
Destroyer in Danmachi

You take a normal harmonal teen and you take a truck-kun, baaam!!.... You wait for few second, you freak out and then..... Isekaaaaaiiiiiii. Come on you know the drill. In short the MC is OP and an asshole. Might not be your cup of tea since he is not going to go around doing the right thing, No tragic backstory, no suffering childhood, no bullying in previous life, just your regular assholes. Being an assholes doesn't mean the same as being evil, kinda like bete loga. But not a tsundere.

Overlordfanboy · 漫画同人
29 Chs

This is my story.

Waking up early morning has always been a tedious task. But mother will not let me sleep any late.

Oh, I forgot to introduce myself my name is Lionard Wellton, everyone calls me lio.

I live with my family, my mother and father in the city of Atlanta. It is on the southern end of the continent close to the ocean. It is a small town, a merchant town not affiliated with any country, since there are no major countries nearby,

It's a quiet town, with not many people here. But even then there are 3 gods who reside in this city, there familia helps keep the place safe from monsters.

Ever since I was born, everyone said I was very smart and talented, I learned reading, writing and walking way too quickly compared to the rest of the children here. It really bothers other children how I was basically better then them in everything,

And they took that personally, I was not allowed to join them play and stuff for a good amount of time before they warmed up to me, courtesy of our parents and Adventurers, aka every child's wet dream, telling us to get along with each other.

Though I really didn't mind. I was really the weird one here, cause I often found that my fellow friends were, childish.

We were 5 years old and supposed to be childish, yet I was the odd one out.

Other than that I lived a normal life, my mother told me stories of legendary heroes and monsters they defeated like dungeon oratoria, everything was perfect.

but there was always something, something missing.

I didn't know who or what but there was always a felling that I had forgotten something,

Something important.

The city is near the ocean, there are even tales of an leviathan in this ocean, but they were only rumours to attract the people to our desolate city. And a 5 year old is not suppose to deduce that.

My parents are merchants here in the city and are well respected due to there caring and helpful nature.

There is one place I always wanted to visit, or rather everyone on the continent wants to visit at least once in there life.


Our city was at the edge of the continent, completely different from the labyrinth City of Orario, the centre of the world.

A place where the most of famous adventurers resided, especially the strongest ones especially the legendary zeus and hera familia, as well as where most gods descended.

Our city, even though big, was dirt poor compared to orario or kingdoms like raika. Hence only 3 gods came here, the adventurers here were barely above a newbie level 1 of orario.

But nevertheless it was a peaceful place,

and I jinxed myself didn't I?.

It was almost night time, I was playing with my friends as we all heard commotion from the gates to the city. It was almost dinner time, so maybe the guards were changing shifts,

We all ran towards the gate, not because we wanted to see them change shifts but the of chance that there were monsters. What we wanted to see was an adventurer in action.

We all went there and saw monsters, hordes of monsters forcing there way through the gates.

Suddenly screaming and shouting filled the entire town.

We ran away from the monsters, and saw people, citizens carrying make shift weapons like pick axes, thick wooden spears,

Monsters outside dungeon were very weak but still deadly to an ordinary mortal without blessing,

hence towns usually have a few adventurers to deal with the stray monsters.

But this time, the sheer numbers were an issue. Hundreds of goblins, orcs, hellhounds, almirajs and even a few silverbacks. The adventurers were overwhelmed in a matter of seconds,

they quickly went from 'protect the people' to 'protect themselves'. That's when our fates were sealed, hence we ran but where?, it was a matter of time before we all were discovered, I ran towards my house to my parents, knowing they will help me

but when I arrived there I saw there bodies lying there alongside an adventurer's with an orc munching on another person.

This was reality of the world, it came crashing down, was there something I could have I have done? The orc became aware of my presence.

There were many things I hadn't done or places I have seen, never thanked my parents, why was I so calm, why was there no fear of death?.

The orc put his lunch down.

Oh yes.

I had already died once, but there was only one thing I was feeling, one thing I hated the most,


I could have done something, I have said something, nothing changed from my old life, I will again die in regret, or

Will I?

A blue screen appeared in front

[welcome player]

I walked to the nearby body as I picked up a sword the person had, the orc stood up and picked his weapon, a club.

[preparing quests and data]

[analysing surrounding]

[emergency quest]

[quest(awakening) : kill the orc

Reward : memories of user, system access

Failure : death of user

Penalty : Well, you are already dead.]

The orc ran towards me as it swung down at me, as I jumped to side dodging the blow and swung my sword at his hands cutting it down, as it's other arm punch my side throwing me away from him,

but I immediately stood up leaped at it while it was trying to stop bleed for his missing arm,

I stabbed my sword through his neck and yanked it out as blood sprayed all over me. And the orc fell on the ground dead.

