
chapter 38:Rune magic

A week had passed , and Timothy was standing Infront Finn .

"Runes are a language spoken by the universe they help us mold the breath into anything your mind can imagine since the breath is the energy all around us , runes are the language that help us in manifesting the true power of the energy . Here is an example " Finn gathered the breath in his palm and since he was attuned to the fire element the breath took the form of a wild flame as it danced in his palm

"See this is just pure energy but with runes i can mold this into a sword" Finn demonstrated by placing his hand on the ground and the breath in his palm spread out , the breathe turned into runes and they lit up the ground in flames as a sword made of pure fire was taking form on Finn's hand , Finn got up with his flame sword and swung it a few times before the sword disappeared into thin air

"See that's a basic rune spell for fire elemental souls , flaming sword "

"I see all of that but how do you inscribe the breath into ruins?" Timothy asked

Finn threw an ancient looking scroll at him written ,Rune magic instructions

" study that but be warned of the trickster " Finn got up and left the training hall

Timothy pondered a little bit about Finn's words before opening the scroll and inside there was nothing besides a rune inscribed in blood , Timothy didn't think too much about before biting his finger and dropping the blood the rune ignoring the pain from his bleed finger

"Don't tell me I have been scammed into biting myself "Timothy thought , but then the rune turned into a portal and sucked him inside letting the scroll drop in the middle of the training the hall

Timothy found himself standing Infront of a huge tree filled with runes , the tree seemed to be on a small sland in the middle of a raging sea

"Cough cough" the tsound came from the tree startling Timothy

An old man wearing black mage robes appeared infront of him holding a cane in his hand

"Greetings young one have you come here to learn rune magic "

Timothy looked at the old man before responding

"Yes "

"Very good , they call me Sage Nilrem the guardian of all rune magic but I order to acquire knowledge of this power one needs to offer me a sacrifice that is worthy " the man explained

"What kind of sacrifice?" Timothy was now wary of the Old man but didn't show his emotions on his face

"Sacrifice a piece of your soul to me " the old man spoke in a grim voice

"Yeah that wont do old man see I have been warned about you , trickster" the old man started laughing crazily as his body started changing into that of a fox with snake eyes

"Ssss-so you have been warned about me huh? Did they tell what happens to people who can Sssee through my trickery?" The fox spoke revealing a snake like toungue

"No would you please enlighten me?" Timothy looked at the little fox

"They die" the fox came at him with great speed aiming to pounce at him but then a loud voice resounded

"Enough ! "

"But master I-"

" I said enough" the voice sopke again making the little fox retreat

"Turn around boy " Timothy's heart was beating like a drum as he could feel the Aura of the being behind him , he turned around and he opened his eyes wide as there Infront of him he saw a titanic wolf standing in the middle of the sea his body reached the sky, his fur was green in colour with giant golden runes inscribed on it the wolf's eyes were like a night sky filled with stars

" Refnir the great wolf Sage , your presence honours me " Timothy instinctively knew the name of the wolf infront since his parents used to tell him stories about it while growing up

" So you have also been instructed to come here in order to learn ancient rune magic? Did they tell you about the sacrifice?" Timothy couldn't speak but he willed himself to respond

"No they didn't tell me about a sacrifice" Timothy looked at the wolf

" You have to sacrifice between three things the first being any part of your physical body , the second choice is a piece of your soul and third being a piece of memory so important to you , you can choose now or leave and never return" Timothy was shocked beyond reason , because all of these things he had to choose between were hard to choose from

"Can I ask?" Timothy bowed his head

"Go ahead "

" How many people have actually made it through ?"

"Only 1" Timothy understood that many people were not brave enough to go through with it , but he wanted power .

"I choose one of my memories" he answered

"Are you certain? this process has no reverse." Timothy nodded indicating that he is certain

"So be it"

The wolf placed it's paw before Timothy "touch my paw"

Timothy placed his hand on the paw and the wolf howled so loud the water in the sea split apart

Timothy didn't feel pain but instead he felt sorrow as he could see the memory that was being erased but the more he tried recalling the more it disappeared Into his mind , until he forgot what it was completely then he felt a rush of information flowing into his mind slowly and the secrets of runes were laid bare before him , it was all like a poem beautiful and sad the process lasted for a long time until Timothy woke up and found himself floating on the sea with Renfir laying down on the sea his eyes that seemed like they were made of the night sky were looking at him

"The knowledge has been passed to you but with your level it will be pretty useless unless you become a soul tree Konqueror the level of the power you can unleash will be limited . You are brave " the wolf's voice entered his ears

"Master is it over? " The fox's voice came from the little island with the rune tree

The wolf looked away "if you want him you can go with him" the wolf suggested making the fox a little bit mad

"What never !! He's too weak master , I can't be seen with him!!" The little fox yelled

The godlike wolf gave Timothy puppy eyes as if it was pleading with him to agree

"Yeah I will take the little " Timothy responded

"Hey who are you calling little huh- wait wait kid you don't have to take me I'm fine here really " the fox waved it's paws

"Then it is done " the wolf stood on all fours

"But master-"the wolf sent them away then it flared it's nostrils

"You can come out "

A woman materialized Infront of the wolf

" Why did you do that" the woman asked the wolf

" I'm bound to the laws of this place " Renfir answered

"Which memory did you take?"

"One that will affect his journey unless he manages to recreate it again"

"What a cruel dog" the woman said before vanishing and Renfir sighed

"I didn't make the laws 'CHAINED' "