
Chapter 5 - Turning in Homework

I winced from a combination of embarrassment, and the sting of a tile floor underneath my bare knees. I was on the floor of Mr. Poln's office; and though I could still taste my principal's cum lingering on the inside of my mouth, he was gone now, and I belonged only to my history teacher. In the time that had passed since the end of school the sky was growing dim and the line of busses had long since left; lending to the evening a much more intimate affair than when I had first slipped into Mr. Poln's room. We were alone, it was growing dark, and I was offering myself to him in ways no student ever should to a teacher.

Shamefully, I dropped my head and gazed at the tile floor below me, swallowing nervously as I listened to Mr. Poln's footsteps while he circled. I was on my hands and knees, trying to stay steady underneath the myriad of sensations seemingly designed to do nothing more than make me tremble and melt. My clothes had been discarded; and for the first time I was truly naked in front of my teacher. Sure, I was still wearing my knee socks and my glasses, but everything else had been folded nicely and tossed to the side, near where I had spit my principal's cum onto the floor below. Exposed, bent over like an animal offering herself, there was nothing I could hope to hide from my teacher's piercing gaze.

He didn't say anything at first, which made the moment drag on in an agonizing torment. He walked from side to side, looking at me as he did so, and the feel of his eyes against my body made me feel faint. While I would hardly call myself as attractive as some of the other girls in class, my skin was smooth, with a pale color that was a few shades lighter than my teacher's own. My breasts were average and mostly untouched; though in the eagerness of the moment my nipples were firm and aroused, eager for what was to come next. I was wet; oh how I was wet for my teacher, and I'm sure he could see a sheen covering me as he passed behind to look at the eighteen year old that was offered before him. He continued to stroll, and then finally made a noise of curious contentment; enough to make me lift my head from quiet, timid resolve.

"...is there something wrong, Mr. Poln?" I dared to ask, desperate for my history teacher's approval. He just offered that kind, yet controlling smile, and his hands dropped down to his waist, his fingers flicking about at the rim of his belt. He said nothing to me as he started to undress; and I watched with wide eyes as his pants fell to the floor, and he stepped clear of them with his cock in sight. A cock I was by no means unfamiliar with at this point; one I had serviced, studied, worshipped. The cock that had taken my virginity, and the cock that had given me a taste of something far beyond the limited, sheltered world that I once knew.

He unbuttoned his shirt and removed his tie, though he left the shirt open and held the tie in both hands; snapping it taught like a piece of rope. I could already feel my teeth sink in against my bottom lip, and I subconsciously swayed back and forth from my rear, eager to be taken, eager to be claimed.

When Mr. Poln lowered himself behind me, it took all of my resolve to not simple fall back into him, to let my sex engulf his cock and take him as deep as I possibly could. The memory of my principal's prick in my mouth was fading fast; and I could scarcely remember a time before Mr. Poln had started to use me for his pleasure. It was all I wanted then; all I could ever imagine needing to be happy. And as he knelt right behind me, and scooped a hand underneath my stomach to begin straightening me up, an audible moan went through me.

He brought me up to my knees, and forced me to lean back into his chest. Powerful hands started to go around me, caressing my stomach, moving over my breasts, and most teasingly of all; brushing faintly underenath my glistening pussy. Again I moaned, and my fingers tightened into fists, my head darting back and forth as I began to murmur in pathetic, desperate whispers. I don't remember what I said, but I know I begged him to take me, to fuck me, to have me right there on his classroom floor. To let the perfect student earn her A, to gain the top marks, to be in so many ways the teacher's pet. He continued to say nothing, but as my begging continued his hands started to work, taking me by the wrists and pulling my hands behind my back. I submitted without hesitation, and even as I felt his strong, silk tie bind my wrists behind the small of my back, I could think of nothing but the pleasure that was to come.

Before too long his mission was complete, and his schoolgirl pet had arms bound so tight it was bordering on painful. With a delicate gesture he moved a hand to pluck the glasses from my face, and most sweetly of all delivered a tiny kiss against the side of my cheek. When he pressured me to lean forward once more I went down like a fallen tree; though this time I didn't have the comfort of being able to rest my hands against the cold tile of the classroom floor. With my hands bound I had no other option than to drop forward to my chest; and I gave a squeal as the tile chilled my already hard nipples, and I shivered in sensitive arousal as my throat and cheek laid flat to the ground. My hair dusted around my cheeks, and in the awkward position it was practically impossible to look back at my teacher, forcing me to handle the moment as it came, full of surprises and delights.

