
Did I just awaken an overpowered ability?

In a world where Earth enjoys unprecedented peace and prosperity, wars and conflicts have become distant memories. However, beyond the veil of this utopian existence lies a hidden realm, a dimension where countless individuals known as ability users engage in unseen battles against monsters, demons, otherworldly races, and even their fellow humans. While humanity is aware of their existence, the truth about their whereabouts, nature, and identities remains shrouded in mystery. Amidst the backdrop of this hidden conflict, Raven Michell experiences a profound awakening. His once ordinary eyes now shimmer with an otherworldly hue of deep purple, a previously unseen ability that sets him apart. As the realization of his newfound power dawns, Raven is compelled to confront the enigmatic world that has long remained concealed.

killzoldik · 奇幻
15 Chs

New World.

"And two chicken strips and a Coke, please," Raven ordered as he sat with his classmates in the small cafeteria of the school. The room was no larger than a typical classroom, but it was sufficient for the five students gathered there.

"So, what's your deal, Raven?" Lucas inquired, his words capturing the attention of everyone in the room.

Raven set down his fork, weariness evident in his eyes. "Is this an interrogation? I just endured a 14-day-long one; I'm tired of answering questions."

Lucas anticipated the hostile response. "Relax, man. No one's here to judge you. If you were truly evil, they wouldn't have brought you here."

Matt nodded as he hurriedly finished his meal. "We're just curious. Everyone here has a story," he mentioned.

Raven's eyes widened, and he realized that the people in this place were indeed different. "Nothing much. It was an accident. I didn't plan it or anything," he explained.

As the others turned to him, they could see the sadness in his expression, and a wave of sympathy washed over them.

Lucas changed the tone with a gentler voice. "Was she a good mother?"

Raven hesitated before responding. "No, but she was... sigh." He leaned back. "So, Lucas, right? What's the deal with this place?"

Lucas understood Raven's desire to change the subject. "This place is like a school, but the curriculum is focused on developing our unique abilities," he explained briefly.

They continued their conversation, discussing the intricacies of the school.


In a medieval house, vastly different from what people are accustomed to on Earth, a young man sat. He wore a black suit and had a pocket watch in his hand, with black hair and unremarkable black eyes, though he possessed a certain handsomeness that didn't draw too much attention.

Seated beside him was a young girl of 17, serving him wine. She wore a white dress adorned with delicate pink flowers. Her face was pleasant to gaze upon, with a small smile, calm black eyes, and straight hair.

The young man was engrossed in reading some documents. "Tell me, Maki, is it a good idea to return to Earth and start anew there?"

"If it's your idea, master, it's perfect, as always. Earth is a realm of peace; the powers there are restrained to focus on the magic realm. With your capabilities, you can certainly lay a solid foundation," Maki replied.

Setting the documents aside, the young man placed his hands on Maki's waist. "That's why I love you. You're the only one who truly comprehends my vision. All those old geezers talk about is maintaining peace on Earth, but they fail to see that by enabling people to learn magic and become stronger, we can save many more lives."

Maki smiled and rested her hand on the young man's shoulder. "They can't match your intellect, master."

His smile broadened. "Alright, we will depart once I conclude my business here," he declared.


Raven entered the library, driven by a thirst for knowledge about his newfound powers and the potential of his enigmatic purple eyes.

According to Lucas, this place was an organization established by the Blackwood family. They promised to help individuals grow stronger and undertake missions for them. Loyalty varied among students; some stayed committed, while others eventually departed.

The students here resided in a place known as the Magic Realm, which Lucas described as a separate world filled with magic, demons, orcs, elves, humans, and more. Governments on Earth collectively guarded the gates to prevent passage between realms. The Magic Realm was a world in itself, complete with kingdoms, empires, and various other entities. Earth was considered a place of respite and a home to protect, but it also harbored its share of power-seekers who wanted to make it their playground.

Counteracting this were organizations like the 'Phoenix Veil Society,' 'Arcane Resilience,' and the 'Bureau of Abilities Regulation.'

As Raven stepped into the library, he spotted three individuals. An old lady occupied her office, engrossed in her work – probably the librarian. Luna and Ain, his fellow classmates, were the other two.

Raven approached the librarian directly. "Good evening, ma'am. I'd like to borrow some books if that's possible," he politely requested.

The old lady glanced at him and offered a warm smile. "You're the new student. You can study whatever you want, just remember not to take them outside," she replied.

Raven nodded and began perusing the shelves for something to read.


"He didn't even say hi," Luna scoffed.

"With that cold look you give people, who would want to say hi to us? We're completely isolated from others; only Lucas talks to us," Ain mocked.

Luna turned away, not willing to admit it. "It's better this way. We can focus on training and learning more."

"But I want to get to know him better. He's interesting, and those eyes of his are charming," Ain replied, resting her chin in her hands.

"It might be his ability. What if his ability is to charm women and use them?" Luna suspected.

Ain rolled her eyes. "Now I know why people don't like you, always expecting the worst and treating everyone like an enemy." She sighed and continued reading.

Luna didn't appreciate what she heard but chose not to argue back, opting to start reading as well.


Raven immersed himself in a book about eye abilities, fully aware that there would be no mention of purple eyes, as David had informed him that there were no records of such abilities.

Yet, amid his research, he stumbled upon something intriguing. Eye abilities seemed to be closely linked to mental prowess, suggesting that his own ability likely fell within this category. He quickly realized that he had already discovered an ability of his own, which he decided to call "scan."

Further investigation revealed that this ability wasn't unique to him; others possessed it as well. He also came across information about his sister's ability – "weak point." Those with yellow eyes could perceive the vulnerabilities in everything they were familiar with, whether it was the human body, techniques, buildings, or animals.

Raven's research extended beyond abilities. He learned that not everyone possessed abilities, but they weren't exceedingly rare either. Most people focused on harnessing energy, using it for magic, as the people in the magic realm did, or channeling it to enhance their physical abilities and create techniques, akin to the people from Earth.

Raven's excitement grew as he delved deeper into this new world and the powers it held, finding joy in the process of discovery.