
Different Batman

What if in a strange twist of whatever twists, a soul from Earth gets to choose between one overpowered wish or three templates that don't have any superpowers? Wait ... intelligence doesn't count as a superpower here? What a mistake on the twister's side. The soul will of course rather choose intelligence over a boring OP wish. Because three OP wishes are always better than one. Watch as this is a ... slightly different Batman.

Cedric_7512 · 漫画同人
73 Chs

Setting an example

(Batman POV)

"NO, don't you dare!! MMMHHH", I hear a feminine voice in the adjacent room followed by a gruff male voice.

I take out a small explosive from one of my compartments and throw it at the wall. No one is close to that wall right now, so it will not hurt anyone.

*Beep Beep*


The wall explodes and a round hole allows me to walk through. The weather was bad and thunder was heard. Lightning could be seen and the dark room illuminated my silhouette for a moment. I stood there and used night vision to get a picture of the scene.

There were more beds with more women in them. I could see the woman who was desperately trying to fight the situation and gave everything she had. I saw her gun wound on her leg. That must be the 'new woman' they were talking about.

The men see me enter and narrow their eyes.

"Who the f*ck are you?! Halloween is not today freak! Piss off before I pump you full of lead!", the biggest of the bunch said. From all around the room, the curtains were pulled back and men with guns appeared.


I blurred using my speed and appeared before the first thug. I pull the gun away from him and punch his elbow from below, breaking it. I use Hokuto Shinken and tap his shoulder, then I go to the next person.

I punch this one in the thorax and follow it up with an uppercut. I kick his knee and break it. I press him in quick succession on his temple and left arm. Then I get to another.

This goes on. After the first three, the goons finally realise what is going on and begin to fire their guns at me. I use them as human shields and make my way from one person to the next until only the last big man is left.

I stand in front of him and he points his machine gun at my face. I don't flinch and he pulls the trigger.



"You should learn to count.", I say to him.

He throws a punch and hits my visor. However, nothing happens and instead his hand cracks.

"Argh, F*CK!! No no no no, stay away from me!", he says and backs away from me. I continue to walk towards him slowly. His back meets the wall and he can't go further back. I can see the fear in his eyes.

"You can't kill me! Dragos Ibanescu, will find you!"

"No...", I say and move so close to him that we are only a few centimetres apart, "... I will find him."

I move and strike his Ryugan. An acupuncture point is located in a person's chest.

"Argh ... Wha-What did you do?!", he screams at me. I only look at him and then answer.

"'Seiei Kō' is the name of this technique. This causes the victim's body to become like a mass of bare nerves, causing extreme pain ... with the slightest touch.", I finish and then say: "Boo!"

The thug gets scared and falls back and on his ass. But that action alone is so very painful that he begins to scream.


"As I said ... a mass of bare nerves. Like burning alive, but not being able to die ...", I say and then look at the woman that was screaming before. I don't say anything but give her a slow nod, signalling her to do what she wants. I can see the intelligence and cunning in her eyes. But I can also see the relief and ... fear.


I begin to walk to the woman one by one and take out an injection needle. I fill it with the correct amount of detox for their bodies to expel all of the toxins, drugs and anything else from their bodies. This is a serum of my own creation ... of course. It is however a very strong serum and it truly does what it says.

When I say it detoxifies the body from all toxins I mean any. This also means eventual embryos that might be present. I am not a monster though. I don't administer this to those who are more than three months pregnant. Every woman should decide for herself what she wishes to do with this experience.

I don't have all the medicaments here but that isn't necessary, since my primary goal is only to make all the women clean and independent of the drugs. This was a serum that I knew I would use ... A LOT.

I can hear painful screams from the other room, as the woman is beating the fat thug whom I used Seiei Kō on. The pain he must be feeling is like having all your nerves cut all at once. An unimaginable pain. But I don't care about that. He deserves it. That and so much more.


After I am finished with all the women here I begin to work on the punishment part. All of the thugs that are still alive I throw through a portal that leads outside to the alley.

I don't want the others to see this part but I have something very special prepared for them.

"Sebas, how are we on the GCPD?", I speak into my comms.

"You are looking more than good sir. They aren't coming for another 30 minutes or more."

"Good. Bob come to my location. I need Serum #01-0024 and a new syringe.", I tell the Batmobile.

"Affirmative sir.", I hear his voice and in 4 seconds I hear the screeching of tyres and the Batmobile drives into the alley. A compartment in the back opens and out comes the correct serum I created for creatures such as these.

I load the syringe and then make my way from one thug to another, injecting each of them with this special present. After finishing up on my side, I now work a bit on my presentation. When the GCPD comes and all of the other crime families hear about this ... they have to know who they have to fear from now on.


