
Devil's Pact King of Assassins

If, for example, you have only a few hours left to live, how will you face it? ...... Kevin, an ordinary geek, was shot dead on the spot by the pursuing police after committing a heinous crime of a dozen lives in a fit of rage! When he was on the verge of death, a soul contract from the abyss gave him a new life, and because of the experience of death, he awakened the demonic eye of death, which is known as "god-slaying"! In the limited time that the devil gives him, Kevin must complete one mission after another to gain more time to live! The Lonely Walker ...... Infinite World Walking in the shadows, chasing the footprints of the moon's shadow, piercing the endless abyss with the short sword in his hand! This is the strong rise of the King of Assassins!

Dada088 · 奇幻
120 Chs

Chapter 92 - Dividing the Army

It appears that the Raccoon City Police Department had sent officers here to maintain order at the beginning of the crisis.

But ...

The blood-soaked driver's seat powerfully expresses what happened to the supporters, and the lack of awareness of this bio-crisis has cost the humans of this realm an unbelievable amount of money!

A body clad in tattered police uniforms lying not far from the police car, the whole body is covered with traces of tearing, revealing blackened muscles, white bones, chest and abdomen, there is a huge mouth pulled open, flowers and green guts and intestines did not flow out, leaving only a little residue in the abdominal cavity, disgusting!

The Special Tactics team members observed a moment of silence, a look of sadness in their eyes, and Sniper Pace took his cowboy hat off in tribute, his eyes heavy.

But that wasn't the focus of kevin's concern, it was the large stack of cages behind this police car!

At the back of the open compartment, cages made of woven wire were piled high, obviously used to hold police dogs!

But at this time, the police dog in the iron cage has disappeared, replaced by a large hole with a diameter of more than half a meter!

A black wire ripped outward, twisted and broken tip mostly hung a dark red blood beads have not yet condensed, one of the iron cage of the hole, there is a large piece of bright red flesh, shocking!

"Is this guy brain-dead yet? The guy only came with one and brought a dozen police dogs? To make the plot more difficult?"

Kevin had the urge to break into a fit of rage, which, unless an intense crisis erupted when this police car transporting a police dog just happened to be passing by, could only be interpreted as adding to the difficulty of the task.

Visible bite marks from the canine could be found on the officer whose guts had been devoured!

Zombies don't have the walking ability to take out an able-bodied adult man, but zombie dogs do!

"Ho! ..."

Just as the Special Tactics members were in a heavy mood, the policeman, who had been eaten almost to death and most of the bones on his body had been exposed and his face was completely disfigured, suddenly climbed up from the ground, startling everyone!

Under the dancing firelight, it gave an overwhelming feeling of horror!

"Drop the bell! Ring-a-ring-a-ding-a-ding!"

The cell phone in kevin's pocket suddenly rang, causing the Special Tactics crew, whose hearts were racing, to get another mild shock.

At this point in time, there wouldn't be anyone else who could have put the call in except for Dr. Asheford, who controlled the network in this area of the Umbrella Corporation.

"Take it out with a silencer if you don't want to attract a horde of walkers."

Kevin pointed to the suddenly "resurrected" officer and answered the phone.

"Any word from Alice?"

KEVIN opened the door to the fact that Dr. Asheford called and it could only be about this.

"I've found the lady, and by the looks of it she's not too bad, and I've called her to come and join you."

"Don't worry, we'll find your daughter."

kevin got the news of Alice, the big stone in his heart finally fell, although Alice is the main character in the movie, is the person who is favored by the fate, but the hall a big man, actually need a woman to break the back for him, this makes him feel ashamed, as well as powerless, for more powerful power, become more eager than ever!

"Soon you'll hear her voice."

With that, KEVIN hung up, and Jill, who had installed a silencer in the muzzle of her gun, with trembling hands and an unforgiving avert of her head, pulled the trigger!

After a dry, soft thud, the bullet with its spiral easily drilled through the zombie's skull, churning the fragile brain tissue into a paste that slowly spilled out.

Inheriting the architectural style of Raccoon City, this junior high school also has a two-story building, but with an underground athletic field.

