to arrive in her rooms and then she would take care of everything. Follow Aya's orders, that was the secret to happiness...to pleasure. And that was what Jasmine had did, everytime the servant walked through the doors of her rooms. A snap of a finger, nothing more was needed, and Jasmine already knew what to do.

The princess always stopped what she was doing and ran towards that Goddess who had come to save her from unhappiness. After humbly prostrating herself at her feet, Jasmine used to plead:

- Please, Aya, can I have the honor of kissing your feet today? -

Then the princess lowered her gaze and anxiously awaited the response of her servant. If she was lucky, Aya would put a foot on her head, that meant that she could worship her, that she could have an orgasm that day, if she was good enough at serving her. If, on the other hand, Aya had other commitments, she would give her a light kick and after telling her something, she would go away, leaving the princess alone and desperate.

"But Aya is a good Mistress, it is rare that she does not grant me the honor of worshiping her magnificent feet" Jasmine thought, returning to reality and making her tongue dance between Aya's feet, before being scolded again, almost without paying attention to that powerful word that had now made its way into her brain: "Mistress".

- Isn't it wonderful to leave all the worries of being a princess outside that door? - Aya said pushing Jasmine's face in the direction of the door, with her foot, of course.

- Yes Ay... -The princess tried to say before her servant put her big toe in her mouth and prevented her from speaking.

Jasmine sucked, again and again, time seemed to have been stopped and her desire grew more and more.

- Please Aya, can I have an orgasm? It's been about ten days since the last... - Jasmine's words were quite understandable, despite Aya's big toe in her mouth.

- Hmm... - the girl with golden hair seemed to think about that for a few seconds, then she got up of bed and, after snapping a finger, she said:

- Here, little princess -

Filled with happiness, Jasmine crawled fast at Aya's feet and, lying on her back, she looked up, anxiously hoping to see her servant's foot approach her face. But this did not happen.

- Please, Aya, please! -

- What would you do to have my foot in your face? What would you do for an orgasm? - Aya asked, looking down on the pathetic princess.

- Anything, Aya, please! - Jasmine answered, more and more desperate, more and more eager for that orgasm that had finally seemed so close to her.

- Anything? You have to be a little more specific, little princess -

- Anything...I'll kiss and lick your feet whenever you want, I'll clean them when they're dirty, I'll smell them when they're stinky -

- But you already do this, and all these are things you like. You love my feet, that's why you can only have an orgasm with them on your face. Tell me something you'd do just for me, for my sole benefit - Aya smiled, she knew the princess was on the edge, just a little push would be enough.

- Whatever you ask me to do - Jasmine tried, hoping it was the answer Aya wanted.

- Like a sort of servant? Like a slave? - the blonde girl approached her foot to the princess's face, it was now almost touching her delicate nose.

- Ye...yes! Please...your foot - Jasmine was panting now.

- Being my slave and no longer a princess? Is that what you want? Is this how you would like everyone to see you? -

- Yes, a slave...your slave -

And just as Jasmine said those words and Aya put her foot on her face, finally bringing her to orgasm, the girl with the golden hair said:

- Jafar, did you hear it? I have her consent, it's time for my second wish -

Ch 4:

A few weeks earlier...

- Well well...did you hear this little girl, Iago? I bet everyone in the palace and in town is saying I was the real villain...if they only knew. Who would have imagined that a miserable servant girl, so young and pretty, could have such a diabolical mind? -

- Remember, Jafar, that this "miserable servant" is your Mistress - Aya said, advancing quickly towards the man who a few moments before had materialized in front of her eyes, after a big and terrible black smoke.

The black lamp was still on the ground, a few steps away from the well, where the girl had dropped it for the theatrical entrance of the old Grand Vizir, tall and more evil than ever. But Aya didn't seem at all intimidated by Jafar and, to the latter's surprise, the girl violently grabbed his neck, heedless of the fact that she was much shorter than him and that she was a mere mortal, certainly not a Genius with phenomenal cosmic powers.

