

{You have failed in saving the world Acacia from the demon king nth time} {The authority [Regressor clockwork watch (EX)] rewinds the world time} for Lapse, it was a message he had seen many times it was tiresome it would be great had he dies with heroes and her teammates but he couldn't, for his skill that brought him back in time whenever he or the girl 'Ravien Rein' also known as hero dies. and he is weak due to the illness he has from the childhood, but even with Ravien's strength, he couldn't protect the broad Acacia planet against the Demon king. {The world's time will soon begin.} As the clock resumed ticking in the direction, it should, his nth iteration came to start Fortunately, he finally gets the power to change his Destiny. **************** Hello, itz_zer0 again. this is the second novel I am writing and as you know English is not my first language, I will still try my best and please don't expect me to update this novel on a daily basis, I will update this novel probably on Saturday or Sunday. I am writing this novel because I am a fan of a time loop, so if you are also a fan of time loop like me, follow me on the journey of Devoid! *The cover on the novel is obviously not mine and if you are the owner of this cover and want me to remove it, contact me on my email please. * Thankyou Have a nice day.

itz_zer0 · 奇幻
9 Chs

once again

A crimson-tinted sky enshrouded the world.

Rubble and debris appeared everywhere as corpses and limbs sprawled all over the ground.

Absolute silence enshrouded the world.


Breaking the silence was the sound of someone's rough breathing echoing throughout the space.

black hair, blue eyes, a slender body and powerful presence completed bending the will of her surrounding . A woman is barely standing on the ground with the help of her sword which is in the half-broken state.

looking around she can only see the death bodies of the peoples, then her eyes stopped on a certain individual who has a pale face, white hair, violet eyes and an apathetic look on his face and probably the only human other than her alive.


her body fell on the ground, but her eyes only fixed on him, dragging her body she came close to him, seeing this scene makes everyone urge to protect her, but i have long lost those emotions.

despite bleeding for the most part of the body, her eyes met mine and for a short period of time no one speaks, then silence was broken by her enraged voice

"Why, why... why did you do this? you had a choice, but you still do nothing. When our comrade dies and especially your brother who gave his life for you, you had a blank look on your face all the time. Did you not feel anything?


despite her rambling and a clear hostility in her eyes, I didn't budge under her murderous aura because I already heard her multiple times, rambling about this shitty talk.

decreasing the distance between me and her, she shakes my legs and I fall backward, her murderous aura subsides, and I know what the last word she will say

' But I've always loved you'

" But I've always loved you"

lowering her head, she starts sobbing, but I still don't know the reason why she always says that specially whenever her end in near

looking back at my memories of this time, I couldn't find the reason, nor do i treat her kindly nor do I speak with her many times, but she always speaks to me with warm and kind eyes which annoys me.

After repeating multiple times I don't even know What is love!? and I lost this kind of emotion but this time I couldn't help but ask in a voice that is devoid of emotions

" Why do you love me? "

she stopped crying and looking with her eyes wide open, opening and closing her mouth struggling to find a word and with a kind smile she finally spokes

"Look like you forgot"

tilting my head, I ask

"Forgot what?"

lowering her head and biting her lips she speaks


knowing her stubborn personality I didn't pursue the matter because I know that if she made up mind on something she doesn't fall back


disturbing my thoughts was a sound of an explosion, far away from us the army of demons with lower, middle, upper, advanced, royalty levels in the thousands of numbers

seeing the army, I mumbled

"Another failure"

narrowing her eyes, she asks

" What do you mean by that?"

shaking my head i speaks

" nothing "

It's not like I can tell her about my curse. She doesn't even believe even if I can tell her.

waking up from my place and clearing the dust on my legs and hips, I bend forward and speaks in her ears like the devil Whisper

"Love is just a curse for me"

turning around I moved in the same direction where the army of demons is coming while growling

grrr grrr

for a moment she didn't speak and only processed the words i speaks but, in the end, when she sees me moving toward the hoard of demon armies she speaks

" Where are you going. What do you mean by that. Explain me you shitty bastard?"

I ignored her shouts because I had done what needed to be done, my eyes just fixed on the warning sign in the red light in front of me

<Caution = Hero Raviel Rein health is at 10%, Save her or the timeline will be repeated>

in an annoying tone, I mumbled

"It takes too much time for her to die"

seeing the hordes of demon, which is still 5 km away from me, I speak

" Will"

from my shadow a person with cloak over his body came out who has a missing hand, and he is also on the verge of the death bending on the knees he asks

" Your order, master"

without a care in a world and in a voice devoid of emotion I answer

"Kill her and then yourself"

" Yes master"

already expecting this type of order, he takes dagger from his back and move toward Raviel Rein who is roughly breathing and with her eyes half closed she looks toward me, stretching her hand in the direction of me, she speaks

" I don't want to die; I still want to protect you"

that the last word she managed to say before Will kill her painlessly

and then putting the dagger on his neck Will kill himself and blood scattered all over the place


I don't care about what happen in my back and whistling from my mouth in a melodious tone, as the Instrument I used already broked, putting my hands in my pocket I slowly moves toward demons when they were ready to attack me, they stopped at the 1cm distanced from my neck

< Hero Ravien Rein is dead, you lose>

{You have failed in saving the world Acacia from the demon king nth time}

<You have failed in saving Acacia. The Authority, [Regressor clockwork watch (EX)] rewinds the world's time.>

Everything in existence turned into ashes as lava filled the place. It slowly flowed in bulks, steadily erasing the stain it created in its flow and returned to the place it came from.

The world's clock started to slowly rewind itself. Humans, as well as the Acacia faced the Apocalypse, yet again, by the hands of Demons.

I stared at the crimson-tinted sky. As the end approached me, I decided to carefully think back to the previous timelines, just as I had always done. but I have always a question all time which is still unanswered

"Why she is the only one I cannot kill by myself?"

looking back at my previous timelines I hadn't kill her single time, even though i had lost all my emotion, somehow my heart aches or something is preventing me from killing her.

as always, I don't stick on that matter and thinking about my way to get out of this curse.

<The world's time will soon begin.>

The whole life I had lived had been completely rewound appeared before my eyes.

I open my eyes and saw the room, which is in western style and light is coming through the window, my indifferent, sunken gaze glanced across the room

I saw the maid who has a shock look on her face who drop the plate on her hand and ran the outside


if this is my first time i probably become confused and be in shocked state but repeating this multiple time I had only one word that speaks from my mouth.

"Once again "

but then a message appeared in my front which will change my whole destiny and will probably get me out of this Time loop.