"Y...Yes...please…" I could hear myself whisper, the throaty plea of a fledgeling whore. Mr. Poln continued in silence, but pressed his strong hands to the side of my rear, and pushed forward so the moment could begin. I felt the stroke of his cockhead against my pussy for the faintest of moments, and my voice cried out in a little gasp as the sensation overtook me. And then, just as my body was recovering from that brush, there was the pinch of penetration, and my world went stark white.

When Mr. Poln had claimed me in his office before, it had been fairly unexpected, and there was the discomfort of losing my virginity. Now, almost completely naked on his floor, I was in a state of desire that could only be likened to a pot about to bubble over. I had been waiting for him the whole day, I had chosen this slutty, submissive position. I had just serviced another man because Mr. Poln wanted me to, in the hopes we'd reach this moment. I had never wanted anything more than his cock inside me at that second.

Mr. Poln didn't waste much time once he was inside of me, and I imagine his own middle aged hormones were no less roaring in that moment than my own desires. My building moan grew into a hungry squeal as he gave me a sudden thrust, and I felt my walls give way to his thick, intruding member. A wet noise filled the silence as he claimed me, and I could feel my nectar oozing around his shaft, coating my teacher's cock as he claimed me there on the floor. Mr. Poln gave a hiss of desire, but didn't let himself savor the moment long before he started to thrust again, pulling back nearly until his cock was outside before thrusting it in again, just as deep. As he claimed me my body slid back and forth on the floor, my breasts and face rolling uncomfortably, shamefully on the filthy tile of the classroom. The demeaning position only made my blood boil more as the full, debacherized weight of what I was doing crashed down upon me. As he started to have me with a growing force I felt a small orgasm rock my body; not enough to send me into squirts and screams, but enough to make my voice rise to a heavier moan, and enough to send my pussy twitching against his member, squeezing and releasing in rapid succession. My teacher just gave a grunt of approval at his pet's sudden convulsion, but not for a second did he seem intent on letting up.

My vision blurred; and across the tile of the floor I could see where my clothes laid in a pile, and behind them the office chair that the principal had sat in a few moments ago. There was a flash in my mind; imagining what I must have looked like. On my knees, my hands and mouth hard at work at the cock of a man I truly didn't even like; slurping and sucking like the obedient slut I had become. The one Mr. Poln had turned me into. That image in my mind was only made more delightful by the presence of my teacher, and the feel of his stiff, powerful cock drilling into me with heavy and dominating strokes. My hands tugged in futility at the binding; the silk scarf holding tight as I made a play of a fake struggle. Even if it were lose, I would never dare to try to escape, for there'd be nothing I could run to that would bring me more pleasure than I was enjoying then.

Mr. Poln's hands gripped firmly at my rear, squeezing me so hard that I could feel the formation of idents into my flesh. His breathing was hard and heavy, and I could tell that my teacher was thoroughly enjoying my pussy. Each thrust brought us both to new heights, and by now I imagined that my juices had completely coated his member, making it sticky, sweet, and wet. His powerful thrusting continued, forcing me into little slides along the floor, just as each one drew from the back of my throat the gurgling gasp of a young woman learning what made her body ache in pleasure.

Mr. Poln fucked me in silence, though I made noise enough for us both. Between the gasps and moans and sharp yelps I could hear him breathing heavy, and as the moments continued I could hear his efforts becoming more labored. It didn't slow him down; however, and before too much longer I sensed that his moment was soon coming. His peak was rapidly approaching, and with it I could feel him coaxing from me the desire to explode in a similar, wet fashion. His grunts melded with my own squeaks, and my heart was racing as I knew the moment was upon me. I had fully expected Mr. Poln to jerk himself from my pussy at the last minute; to the point where I was eagerly awaiting the feel of having my back plastered with his cum. I was envisioning what it would feel like pooling in the small of my back, or how I would play with it in between my fingers should he shoot it over my hands.

