
Diaries Of Dark Entanglements: Balance and Power

Our story begins on a planet called Gieă in a Continent called 'Eclispe of the Oceans' where chaos slowly unfolds with its influence slowly spreading into the entire world. This is a paced story that follows multiple characters shaped ruthlessly by desires and passion. A young dragon princess thirsty for acknowledgement, A prisoner breaking free from fate, A shadow who would die for his master, A light without a source and a question without an answer. Some of these special individuals fight for power, some fight to destroy, some fight to save, some fight for freedom, some fight for love, some fight for vengeance and some fight from duty. They all bleed, some of them fall, some grow and some lose sight of their purpose while consciously or unconsciously trying to find one thing,.. Balance. In a world riddled by chaos where 'good people and bad people' have been replaced by the terms 'winners or losers', where greed determines justice and vanity replaces passion, where energies conflicts, wars emerge and ruthlessness gets imprinted by experience into the hearts of even the most innocent and brave heroes. They stand for their desire and themselves with a riddle left unanswered from the very beginning of time,.. "What truly is balance?.." Follow our main characters through their dramatic struggles for answers as the choices they make influences themselves and their world. THIS IS A SLOW-PACED STORY AND THERE WOULDN'T BE LOTS OF ACTION SCENES AT THE BEGINNING BUT AS TIME PROGRESSES, SCENES LIKE THIS WOULD BE MORE COMMON. TRUST ME, THIS IS A STORY WORTH THE INVESTMENT OF READING!.

123 Chs


***On Planet Gieă. In the Outskirts of the Continent 'Eclipse of the Oceans', Chingford's Academy's Cafeteria..

 Morning meditation class passes by with a blur as Navi finds himself making no apparent progress at completely emptying his mind.

 As usual, he takes a couple of minutes to snap out the his relaxed state that comes with trying to meditate and then, he slowly leaves the Meditation halls at a casual pace.

 Leaving the hall, Navi notices but ignore the often stares and whispers of the other scattered disciples. Its been five days since he has been treated to this type of special 'attention' and he is already a bit used to it by now.

Despite being unbothered by the stares, Navi couldn't help but notice a slight but important shift in some of the looks that he's receiving today. It's almost as if some of the people staring at him sees him in a new garment of blood.

Since the Academy has officially summoned him yesterday: then it is pretty much confirmed that Navi truly killed Marien Lee's sister(Diane Lee) as well as the four others.

 Some nosy disciples in the Academy seems to be intelligent enough to shift their perspective of him from that of a suspect to a murderer and so their gazes at him also changed.

 Some looked at him with renewed disgust -as they are naive enough to judge him for being the last one standing- and some looked at him with a bit more reference -as they are mature enough to re-consider his threat levels as well as his mentality-.

 A couple cowardly ones would avoid his gaze and steer-clear from his path. These pathetic bunch seems to consider his growing frame that they usually see as dismissive to be suddenly intimidating.

Giving an internal sigh, Navi silent observes a couple fools amongst the scattered crowd of disciples who stared at him almost challengingly.

This last group of disciples seems to somehow be provoked by his existence for one self-righteous reason or another.

 Walking through the Academy's grounds, different disciples with scattered stares lingers on Navi's frame.

With calm steps, Navi receives their stares boldly as he finally makes his way to his next destination.

 Swordsmanship training grounds.



 It's already about 15:30(3:30.p.m) when Navi finishes up with his Swordsmanship training. For a specific reason, he had decided to take two sessions of Swordsmanship training in a row instead of his usual routine of just one.

His muscles aches like crazy and his inner robes were drenched with layers of sweat. The heated atmosphere of the scorching afternoon did not make it any better as every breath he takes seems to dehydrate his lungs a bit more.

 The heat of the sun hits so bad that the only reason why Navi's outer robes weren't drenched in sweat is because it has all been evaporated!.

 Hanging his wooden sword back in place (In the Stands), Navi trails up the set of circular stairs until he's out of the swordsmanship training grounds and back on ground level.

About to kick off his journey to the next destination, Navi's instincts suddenly spikes.

 He feels a deep gaze on his figure and unlike the countless others, something is more than a bit off about the feeling this gaze gave him. The gaze is a little bit more observant than the rest and also a bit too piercing. It's almost as if the person on the other side is locked-on to his every little sign and movement.

Unwilling to suddenly turn his eyes to the direction of this gaze, Navi keep on walking calmly. After moving through a couple meters forward, the lingering feeling of being intently watched slowly vanishes.

 Thoughts fired through Navi's mind as he has learnt to trust his instincts. He has received a couple other deep stares over the past few days so this one might just be another one of them yet still, his instincts doesn't spike up like this for no reasons. It may be nothing but is does no harm as Navi increases his vigilance as he slowly trails his way back to his dormitory's building.

