
Devil's Luck[Arc 5: Worlds Apart]

Zenkichi Hitoyoshi is a young man, destined to be chained by fate in the early story of canon. He was a man without ambition, drive, will and talent to become something great. Well, that'll soon change. For better, or for worse. .... AN: Alright, let's do this one last time, probably. Here's another Medaka Box fanfic that I hope it'll get to a hundred chapters before I drop it, or not? It depends on life really. And positive comments and reviews, I don't really care much of power stones(tho, that doesn't mean you can't...) but positive feedback on my work really inspires me more to write. Want to check out my pa-treon and be ahead of your fellow WN kin? Well here's the link: pa–treon.com/FroztDouluo *Just get rid of the dash. Edit: I just changed it to Gilgamesh because... Zenkichi basically almost resembles him at this point(I didn't planned for this happen) Schedule and the amount of chapters I'd be popping out? Tuesday and Thursday(UTC +8), 2–3 chapters a week(it's usually just 2 chapters because I'm slow at making anime related stories).

FroztDouluo · 漫画同人
152 Chs

Chapter 76: School Life Once More

"Huh? Join your club?" Naze flatly stared at Zenkichi.

The trio were outside of the clocktower after they talked to Kumagawa's victims. And although they had some comments about them stopping the Flask Plan, Zenkichi was there to intimidate.

Even Gun had to reluctantly step down when Zenkichi showed him who's the top predator between them.

Koga raised her hand and excitedly said. "Oh, oh! I'll join!"

"Haha. Sure, the more the merrier!" Zenkichi chuckled and high-fived a vibrating Koga.

Naze hummed, slowly nodded, and said. "Alright, I got nothing else to do for now so if the school isn't going after us anymore, we'll come join your whatever club. What's the name of it anyway?"

"...The name is currently on pending."

Naze snorted and turned around, raising a hand to wave. "Whatever. I'll find you later on."

The corners of her mouth slightly curved, her single red eye revealed a heart pupil.

'After all, I still haven't explored more of your extraordinary physique. You've awaken this feeling that I've long thought died, you will take responsibility.'

"Ah, Naze-chan! Wait!"

Koga called out, chasing after Naze.

Zenkichi watched them leave, a small smile on his face.

"Well, this ended quicker than I first thought it would." And anticlimactic. Letting out a sigh, he then chatted with Brunhilde through his system with the group chat and got a reply saying that she was still browsing through some clothes and would be done in an hour.

'I almost forgot! System, what's the World Blessing Quest for Brunhilde?'


[World Blessing Quest: Brunhilde]

Objective: Convince user's, Zenkichi Hitoyoshi, mother that you are carrying his child.

Reward: Existence stability

"..." Zenkichi stared.


"...I should go see them."

Ignoring...that, for now, Zenkichi turned towards the school building, taking a deep breath, he took a step forward.


"So princess, you know where we're going to set our base of operations?"

"Hm. The Gamer club had just disbanded due to a lack of new members so we could use their room."

"Eh, which club are we talking here? There's like, a dozen Gamer Clubs in this school."

"The original one. Ironically enough, because there were too many varieties of Gamer Clubs, there wasn't anyone interested that became interested in it and the remaining members had no choice but to disband."

"Hmm. But how big is the clubroom are we talking here?"

"As big as a regular classroom, though most of the space is occupied by computers and all kinds of gaming equipment so I'm wondering if you can give me some advice on what to with them."

"Easy. Sell them."


Zenkichi quietly smiled, tears stinging his eyes as he listened to Medaka, Shiranui, Nabeshima, Kikaijima and some other female voice talking to each other behind the door in front of him.

It was only a day, but it feels as though it had been months, years, since he last saw them. But that was to be expected.

A lot of things had happened since then, with him now being part God and Devil.

He didn't want his life to get this complicated, he only wanted to live a normal life ever since he reincarnated into this body and took on Zenkichi Hitoyoshi's identity.

Overcome Medaka Kurokami, grow stronger both mentally and physically, aced through highschool then college and get a nice job with a great family.

He could still do all that just...it's going to be harder than expected.

Nonetheless, he wasn't going to regret the things he'd done or hesitate on his future choices.

He will live his life to the fullest!

So, wiping his tears, a wide arc spread across his face as he opened the door.