I noticed I was faster and stronger, even more sturdier than any human could be without a falna,

Then more monsters started arriving after hearing the commotion.

I looked around

One word to describe my surrounding, will be hell, a sea of fire. Hellhounds were burning everything down, there even were orcs and goblins here rampaging around kill every living thing on sight. As I looked at the blue screen in front of me displaying

[quest (awakening) completion]

[granting rewards]

[memories of the user, granted]

A memory came to my mind,

I was surrounded by various gods, of shape size and colours, all using there arcanum on me together,

"we look forward to your exploits mortal"

[system access granted]

[preparing quests and data]

[analysing surrounding]

[emergency quest]

[quest (first step): kill all the hellhounds (0/?)

Kill all the goblins (0/?)

Kill all the orcs (1/?)

Kill all the silverbacks (0/?)

Reward : shop function unlock, SP

Failure : death of user

Penalty : you dead.]

[Will you accept?]

As I looked at the orc dead body beneath my 5 year old feet and the bloodied sword in hand, other monsters were starting to arrive at the scene,

I grinned as I remembered everything, and said

"I accept"

I ran towards the goblin and struck the monster through his head killing it, and then ran towards the second one,

while dodging the fire breath from the the hellhounds because I have no idea weather I was fire proof or not and this was not the time to find out.

Kill all the goblins (1/?), it doesn't give me a fixed number, so either it does not how many there are, or there is no upper limit to how many I can kill.

By the third goblin, I noticed the sword was already blunt, che the person was swindled with this trash weapon.

hence I ran towards the adventurer's dead body to pick is weapon, a board sword, and a wooden spear was also nearby probably one of the town people made it.

Another orc started running towards me, as I jumped using his head like a trampoline and jumped higher, right above the hellhounds as it couldn't spit fire above his head.

I landed on the monster while impaling it with my spear and swung the board sword at the nearby goblin. This shit is heavy.

Suddenly a roar rung throughout the street as a silverback came from the corner, it looked at me and roared, as I looked in his eyes and grinned.

I was picking a fight way above my paycheck, but wasn't this what they called 'going on an adventure'

[you have requirement for the title "survivor(C)" user's stats will increase by 50% when faced with higher level opponents]

I ran towards the orc, using it's large size to hide my pint sized body of a 5 year old, silverback charged at the orc, the orc confused weather to attack me or get out of the way of the silver back.

I used that confusion to again use his head as a trampoline and jumped towards the silver back's head who was startled from how I suddenly appeared from above the orc to in front of his eyes and stabbed his eyes with my spear, he moved his hands to grab me but I used his ears as support to swing behind him and them stabbed my board sword through the back of his neck and then ran down while still holding the sword with both hands, cleaving open in back.

I landed at the ground as the monster exploded in black smoke leaving behind a magic stone and my spear which was in it's eyes. I looked at the orc which was absolutely livid as both of us ran towards each other, More monsters started arriving as I tore through them.

I was tired, my body hurted All over but, I didn't want to stop.

I ran towards the monsters, as they jumped towards me.

Commotion was starting to reduce at other places, as I cleaved through a goblin.

Why weren't the monsters reducing where I was, oh I was drawing them towards me from other places as these guys were calling for reinforcements as they died.

how was I still fighting?, I was most definitely improving but my mind somehow always caught up with the difference, No it wasn't, I was still a novies with weapons, as I was just swing it with enough power to tear through there flesh. As another hellhounds head was spilt open with my sword, the spear was already broken, but this sword was still going, adventurer material is no joke.

As I noticed that the commotion had already mostly seized and I could hear people coming towards my direction,

I ran up to another silverback and plunged my sword in his neck, as it fell on the ground, people carrying weapons as well as adventurers arrived to see me, a 5 year old stand on top of a silverback with a board sword in hand through the monster's neck, covered in blood while surrounded by hordes of monster corpses and mana crystals.

Amm.. Well.. Tooth fairy did this?. Yep that's the excuse I am going with.

The adventurer ran towards the me with his weapon ready.

Hey, hey, Same Team, Same Team.

as I thought they were going after me but suddenly passed me to kill the monsters behind me,


I was then suddenly hugged by my neighbour who standing at the back,

"thank you" she was repeating again and again,

Huh? why?,

I looked at the corner as I saw my friends were coming out of there hiding spot with stars in there eyes while looking at me.

Oh, so this is what it was all about, I opened my mouth to say something but words didn't came out, as my vision started blurring

At least I was safe now

[you have requirement for the title "hero(B)" user's growth will increase by 50%]

I lost all my strength and fell on my neighbors arms, the town people around me grew worried,

A hero huh?, nah. That's bell's job.

I thought as my consciousness started fading and a smile made its way on my face, I will do whatever I felt like doing because,

This is my story.

Rewritten chapter 1.

Overlordfanboycreators' thoughts