
Diaries Of Dark Entanglements: Balance and Power

Our story begins on a planet called Gieă in a Continent called 'Eclispe of the Oceans' where chaos slowly unfolds with its influence slowly spreading into the entire world. This is a paced story that follows multiple characters shaped ruthlessly by desires and passion. A young dragon princess thirsty for acknowledgement, A prisoner breaking free from fate, A shadow who would die for his master, A light without a source and a question without an answer. Some of these special individuals fight for power, some fight to destroy, some fight to save, some fight for freedom, some fight for love, some fight for vengeance and some fight from duty. They all bleed, some of them fall, some grow and some lose sight of their purpose while consciously or unconsciously trying to find one thing,.. Balance. In a world riddled by chaos where 'good people and bad people' have been replaced by the terms 'winners or losers', where greed determines justice and vanity replaces passion, where energies conflicts, wars emerge and ruthlessness gets imprinted by experience into the hearts of even the most innocent and brave heroes. They stand for their desire and themselves with a riddle left unanswered from the very beginning of time,.. "What truly is balance?.." Follow our main characters through their dramatic struggles for answers as the choices they make influences themselves and their world. THIS IS A SLOW-PACED STORY AND THERE WOULDN'T BE LOTS OF ACTION SCENES AT THE BEGINNING BUT AS TIME PROGRESSES, SCENES LIKE THIS WOULD BE MORE COMMON. TRUST ME, THIS IS A STORY WORTH THE INVESTMENT OF READING!.

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***In the Inner Outskirts of Continent 'Eclipse of the Oceans'..

***On the Outside of a small house on top of a lonely hill..


"Yes Mom.", Navi responds with his gaze still on the horizon while not daring to look towards his mother.

 "I'm not scared.. or atleast not as scared as I used to be.", Eleanora begins to speak with her gaze on the vast forest in the horizons.

 Navi does not respond to Eleanora with his mind entering a strange sense of eerie calm despite his heart clenching in pain. He does his best to steady his breaths as he calmly breaths in and out.

 Eleanora gives the swing she's sitting on a very small push with her legs. The push us just enough to rock her body back and forth.

Despite sitting on very low the vine swing, Navi stands just a little taller than Eleanora but this is to be expected considering that Navi only had his twelfth birthday three days ago.

 "You know, I had a mom too.. your grandma. She was not the best suited person for parenting and I don't blame her for that though there's one thing she said on her death bed that I subconsciously always wanted to have..

"Now that I think of it, it's always been my life goal. Your grandma said..

 "'We are elves, embodiments of life. Even if we cannot do much in life atleast, we should do something to make death proud to take us..'."..

 Eleanora pauses her speech for a while as if to lets the silent Navi digest her words and then she says boldly and softly.

 "I am proud.".

 "I truly did not think I'll say this so early but I'm proud because I raised you,.. Îgorus Navïælét -Vęr- Firųs. Twelve years ago I used to wonder if Death would ever be proud to take me when my time comes..

"I had no goals, no drive, no aspiration but I had a lot of anger cause I lived in fantasy instead of reality. I was too scared die but now sitting to think of it, I was much more scared of living..

 "I knew that i wasn't living the worse life nor the best life though my life just did not have a lot of colours at that time. Maturing is realising that everyone goes through that phrase and drive comes from knowing that very few walk out of that phrase..

 "You were my exit son. I still remember the emotions in me when I first found out about you. They were not all positive but atleast.. they were emotions.

"..Moving on to delivery, you gave me the courage to run. You gave me.. the courage to keep on living.", Eleanora says while looking at the horizon calmly alongside a very quiet Navi.


 "Twelve years more. Throughout my life I think I only truly lived for the twelve years I have spent being a mother. Thank you.. I'm happy and at peace with life but I absolutely!.. do not want you to live like me..

 "I want you to live way more fiercely. Don't die early but don't live in fear of death. Be bold in everything you do and remember your names: Navïælét -Vęr- Firųs. Last member of the Îgorus family's tree.. not a bastard son to no-one but a son to the unknown!. Last but not least, my child."

 Listening calmly, Navi silently clenches his left fist till they take on an unhealthy shade of pale though he does not respond or change his facial expression as he just keeps on staring at the horizon together with a very peaceful Eleanora.

The atmospheres in the moment heavy for a while but then..

 "I want pap.", Navi suddenly breaks the very heavily strecthing silence with an unusual statement.

 "Um!.", Eleanora says in surprise and confusion as she looks towards her son's face.

 "I am craving pap.", Navi says once more as he finally turns to look at Eleanora's face with a bitter-sweet smile that looks a lot more genuine this time hanging stupidly on his small face.

 Eleanora looks at her Navi's face for a few seconds and then with a wide smile that completely dissolves the tension, she says.. "Ok. Let's have Mangrove pap today".



 Together the mother and son goes back indoors while reversing the roles for the first time in the last three years.

Normally, Navi does all the cooking due to his mother's health but today, his mother Eleanora is the hand behind the stove.

 Eleanora has never been a good cook. Infact, Navi can boast of being several times better than her but oddly, today he's badly craving her mediocre cooking.

 There's an obvious shortage of meat in the Outskirts but this shortage is several more times to crops. The land is corrupted so the best of seeds yield the worse of results.

 The only things easily grown in these cursed lands are poisonous or desolate crops.

 Of course, powerful Cultivators have developed a way around this restrictions but even then real crops are still far more expensive than raw meat and so something like the energy rich Mangrove Pap is quite the feast.

 Sitting on a couch with his head supported by a palm, Navi calmly washes his mom fumble around in the kitchen. Despite her extremely frail form, she seems to genuinely enjoys the very prospect of cooking or rather cooking for her son.

 It somehow takes about four long hours but finally, Mangrove Pap is ready. Navi helps his mother serve it up on their small dining table for two as they pull the chairs.

 Light brown Mangrove pap placed in a small Porcelain bowl. A small green leaf is left floating at the centre of the liquid dish with other meaty and creamy side dishes on the side.

 It looks appetising.

 More appetising than anything Eleanora ever made before and Navi feels starved just by looking at the dish.

 Knowing the usual routine where his mother waits for him to taste the food before she eats, Navi picks up his spoon and takes a scoop of the warm reddish-brown pap.

*Fuff¡* *Fuff¡*..

 Navi gives two light blow over his filled spoon and then brings it into his mouth. He pauses his hand movement with the spoon in his mouth as his eyes darts around a bit in slight surprise.

 He slowly pulls the spoon out of his mouth as his tongue rolls on the sensations put in his mouth before he swallows it all down with a gulp.

 Navi leans his back against the chair before giving a chuckle that contains both surprise and excitement.

 "Perfect.", He comments with a genuine and wide smile.

 Eleanora smiles grows wider hearing his comments and seeing his face. Navi is not someone who puts a lot of emotions on his face and anything that forces this much reaction out of him is nothing short in extraordinary.

Eleanora adores the fact he's making such an open reaction from her dish.

 Her happy smile soon turns into a very familiar smug one..

"Of course it is.. I only make perfect meals." Eleanora childishly brags while lifting her chin up.

 Navi laughs out at his mother's act with his eyes moistening sadly for some reasons. Shaking off every negative emotions, he dives into his meal just being.. in the moment.



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