
Diamond No Ace: Life As Sawamura Eijun

In this thrilling tale, a young boy transmigrates into Sawamura Eijun within the world of Diamond No Ace. With an indomitable spirit, he asserts that his position on the diamond is untouchable, vowing to remain unchallenged. Channeling electrifying passion and unwavering belief into every game, he strives to claim his place as the king and unparalleled ace of baseball, determined to carve out a legendary legacy. --------- If you want to read advance chapters ahead. Visit my patreon: patreon.com/Leonzky

Leonzky · 漫画同人
53 Chs

[43] The Youth Does Not Give Up

Chapter 43: The Youth Does Not Give Up

What exactly are you doing?

"No, I've completely given up..."

"But you're the ace, the fourth batter! We promised to go to that sacred place together!"

"What does it matter to say that now?"

"What is your dream? Are you really willing to give up everything like this?"

"Are you going to let that guy's promise lead you to live three years in mediocrity?"


"Remember, your name is Zaizen Naoyuki, the invincible fourth batter!!!"

On the field, the white light flew towards him, corresponding with Zaizen's fierce face.

"That's right, who am I!? I am Zaizen Naoyuki!!!!"

"How can I be defeated by a mere first-year kid!!!!"

The powerful swing of the bat created a thunderous sound in the wind.

The ball flew by, the bat swung vigorously!!!


Following that, a loud crack echoed as, under Eijun's shocked gaze, a white light burst forth from home plate, speeding toward the outfield!!!

"Center field!!!!"

At home plate, Ono also changed his expression and shouted loudly toward the outfield.

However, this ball was ultimately just out of reach.


The flying white light reached above the outfield, dropping straight down just a few positions away from the center fielder of Seidou High School.


As the ball touched down, the runners on second and third base for Kokushikan hurried back to home plate, touching the base to score.

The pinch hitter, Zaizen, delivered a perfect double, and Kokushikan High School finally scored in the third inning, changing the score to five to two.

The surrounding audience displayed various degrees of shock, while Kokushikan's bench erupted with deafening cheers!!!

"Haha, Zaizen!"

"Well done, Zaizen."

"You're definitely the coolest!"

"Zaizen, NICE hit!!!!!!!"

Hmph, if that last pitch had been an inside pitch, or if I had been just a little off, the result could have been completely different...

Zaizen didn't show much joy; his expression remained cold, with a hint of gloom.

He understood very well how much luck and chance were involved in his recent hit.

If that first-year pitcher were a bit calmer in his approach, he might have avoided being struck out or caught out.

"Once he improves his control and gains more experience, this guy is going to become a formidable pitcher…"

As he looked at the pitcher's mound, where Eijun seemed to be caught in a gloomy atmosphere, Zaizen thought quietly to himself.

On the Seidou High School bench, Coach Kataoka still maintained a serious expression, while Chris looked on with a worried look.

As a catcher, he understood very well how significant it is for a pitcher to throw a decisive pitch and still end up giving up runs; the impact on their psyche could be immense.

Especially in Chris's eyes, Eijun still belonged to that inexperienced and somewhat naive category of players.

If he faltered here…

It would greatly affect what the coach thought of him.

Not far off at the railing, Miyuki showed a playful expression while a hint of anticipation reflected in his eyes. How would the pitcher handle the pressure? How would he respond after giving up runs?

"How will he adjust his mindset and face the upcoming situation?"

"Let's see what kind of character you have, Sawamura."

Meanwhile, in another corner not far from Miyuki, a certain girl also showed a worried expression.


Her hands were clasped together as if she were praying for Eijun. She was unaware that her expression and actions were clearly visible to the senior next to her.

"Shinomiya, look at Haruno…"

"Oh? Could it be?"

"Hehe, it's quite possible!"

Unbeknownst to this girl, her two seniors exchanged knowing smiles as they watched her from behind.

All around the field, nearly everyone's eyes were fixed on the pitcher's mound, on Eijun, whose hat brim was slightly lowered.

"Time out…"

Just as Ono was about to call a time-out and head to the pitcher's mound,

"Ahh hahahaha!!!"

A sudden burst of laughter erupted from the front.

Everyone was taken aback, looking at the boy on the pitcher's mound, who was laughing.

He's actually laughing?

Each person questioned if they were seeing things right. Zaizen, standing on second base, widened his eyes in disbelief, wondering if this Seidou first-year kid had lost his mind.

You didn't just get an out; you let a hit happen and gave up runs!

Zaizen thought about rushing over to pry open that guy's head to see what exactly was going on inside.

Nearby, Miyuki revealed a wry smile.

It seems he underestimated this kid a little…

"Impressive! This is high school baseball; if you show even the slightest vulnerability, you will be ruthlessly punished. This is the level of high school baseball that I pursue!!!"

Eijun's eyes widened as he clenched his left hand into a fist with determination.

Assuming that after two double plays, using a straight fastball right down the middle would unexpectedly lead to victory overlooked one important point: the opponent isn't a puppet on strings, nor are they fools.

It's impossible for everyone to follow your script.

If he had just thrown an inside pitch or a cutter, at the very least, it wouldn't have allowed the opponent to hit the ball so far into the outfield.

The runs given up could have easily been kept to just one.

He had been somewhat complacent.

This hit snapped Eijun into full awareness. Even a half-baked Zaizen could decisively exploit his slight opening.

Let alone the more formidable teams like Yakushi, Ichidaisan, Inashiro Industrial, and other strong schools in the nation.

"Thank you, Zaizen Naoyuki-senpai. Thanks to you, I've realized what I really need to do!"

With his still upright figure and cheerful smile, Chris felt a wave of relief wash over him, while Coach Kataoka revealed a subtle, knowing smile.

"Everyone, we have two outs! Get ready to step up again!!!!!"

That vibrant voice resonated around, causing everyone from Seidou High School to break into light smiles.

"Haha, you better not mess up again!"

"Sawamura, make sure to pitch well from here on!"

"Eijun-kun, do your best!"

With a wave of his hand, he regrouped for the next pitch.


The white light shimmering from his fingertips sparkled brightly in the sky.



"Batter is out! Three outs, switch sides!!!"

This was followed by an even more exhilarating cheer.

With summer approaching, the youth does not give up!!!


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