 Through Navi's thirteen minutes journey back to the familiar Dormitory building, he didn't get the same feeling of being deeply observed though its hard to truly tell as he is often being stared at by random people from different directions.

 After a few minutes of vigilantly walking, Navi finally moves through the dormitory building's main doors.

Navi couldn't help but begin to lightly shelf his suspicions as he makes his partly exhausted body fight through six short flights of steps until he gets to his floor.

 Navi casually moves through the hallway and then opens and enters into his shared dorm-room. Not to much surprise, his room-mates weren't around.

Normally, Navi himself would not come back indoors till its night as that is his standard time for settling in but for the past five days, Navi has been doing a lot to shake up his schedule.

 In order to avoid the possibilities of pre-planned trouble or a set-up, Navi has made serious changes to his schedule. Some times, he baths early and sometimes he baths late. Sometimes he skips morning classes and sometimes he switches up his normal pattern of attendance.

Just today, Navi has decided to bath early, go to meditation class as usual and then attend two Swordsmanship Martial classes in a row instead of his usual pattern of only taking one of each classes.

 By sticking to this random routine, various delusional trouble-makers who want to believe in feeble concepts like heroes and villains will find it hard to finalise any sort of plans to corner him.

 With a couple of steps through his dorm room, Navi finds himself standing in front of his personal cabinet. He unlocks it with familiar steps then sweeps his gaze through its insides. It only takes a single glace for Navi to be certain that nobody has messed with his stuff and so he reaches for a familiar bag.

 For a few reasons beyond randomness and being summoned, Navi has decided to take an icy-cold shower this afternoon instead of late night. With his already prepared bag in his hand, Navi calmly exits the room.

 He speed-walks down the flights of stairs and quickly finds the male public bathroom on the ground-floor. Opening the door and looking inside, Navi is a bit pleased that nobody's in and so he immediately steps in and strips down to bare.

 Not wasting time, Navi turns on one of the shower then lathers his body with soap and the now running water. First he rinses his face with the cold water and soon, he starts to rinse the rest of his body.

 His shower today is fast and purely practical. Barely five minute has passed since he stepped in before he starts mopping his skin with a towel.

*CREAK*. † Bathroom door opens with someone stepping in†.

 Discreetly looking at the entering other person through his mirror, a small frown appears on Navi's face as there is a sudden spike in his danger instincts.

 The other person casually looks around and for a moment, Navi finds the other guy's reflection sneaking a weird glance in his direction.

 For some reason, the other guy looks oddly familiar.

 Not willing to risk anything, Navi drops his towel into the bag then he immediately starts putting fresh robes. Still observing the newcomer throughout the mirror, Navi watches as the other guy moves in a direction towards him.

 Unwilling keep his back defenceless, Navi turns around to face the other guy who immediately and casually changes his direction to a shower stand just a couple feet away from Navi's current one.

If Navi isn't being overly cautious then it looks like the other shower is the other guy's approaching destination in the first instance but for some reason, Navi just could not find himself buying it.

 Taking a breath, Navi truly isn't in the mood for any sorts of surprises. He steps to his left side while creating more distance between him and the suspicious other party who is currently standing in from of a shower-stand that's a couple of feet to his right side.

 Not even fifty percent sure about his suspicions, Navi is hesitant to call the other party out. If indeed the other guy is here for Navi then by now he would have definitely caught on than Navi is suspicious of him.

 With his guard and posture up for fight-or-flight, Navi fully laces on his robes but he doesn't put on his hidden daggers. The twin daggers rested in Navi's bag but he refuses to put them between the layers of his robes.

The daggers were Navi's current secret weapon of defence. A good part of its purpose would be defeated if he puts them on in front of other people and especially suspicious ones. Taking up his bag and giving one last glance at the other guy, Navi quietly exits the bathroom with a calm pace.

 Closing the door behind him, Navi stops walking for a moment. Without turning back to face the closed door, he holds breath and concentrated his mind on his hearing as he picks up the small sounds in the bathroom.

 He is able to pick up the sound of clothes being unrobed then the sound of running water thus clearing his suspicions to an small extent but still, Navi is anything but completely settled.

 There's something completely off about this seemingly casual encounter and in due time, Navi is determined to find out what it is.

 For now, Navi tucks the awkwardness of this encounter to the back of his mind as he coldly walks off with a triggered predator's instinct.

 The walls have ears and the lands have eyes. Who knows who is watching him even at this moment. The Academy has already laid down a warning for him and all eyes is on his every actions.

 For now, Navi cannot afford any stains or drama in his movements and thus even if Navi is a hundred percent positive about his suspicions he can't afford to act on it. But who knows about next time?.

 A small frown creeps on Navi's face but he soon relaxes.

 'One problem at a time.', Navi tells himself in an internal monologue. For now, he has to deal with Marien Lee and the death duel then after that, he can work on clearing his suspicions about this encounter.

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