
Devil's Pact King of Assassins

If, for example, you have only a few hours left to live, how will you face it? ...... Kevin, an ordinary geek, was shot dead on the spot by the pursuing police after committing a heinous crime of a dozen lives in a fit of rage! When he was on the verge of death, a soul contract from the abyss gave him a new life, and because of the experience of death, he awakened the demonic eye of death, which is known as "god-slaying"! In the limited time that the devil gives him, Kevin must complete one mission after another to gain more time to live! The Lonely Walker ...... Infinite World Walking in the shadows, chasing the footprints of the moon's shadow, piercing the endless abyss with the short sword in his hand! This is the strong rise of the King of Assassins!

Dada088 · 奇幻
120 Chs

Chapter 96 Introduction

"How do you know my nickname, sir?"

The little girl's big bright eyes, which even the darkness of the night couldn't hide, looked at kevin, full of curiosity.

"Your father told me, of course."

The palm of kevin's hand on top of the little girl's head seemed to sense something, and there was a faint movement of the virus within his body.

"You are infected sir, and need to be treated as soon as possible."

Angela said, looking down and pulling open her small book bag, from which she removed a small metal box.

Angela's words caused everyone's faces to change as surprised, angry eyes focused on kevin.

"Damn, you're infected! When were you going to tell us? When you turn into one of those things?"

One of the Special Tactics team members couldn't help but question it, and most of the other team members, with the exception of Jill, had an aggressive look in their eyes.

"I'm immune to the virus."

KEVIN coldly swept a glance at the team member, then swept his gaze over the faces of Jill and the others, all sorts of different expressions in his eyes.

"What's more, I have an antidote that will never turn into anything like that."

kevin's explanation eased the tension among the special tactics members, however, among them, more attention was attracted by another message in his words.

"Antidote? You mean ... there's an antidote for being bitten by one of those things?"

Even the experienced, old and dignified Andrew, lost his voice and screamed out, and the other Special Tactics members were like an explosion!

More than that, however, was disbelief, disbelief!

They know that if there was an antidote, this crisis would not be a problem at all, and there would be no need for nukes, it would be completely within the realm of the controllable!

"Since the Umbrella Corporation researched biochemical weapons, they naturally developed an antidote, only they won't use it. I got some of the antidote when I worked for Umbrella Corporation."

"Thank you."

kevin switched to a smirk as he turned to Angela and handed her his cell phone, "Take it outside and you'll be able to hear your father's voice on camera."

After handing his cell phone to Angela, KEVIN turned to Jill, "You take Matthew and the others to resupply their weapons."


Jill nodded at KEVIN and then waved to Matthew's five, catching up as fast as she could with the impatient little girl's footsteps for fear that something might happen to her.

kevin's tough attitude leaves the other special team members dumbfounded, the Umbrella Corporation even went so far as to use nuclear bombs in order to keep the secret, trying to get them to disclose the antidote is nothing but a fool's errand.

"Our main priority now is to get out of the city alive before we think about anything else. Isn't that right?"

kevin said, dropping his gaze to Andrew.


Andrew nodded, taking a deep look at kevin through the shimmering light.

"Whoa! Good stuff!"

Outside the front door, there was an excited yell from Jedi, and it looked like the large-caliber assault rifles stuffed in the trunk had made him overjoyed.

"That's more like it, I told you sub-machine guns and such were weak!"

Jedi held a brand new AK47 from side to side and looked at it with love.

"I'll introduce you."

kevin stood between Andrew and Matthew and introduced each other by name and occupation.


"It's an honor to meet you."

Andrew and Matthew shook each other's hands and then began to introduce the minions behind them.

"We are, from now on, partners."

After the introductions, Andrew smiled.

"Happy cooperation."

Matthew nodded and left his team to familiarize themselves with the Special Tactics crew individually while he made his way over to kevin.

"Why haven't you fled the city?"

kevin couldn't help but ask as he watched the black captain sit down in front of him.

