
Devour (Mythicae and Astral Arts Academia)

* WARNING; Strong dialect and violence * Flint Anderson was your average Mainer kid who spent his days selfishly for himself. Until his world fell apart. He discovers he’s not just a human when he sets a home ablaze, but half dragon. Struggling with his newfound abilities, Flint is sent to an academy for supernatural creatures hiding in plain sight from society across the country. Despite being half-human, Flint discovers that he’s seen as valuable among his peers. He’s determined to live his life as a human and dragon to honor his parents. Yet many dangers are lurking in the shadows while a naive dragonling is trying to find himself in a world he knew so little of. Two communities pin against him, and look for every way to tear him apart. Lies become truths, and promises become curses.

onedaysomedayy · 都市
25 Chs

Mine For a Moment


Mine For a Moment


I should thank Dean again for the clothes. By the time I unpack, the closet is filled to the brim with freshly pressed shirts and ties hung neatly. I now own five pairs of shoes. That's four times more than my previous collection. I folded several pairs of jeans and boxers into the chestnut drawers. I have to wipe the sweat from my brow when I'm done and admire my work. I've never had a wardrobe where I had to cram clothing to fit inside. Dad wasn't a materialistic man so when I had to live with Myers, I left nearly empty-handed. In every category.

Broken, orphaned, and lost in my grief. I started to sneak out, sleep around with girlfriends who weren't mine, and steal Myers's last ten dollars for a pack of cigarettes. I'm ashamed of it. I messed up at home, and crossed Bobby. Everything else fell into place. I fucked around and found out my consequences wouldn't go unfaced after all. I want to be someone entirely new. Someone Myers and my pops would be proud of. I like to think that this is my second chance.

I decided to meet the girls downstairs. Andrew made plans to open the door with the wind kissing his ass. Said something about snatching Piper up while she's hungry, whatever the hell that means. I don't mind my roommates though. They're actually nice to me. Once you get past that they're horny shitheads, they seem normal. Just a bunch of idiots with magic and axes on standby.

The girls don't keep me waiting for long. They joined me with freshly curled hair and makeup. Sasha wore a solid black dress that stopped an inch too short at her knees with long sleeves. It flared out at the hem. Piper wore a deep v-neck velvet dress that hugged all of her curves just right. The burgundy color brought out her eyes the most, but I know that's something Andrew or any guy for that matter would miss. I complimented them, and let them drag me away to dinner.

My mouth waters the moment the kitchen aromas hit my nostrils. It almost makes it worth being in the bitter cold. Half of the academy's student body must be here already. There's a long line ahead. The students here are dressed in the finest clothing. The girls replaced their slip-ons and snow boots for heels while the guys ditched their blazers and ties. I can't tell if I'm overdressed or doing the bare minimum. The three of us wait in line until we can order our eating arrangements.

It reminds me of high school back home. Waiting in line to grab the food while it's hot. But Mythicae is nothing like Maine. The kitchen is filled with chefs wearing large white hats or elastic hair nets. There's an abundance of food placed neatly in rows of trays. Piper stands in front of me, and offers a blinding smile to the lady holding tongs. "Carnivore special, please. Extra bloody."

I glanced behind my shoulder to Sasha who is distracted with her scroll. I grimace when the lady grunts handing a tray with uncooked fatty livers and what looks like a heart's chambers to Piper. Any ounce of attraction I've had for this girl drained from my body. It's not her fault though. A girl's gotta eat too.


I stepped forward. The woman held a cold stare at me before grunting something I couldn't understand. I don't know what to say. I'm pretty sure I'm the only human, if I'm just half, that has attended this academy and made it long enough for dinner. Sasha looks up from her scroll just in time, "ask for the brew. It's safe for you to eat."

I doubted that. "Brew, please."

The chef scrunched her eyes at me. She set a tray in front of me that contained a soup bowl of unknown contents, a sad display of pasta, and cornbread. I picked up my depressed dinner, and followed Piper who settled at a round table that fits six. Sasha joins moments later carrying a sizzling steak. I gawk at her, "you could've told me about that."

"Relax Flint," she huffed, switching our trays. "They only serve witches brew to newbies. I've craved this stuff for four months. I'll be right back."

Sasha, in her infamous manner, doesn't bother waiting for a reply before leaving the table. I don't bother showing disgust as I cut into the juicy steak. Blood drips from the fresh cut. I take a bite and sink into the rich flavor. This is the best damn thing I've ever had. I fork bites of the steak down until I noticed Piper's plate is untouched. She fidgets her food nervously.

