

{You have failed in saving the world Acacia from the demon king nth time} {The authority [Regressor clockwork watch (EX)] rewinds the world time} for Lapse, it was a message he had seen many times it was tiresome it would be great had he dies with heroes and her teammates but he couldn't, for his skill that brought him back in time whenever he or the girl 'Ravien Rein' also known as hero dies. and he is weak due to the illness he has from the childhood, but even with Ravien's strength, he couldn't protect the broad Acacia planet against the Demon king. {The world's time will soon begin.} As the clock resumed ticking in the direction, it should, his nth iteration came to start Fortunately, he finally gets the power to change his Destiny. **************** Hello, itz_zer0 again. this is the second novel I am writing and as you know English is not my first language, I will still try my best and please don't expect me to update this novel on a daily basis, I will update this novel probably on Saturday or Sunday. I am writing this novel because I am a fan of a time loop, so if you are also a fan of time loop like me, follow me on the journey of Devoid! *The cover on the novel is obviously not mine and if you are the owner of this cover and want me to remove it, contact me on my email please. * Thankyou Have a nice day.

itz_zer0 · 奇幻
9 Chs

another curse or a blessing

I was in bed with no reaction to the maid shouts, I already saw this scene multiple times because I always regressed to this day and my personal maid always shouts like this.

"What was her name again? "

despite my personal maid, I forgot her name. I don't even bother remember such a useless toy name.

I know my reaction for the first time, when I woke up first time or the starting days of my Regression, I nearly shocked to the shouts of the maid that I fall from the bed.

ting* ting *

disturbing my thoughts was the sound of the system giving me some messages

{Congratulations, after losing against Demon king nth time. You have obtained the trait "Failure".}

{Your disease 7 chakra medieval point blockage has been treated.}

{Congratulations, you have achieved the complete state of "emptiness". You have given the name "the one who lost all emotions".}

{You have obtained the aura "Void".}

A thin arc form on my face, is it happiness or excitement, I can't tell anymore, but I know this time it's possible to get out of this loop.

the reason for this, I have never had a fighting role in any raid or in any team because of the disease I have from childhood.

I always have a weak body and i never find a way to treat this problem despite wasted multiple regressions just for the cure.

so, I always had a Strategist role everywhere I go and in emergency time I have to fight in the rear.

After the message, I start feelings every part of my body and a little part of aura in my body.


the door opens, a man enters with a white coat and behind him with a golden hair and violet eyes enters the room. he is my biological father "Alex Ivansia "

looking me with a stoic expression on his face and but when her eyes met mine, his eyes waver a little but he remains his poker face, but i know clearly that he is scared.

the doctor ran up to me and check up to me by checking my nerves and then he turned toward Alex Ivansia and speaks

" He is alright"

Alex Ivansia nods his head, then doctor leaves the room and behind him with a boy with 9 years old same golden hair as Alex and green eyes child

he pokes his head out and looks me with an emotional look on his face

he is my younger brother, My father only wife son "Rex Ivansia". As for me, I am just an illegitimate child.

my younger brother looks like he wants to tell me something, so my father asks him to come forward but seeing the look in my eyes and my cold face, he hides back

seeing his reaction Alex smile and looking at me and speak

" 2 years has passed since you went into the coma, you are now.... 12 years old."

I don't show any reaction to this because i already know this, but in my first time I was quite shocked and i have teary eyes that time.

seeing my apathetic look, he speaks

" You are not shocked- "


but before he could say anything else, door broke open and a lady enters with red hair and green eyes with a girl with age of 9 years old, her hair and eye is same as Alex.

They are my stepmom and stepsister, Shu Ivansia and Eunice Ivansia, respectively. My stepsister is twin sister to Rex Ivansia

with a fan before her face Shu Ivansia speaks

" So, good for nothing wake up "

this is my family, calling them family might be bit of a stretch. let's just called it a business relationship.

should i kill them? hmm... probably not, until their use is not completed I can't let them die as they have their own roles to play.

Alex and Shu aka my father and mother respectively, exchange their glances and nodded their head.

Alex speaks with a gentle smile to my brother and sister

" I have a conversation with your big brother, so you can go back to your room. Ah...and take your sister as well "

My younger brother wants to say something, but he bites his lips and go back with the sister

when they both go back. There face twisted and they show the disgusting expression toward me, like there Kind smile was just a facade.

I know what shitty conversation they were going to have with me, but I steel feel disgusted even after multiple times.


a girl with black hair and blue eyes woke up from her bed with a shout, she was sweating all over her body

she was roughly breathing like she has watched a nightmare. Her name is Ravien Rein, daughter of Duke of West "Ritan Rein".

she looks around then and sees her hand and touching her face. then the room of her door suddenly opens, and a maid suddenly enters her room.

looking at the condition of her, she asks

" Mam, have you watched a nightmare, should I call a doctor?"

instead of answering her questions, Ravien asks a different question.

" What is my age? "

confused by her answer, she still replied

" 12 years old, mam"

Ravien mumbled something but tell her maid to go outside and she follows her order and head outside

When the maid goes outside, Ravien have taken a sigh and thought

" I have really gone back into the time"

remembering the future she has lived, the goosebumps appear on her body

" Why had he done this? "

she has no idea why he does this, but she made up her mind

" I don't know why he do this, but this time I will not let him do as he wants and kill the Demon king"

disturbing her thought was the sound of the notification.

{Congratulations, you have gone back into the time}

{you have obtained the skill "Acting"(L class)}

" What the ---"

Unbeknownst to me, another Regression takes place

and who knows whether this will be a blessing or another curse for me.

Only future will tell