
Destiny: A Bitchy Game

The story revolves around Starlett and Luis. Two innocent souls who have been shattered by their own family a thousand of time, yet they stand without any fear. They cross paths when they are kids but destiny separates them. Later again the same destiny brings them back together but things have changed. So have their morals and personalites.

Leonardo_Da_Vinci_7237 · 奇幻言情
4 Chs

Prologue: and the story begins...

"Yes, that's him. His mother used to sleep with some older guy and had him out of wedlock. His parents are getting divorced now...",

The six years old boy ran covering his ears as fast as he can, not wanting to hear more rumors about his family, making himself believe that all this was just a bad dream, and he's going to wake up soon. But a part of him knew they weren't just some pathetic rumors but the bitter truth of his life. He tripped over the stone falling on the ground, wincing in pain. Tears cascaded his eyes, wetting his soft cheeks. He crawled and settled down under a tree, holding his bleeding knees.

"Hey isn't this the boy whose mother goes around sleeping with older dude…", Luis lifted his head up only to find three guys little older than him. He can tell by their smirks that they were up to something not good, so he tried to stood up taking support of the tree, he yelled in pain when one of the guys kicked his uninjured legs causing him to fall on the ground. Three of them laughed until a harsh voice fall on their ears turning around there stood a little girl wrapped in her beautiful floral dress, boring holes in those three boys who were definitely bigger compared to her tiny size but her ranged filled almond eyes were frightening. "LEAVE HIM ALONE YOU ASSHOLES" she growled the boys only chuckled.

"Aww see the little girl is here to save her boyfriend", the taller one snickered ruffling her hair she groaned and pushed his hand away. "Don't touch me" she growled making the front one flinched a little her eyes were fiery, and she was ready to fight all of them not caring about her tiny frame. "Bitch what do you think of yourself, you think you can fight us huh!? Come on guys, let's show her what mistake she made by coming in our wa- owwww!!" she didn't let the boy complete his shit and kicked really hard on his groin, he yelled in pain clutching on his private Area. The little smirked looking at the other two who now look frightened by her aura "YOU- HOW DARE YOU BITCH!!" the other one grabbed her by her collar raising his hand to slap her, but before she felt any sting on her cheek his hand burned robustly from the effect of her teeth she bit his hand until it started bleeding he tried to yank her he slapped her twice, but she didn't give up until the poor boy was begging her while crying miserably. "P-please, we are sorry… Leave me please we'll never do this again please", he cried out in pain. She let go off his hand spiting on the ground the third one was already shivering from fear.

"Apologize to him, you three, or else…" She grabbed the big stone laying there in grass intimidating them more they nodded vigorously and kneeled on the boy level whose eyes were wide open like a soccer balls looking at the little girl who passed him a gentle smile. The boy lost it all, his fear the pain on his knees he was feeling few seconds ago everything faded the moment he saw the most beautiful smile. He didn't even realize when the boys who bullied him ran away and the girl was examining his wound, sitting so close to him.

"Hey, is it hurting? Hello" the girl asked frowning as he didn't respond she shook him slightly that's when the lad came back to earth "Huh?" he looked at her with his innocent doe eyes and parted lips she chuckled and wiped his tear stained cheek he flinched a little "Hey don't worry I won't hurt you okay? I asked is it hurting ?" she said smiling to which he nodded cluelessly she grabbed his hand in her tiny ones "Come with me", she helped him to stood up. "Oww" Luis groaned in pain. They both walked toward the swings, she made him sit on one of the swings and ran to grabbed her mini pink bag pack which was kept on a nearby bench. She came back kneeling to the boy's wound level taking out cartoon Band-Aids, removing the wrapper. "It will hurt here take my hand squeezed it if you feel more pain okay?" She forwarded her hand which he took gladly she first cleaned the wound using water in her bottle and wiped the wound softly with her clean handkerchief and then blowing on his wound softly she applied the bandage while Luis just admired the girl. She wasn't fair like others, but she was beautiful, maybe the most beautiful girl for him. Her lips were glossy and pinkish, perfectly forming a heart shape. Her skin was painted in honey colored different from other girls perhaps for society's eyes she's ugly one there that's why girls passing by were waving her off with disgust or weird looks. Which the little boy didn't pay much attention to. He was completely lost in how her lips were forming in a pout when he hissed she was trying her best to not hurt him more. Finally, she clapped, smiling widely, Which made his heart fluttered once again. "Here done sunshine, she chirped her nickname brought thick crimson tint on the little boy cheeks "don't call me that", he said bashfully she cupped his heated face with her tiny palm squeezing them gently his form into adorable pout, and he stared her with his sparkling innocent eyes. "But you look like one", she said he didn't say anything and kissed her cheek now it's her turn to blush "I'm Luis and you?" he asked smiling widely "I'm Starlet" she said "Starlet?, isn't it Scarlet?" he asked. "Nooo, it's Starlet", she replied softly.

"Star, will you be my grillwfriend", Luis asked playing with his hem of shirt she chuckled and smashed his head lightly he rubbed it and glance at her. "Stupid it's not Grillwfriend, it's girlfriend and no, I will not", his face fell down.

"Huh why? I am not bad like they say. I don't swear. Promise. I am not like my mommy" he said, his eyes starting to tear. Starlet nodded her head. "No sunshine, of course you are not like they say. But, you know, my neighbor had a boyfriend once, and they used to fight all the time. I don't want that. Let's be friends that way we won't fight", she explained causing him to pout, but eventually, he let out his pinkie in front of her "Promise Friends forever and when we'll be big than you will become my only girlfriend" he asked with twinkling eyes the girl giggled and nodded attaching her pinkie with his "okay, pinky promise".