
Destroyer in Danmachi

You take a normal harmonal teen and you take a truck-kun, baaam!!.... You wait for few second, you freak out and then..... Isekaaaaaiiiiiii. Come on you know the drill. In short the MC is OP and an asshole. Might not be your cup of tea since he is not going to go around doing the right thing, No tragic backstory, no suffering childhood, no bullying in previous life, just your regular assholes. Being an assholes doesn't mean the same as being evil, kinda like bete loga. But not a tsundere.

Overlordfanboy · 漫画同人
29 Chs

Astraea familia.

The entire hall started celebrating the arrival of their new comrades, if only these guys use two more brain cells, look at the ass hole's face and figure out that he is playing with them.

Rudra had a large grin on his face, through [limbo] I can see the adventurers he spent are going to the dungeon, but the real feast is going on inside that building,

Using rinnegan I can oddly make out the mana signature of people even at great distances, it takes a lot of mana in return so I usually don't use it continuously but with [mana manipulation] I can reduce the cost and get some mana from the surrounding though it is still not enough to use [Limitless] passively,

Currently, in the building beside us, the god there was lying on the ground, while several level 3s and level 2s including a level 4, his entire familia I am guessing, were stomping on him, while I am giving the live feed to shiva who was thoroughly enjoying it,

Alright time to end the show,

Shiva stood up as we walked outside, everyone stopped what they were doing and looked at us, standing at the entrance I looked at the hiding level 6s straight in the eye, every member of evilus was gathered behind us,

"now that I have joined evilus officially, let's do my first errand"

Everyone looked in confusion,

[divine chains], as a single chain shot through the wall and binded hermes and pulled him out of the building, while the adventurers jumped after him,

Hermes was hanging upside down by the chains in front of me and shiva, shiva was grinning on hermes face who gulped, while I looked at the new arrivals,

Finn and Gareth along bete and Raul of loki familia, Shakti and ardi Verma of Ganesha familia , asfi of hermes familia, these were the people I could recognise,

"how are doing there hermes" shiva asked while smirking.

"hahaha ha nothing special just hanging out ha ha" hermes laughed nervously,

"that's good, that's good, so now what?" shiva asked.

"please, lord shiva, joining them will not be beneficial" Finn added, they were late, even if the evilus moved too quickly they would at least need a day to get to the destroyer but they got information too quickly but how?.

That's when Finn realised the game the god hermes was playing, he was disappointed that he didn't figure it out sooner but now they are late,

"let's play a game, 'braver'." shiva said.

"what game?" Shakti asked.

"let's see which one gets destroyed first, you or the city" shiva grinned.

As a large blue monster appeared around the 'destroyer' and large demon like monster as big as twilight Manor, the surrounding area was destroyed just by it appearing, four arms each carrying a weapon,

"ROOOOOAAAARRR" just the roar shock the entrity of orario, whoever who wasn't aware of the current situation was now definitely aware that something was wrong.

People looked through the windows to see a gigantic monster near deudalus Street, holding weapons in each of it's four arms, people ran inside there homes, some to the guild, other towards the monster, the city was in complete state of chaos,

"lio is this what you want!?!?" Shakti shouted,

"I do whatever I want, if you think you can stop me, I would like to see you try" lio laughed.

A gigantic sword came down on the group, Gareth moved to block the attack while bete countered it with his own, a level 5 and level 6 giving there all just for one attack while there target was standing, arms folded, relaxed, he isn't even fazed,

Finn gulped, they were utterly out matched, no wonder the King was afraid,

Next come the axe which they dodged, forget about taking down evilus there main objective was now to get back home in one piece.

The adventurers as well as gods belonging to evilus were cheering, up till now they were living in hiding, hiding from the adventurer who were being crushed in front of them, it was a dream come true for them,

"look at them they look so happy" lio said to shiva.

"hmm, now I kinda feel bad about it" shiva said.

"then let's just end this" lio said as the blue construct vanished, the attack force was completely exhausted while there target still hasn't broken a sweat. Ardi looked up at lio in fear, he could easily kill all of them, but why hasn't he?.

[Gates of babylon], as numerous golden portals appeared above them. Through each portal a weapon started appearing.

Oh. So that's how we will die, Ardi thought.

The members evilus cheered, Ardi closed her eyes,

The swords rained down in golden light, and then silence,

"Huh?, am I already in after life" Ardi thought out loud.

"no you are not" lio chuckled.

Ardi looked around confused at her comrades who were equally her confused, they definitely heard the swords raining down but where?. Oh, on evilus.

Shiva was on the ground clutching his stomach while pointing at the gods of evilus who looked like there entire world stopped making sense,

"hahaha ha look... Ha... Look at there faces" shiva said breathless from excessive laughter.

