
The Lion's Den

In the late afternoon sunlight, a man was riding on horseback, a giant man. Almost as big as the horse he was riding. He wore black armour, dark as the night sky, with a helmet that completely covered his face. On his back he carried a poleaxe.

He rode towards a big castle. It was fortified beyond reason. Every inch of it was guarded by a pair of guards carrying torches with shield on their back and, mace on their side. They carried the same proud posture as him. As he was reaching the end of his destination, he saw a man wearing the same armour as him, standing right in front of a group guards at the gate but, the armour he wore. Cleary didn't fit him... He didn't even carry the same proud posture as the others. However he did carry a piece of paper in his hand. He raised it up and shouted.

"I was sent to deliver this important information to Duke Lionheart the Relentless personally! This is urgent matter!"

"But the Duke isn't here. He is in King's City. As a fellow soldier you should know this." The guard replied then took a closer look on the paper. "Could someone read this?" He looked around but no one answered. "We can't just let him in. Lady Sanna's command was clear and, I don't want to lose my head... By the way, who sent you?"

"I was sent by the garrison commander from Warmwater Port. He told me to deliver this message to the Duke personally, or to any of his advisors here in Lion's Den. This letter that I'm holding is for them. And it's important."

"You mean you came all the way here on foot? He didn't even lend you a horse?"

"On my way here, I was ambushed... by a witch." He raised his left arm and a huge gap was visible on his armour. There were even some bloodstains on it. It looked like a claw tore apart that side of his armour. "I'm lucky to be alive."

The guard was speechless. He looked around and all the other guards behind him began to whisper. Then the name 'demon' came up and, the group of people began to whisper even more. They completely forgot about the giant men on horseback coming towards them. When he was just a yards away, one of the soldier on the wall rushed to sound a horn. The Echoing sound made everyone stand vigilant once more.

All of them turned to the road and, saw a lone giant. "Duke Lionheart!" They kneeled down instantly; expect the men with the papers. He hesitated for a brief moment. "We apologize for the insult! We expected that, you would arrive with an escort! We swear that this disrespect will never occur!"

What are they talking about? Oh yes... The etiquette. It's hard to get used to it. All the bowing and kneeling, and so on and so forth. As a serf, I never understood why the nobles make us do all these things. Now as a Duke I still don't get it...

"I don't mind." He shrugged "Carry on men!"

"But my Duke! You should be honoured for your title, no matter where you are."

He removed his helmet and, revealed his red hair and, short beard. He grinned at his men. "How many times did I tell you? We are warriors. We wield our weapon and, fight shoulder to shoulder. There is no need for all this nonsense. And why would I care? If someone refuses to follow the rules that are enforced upon them, I can only admire that! For example, did we bow down and, let the Church establish their 'Divine' Kingdom?"

"No! We did not! They claimed that they wanted to make a better world, where all of us can live a better life but... In the end, they were no different from the nobles, who tormented us in the first place!"

"They lied to all of us. So we fought back and, taught them a lesson! That we will never bow or kneel before them! And so far, their prayers didn't save them. Even their own god left them! Are we like them? Tell me men. Have we misplaced our faith in our weapons?"

The soldiers in front of him looked at each other then, stood up proudly and, formed two columns. Except the one with the message. They faced each other and, raised their weapons high up into the air. Forming a 'tunnel' for the Duke.

The Duke just laughed. "What's this nonsense?"

"The Regent, Lady Senna made us learn this...

I should have kept my mouth shut... All of my soldiers know that even a god punishment warrior wouldn't want to risk making Lady Sanna upset.

"My Duke. May I Interrupt? This letter is for you personally. I was sent here to deliver this as soon as possible." He then gave the letter and kneeled respectfully.

Strange. All of my soldiers know that, I can't read... "I see. Then there is no time to waste. Follow me soldier. MEN! Open the gates!"

He came down from his horse and gave the rein to the nearest soldier. The heavy and thick wooden gate slowly opened. When it opened, an iron gate became visible, behind it another wooden gate. God Stones were placed on the third and, second gate. A couple of minutes later, after the third gate was opened, a woman dressed in black, followed by a group of courtiers became visible. She had a perfect noble posture. All the courtiers kept more than a natural distance from the woman, but they watched her every expression from the corner of their eye.

She made a respectful and, perfect bow to the Duke. When she performed it, her movements were elegant and perfect. She looked more like a graceful swan, letting out her wings.

"I, Lady Senna, Designated Regent of Lion's Den, welcome you back, my Duke." All the courtiers bowed in rhythm with her. The soldiers nearby also followed her, and even the commoners who just passed by. Only then she spoke. "I am ready to step back and continue my duties as your advisor. Will you accept my resignation or, do you intend to grant me other tasks regalated to my post?"