"By the time we woke up, Matt, you, and Aeris had all disappeared, and I only found my crew, and then the Umbrella guards arrived."

Matthew spoke calmly, a hint of inexplicable sadness in his black eyes.

"We had an encounter within the woods, lost two of our team, then got rid of them and found an abandoned cellar to hide in, and when Jedi came back from her explorations, she found the kind of stuff that was already inside the hive everywhere."

"Then we started breaking out of the city and got that call."

Matthew said, looking over at kevin and asking, "Did you get that call too?"


kevin nodded, and the Special Tactics members who had each found a place to rest were a bit anxious, looking at their watches from time to time while looking like the school's main gate, but it was dark, showing only the vague outlines of a few cars in the light of the fire.

The atmosphere, the silence was somewhat oppressive.

The people who had been informed of the plan were all hoping that the time to leave would come soon; they felt that, with every second that passed, the pressure of death increased, and the nukes overhead seemed to descend a little further!

Of course, this is just an illusion, if the general trend of development in this realm has not changed, at this point in time, the nuclear bomb, has just risen from the Umbrella Corporation's headquarters in the Americas ...

"BOSS, it's already three o'clock, shouldn't we go?"

Seeing that most of the Special Tactics team members were showing fidgety expressions and were starting to talk amongst themselves, Rae looked at her watch and realized that the hands were already two and a half minutes over three in the morning, an extra two and a half minutes gone!

"No, we wait."

KEVIN opened his eyes, swept his gaze across the hall, and said, "Alice isn't here yet."

This reason made everyone fall silent, both the members of the Special Tactics and Rescue Team and Matthew's group of mercenaries.

For the members of the Special Tactics and Rescue Team, Iris breaks their back and they can't convince themselves to leave her behind and flee the city alone.

For Matthew and the others, Alice was more their comrade in arms, like a kindred love that could not be abandoned.

"Drop the bell! Ring-a-ring-a-ding-a-ding!"

Just as the crowd was all lulled into silence, the cell phone that had been returned by Angela rang abruptly, shattering the silence instantly.


No sooner had kevin's words left his mouth than Dr. Asheford's voice came impatiently from the middle of the phone, ringing out in the hall where there was only a slight gasp, clearly heard by the crowd.

"Why don't you guys get going?"

"We're waiting for Ms. Ellis."

kevin's unhurried voice lulled the anxious Dr. Ashford into a brief silence, then rang out again.

"The lady is close to you, she'll be there in about seven minutes, so you can prepare to evacuate."

"We're ready when we should be."

kevin glanced at the student bus parked inside the school lawn and hung up.

In the midst of the anxious wait, the others didn't do nothing except for kevin; these guys checked the school buses that the school used to transport the students and filled them with gasoline, so that they could be started as soon as Iris arrived.

Dr. Asheford's words were a relief to everyone, as the elite of the Hundred Battles, they didn't lack patience, what they feared, was just the unknown and meaningless wait.

After learning the exact time, the atmosphere, which had been tense and solidified just a moment ago, was suddenly relieved, and there were even two members of the Special Tactics and Rescue Team joking with each other.

"Everyone check your weapons and equipment and get ready to go."

When kevin and the others ransacked the gun store warehouse, they not only restocked the weapons and ammunition, but also found eight walkie-talkies for communication between vehicles.

In addition to the drivers of each car being assigned one each, the extra two were split between kevin & Matthew.

Neither of them pushed back and casually pinned it to their waist.

KEVIN They originally had fourteen people, plus the later Matthew five, as well as not yet arrived Alice, a total of twenty people, five cars are just able to fit, Angela can only be counted as half a head, barely also can be squeezed.

However, in the interest of comfort and rescuing more people, plus the fact that they were bored out of their minds if they didn't find something to do, the crowd got to work cleaning out this yellow school bus.

Unexpectedly, when it came to the final allocation, the five Matthews, plus kevin, Claire, Jill, and Angela, all chose to take the school bus, instead leaving the other five cars empty among them.