- How dare you, you little slut. I will... -

- What? What will you do? - Aya answered by increasing her grip on Jafar's throat, who didn't seem to be able to defend himself from that fearless little girl - You won't do anything, Jafar, simply because you can't. Or you would have done it already. No, the only thing you can do, now that you are a Genie of the Lamp, is obey your Master...obey me. Now you're going to listen to me, you miserable slave, and better if you keep your filthy mouth shut. In the end, I'm sure that even someone like you will be satisfied and, if you obey and help me, I will use my third wish to free you -

Jafar carefully observed those beautiful amber eyes. Was she telling the truth? Would she really free him if he played that part in her plan? He had never trusted anyone in his life, and she certainly wasn't trustworthy...no, not that devilish little girl. But for some reason he liked her, a lot. And then, what she was planning to do to the princess...

- I will help you...my Mistress - Jafar said after a few moments and Aya let him go and sat on a large rock not far away, before saying:

- So? Is it possible to do it? -

Jafar thought about what the girl had told him just before and said:

- For the first wish there are no problems. But the second one? -

- What about it? - Aya asked anxiously, that was the most important part of her plan.

- Theoretically it's possible, but I feel that there is something wrong. I can't explain it, it's the first time I use my Genie powers -

- The other Genie had limitations, he couldn't raise the dead for example. You should have them too, right? - Aya asked curiously.

- Well yes - Jafar answered and looking at the young girl she could almost feel her brain working to find a solution.

- And how do you know you have these limits? Did the Genie King appear to you and give you rules to follow or something? -

- No, it's just something I feel. I know I have these limits. But on second thought, this is different. It's not an absolute limit, it's like something is missing -

- As if there is a condition, wish works if I find what is missing - Aya suggested.

- Yes - Jafar was incredulous, how could he have never noticed that brilliant mind? How many things he could have done with such an assistant, with a girl so close to the princess his story could have a different ending...

It took Aya two weeks to figure out what the missing condition was and make what was to be her second wish work. Jasmine's consent, that's what she needed. And that made everything terribly more complicated. The princess had prostrated herself at her feet quickly, true, but worship her feet to have an orgasm, an almost immediate reward, it was one thing, to accept becoming totally owned by another person was a totally different one, especially if you're a Princess and you've been used to being served and revered all your life.

Aya had only one option, deprive the Princess of her orgasms for as long as possible. That was a risk, Jasmine could get angry and force her somehow, she was the Princess after all and could have had her arrested at any time and forced her under torture. So the golden haired girl studied the princess more and more in those days, if Jasmine became too temperamental, Aya would have to change her plan quickly. But fortunately, things had turned out better than the young woman had dared to hope and the princess, because of chastity, had not only become more and more docile but had also almost begged her to become her slave.

- Jafar, did you hear that? I have her consent, it's time to make my second wish -

Jafar had appeared as usual, after a large cloud of black smoke. Aya feared that the sight of the previous Grand Vizir and the discovery that Aya was using a Genie of the Lamp, might scare Jasmine and that having understood what Aya had done, she might change her mind. So the young woman wasted no time, and before Jasmine could even blink, she said:

- I wish the whole world to believe that I, Aya, I'm and I have always been the princess of Agrabah and Jasmine nothing but my humble slave, as her express will. Be careful, however, that the princess retains the memories of her old life -

"Otherwise, where would be the fun in that?"

Jafar smiled wickedly and snapped his fingers at the very moment Jasmine realized what was happening, how Aya had arranged everything to take everything away from her, to chain her forever at her feet...feet that now she couldn't help but worship for the rest of her life, hoping for mercy from her ruthless Mistress.

The world seemed to vibrate for a second, but other than that nothing else seemed to change.

"How do I know if everything went well?" Aya asked herself with concern, and her eyes met Jasmine's. The young girl realized that the princess' anger was about to explode and she was almost ready for Jasmine's cries when a gag magically appeared over the beautiful princess' mouth and then, a red smoke enveloped her, hiding Jasmine from her sight for a few seconds.

When Aya was able to see the princess again, she looked very different from a few seconds before. Her beautiful turquoise dress had disappeared and now the girl's bikini and pants were in red. Golden chains on her wrists prevented any movement of the girl and a similar golden chain was wrapped around her neck.

