
Destiny of Parallels

Story of two best friends/rivals who go through many trials & tribulations to achieve their goal and save the world but don't get the happily ever after ending that many are familiar with.

SimplyWill · 奇幻
13 Chs

The Beginning

Long, long ago there was a war between the strongest known demon lord and the strongest known hero. The war raged for 40 years before the end had occurred but before we can speak of the end we must start with the beginning…

On a bright sunny day, in a land distant from any other civilization there was a small village blossoming with plenty of lively souls.

"Hey, Yuri! Wanna come play outside with us?" Yuu asks with a smile.

"No, Yuu, leave me alone. I keep telling you that playing games is childish, I rather read and learn unlike you."

Yuu chuckles, "Yuri this is why I like you. You say that but really you want to play it's written all over your dead face. Come on, maybe you'll be able to beat me in something today" Yuu taunts Yuri.

"Just because you challenged me, I'll take you up on your offer and beat you in a duel today!" Yuri says while annoyed.

"Alright Yuri, are you ready to duel then!?" Yuu asks with a huge smile across his face.

"Of course let's just hurry it up so I can go back to reading."

Both Yuu & Yuri move out to the open field on just the outskirts of the village, Yuu on the way moves excitedly, almost overjoyed, but Yuri is more serious, almost as if tense about the battle. They both approach the area and get ready to battle, Yuu stretches with his blade in hand, and Yuri tries to examine Yuu to understand his moves. He gets nothing as Yuu is such a reckless, wild card of a person. Everyone is now gathered around and the boys are circled by a group of kids and teens.

"Look at this crowd, Yuri." Yuu laughs.

Yuri doesn't respond as he is slightly nervous but still trying to concentrate.

"Well, Yuri, let's begin...?" Yuu questions because Yuri isn't responding.

Yuri takes this as a fair signal to start, he rushes Yuu and swings his blade relentlessly.

"Wow! Yuri, your swings have gotten way better!" Yuu says excitedly.

"I don't want your praise, just fight." Yuri says with slight frustration.

As the fight goes on for about two minutes Yuri continues to swing but can't hit Yuu even once despite his efforts. Yuu just examines his opponent and dodges to know the level of improvement to Yuri.

"STOP RUNNING AWAY AND FIGHT ME YUU!" Yuri screams with anger.

It's as if the atmosphere changes, Yuu begins to move toward Yuri.

"Yuri, I wasn't taking this completely seriously because I know you aren't strong physically but since I respect you so much I'll at least finish this seriously." Yuu is emitting bloodlust.

Seconds after saying this Yuu knocks Yuri's sword out of his hand, Yuri is now walking backwards but instinctively, his body is moving on its own. Yuu closes the gap between them in a fierce step and now has his sword at Yuri's neck. The duel concludes with this. Yuri feels so defeated and shaken he falls to his knees, Yuri begins to cry and only feels despair. People around were praising Yuu for his amazing sword abilities but Yuu was more concerned with helping Yuri up and congratulating him.

"Why just why do you always beat me but then find a way to help me!" Yuri screams with tears in his eyes.

"Well, that's because you're my best friend Yuri." Yuu says with a huge smile while extending a hand to Yuri.

After the duel, the boys become closer than ever over time and eventually Yuri even opens up to Yuu. The two become best friends, eventually even becoming siblings literally... (The two's parents got married.)

*One year later*

"Hey Yuri, wanna go out to the forest to hunt for dinner?"

"Sure Yuu, just let me finish my homework then I'll get ready."

"Ugh Yuri, you're always doing homework just skip it for now and come on." Yuu says impatiently.

"Hey Yuu leave Yuri alone he's a good kid and actually does his work like you should!" Violet scolds Yuu as if she was a mother.

Violet is the two boys' best friend, they're kind of like the big three of the village. She has light blue long hair that is well taken care of, and blue eyes that sparkle, she stands at about 5 '5, is brilliant, usually always positive, and has a petite figure.

"Violet, you're always defending Yuri like he's your boyfriend or something" Yuu lets out a sly chuckle.

"Yuu cut it out." Yuri says frustrated.

"Sorry Yuri, I'm just teasing you." Yuu chuckles

"Anyways let's go out to the forest now, I'm done."

*Shortly later within the forest*

"Yuri above you watch out!"

A monster is above Yuri, Yuu dashes over and quickly kills the monster in a single slash but is fatigued from the constant rate of monsters.

"Yuri reinforce me with magic and recover my stamina if you can!" Yuu says urgently.

"You got it Yuu, but I'm running out of mana!"

They fight off constant monsters while trying to find a way to retreat, suddenly, Someone in the not-too-far distance screams < Lightning Fall >, A bolt of lightning comes down and clears all the monsters after the two.

