June 21, 1941
1:34 P.M
"Good afternoon, Sir Wright! Welcome, it must've been a long journey- I apologize for not receiving you at the gate."
The Head Mistress strided towards the older gentleman and she bore a friendly smile. She was donned a light blue dress for the warm season.
At last, she came to a halt and she held out her hand.
The older gentleman, Sir Wright, merely shook his head and chuckled. Removing his tophat, he bowed and kissed the Head Mistress's gloved hand.
Standing back upright, he then put his tophat back on and politely said, "You jest, Madam. In such weather, it wouldn't do for a woman of your stature to travel so far to greet an old man such as me."
This time, the Head Mistress bowed. "Regardless, it's a pleasure to finally meet you, Sir Wright."
"The pleasure is all mine."
Ines watched as the two finished their greetings; they spoke at a level where they could be heard by all, but not overly so to the point where it'd be considered impolite.
Turning back to face the crowd of awed children, the Head Mistress cocked her head in Ines' direction.
"Though I'd love to speak with you further, I believe you're here for her, Ines—she's the newest star pupil of Amadeus."
Heads swiveled, and many children turned to look at Ines. From looks of scorn and disdain to wonder and admiration, it made her skin tingle with both satisfaction and malaise.
However, the feeling of satisfaction didn't last for long, and it soon turned into puzzlement.
From the corner of her eyes, Ines could spot Charlotte's expression of both horror and betrayal.
Though the older girl's lips were pursed shut, and although she hadn't uttered a single word—her face was white as marble.
'…What is it?' Ines blinked.
With their current relationship, surely, shouldn't Charlotte be happy for her success? Just the other day the older girl had wiped away her tears and promised to protect her.
Confused, Ines was about to ask Charlotte if she were alright when suddenly she felt a stinging stare. Dropping her question that was at the tip of her tongue, Ines turned her gaze back towards the carriage where Sir Wright and the Head Mistress stood.
"Oh?" Sir Wright said, blinking in surprise, "She's far younger than I had expected her to be—what a brilliant child."
"That is so," The Head Mistress said in agreement. She then looked back once more, maintaining eye contact with Ines as she spoke, "In that case, would you like for her to guide you around here? This way you both could get to know each other better."
However, Sir Wright was quick to decline, "Thank you for your kind offer Madam, but I'm afraid I must depart before sunset. My son's birthday is coming up soon, and my wife would surely have my head on a platter if I were to miss the celebration or the planning of it.
"That's a shame, but I wouldn't want to hold you up; will you be leaving now? If that is so, may I ask why you had taken out those luggage cases?"
"Indeed, I must set off now. Those luggage cases contain gifts and trinkets from the neighboring kingdom, they're for the child—"
"…You're leaving?" Charlotte asked in a whisper, drawing Ines' attention back towards the older girl.
Ines nodded and squeezed her hand.
For a moment, the two didn't speak. Ines watched as Charlotte opened and closed her mouth in thought—this was the first time she had seen the older girl look so disheveled.
Finally, Charlotte squeezed out a quiet, "Stay safe," and left, her footsteps thudding against the cobbled trail like a rhythmic heartbeat.
"Wait-!" Ines said, reaching for Charlotte's fleeting back. Before she could even take a single step and chase after her, Ines was called over by the Head Mistress.
Swallowing back her complaints and her desire to run after her friend, she paced over to the carriage as Ines knew ignoring her command wouldn't do her any good.
"Good afternoon, Head Mistress," Ines said, bowing.
However, the older woman disregarded her words and continued speaking with Sir Wright.
"I wish you a safe journey back and all the best wishes, Sir Wright."
"Thank you," He boisterously laughed.
Ines and the Head Mistress remained silent as they watched the older gentleman climb back into the carriage, his servants assisting him.
"…Head Mistress?"
"Get inside the carriage, Ines," The Head Mistress commanded. She wore a disgusted and disgruntled expression whilst facing Ines, it was a far cry from the respectful smile she wore when facing Sir Wright.
"Your bags have already been packed by Amadeus, get inside."
Ines furrowed her brows, "But-!"
"Don't make me repeat myself, get inside the carriage now."
"…Yes, Head Mistress," Ines said. Trailing after the steps the older gentleman had taken, she stood at the door of the carriage and knocked on the window.
Hearing the knock, Sir Wright turned his head and shot Ines a friendly smile whilst nodding before going back to reading his newspaper article.
'I suppose I have permission then.' Ines then firmly grasped onto the carriage's door handle, though before she could tug it open, a servant interrupted.
"Allow me."
Climbing off the steps to the carriage so the servant could open the door, Ines murmured a soft "thank you" under her breath.
When the servant opened the door and stepped away, Ines carefully climbed the steps to the carriage once more and sat down across from Sir Wright.
The door instantly clicked shut behind her.
Ines looked at the door, then back at Sir Wright who had now put down their newspaper article and was facing her.
"Good afternoon, Sir," Ines greeted, her voice cracking.
Sir Wright removed his monocle and smiled at her words. He said, "There's no need to be nervous, nor do you need to speak to me with such formality; simply treat me as an old man.
"Good! We're gonna be on this carriage for a week, so make yourself comfortable. Your bags are in the compartment under your seat, and do let me know if you're hungry."
After that was said, Sir Wright leaned back and shut his eyes. "Though, it's best that you get some rest now as the journey there will only become more hectic around nighttime."
Silence settled between the two once more.
up next: the journey, the desitination, and a very important character...
whoop whoop! incoming ml (not sir wright).