
The Greatest Mistake -1

The weather was profoundly beautiful today. There was something alleviating looking at the horizon. Waves swirled in the pond as birds chirped overhead. This was, truly, a perfect day. I looked around and took in my tranquil surroundings. Mossy earth, boulders, birds, a shimmering pond. Something was missing. Something important; I can't quite put my finger on it.

My surroundings stiffened, seizing at that moment. I got up quickly, worried about what was happening. Things deteriorated slowly. Moss furled into clumps and decayed. Boulders crumbled into tiny fragments and were blown away by a non-existent wind. The birds fell to the ground and twitched violently as their skin turned inside out, and their still-beating hearts exploded covering me in entrails. The pond evaporated, leaving nothing but a crater and exploding fish.

This was horrifying. I tried to step back but I couldn't. Everything unfolded before me and there was nothing I could do. Everything was gone. The once wonderful landscape… gone. I looked down. My flesh was peeling slowly off the bone. A voice whispered in my ear softly. "You're nothing. Look at you, rotten to the core." "Nooo, stop please!" The pain was overwhelming. I fell to my knees in anguish. "Feel the pain," it rasped, "enjoy it. You've destroyed the one thing that mattered to you most." "No, no, nooo… stop!" "You cared once, even now you have a shred of hope left. But you don't deserve it, you snuffed out the fire. You killed it in cold blood." My flesh was entirely gone now, I was but bones crumbling. The pain is gone now, and with it intruded a sense of numbness. Who am I to have suffered this tragedy? Who am I? The world faded into black. The numbness becomes more present each second. I shut my eyes slowly picturing the once picturesque scene. All I could picture was fire.

I awoke in a cold sweat and bolted out of bed. I ran to my nearest mirror which happened to be in my bathroom. I looked myself up and down and calmed down. I felt my face and made sure it was intact and sighed in relief. Why was I in here again? Something about a dream. I sat on my bed and laid back down. I pulled out my phone and checked the time, 5:02AM apparently.

'Man, it's early.' I thought. 'Might as well shower.' I thought as I stood up and walked into my bathroom.

After a lengthy shower and some good hygiene practice I walked out of my bathroom and laid down on my bed. After a few minutes I heard a knock on the door. 'Really? At this hour.' I thought.

I got up and walked the short distance to the door. Another knock sounded as I opened the door. As I opened it the door was shoved open and I got poked hard in the ribs. "Ah, damn did you have to barge your way in here with your bony ass elbows?" I asked.

"How about next time I drive my knee into your groin Jeremy, maybe then you'll answer my texts?" The figure said.

"Ah Claire, I didn't mean to not respond I was just busy for these past few days. This mountain isn't going to explore itself." I said.

"Well that doesn't mean you can't text me a sorry or something, I've been worried." She huffed.

"Listen, I'm sorry. I've literally had no time on my hands. The director has been up my ass for the past week wanting me to hurry up." I respond.

A look of uncertainty crossed her face for a moment. "Do you have any coffee?" She asked. I point to the mini kitchen. "Help yourself." I said.

After a cup of coffee, a couple of "I'm sorry's", and an intense conversation we're left with Claire leaving.

As I close the door I sigh. "Ah, it's about 6:30AM. Better pack my gear and leave the lodge." I say to myself.

I stepped out into the cold breeze. I see Claire's figure fading into the distance. She always did go to the extreme when I never respond to her. I chuckle at my quip. I stare off into the sunrise. I was a beautiful mesh of pinks and a deep blue.

Ah, what a day for exploration.

How'd you guys like this part of the first chapter? I hope it engaged you guys! Have fun reading the next part, it's going to get very interesting.

Wishing_For_Wingscreators' thoughts