"Hey, you boys okay?" A figure from behind the smoke caused by the lightning asks.

A tall handsome man with shining bright silver armor, blonde hair, a good physique, and a sword almost the size of the boys at his waist emerges from the smoke in front of them with a short girl in robes, purple hair, a pretty smile, and an emerald ring that glowed bright.

"Uh..." Yuu stutters after seeing the two.

"Yes we're fine, sorry about my friend he's a little shocked by your appearance but thank you for saving us. I'm Yuri and this is my friend Yuu."

"Hi Yuri and Yuu, I'm Isabel and this is my partner Damon. We're both adventurers passing through these parts and were wondering if there was a place we could take shelter for a few days?" Isabel asks with a pretty smile.

"Um..." Both the boys stutter.

"Don't worry you can trust me and Isabel, we're registered adventurers, we'd never harm anyone innocent, and we have money to pay also." Damon says as he pulls out a small sack of gold coins.

This was more gold than the boys had seen in their entire lives. It was probably something common to nobles, high-class adventurers, or knights/mages but to the two it was like seeing a gold mine for the first time.

"It's not that we don't trust you, we're just being cautious despite who you are." Yuri says with caution.

"Aw Yuri, don't be so stuck up. Follow me, I'll take you to the village and give you a tour too." Yuu says this with a mischievous smile.

*Shortly later*

The boys reach the village with the adventurers. Yuu was plotting something the whole journey back to the village and once they get there he begins to put the plan into action.

"Ok, I'll give you a tour in exchange for you teaching me some new sword skills, Damon."

"If it's okay with your parents I'll gladly teach you... What was it again, Yuu right?" Damon says hesitantly

"Yup, that's the name you won't forget once you make me your disciple!" Yuu laughs loudly, "Hey Yuri since you're so good at magic already don't you think Isabel could teach you some new things?"

"I can't bear to ask her something like that." Yuri says stubbornly.

Isabel chuckles, "You're so respectable but I'd be happy to teach you some magic for as long as we're here."

"Oh really!?" Yuri says excitedly before noticing he lost his cool *Cough* "I meant okay yeah that would be appreciated." Yuri says slightly flustered.

Yuu and Yuri take them around the village introducing them to the locals and to their friends. Eventually, they return to the two boy's residence. The two boys now live together with the marriage of their parents and all.

"This is our house and the final stop."

The door opens and Emma (Their mother) comes out to the door.

"Hey boys, who are your new friends?"

"Mom this is Damon and Isabel, both adventurers who agreed to teach us what they know in exchange for a village tour!" Yuu introduces them as if he was proud.

Kano (Their father) then comes to the door

"Glad to meet you two and sorry for our boys burdening you." Kano awkwardly chuckles.

"It was no issue, Damon and I actually had fun on the tour with the two." Isabel says with an innocent but pretty smile.

"Tomorrow can we start training Damon and Isabel!?" Yuu asks excitedly.

"Sure, we'll meet you here at late dawn and head to an open area." The adventurers now take their leave.

"Hey boys did you catch anything for dinner...?" Their mom asks them hesitantly.


"Um, Mom we kind of forgot" Yuu nervously laughs.

"Welp guess it's just vegetable stew and bread tonight boys."

*In sync* "Ugh"

*The next morning*

Damon and Isabel went to the boy's house early that morning and they headed to an open area inside of the forest. As they prepare to begin training Damon takes Yuu with him whereas Isabel takes Yuri with her to do separate training in a forest near the village. Damon taught Yuu how to properly wield a sword and basic attacks that were taught to knights in the kingdom of Isan. Damon also educated Yuu on the history of swordsmanship as well as fighting stances, Yuu began to pick up on the information quickly. Isabel taught Yuri aura techniques and basic passive spells such as magic barriers, increased movement, tracking spells, improved senses, and even how to walk on irregular surfaces such as water, walls, etc. Isabel was actually surprised by the level of knowledge Yuri had not just for magic but in life.

"Hey, Damon why aren't we learning anything cool like that lightning thingy you did yesterday?" Yuu asks, kind of disappointed.

"To be able to use that skill Yuu, you'll need mana and high-level sword skills from years of training so first you have to master the basics kiddo."

"I'll become a master swordsman in a way shorter time than a normal person! Just watch! Then you'll teach me!" Yuu screams determined.

"You'll have to find me first..." Damon laughs mysteriously.

Meanwhile, on the other side of the forest with Isabel and Yuri.

"Isabel, I was wondering, have you ever heard of the divine arts?"

"Yes, I have Yuri. I even know how to use them." Isabel says proudly.

"Would it be possible for you to teach me by any chance?" Yuri asks tensely.