"what?" now Finn was also confused, why did they kill the members of evilus, hermes looked at lio who was looking somewhere else, suddenly a black shadow like creatures appeared from the corners,

Hermes recognised the new arrival, fels.

"was it successful?" lio asked as the rest looked at him in curiosity.

"yes, they were taken care of" fels nodded, fels here is talking about a certain group which is obsessed with destroying the city, enyo. Now if these guys would have offered a deal, shiva would have really considered it,

While I was wreaking the place, enyo started riling up, but the moment they came out and started there own wreaking, I stopped. Fels along with 2 of my clones from [limbo] took most of them out.

I knew shiva would pull something shitty like this just to torment the poor god, so I thought why not use it. Hence I told fels of what I will do and he suggested that we use it finish off enyo as well. But we only got the low levels, outside the main force members,

"so all three of us had our own plans here huh" shiva said while looking at me and hermes who was still hanging,

Hermes sighed, they already were with the guild, this means that his plan was a complete failure but it wasn't so bad of an outcome, no the bad thing was when the others realise that he was the one who bought them here in the first place.

Finn relaxed, the situation which looked grim suddenly turned into there favor but he couldn't relax yet. He finally understood why the entire freya familia was so driven,

This was the might of the strongest adventurer, surpassing the heroes of the old, he was playing with them, then there were the two great familias,

It was only a matter of time before these giants comes for the dungeon, and then the loki familia will be crushed to the sides, they need to get stronger or they will not be survive the incoming age,

It was as hermes and zeus praised, it was the dawn of a new era, and loki familia was no where close enough to make it's mark.

Lio looked at shiva who was tormenting Rudra, he almost feel bad for him, almost. The adventurers he sent were currently running down the dungeon while the clone was chasing them, it saw something interesting,

They were all carrying multiple shining red stones, explosive stones. Hermes told me that they were planning to take down the astraea familia and celebrate.

I was about to leave for the dungeon when shiva suddenly stopped me,

"where are you going?" shiva asked.

Every looked at us,

"dungeon" I replied.

"Rudra here just told me the plan to destroy the entire floor along with astraea familia" he said.

Everyone gasped.

"seems like it" I narrowed my eye. What was he planning.

"you are going to stop them?" he asked.


"what if I order you not to" he said.

This guy. He is actually serious, of course the god of death and destruction will enjoy the carnage that was going to happen in the dungeon.

But I smiled.

"then I will hang you on top of babel"

I smiled at him as he gulped, I too was very serious.

"you took a liking at them or something?" he raised his eyebrows.

"they are a good bunch to be around"

"meh. Do whatever you want."

"I don't need your permission for that"

As I ran towards my clone in the dungeon.


On the twentieth floor of dungeon,

"where did these guys come from?" Alice shouted as she pushed back an adventurer who was trying to kill her,

"they are from Rudra familia" ryuu said calmly, while taking out the monsters behind them. What were they doing here?. Weren't the others should be attacking them, don't tell me they joined them.

Suddenly there was a massive explosion on the floor where the adventurer they just killed was lying. This shocked the entire familia,

The members of Rudra familia laughed and started throwing the explosive stones at them,

Stones took a moment before they exploded hence they were able to easily dodge them.

Rudra familia was starting running out of stones, astraea familia quickly started finishing them off when they suddenly noticed,

There were no monsters around them.

The floor was very badly damaged, maybe that's why but the feeling of dread was slowing creeping up to them.

Something was wrong here.

"FALL BACK" Kaguya suddenly shouted. As the entire familia jumped back to towards kaguya who standing at the back.

And ryuu thank the gods they did.

As the entire group in front of them was suddenly torn in two. It was over in blur.

What just happened?, ryuu thought along with the entire familia,

"behind" ryuu heard neze.

As I turned around,

On the wall, an undead type monster, it had four limbs connected to one place, razor sharp claws, and a large skull with shining red eyes floating inside his eye sockets.

It was a monster they have never heard of,

Suddenly it disappeared from sight,

"clack" ryuu heard the sound of sword clashing as she quickly turned towards Alice who was struggling against the blow of the monster,

Someone fired a spell at it,

It collided with it's body and bounced back at the caster who narrowly dodged her own spell.

Monster disappeared again and went after the level 3s of the familia as kaguya and I jumped in it's path, it was extremely fast, they could barely keep up with it, but on the other hand for the level 3s it was like the monster was vanishing and appearing,

One of it's blow threw kaguya aside,

A claw went straight for ryuu, other along with Alice ran towards her,

It was too fast to dodge, too fast to counter,

Ryuu closed her eyes,

Nothing happened,

"interesting juggernaut was still born" she heard a familiar voice.