Its facilities are also very different from those of a Chinese school; the entire school, a ring of connected buildings, encloses an open lawn.

"Our target is a little girl named Angela who is hiding somewhere in this school."

KEVIN paused and said, "There should still be those dead people turned into things inside this school, and even some animals infected with the virus that turned into monsters. We need to find her and clear out everything else that moves."

"Try not to make a lot of noise, we still need to stay in this place for almost an hour."

The crowd nodded and their weapons were replaced with pistols and silencers.

"Split up, Claire, Pace, Jill and I will take the second floor. Andrew, you'll assign the others."

kevin said, already turning toward the stairs, and the few people he'd nudged rushed to follow.

"You, you, you, you ... clear the first floor, and the rest of you follow me to the first floor."

Andrew was no slouch either, and after casually naming five people to search the first floor, he slung his large caliber shotgun on his back, pulled out a pistol with a silencer mounted on it, and led the remaining four down the stairs.

The power seemed to have been cut off at this school, and the entire floor was pitch black with no semblance of light.

Jill shot out a compact tactical flashlight to walk at the top of the stairs, with the three kevins slightly behind.

kevin, who fell behind Gil, frowned slightly, Angela also had a large amount of T-virus in her body, and it was logical that the virus in his body, should have sensed it.

But, no response!

It was as if Angela, the viral infection, was no longer even nearby!

"Could it be, that the originator virus in my body has mutated?"

That's exactly what kevin was worried about, the uncontrollable nature of the virus mutation made him feel a pang of unease, and just now, he couldn't sense the virus in the zombies!

"That's damned ..."

Although this mutation had not yet manifested a specific surname right now, it was like a sharp sword hanging over his head, making it difficult for him to have peace of mind!

In fact, the situation was not the usual one that kevin had feared; the virus had not mutated inside him.

In fact, in the Resident Evil single-player game series, the originator virus in terms of stability, all the most difficult to mutate a virus, if not man-made research experiments, it is almost impossible to mutate!

The originator virus in kevin's body had similarly inherited the characteristic of being difficult to mutate, however, after being fused by the elf cells, its surname, too, had quietly changed!

After fusing the air elf cells, the originator virus was then broken down from the previous symbiotic virus by the enzymes in kevin's blood into viral factors that clung to the cell nucleus!

At the same time kevin was energized by the dragon elf cells, it also made his genes, aggressive!

So much for breaking down the Beginning Virus, and so much for the changes that are happening now!

The reason why kevin lost his ability to sense the virus was because his cells were energized with more potential as the elf cells continued to merge and began to break down these foreign viruses further!

Even the probiotics and microorganisms that parasitize the body begin to be rejected and broken down!


Just as kevin frowned, Jill, who was at the front of the line and maintaining a fighting stance, suddenly pulled the trigger, letting out a slight gunshot!

The three kevin's gazes instantly looked along with the column of light shining from Gil's tactical flashlight, only to see a figure in the same tattered clothes fall with a muffled thud.

This is a real realm, not a movie set, and most of the walkers' clothes, except for the ones that were initially mutated, were torn from their bodies when they were infected and torn by other walkers.

The gunshot was like a signal that drew out all the zombies hiding in this classroom on the second floor!

One by one, the smallest of the zombies stood up from the corners and moved stiffly toward Jill.

Once again, thanks to the education system of the United States, a developed country, there were only a dozen or two students in the large classroom, trudging in from all corners of the country.

"Bang!" "Bang!" "Bang!"

The pistols in the three Jill's hands continued to flicker with fire, the sound of gunfire attenuated by layers of silencers becoming muted.

Each slight gunshot was accompanied by a dull thud of falling to the ground, and a ghostly bloody hole appeared in the forehead of one of the zombies.

The muzzle of the gun flashes of fire, reflecting the cold expression of the shooter, the zombies already have a full understanding of them to kill these height of not more than one meter five "students" without the slightest burden.

Without his pistol, kevin focused on paddling, ignoring the darkness as his eyes swept around, looking for survivors.