
spider man world

The fighting style of Kamar-Taj's magicians is very different from the magicians in my impression. It is appropriate to call them secret magicians.

Level 3 Arcanum means Norton has learned basic spells.

But due to environmental factors, Norton couldn't use a single spell!

After research, Norton discovered that the magician's spells were very different from the Mutant's X Ability.

X Ability uses the X gene to leverage the active world law, thereby producing various magical effects.

Spells are the use of spell energy, and in most cases they do not touch world law.

Norton cannot use spells because the high level of energy on the earth is silent, and physical energy is not used to release spells.

Is it any wonder that at the beginning of Kamar-Taj's magician practice, he had to make a contract with Emperor Weishan to borrow magic power?

The earth does not have the energy needed to release the spell, so naturally it can only be borrowed from other dimensions!

Norton would naturally not sign a contract with that unknown entity. Anyway, with his current strength, it didn't matter if he couldn't use magic.

When you devote yourself to studying, you will feel that time flies by.

It has been more than half a year since Norton finished learning about the library.

[Space-time Science LV4 (33)]


The difficulty of improving space-time science is far beyond expectations. Not only has it failed to break through the fifth level, but the progress of the fourth level is only one-third.

Fortunately, Norton's goal has been achieved, and LV4's space-time science can barely support Norton's ability to travel through time and space tributaries.

When Norton left the library, he saw the Ancient One magician again.

"Thank you magician, here are some of my experiences, I hope they are useful to magician!" Norton gave the prepared notes to Ancient One magician.

The notes contain some of Norton's understanding of time and space, and they are the only things that Norton believes can repay the Ancient One magician.

After all, in the realm of Ancient One Magician, foreign objects are basically useless, and only new knowledge may bring him some inspiration.

NortonLV4's knowledge of time and space is not much worse than that of the Ancient One magician.

After leaving New York's holy place, Norton was found immediately and brought back to Cumberland Island.

In the past half year, nothing major happened, and Carnegie Alloy Company and Carnegie Mutant College were also quiet.

However, Norton has disappeared for such a long time this time, and there is still a backlog of things waiting for him to deal with.

So Norton had to work as a signing machine for a day.

The next day Norton quit and directly wrote a power of attorney for Yuna: "Yuna, you will be solely responsible for these things from now on, and there is no need to ask me for permission!"

It's not that he wants to be lazy, but he really doesn't have time!



The gene implantation technology promised to John has been delayed for more than half a year. If he doesn't get it back, won't John annoy him to death?

"Carnegie Laboratory welcomes back the boss, 007 is at your service at any time!" As soon as Norton entered the laboratory, 007's electronic voice sounded in his ears.

007 is the intelligent housekeeper of the laboratory, an artificial intelligence program written by Norton after reaching level four in information technology and electronic technology.

"Prepare a simulation laboratory for me!" Norton ordered.

There happened to be a simulation laboratory that was unused, so 007 made arrangements instantly: "Okay, boss! Simulation laboratory No. 7 is ready!"

The simulation laboratory is equipped with a top-level supercomputer and supporting simulation equipment as standard.

The role is model calculations and computer simulations before formal experiments.

Norton wants to simulate the laboratory in order to simulate the travel process, calculate related data models, etc.

Traveling through time and space is a rigorous science, and the relevant data models must be rigorously calculated to ensure smooth travel!

Originally this was a very difficult thing, but fortunately LV4's space-time science has ensured the feasibility of traveling through the tributaries of time and space.

After knowing the answer, it will undoubtedly be much simpler to derive the process!

But even if the calculation difficulty is reduced by half, it will still take at least several months.

Norton did not hide the topic of analog computing, so after starting the calculation, more and more people came over curiously.

Traveling through time and space is a very novel thing, and it is normal for everyone to be curious.


The first major difficulty in time travel is energy, which is a huge amount of energy. The energy consumed in one time travel is enough for everyone on the entire earth to use for at least ten years.

But for Norton, this is the easiest difficulty to solve. His elemental furnace has never stopped, and he has accumulated enough energy to travel back and forth several times.

Then there is how to locate the target time and space to travel through. Without accurate time and space landmarks, it is likely to be lost in the depths of time and space.

This point has been warned by the Ancient One magician many times in the book, and Norton must treat it with caution.

"Although there is no accurate time and space landmark, what I want to cross is a tributary of the long river of time. It is undoubtedly more reliable to follow the roots of the tributaries." Norton chose hair that contains Peter Parker's genes.

Subsequently, other problems were discovered one by one, and were quickly solved by Norton.

In just three months, Norton came up with a complete crossing plan.

After the calculation, Norton asked: "I can only take one person with me on this journey. Which of you is willing to accompany me?"

Three months later, the people who came here out of curiosity had long since left, and the only people in the laboratory were John, who had just arrived.

Everyone looked at me and I looked at you. Finally, Serena said: "Let Raven accompany you! Her Ability is more useful in other worlds!"

Others did not refute Serena's suggestion. They wanted to try the feeling of time travel, but in order not to drag Norton down, they had to give up temporarily.

Serena is right. Their abilities are relatively single. There is only one person, and the help to Norton is very limited.

And Raven can provide a lot of help in terms of X Ability and Jianghu experience.

"Okay, Raven will accompany me this time, and I will take you with me next time when I have a chance!" Norton agreed with Serena's suggestion.