"Pip, eat your food. It won't bother me."

I lied. But she doesn't need to know that. Piper chews her meat cautiously keeping her eyes on her plate. I look away. Sasha returns with a mini tray possessing three steaming cups.

Sasha slides a footed cup to me, and I drink its contents greedily. The teabrew is sweet, and tastes fresh. She sits with us after handing Piper a cup as well. With a spoonful of questionable ingredients, Sasha leans forward staring at me. "Well, what do you think of the academy?"

I scooped steaming mashed potatoes and shrugged. "Could be worse. This steak makes it worth it though."

This earned a chuckle from both of them. The girls spent the rest of dinner talking about leisure matters. I've learned that almost every girl is smitten over the new professor. No shit sherlocks, I had to sit through a lecture listening to them moan when Heeler spoke. The academy added to its Hortus department. Fancy word for garden which is home to- as Piper called it- the greenery nerds. Back home, any nerd who had a passion for greens was high with munchies before classes began. I chuckled at the thought. By the end of dinner, Piper ate her food in a hasty manner. She must've been starving because she licked the plate clean. The sound of tinging glass silences the room.

"Welcome, welcome." Grimm announced. He sat in front of everyone at a long table. Much like the table at the last supper. A row of staff members accompanied his sides. "Once you've finished your meal, I insist you join your peers in the ballroom. If any students are caught in places they're not granted, you'll receive punishment handled by me. Remember my children, we have eyes everywhere."

I glanced at Sasha confused. She shook her head as Grimm continued.

"With that being said, I have the utmost faith in each and every single one of you. Enjoy yourselves. The hard work starts tomorrow."

Piper chugs her beverage as Sasha leans into me whispering, "you don't know this, but Mythicae isn't just a place. It's a living beast."

I think my eyes popped out of my head. Mythicae is a living breathing creature? "Oh yeah," Piper chims in. "We're sitting inside a pocket of tissue. It has eyes everywhere and reports things to the Headmaster."

I wished they were joking, but once again, the girls are unbothered. This place is nuttier than squirrel shit. "Great."

Sasha sets our plates in the middle and wipes her lips carefully with a napkin. Her plate is the only one that contained food on it. Piper and I dined like beasts not even leaving a crumb behind. As tiny as Pip is, I'm impressed. We don't bother staying for dessert. Sasha said something along the lines that you don't really get to choose. Sometimes dessert can be baked alaska. Other times- the majority- it's a screaming cake with pudgy eyes. I didn't bother putting up a fight after that. I prefer my food to remain inanimate.

We join a band of students who slip down the halls to join the others inside the Muller ballroom. It's a distinguished room with sensational design. Large ceilings, giant chandeliers and marble flooring. If the moon hits just right from the windows, it might look like you're dancing on stars. This place would be smashing with a few kegs.

It doesn't take long before I find myself standing in a corner alone. Out of nowhere, Blake swept Sasha off her feet and asked her for a dance in a prince charming fashion. Andrew on the other hand didn't have luck with Piper who said she needed to use the restroom. She hasn't returned yet, but Andrew has already moved on to the next unfortunate girl. This is how every dance ends up. I stay in a corner and watch my friends enjoy themselves. I'm no good at social events anyways.

A soft tap on my arm pulls my attention to a student who's leaning against the wall beside me. I didn't realize someone approached me and I smiled at the girl with big dough eyes and a toasted tan. She returns the smile and leans into me.

"You shouldn't be by yourself," she quipped.

"My friends are having a dance to themselves."

It's not a lie I suppose. Just not the whole truth.

She hooks her hand into mine and tilts her head innocently. "You should be out there too then. Have a dance with me."

A gorgeous girl telling me to dance with her? There's no way I can refuse that. I nod and follow her out to the dance floor. The melodic music slows and everything feels just right. Her seafoam dress flutters to her ankles and she wraps her arms around my neck. I've watched others dance plenty of times but never partook in the manner. I place my hands around her waist above her hips.

We sway to the music. Sasha spots me first then Piper. I can't tell what Sasha's expression meant but Piper squealed silently, nearly knocking Blake on his ass. The girl stands on the tip of her toes and I lower my head to hear what she whispers, "my name is Mina but everyone calls me Minnow. What about you, handsome?"

"Flint," I said as she gripped me from falling, "Flint Anderson."

"Well, Mr. Anderson," Minnow teased. "It's nice to meet you. I hope I see you around more."

I chuckled and stared into her hazel eyes, "maybe we'll see each other in class."