"Oh, Zenkichi?" Medaka raised an eyebrow, everyone else in the room turned towards him. She smiled and said, "Welcome back. Did you get enough members for our club?"

Shiranui snickered by the side, chewing on some potato chips, she clearly noticed the lack of new members. "Looks like our dear boss has failed on his mission."

"Aww~ Don't sweat it, Zenkichi! As the former Judo club president, I know that recruiting new members isn't easy." Nabeshima said, resting her chin on her palm as she nonchalantly looked at Zenkichi.

"Bwaah~" Beside Nabeshima, sitting on the comfy black couch, was a scantily dressed woman with faded red dyed hair with blonde ends and was letting out a puff of white air after chugging a bottle of sake. "*Hic* B-Bullshit, Nekomi-chan. Unlike this hottie here...you're a pretty well-known Judo practitioner and the Judo club that you used to lead has a deeeeep foundation and a decent reputation."

"Zenkichi though? *Hic* He's mostly known as a delinquent to other students, nicknamed, the *Hic* Dragon Warrior~! Hahahaha!" The woman burst out in laughter.

Medaka let out a sigh, pinching her nose. "Kirigakure-sensei, please stop drinking in the student council room."

"Ah! Medaka is reprimanding someone!"

"Is this the end of the world?!"

Both Shiranui and Nabeshima burst out laughing, while Kirigakure, full name Shura Kirigakure, stuck out her tongue in rebuttal before proceeding to drink once more.

"...At least drink in moderation," Medaka muttered. She then noticed Zenkichi's silence and looked up in surprise as the latter started...crying?

"Zenkichi? What's wrong?" Medaka immediately asked, she stood up in concern.

The others quickly noticed, and except for the drunken teacher who shrugged, they looked worriedly at Zenkichi.

Zenkichi wiped away his tears and smiled at them. "It's nothing. Something just entered my eyes is all." He said with a low tone of voice, a complicated expression flashed in his eyes.

Although he had expected it, but seeing them alright and safe, it overwhelmed him with emotions.

"Do you want me to check on your eyes, Zenkichi?" Kikaijima, who had been silently observing the whole time, asked with a concerned look.

Zenkichi chuckled and shook his head. "No, it's fine. Thank you, Kikaijima."

Medaka stepped forward and placed a comforting hand on Zenkichi's shoulder. "Zenkichi, we're here for you. Whatever you're going through, we'll support you."

He smiled at her, the image of her insane state momentarily appeared in his head before he shook his head. "Thank you, Medaka. I really appreciate it."

Remembering the pitiful fate Medaka had in the previous timeline and how he had left her behind, his heart ached.

Without any warning, he spread his arms out and pulled Medaka into a tight embrace. She was surprised at first but quickly wrapped her arms around him, returning the hug.

"Zenkichi..." she whispered softly, her voice filled with warmth and obvious confusion. She giggled. "What's gotten into you all of a sudden? You were never this affectionate towards me... especially for the last few weeks."

"I..." Zenkichi opened his mouth to say something but he quickly controlled his emotions and didn't say anything. He simply closed his eyes and snuggled his face against Medaka's shoulder, relishing in the warmth of her embrace.

The others in the room watched the scene unfold, their expressions ranging from surprise to amusement.

Shiranui, who had been munching on chips the whole time, suddenly piped up. "Alright, enough with the sappy stuff. Let's get down to business. We need to come up with a name for our club."

"Mmhm. As much as I want to see you two being all...cute together," Nabeshima chuckled, a strange expression flashed in her eyes as she clapped her hands. "We can't have a club without a name. Any ideas, Zenkichi?"

Zenkichi pulled away from the embrace with Medaka and thought for a moment. "Hmm... how about 'Freedom Club'?" he suggested with a sheepish smile and a joking manner.

To be fair, he started this whole club idea so he could have a reason for starting a group/gang in school without people raising concerns. It was all for the quest!

And although he already completed the questline, his face wasn't that thick enough to endure the embarrassment if he were to: "ah, sorry guys. Y'know about this whole, club thing? Yeah. I was just kidding and I wasn't actually going to do it!"

No. Just. No. If he were to hear that from someone who recruited him into his/her super cool club only for it to end up being as a joke...

He didn't care about getting beaten by them, they can't put a dent on his superhuman physique, but the embarrassment would be too much for his pride.

