- Building Backpack
- Terrain Tool
- Creation Tool
- Atomizer
- Nuke Circle
- Battery maker
- Decoy Bruce
- Sebas (Clone of Alfred)
- Portal Gun
- Mind control pin
- Evil spirit containment box
- Probability measuring device
- Pokeballs (not used for Pokemon)
- Miniature Rocket for special deliveries
- Heat resistant Bandages
- Universal Programmer
Multipurpose Tool:
- Phone
- Radio
- TV
- Satellite pictures/ videos
Perverted Tech:
(This is the name for every type of camera that he has created)
- X-ray
- Night vision
- Heat signature detection
- Electromagnetic pulse detector
- etc.
- Grappling hooks and lines
- Dark Matter fuel source -> travel through space
- Forcefields
- Energy field disruptors
- Smart Guns
- All sorts of Serums for healing and antidotes or poisons
- Evil spirit containment boxes
- Detective tools (various)
- Terrain tool
- Batmobile AI
- Hacking tools
- etc.
Batman suit:
- [Picture]
- [Picture]
It's going to be a mix between those two. The armour will not be that spiky but other than that it will look the same.
Batman armour:
- [Picture 1st armour]
- [Picture 2nd armour]
Darkseid thrashing suit:
- Coming soon