"Or other places." She suggested with a devilish smirk.

Hot burning hell. She didn't waste a second. She leaned closer and for a moment I think she's about to say something else until she freezes. Minnow unhooked her hands from my neck and stared into the distance. I begin to ask her what's the matter but my question is answered by a sultry voice behind me.

"Swim along, Minnow." The voice said behind me. Minnow stares with wide eyes, and she grips onto my shirt.

"I'm finishing my dance with Flint. You'll have to wait your turn."

The voice grows closer. Unafraid to be heard by those around us, and I see a glimpse of pearly white headset over blue hair. I tense too and watch Minnow's confidence bleed from her body. "Swim along, Minnow. Or you'll drown in your own spit." I swear I could hear her lips form a murderous smile, "I only want the human for a moment."

Minnow's lip quivered and she was gone in an instant. I turned to the voice to see who it belonged to. I don't need to, but I want to see her. She's standing before me in a shimmering ebony skin tight jumpsuit that looks like stars are on her.

"Be mine for a moment, human. Humor me."

Verity in the flesh.

She closes the gap between us. Her heels click against the floor. "May I have this dance, generous human?"

Verity wraps her hands around my neck, her fingers tangling in the strands of my hair. With her heels, we're eyelevel. I glance at her hips and place my hands above the delicious dips. She smells so good. Everything is intoxicating about her, and I feel the pull she has to me. Like she's enchanted me.

She leans her head forward with her lips grazing my ear. Everyone is watching us now with astonished looks. I don't know if it's because she's dancing with a human or if they know in some form that this is unnatural. Unnatural for her, at least. "Don't you know it's dangerous for you to be out so late at night?"

"What do you want?" I snarled, gripping her waist.

She digs her nails into the nap of my neck, "your fear is intoxicating, human."


She hums into my earlobe as we sway unified. "You don't belong here. This place isn't for your kind." Her body feels so good on mine. "Go home while you still can."

I glance at her, watching a fire twirl in her eyes. "This is my home now."

She laughed. This is the first time I've seen her genuinely laugh, and I don't like the reason. "Your home? No. You're in danger. No one will know your name by the time your blood runs cold, Flame."

"Flint. My name is Flint."

"Same thing."

She clicks her tongue. I could almost feel it against my ear. "Just say the words." Her tone grows sharp and I hear a faint growl, "Transporto me home."

How the fuck does she know about that? I tried to pull back to look at her but she digs her nails deeper. I can feel a warm liquid drip from my neck.

"Are you a secret admirer?" I meant to tease but everything came out as questions. "Do I have my first fan? Stalking me and my thoughts around this place?"

We continue to sway with the others. My body is telling me to run. Alarms are ringing in my head. She laughed into my ear again. The sound is so suffocatingly sweet that I wish it was genuine for all the wrong reasons. I'd give anything to make her laugh without my life on the line. I pressed. "Is Verity out to pursue little o' me?"

Verity pressed her lips on my ear and whispered bitterly, "my love, you have all the wrong ideas. You're describing a predator."

The song ends as her words sink into my ears. She slowly untwines herself from me and bows her head to me. Without another word, Verity walks away from everyone. The long train of fabric attached to her shoulders drapes majestically. I don't know how she danced smoothly with that thing on. The moonlight dances on it making it shine like stars. I watch her, intoxicated by her. I just danced with the devil.

She slips into a crowd that desperately parts from her. The whole school is terrified of her. I wipe the blood from my neck and rub it on my slacks. My eyes land on a tall man in the corner with Minnow tucked under his arm. It's the gargoyle from the fountain when we first arrived. And right now, his gaze looks as if he's trying to turn me into stone. He squeezed Minnow's shoulder which stifled a cry. Great, she didn't bother telling me she had a boyfriend.

I turned to see Piper and Sasha standing on the edge of the floor with their jaws opened in shock. Blake has his arm wrapped around Sasha's neck, and Andrew stands beside them cheering me on. They are clueless to my doom. I wipe the blood from my neck once more. I listened to the students I passed whispering about Verity. She hasn't attended a dance since her brother's death nor has she dated anyone after either. They think she wants to court with me. Find love in someone who doesn't have a clue in who or what she is. A brand new start they called it. If only that were the case. As I walk towards them, I hear Piper shout over the upbeat song that fills the room.

"You asked my favorite color," she said to Andrew. "It's purple."

Sasha shoots her a complex look, "since when have you ever liked purple?"

"Red and blue make purple." She said smugly, "what's not to like?"

Oh Pip, you couldn't be more wrong.