But to his surprise, their response was unexpected.

Shiranui opened up another bag of chips and shrugged. "Eh, I've heard worse."

"Haha." Nabeshima chuckled. "I like it! 'Freedom Club' it is then."

Zenkichi blinked.

'Wait, what?!'

"Guys, I was–"

"*Hic* I-Is that the name you...g-guys are going with? Weird, but hey, you guys d-do *hic* you..." Kirigakure chimed in, looking more flushed and wasted than a couple minutes ago. "B-But you have to hand over the...new members' forms to me before

"..." Zenkichi turned towards Kikaijima, only for her to tilt her glasses up and ignore his plea.

"I am but a treasurer of the student council, I have nothing to add."

"And it's decided!" Medaka proclaimed while Zenkichi tried to stop them. "The name of our club is officially the 'Freedom Club'! It'll be a club of how we follow our desires, do fun activities and help each member accomplish their desire."

"Basically, a club that does whatever the fuck they want!" Nabeshima summed it up.

"Yeah~" Shiranui and Kirigakure lazily pumped their fists up.

Zenkichi stared at them before snorting and shaking his head in defeat. "Alright, fine. If that's the name you all want, then I guess I can't argue with it."

As long as everyone's happy and having fun, everything would be alright.

And yet, despite things looking up, Zenkichi couldn't help but feel a uneasy feeling creep up in his heart.

And he knew the reason behind it.

'Kumagawa...' He faintly narrowed his eyes, looking out of the window.

No matter what, that guy has to die!


In the chairman's office.

"What... What did you just say?" Hakama Shiranui, an old man with a typical wizened old man appearance with a long white beard, stammered in surprise.

"Hahaha. It's nothing so surprising about, Chairman Shiranui." Kumagawa calmly said as he sat before the chairman, crossing one leg over the other while both palms rested on his kneecap. "I mean, we've got a guy that can control electronics through electricity, one that can change one's physiology into liquid, and another whose ability is something vague and ridiculous called luck."

He tilted his head to the side, his ever present unhinged smile on his face slowly spread.

Suddenly, a figure of darkness appeared behind him with a violet snake hissing as it coiled around their neck. They started to lean forward, showing a mischievous grin at the old man. Judging by their curvy figure, they looked to be female.

"Haha." She giggled at the wide eyed reaction of the chairman, her voice sounding mature and seductive.

"Is it really so hard to believe in tbe supernatural?" Kumagawa said.

The chairman had a solemn expression on his wrinkled face. Although he had expected it somewhat, but after years of research and investigation for nothing to turn up until now, of course he'd be utterly shocked.

How? How did they keep their existence a secret for so long?! And why are they showing themselves till now?

"...Hoho. I have to admit, you have really surprised this old fossil." Despite saying that, the chairman quickly schooled his emotions and calmly chuckled. He was someone who had gone through a lot in life and experienced a lot of bullshit.

The existence of magic wouldn't be enough to freak him out.

"So then, what's your intention for doing this?" Hakama Shiranui asked.

Kumagawa's eyelids lowered halfway, a cold glint flashed in his eyes.

"As I have always been doing for the last three years–I want to kill someone. And you," He leaned forward, sudden and unnervingly, a large screw had appeared in his hand and was shot into the old man's solar plexus, the latter spurted blood out uncontrollably.

"You're going to help me."

In that moment, Hakama Shiranui saw his life flashed before his eyes.

As the sweet embrace of death was about to take him, he soon discovered himself to be completely safe.

'What?! How is this possible?!' The chairman looked up, fear and caution clear in his eyes.

"Chairman Shiranui," Hakama looked up to find the dark female figure appearing in front of him and a sudden feeling of pain from his left cheek followed as he was thrown into the wall. "Submit, or die."

Kumagawa looked at him indifferently.


He narrowed his eyes as the old man slowly lowered his head.

'Anshin'in, I will kill(save) you. No matter the method or cost.' Kumagawa smirked.


❄️Shout-outs to the best Reincarnators of my world of patreon:

•terrence L mccall

•swift arrow



•Nawaf Rashed

•Davide Cordivani


•Maxwell Sarabi



❄️A bigger shout out to the who ascended to become a One Above All!!

•Orion Chung

•Daniel Reis

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