"I could but like being a master swordsman it's the same with magic, learning divine arts is a very difficult task unless you become one with mana itself."

"I will become a master in a short time and you'll promise to teach me then right!?" Yuri screams now fired up.

"Of course we both will only if you can find Damon and me at that point." Isabel says with a sly smile.

*In sync* "We will find you!" The boys say determined.

The two weren't even together but were in sync it was almost strange. The two finished up training that day and continued training for the next two months. The boys train with the adventurers and become on the level of an Adept adventurer by the age of 14. (Adept is achieved by a commoner around the age of 18 if they train consistently and 16 for a noble if they train consistently).

"You two have grown a lot in these past two months. You even impressed Damon who's a tough customer." Isabel says, applauding them.

"Thanks, Isabel I learned a lot from you two it's kind of sad you're leaving..." Yuu says with a frown

"I don't want to admit it but I'll miss you and our training sessions too." Yuri says also frowning

"Hey boys don't be sad, remember we'll meet again when you're on Sage (S+) level." Isabel says, rubbing their heads as if she was a proud parent.

*In sync* "Yeah we will!" The boys scream as they're now smiling.

"Hey Isabel, before you two depart can you tell me my magic element?"

"Of course, Yuri just place your hand on my ring and it'll change color based on your element."

As he places his hand on the ring it starts to flow with dark energy. Isabel's face immediately changes, she looks concerned.

"Oh... wow…" Isabel says at a loss of words.

"What's the problem Isabel...?" Yuri asks.

"Your element is really strong and can be developed greatly but it's one that people have always had trouble controlling, some say it even consumes its user..." Isabel says troublingly.

"Well, I'll just learn to control it and use its power to help people!" Yuri says determinedly.

"I believe you can, Yuri." Isabel says with a bright smile.

As the two get ready to finally depart and say their final goodbyes the two boys scream to them from a distance...

"Isabel, Damon we're going to travel to the kingdom of Isan and become the best adventurers to ever live!" The boys say in sync excitedly.

"We'll see in due time you two!" Damon says before laughing and waving.

The two finally depart and continue on their journey after two months in the village of Jubo. The two boys continue to train vigorously for two years until they turn 16 (which is considered an adult in this world). After turning 16 they tell their family and all the villagers how they're going to depart in one month to head for the kingdom of Isan and become registered adventurers. Time flies quickly and it's the final night before they depart but the villagers have set up a party for the two around a huge campfire.

"We're really going to miss you two." All the villagers say and agree while crowding the two.

"Y'all really did light up the village." One of the older villagers says while laughing.

"Who's going to help me with my groceries and set up shop now without you two here..." An elderly woman wonders.

"Yeah, things will be different round here now." One of the middle-aged dads says.

As the party comes to an end the villagers keep telling them how much they'll miss them and expressing their gratitude and love for the boys. The boys start to wonder if the villagers think they're going to abandon them. Yuu and Yuri begin to think and quickly try to put the minds of all the villagers at ease as they always did when something went wrong.

"You all don't worry, we'll send letters, coins, and even visit when we can. We'll still be the same people who were born and raised right here in Jubo village." Yuu says with a bright smile. "Right, Yuri!?"

"Of course, we'd never abandon the people of our home village." Yuri says with a rare but pretty smile.

*The party ends and the morning comes*

"OK you boys, be safe and help each other out as much as you can. You better send letters about your travels. I love you!" Emma says as she's crying.

"Yeah, listen to your mother and always help each other you two. Don't die on your old man out there." Kano lets out an awkward laugh. "We love you boys!" Kano says as he tries to hide his tears.

"Of course Mom and Dad we'd never die that easily," Yuu laughs.

"Yeah, I'll miss you two too, who would have thought you two would grow up to leave me alone taking care of the village." Violet says while wiping her tears.

"Violet, you know we'll be back and be helping from afar." Yuu says.

"Yeah, I know! I'm just so proud of you guys and sad to see you leaving." Violet says with a sad smile.

The two are finally about to depart then suddenly Violet screams out...

"Hey, Yuri!" Violet screams with urgency.

As soon as Yuri turns around Violet kisses him. Yuri immediately turns bright red and begins to blush.

Mwah, "Just a little good luck charm." Violet chuckles.

He turns around quickly while grabbing Yuu and urges him to come on so Violet doesn't have to see his bright red face of embarrassment.

"Yuri are you blushing!?" Yuu says loudly while teasing Yuri.

"NO COME ON LET'S GO!" Yuri screams at Yuu as he begins to walk.

"You were definitely blushing." Yuu bursts out laughing.

Yuri was indeed blushing but the two finally leave for their journey to the kingdom of Isan and beyond. A new chapter begins as one ends.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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SimplyWillcreators' thoughts