

Every Girls life should be independent .Even if they are well protected by their lovly parents they need their experience in life for future.Our FL experience is just started.

Abhi's room is in second floor . After alloting the room ,all of them are busy going to their room.

At her room "Hi friends .... I am ling Meizhen from City A " a sweet voice come at the doorside. With a smile Hua introduce herself "Hi I am lei Hua".

ling Meizhen is a brilliant girl along with her angelic beauty ,simple, looks are like a magnet that attracts everyones attention . she is sister of the world's number one ARTIST.

About abhi: she is cute, skinny, elegant, with a gorgeous eyes and lips. Her overall figure is flawless .she is not as gorgeous as varsha . Somewhat....But she has a great flaw that she keeps in her mind. YOU SHOULD KNOW BY THE TIME BEING...

"Hello every one myself Jin Xuying " a new member enter the room. she has a pretty short hair ,stunning eyes and look like a normal girl.

"From now we can call each other with our names . Don't use surname ... ok . From today onwards we have to try our best to be a good friends."

Three of them are sharing about the school life , parents ,friendship in school .Enjoying in their speech they totally forget about the meeting.

"Time for meeting girls" a voice ecoded throw out the building.

abhi: "🤯 I totally forget that thing. come on girls time for meeting". They ran to the meeting hall and it is about ro start.

"look girls there are some rules you need to follow and it is compulsory"

" Ooo...No... again" the group started to shouting and ecoing the words again and again.

The warden tells all the rules and instructed them to go to sleep early as possible, because tommorow is the first day for them at university .they need to look fresh .


The whole building is in pin drop silent and all of them are sleeping.At the same time in second floor at her room, Hua is dreaming about tomorrow while sleeping on the bed.

Her lips curve upwards like she is dreaming about a lovely dream. Suddenly she panicked and get up from the bed like she saw the ghost. "What's that... what I saw in dream..." she feared that the thing she saw in dream might be come true.

lei hua wakes up suddenly due to the nightmare. she don't known what to do. "Ah.." A fearful voice ecoded throught the wall. Due to that Meizhen and Xu ying wakes up. They panicked and run to Hua.

"What happened Hua... why are you shouting during night....😴😴😴 ... Is it any nightmare 😱👻.." Xu ying asked Hua.

" Is it very fearful " Meizhen asked Hua. She don't say a word . Xu ying give her a glass full of water. Don't take much ,she drink full glass of water and she started to walk back and forth . Meizhen and Xu ying saw her every move and sigh heavily. Three of them taste how the sleepless night is.

At morning 6.00am,

lei hua, ling Meizhen and Jin Xu ying decided to go for joging. Three of them are very careful and concentrated in doing exercise and yoga.After finishing all morning activites, they get ready for going college.

All three decided to wear jeans and tops. lei hua choose baby pink tops and black jeans .At the same time Meizhen and Xu ying choose blue and grey jeans and white and red tops.

Though Meizhen and Xu ying are from wealthy family ,they are not the showy girls type. After eating breakfast ,they went to auditorium together for their innovation day. Three of them choose same course .

Before the guest lecture, all the tutors begins to introduce themselves and their respective courses. "So handsome.... I can't belive my eye whether I am seeing now is dream or not"." soooo.....handsome... " the crowd present in the auditorium are screaming and shouting at the same time.

Xu ying & Meizhen widen their eyes in shock, because the guests are their brothers. "bhai😧...." Both of them are seeing in their direct. " bhai..." hua shocked and saw her friends. " Really these four guys are their brothers" she though herself in mind.

After coming to the reality from shock, the guest lectures starts. "That guy sat at the right end is my elder brother ling long " Meizhen said to hua and Xu ying . "And those two sat at the left corner are my brothers Jin gang and Jin guowei " Xu ying said to Hua . " Those two are your brother" Meizhen said in shocking expression.

Even if they are the business tycoons and experts they don't attend any social events . So people don't known them including rich people.

" I will introduce them after innovation program over " Xu ying said to Hua and Meizhen . Aftet the guest lectures end , party starta.

Xu ying runs towards her brothers and ask them " why are you two are here?".

Please give comment about I written ... I need to improve. Negative comments accepted...

I am just a beginner. this is my 1st novel. please help me to improve

abhi29jananicreators' thoughts