- This is one's on the house - Jafar said giggling and looking longingly at the princess's beautiful body, who was now unable to speak.

Even Aya loved that new outfit and wasted no time in grabbing the chains that were blocking Jasmine and with a violent push threw the princess on the ground.

"Time to see if the wish worked" Aya thought.

The girl approached the princess at her feet and grabbed the chain on her neck. The chain was strange, all she had to do was pull it slightly and it began to tighten around the neck of the princess who would have screamed if only she could. Happy with that unexpected news, Aya pulled harder and, with her face now very close to Jasmine's, she whispered in her ear:

- Back in position, your back on the floor and your face under my feet. This is your place from now on, slave! -

Jasmine wanted to fight, to rebel. She couldn't let Aya win, she couldn't let Jafar come back to harm the realm. He had to be behind all this, he had probably hypnotized Aya with his staff and used her for his evil plan. But the princess was weak and a new pressure of the chain on her neck, broke her willpower once again. Jasmine obeyed the order of what was now her Mistress and, as soon as her back touched the floor, Aya's feet came to rest on her face.

While the former princess was once again intoxicated by the familiar scent and felt a new orgasm coming closer and closer, Aya realized that she could not wait any longer, she had to know. She rang a bell near the bed and while she was waiting for a servant to arrive, she said:

- Jafar go back inside the lamp for the moment, it is better that no one sees you for now -

When the man disappeared, Aya waited with increasing fear, heedless of the princess under her feet, who in the meantime, now free of her gag, had begun to lick her soles like a dog. Jasmine's tongue moved with great skill, the result of the hours spent at the feet of the one who used to be her servant and now instead dominated her body and soul. Time seemed to have stopped, Aya's heart was beating faster and faster and when she finally saw the door open and an old servant enter, it stopped for a moment. It was the moment of truth, if the wish didn't work, Aya would be beheaded before the sun went down.

"Or maybe the princess will have me tortured first" the girl thought, her body now trembling.

- How may I serve you, your Highness? - the servant told her when she was a few steps away, bowing briefly before Aya.

The young girl's heart began to beat again, not only the servant had spoken to her, calling her "Your Highness", but she seemed totally indifferent to the sight of Jasmine lying on the ground beneath her feet, licking them greedily as her Mistress held on her hand the chain that was wrapped around Jasmine's neck, almost like a dog's leash.

- Myriam, could you tell my father to come to my rooms as soon as he can? Oh I almost forgot, do you think my slave did a good job cleaning my feet? - and so saying, she took her foot off Jasmine's face and showed it to the servant girl, who could now clearly see the face of the former princess, distorted by pleasure and full of shame to be seen in that way by a woman who had raised her since she was little and who now seemed not to recognize her at all.

Jasmine thought back to Aya's words, to her wish, and realized what had happened. Everything had changed, every memory of Princess Jasmine had vanished from the minds of the citizens of Agrabah, for them she had never been anything other than a slave, eternally prostrated at the feet of the beautiful and powerful Princess Aya, one and only heir to the throne of the sultan.

About the sultan, even her own father did not recognize Jasmine when he saw her a few minutes later. Aya and Jasmine were always in the same place, one sitting at the foot of the royal bed, with a golden chain in her hand like a leash, and the other at her feet, adoring them and bathing them, now with her tongue, now with her tears. After all, who wouldn't cry at the sight of a father who didn't recognize his own daughter? A father who couldn't save her...

- Jafar! As promised, I am ready for my third wish - Aya said once the sultan was gone, the man she would call father from now on.

The genie of the lamp appeared as usual and looked so happy that he was almost unrecognizable. Finally he would be free, that imprisonment had lasted too long. Now all he had to do was to use his special staff on that silly little girl and he would have two princesses at his feet. Jafar couldn't stop looking at Jasmine, how low the spoiled princess had fallen. A destiny as a foot-licker, that had really been a brilliant idea, the little blonde girl was so clever. The man couldn't wait to be able to have in his hands that golden chain that wrapped the neck of the former princess and...


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