When he came inside me, I had never been more scared or aroused in my life. It came with a shock and a sudden thrust; and I imagine that Mr. Poln hadn't truly intended to go inside of me. Likely the teacher was smart enough to want to pull out, but the moment had gotten the best of him and his eighteen year old fucktoy was simply far too pleasing to ignore. When he started to cum he gave a gutteral curse, and nearly retracted before a part of him seemed to know that the damage was already done. With both of us already damned he went all the way, thrusting deep inside of me as his cock started to plaster my insides with his rich, thick cream.

I moaned like a whore, my own body rocking in an orgasm as I felt my teacher officially make me his own. The warmth filled me, made me melt and tremble, and my hips shook uncontrollably as my peak rocked through my body. Mr. Poln pressed in hard, keeping himself hilted as he continued to cum, leaning heavy over me to force my cheek and chest even harder on the tile. I was shamefully pinned as my teacher continued to fill, and before too long I could feel it start to seep outside, slipping in between the seam of shaft and folds. My pussy drooled cum down to the tile below, and I was powerless to stop the dangerous humiliation I was experiencing.

"Fuck…" Mr. Poln finally offered the first word after our shared climax, and when he pulled his cock from my pussy I gave another sharp cry. Instantly I could feel more of it rush outside; the cum that hadn't been packed against my womb by his cock being drug free to splash to the tile below. I collapsed onto my back after he pulled out, gasping and struggling for air, watching with bleary vision as Mr. Poln released my hands, collected his pants and started to pull them back up. My body was naked save for sweat and socks, and I timidly covered my breasts with my hands as I looked up at him, speaking with an exhausted voice.

"M...My glasses?" It sounded a boring and clinical question, but without them I could scarcely make out Mr. Poln's shape, let alone his face. Thankfully my teacher was kind in returning them, and a few seconds later I was brushing sweat covered hair away from my brow and slipping them back on my face. My breathing was heavy, and I looked at the mess we had made over the course of the past half hour. A pile of clothes on the floor, and a pool of white cream just a few inches away. I trembled at the sight of it, the weight of what Mr. Poln had done settling in on me. I hadn't started birth control yet, could this have been a mistake? Could his failure to pull free have ramifications for us both? I swallowed nervously, and bit on my bottom lip before speaking in a timid voice.

"Mr. Poln...I...I'm not on birth control ye-"

"Clean it up, Kim." Mr. Poln seemed unconcerned, and in response to my query he simply pointed a hand down to the floor, directing my gaze to the puddle of white cream near my naked frame. His command was as demanding as ever; my teacher's dominant side revealing itself once more. I gave a tremble of desire and nodded eagerly, and before the ashamed young woman inside of me had a chance to protest, I did as I was ordered.

On my hands and knees again, this time I wasn't fucked like a dog but instead fed like one. My hair dusted the floor as I bent my mouth down to the tile of the classroom floor; tongue moving to pass through the puddle of cream that Mr. Poln had injected into my pussy. It was a familiar taste; altered slightly by my own juices, but still as pleasant as I remembered. I used one hand to hold my glasses to my nose while my lips puckered, and I started to slurp the cum up off the floor as readily as I could. Sip by sip I collected it, swirled it around the metal of my braces with my tongue, and then finally swallowed with a quiet smile.

I lifted my head up, and opened my mouth to show Mr. Poln that I had been a good girl, that I had cleaned up my mess and swallowed it away. He just gave a smile and a nod, and lowered a hand to help me up to my socked feet. Once I had moved back to my clothes to begin dressing he spoke; and my head turned back to regard him with the blushing smile of a crushing schoolgirl.

"You did well today, Kim." Mr. Poln praised me, and I felt a preening moment of joy in it. "We'll get you on birth control as soon as we can.." He smirked a bit and stepped forward, regarding me with a brow. I stood stunned before him, holding my clothes to my chest as Mr. Poln reached out a hand, taking my chin and gazing at me from side to side.

"You have a month of training coming up." He advised me simply; somewhere in between a warning and a command. My knees nearly buckled, and I could feel my heart racing as I gazed into his predatory, dominating gaze. His words chilled me to the bone from my nervous fear, but they made sure to leave a spark in my sex; a spark that burned hot and wet enough to keep my frigid upbringing melted.

"By the end of the month, you'll be the perfect slut."


End of Chapter 5.


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