I walk into the building again and see the women who are crying and seemingly broken. They are beyond terrified when they see me standing there. I raise my hands to have them calm down, but my appearance doesn't help.

"I am not here to hurt any of you. I administered you all something that made you sober. You are now clean and no longer require drugs. All of the criminals have been taken care of. Now there is only one thing that we have to talk about..."



(3rd Person POV)

"And what would that be?", the same fierce woman from before asked. She has a towel and is cleaning her hands from blood.

"I have something that can make you all forget."


"Yes. Forget. You can forget anything and everything that happened here and continue with your life. It is your decision.", Batman said.

"And you truly want us to believe that you have something like that?", the same woman asked again sceptically.

"Hn. I do. Is there someone who wishes to forget? I can demonstrate and the others can then form their own opinions."

"M-me ... p-please ... *sob sob* please ... I want.", one woman said while she was crying. Batman nods his head and then takes his mind-erasing device from another compartment in his suit. He points it at the woman and then fires.

A white light is seen and the woman's eyes are rolled back as well. Then she blinks a few times and looks around. She looks confused and is close to panicking.

"Do you remember anything?", Batman asks.

"Aaaahhh, what are you?!", she screams and is about to panic when Batman touches her shoulder and knocks her out. He lays her down gently and then looks at the others.


Most of them want to and those that don't say anything are too far gone, so Batman does it to them as well. Then there was only one left. The strong and willful woman. She looks at Batman with narrowed eyes.

"Who are you? Why are you doing this?"

"Do you want to forget?"

"... No. Someone should remember. When the police come... they should know."

"They will.", Batman says and then turns around and walks away.

"H-Hey wait! Who are you?! Why are you doing this?! Tell me your name!"

"Who is but the form, following the function of what. And what I am is a man in a symbol in a mask."

"Are you quoting 'V for Vendetta'?"

"Yes. He was asked the same stupid question."

"You're not the most friendly person are you."

Batman doesn't answer her and only continues to make his way down the building. He is looking for drugs of any kind. After a good sweep, he doesn't find any. Only those that the thugs used for the women and themselves.

"What are you doing?", the woman asked. Batman once again didn't answer and only motioned with his head. The woman looked outside and heard the sirens of the police and saw the blue light.

"Looks like they're- what the ...", the woman turns back but Batman has vanished.

"What a prick ... so dark too."



(Gordon POV)

I arrived on the scene after being contacted by some officers. I step out of the car and see chaos. There have to be at least 50 or more thugs here and they are all screaming in pain, and holding their crotches. But not all are capable of holding their crotches as not all of them have all their limbs.

It looks ... horrifying. But what frightens me most is ... that all of them are laid on the ground in the shape of a ... bat! Some sick bastard was at work here. I walk to the nearest officer and ask him about the situation.

"Officer, what happened here?"

"We don't know Lieutenant. About two hours ago we got an emergency call from a phone that was registered under Andrei Berkoff. A criminal under the Ibanescu Crime Family. I don't know what happened after that but when we arrived here we found the criminals lying on the ground in the shape of a bat.

I don't know why that is the case or who did it. In the building, we found close to 30 women who were knocked out by someone. They have no idea about what happened or who it was that did all this. They don't even know why they are here."

"You're joking. They must be lying then."

"We thought the same but it doesn't look like it. The Doc checked on them and they all passed the lie-detector test. There is however someone who claims to know what happened."

"Yes! Who?"

"Another woman. Name's ... Selina Kyle. A local of Gotham. She claims that a man, dressed in a bat costume did all of this. She also says that this man offered the women a chance to forget everything they experienced here and took that chance. If you ask me she is full of crap and we should make sure she isn't somehow connected to this."

"I see. Well thank you for that, Officer.", I say and then walk towards the woman who is getting checked by a medic.

I walk to her and take a notebook from my coat.

"Good evening ma'am. Would it be alright with you, if I asked you some questions?", I ask her.

"Again? I already did this three times. I knew that you are incompetent but not to this degree.", she says. I can see that she is a headstrong woman. She can surely help me.

"I apologise for that. Would you mind telling me more about the man? The one in the bat costume?"

"Haaa ... what do you want to know?"

"Anything you can tell me. His height, voice, any marks that might make you recognise him, his clothes ... anything."

"There is nothing I can tell you. He was tall, about 6'4 -6'5 something like that. He wore a suit that seemed very advanced and he had a lot of different tools and syringes to administer to the women. He made the women clean ... all of them! In a few seconds.

He walked in here and destroyed all of the criminals and he didn't even seem to be trying. I don't know what he did to those crooks that are lying there but ... whatever it was ... they deserve it. He saved us. Us all."


Guess what Batman did to the crooks.