Duke Lionhart just stood there blankly, and then just handed the letter to Lady Senna. She looked at him without a hint of anger, but her lips were twitching... "I understand..." She took a deep breath and gave a look to the nearest courtier. He clapped his hands and then, all those gathered stood up and, went on their way. She looked at the paper and her eyes became wide. "Who delivered this message?"

"It was me. I came from Warmwater Port and..."

"I asked one question only. Is something wrong with your ears? I am also certain that you left out something very important. I wonder what that may be. If you are intelligent enough, you can figure it out." She paused for a brief moment and, gave a meaningful look. "Still no answer? Most of the guards here were serfs, and I dare to say, they are far more intelligent then you. You are even a noble for the deity's sake..."

Everyone was stunned especially Duke Lionheart who turned towards Lady Sanna with a look that creams for an explanation.

"See the page he delivered?" She raised the paper. "This paper was kept clean and wasn't touched only on the sides. Most of the soldiers make the mistake of touching it with their palm and, even crumple the paper. They even give the paper upside down to others. It's more than likely that, you were a noble. Merchants never fight, only haggle. Everyone else left the Eastern Region a long time ago. So tell me. What did you miss?"

"Lady..." He said it with a mixture of frustration and admiration.

"There is still hope for you. Maybe… Now tell me. Why did they send you to deliver this request for gold and protection? It's still easier and, faster just to hire a courier."

After a minute of silence he whispered. "The Lord of Warmwater Port, is willing to betray the witches if we give him a small sum of gold and ensure his safety. My lady."

"Your manners are improving; you are not as hopeless as I though... Why? And how is this related to the witch?"

"The devastation left him without a choice. He came to our garrison. There we learnt that, the lord had connections with the witch associations. He says that the witch is the most valuable thing alive, but he won't tell us why, unless we pay him. My lady."

"How do we know that all of that is true?"

"He gave a description. If I could check on her, we will know. My lady."

"Because there is no way a small lord would know such a thing otherwise..." She looked at the paper once more and examined it carefully, then turned to the Lionheart. "My Duke. I would humbly ask for your consent in this matter. What are your thoughts?

My though are that, arguing with Lady Sanna is an uphill battle... I still can't believe that the favourite of Queen Garcia was sent away from the royal court and, ended up here. It's hard for me to admit it but, despite all the brave hearts, we would hold the Eastern Region only for a month without her.

"My Duke?"

"Do it."

Lady Senna looked puzzled for a second, like the answer wasn't sufficient for her. Then she rolled her eyes, and gestured towards the soldier to follow them. They went to centre of the castle, where a small, gloomy tower made out of stone stood. The tower was smaller than the walls of the castle and looked out of place. Like it was built later on.

All the soldiers there paid their respect but, the Duke just shook his head whenever it happened.

When they reached the top of the tower. They saw a lone cell. A young girl sat in that cell, barely older than 16. She had fair hair that looked smooth as silk, which reflected the afternoon sunlight in such a way that, it looked like, shining gold. Her hands were in shackles and, a God's Stone was around her neck, her mouth was also shut with a rag. She looked miserable but ,that didn't hinder her beauty.

The soldier went to the cell and closely examined her. This made the girl uncomfortable.

"I have to take a closer look. My lady."

Lady Sanna then turned to the Duke, who nodded to the guards right away.

The two guards went in and unlocked the shackles with a key from their pocket. They helped her stood up and, brought her closer to the soldier. He went two circles around her. Paying attention to every detail. Then he stopped and said. "There is no doubt about it. This is that witch." Then he paused for a brief second and grabbed his left side in pain. "But I am afraid I can't deliver the message back. May I have a selfish request? My Duke."

"Go on."

"Could I choose someone to carry the letter back in my place? You see they offered me reward if I make it in due time. I still want that reward... So I thought, I could bargain with someone and share it. Could I choose who sends back the message?"

You're crafty; you were a noble, no doubt. "Well as long as it's delivered, I'm not concerned. You can choose who will carry out this task."

"Thank you my duke..." He kneeled. "However there is one another thing. "He showed the wound on his left side. "I would like to rest until this heals. Could you arrange a room for me?"

"You are demanding too much already! Know who you are talking to! You seem to be in pain just right now. So far you had no trouble with that wound! I 'wonder' why..." Lady Sanna gave a doubtful look.

"I will arrange that." lady Sanna looked at the Duke. "A warrior should rest as much as he could. There is no telling when we need our strength the most."

"You offered me a great help, My Duke... However I have another concern."

Lady Sanna looked like she had enough. "What is it this time? Tell me… What is your name again?"

"Erasmus. My lady. And I would respectfully advise you, to bring more guards to the tower. There is no telling what might happen next. This witch might be a true gem…"

No please! Put away that sword! And... Is that a chair? No I can explain!

I managed to catch a nasty infection. It took me a while to recover. The antibiotic I took also messed me up pretty bad.

So please! Let me keep my head! I will try to make as much chapter I can in my current state!

InconvinientAllycreators' thoughts