
Chapter 180: No heavy luggage.

"Where did you go, Agnez? We have been looking for you," Gunnar stared at Agnez who just came back to the hotel after she attained a new skill from Mazikeen's power.

"I was having fun," Agnez looked at Jeanne with a smirk as she wiped the bottom of her lips with her thumb while licking the upper lips with her tongue to tease her. "Well, I'm satisfied now and I'm going to get some sleep," Agnez continued as she sighed and walked into one of the rooms with a big smile on her face.

"Wow, what kind of fun she had? She looks happier than ever for some reason, I mean I have never seen her wreathes in a smile like that before," Rozan said as he ate his cereal and watched a movie.

Sven and Vincze looked at each other while raising their eyebrows because they thought they knew what happened to Agnez.