Ryuu opened her, the monster was right in front of her, bound by chains, golden chains coming from golden portals around it.

She turned around to see the person responsible sitting on a stone above them,

Kaguya sighed in relief, this was the best assistance they could ask for.

"ROOOAAARRR" the monster named juggernaut roared in annoyance, another annoyance had shown up and this one was strong.

Suddenly the person vanished and appeared in front of juggernaut,

Ryuu looked at the adventurer in curiosity, she could see lyra's eyes shining, it was obvious to whom the chains belongs to.

He placed a foot on juggernaut's skull and stomped in on the floor, as cracks appeared on the floor and on the monster's skull.

"know you place, mongrel"

Ryuu gulped at the sight, he was powerful wasn't just a rumour that much was certain now.

The chains vanished as the monster remained on the floor, not daring to attack.

He lifted it by it's skull, and looked at us.

And he then looked the weakened monster.

What is he doing? Ryuu thought,

He then again looked at us and grinned.

No. No you don't you piece of...

He threw the juggernaut at us.

"That asshole." For the first time In years ryuu, the prideful elf, cursed out.

"THAT ASSHOLE" Alice shouted she was much more vocal of her thoughts, as her sword collided with the incoming monster's attack.

Of course he won't be just saved us like that, kaguya thought.

"are you struggling?" lio asked mockingly. This bastard, he is looking down at us.

"kaguya, ryuu take the lead, casters don't use magic, keep chipping at it, don't get too close, I will target the head, Cecily take it's front limbs, neze behind," Alice shouted.

"let's show that bastard what the astraea familia is made of" neze shouted. As the familia roared and charged at the monster.

It was much slower than before but still fast enough to be deadly, the cracks on it's skull were bothering it, it was much more fragile than before.

Lyra used her earth magic to block it's path. The rest took it's attention.

Kaguya and Cecily slashed it's front limb, I and neze took out the hind limbs,

Alice shouted as her slashed apart it's skull killing the monster,

surprisingly it didn't leave behind a crystal.

The familia looked the dumbstruck adventurer, HA He really didn't expect us to take it out, well take that you piece of shit. Alice thought.

"that.. Wo.. You guys actually took it out" lio said. Even if it was weakened it was still a monster that gave the protagonist bell at level 4, a run for his money, but these guys, who were supposed to be slaughtered by the monster in the original story, defeated it.

"don't look down on us" ryuu scoffed. She really didn't like this guy.

"why are you here lio-san" kaguya asked. Why was he in the dungeon right now, I thought he came here to met his God's friend and then would leave, did he join evilus. But then why did he help us?.

"there God spitted out there plan and I thought I will lend you a hand" lio replied while pointing arlt the corpses of Rudra familia.

"by throwing the monster at us" ryuu said anger, he was too arrogant.

"I weakened it did I not" he replied.

"that doesn't make it any better" she said. There were low level members with them who would have been slaughtered by the monster, and he could easily prevent it yet he chose not to.

"do you expect someone to save you every time" he said. As the entire place was silenced.

"I will only stay here till tomorrow morning, what about after that, if stuff like this pop up from the dungeon then what?"

"will you just roll over and die?"

Ryuu gritted her teeths, no matter how blunt, it was the truth, currently they may be one of the strongest in orario but there was still a huge gap between the strongest in the world and them.

"hmm you are right about that part, but you could have been a little gentle" kaguya said.

"I will keep that in mind next time" he smiled at them.

What does he mean by next time!?!?. Everyone thought at the same time.

"take rest, I will guard you all. Its the least I could do as an apology for my stunt earlier" lio said.

"damn right you do" Alice said as she collapsed on the floor and sighed in relief. They actually won. It was an incredible feeling.

Ryuu also sat down along side kaguya and looked the adventurer who came to there rescue, well for the most part.

But no matter how much she hate him, she can't help but admire the sheer power he holds,

The monster against whom her entire familia was helpless was utterly crushed under his feet.

And now the entire familia was relaxing and celebrating there triumph in the middle of the dungeon, like it's the safest place in the world.

And to some extent it currently was. the person guarding them was someone who even the legendary black dragon couldn't defeat. Now she can kinda understand why Lyra was so obsessed with him. He was truly like the heroes of the old. The impenetrable wall between humanity and the monsters, behind them people truly felt safe.

Aside from his personality of course, that was still fresh out of the gutter.

Apologies for the late chapter, I was a little confused as to where to take the story and had a little problem writing the chapter(my English is not very good)

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

Overlordfanboycreators' thoughts