
Predestined meeting

(Author: Since the chapter is over 3000 words, there will not be a new chapter on Saturday.)


Lying on a comfortable bed, Mark rested with his eyes closed, while the gentle morning breeze softly moved his hair.

He slowly opened his eyes; the dim morning light filtered through the thick curtains, creating an atmosphere of unreal calm. The room was simple, with rough wooden walls and a low ceiling. He felt his body heavy, every muscle sore, but the sharp pain he remembered was subdued.

With some effort, he sat up, noticing the bandage covering his chest and back. He breathed laboriously but with a strange feeling of relief. He looked around, trying to understand where he was. Next to his bed was a chair, on which his clean clothes were laid out.


Recovering from the confusion, he remembered Agata and the children and their journey through the canyon. He tried to get up quickly, but a sharp pain in his back made him fall back down.

[Calm down Host, you are in Citadel 12. After you fainted, you managed to escape that area, and just before reaching the citadel, you met a group of soldiers who escorted you inside.]

Trying to piece together his memories, the door to the room slowly opened, and Agata entered, carrying a bowl of hot broth. When she saw him awake, her eyes filled with tears of relief.

"You're awake!" -She exclaimed, quickly approaching the bed.

"How do you feel?"

"I could be better." -He said hoarsely, coughing a couple of times.

Knowing that they had finally arrived was such a relief for Mark that he relaxed completely on the bed.

Agata handed him the bowl and helped him hold it while he drank. The broth was warm and nourishing, and Mark felt a bit of strength returning to his body. As he sipped, Agata told him what had happened after the collapse, which matched what the Guide had told him, but she added other details.

"You've been asleep for two days, you know." -She said, taking back the empty bowl.

"Really?" -Mark asked, surprised, but when he thought about it, it made sense given the fatigue he had accumulated.

"Yes. These days, we had to do some things, so we had the chance to explore the citadel, and it's completely different. Clean streets, real soldiers on guard, a respected governor; this is truly a place that can offer a future to the children." -She said with a smile.

"Were there any problems getting in?" -Mark asked.

"Fortunately, no. Seeing you injured and us with the children, they gave us the chance to stay until you were healed, but you would have received only second-hand care."

"This place doesn't seem that run-down to me." -Mark said, confused.

"That's because when we showed the diamonds we had and our intention to become official citizens, they completely changed their attitude, and here we are." -Agata explained.

"Right, how much were they worth?"

"Five million."

"...Wow." -Mark said, his mouth open.

He knew they would be worth a lot, but hearing the price in person, it was impossible to hide his surprise.

"My reaction was even greater, I never thought I would see such a figure in my life, though I must say that in these few days, I have experienced things I never expected." -Agata said, laughing.

She then explained that to obtain citizenship, she, Mark, and Vincent had to pay thirty thousand gil each, while for the children it was ten thousand each. However, compared to what they had at that moment, those expenses were insignificant.

"Were you able to find a house as well?"

"Yes, one big enough to accommodate all of us, though it cost three hundred thousand." -She said sadly.

"What does it matter? That money is yours."

"Absolutely not." -Agata replied seriously.

"But it is." -Mark replied in the same tone.

"Listen, dear, I'm already embarrassed to have used those sums without your permission, but I don't want you to think I'm so shameless as to accept them."

"From the beginning, I intended to give you everything, so there are no problems." -Mark tried to convince her, but Agata shook her head.

"I can't. You will need it more since you want to leave."


Mark was momentarily speechless, knowing that Agata had understood that now that they were safe, he would leave. He had decided to discuss it calmly, but perhaps it was better this way.

"You know, I especially realized it during our journey. I could read in your eyes the refusal to go back and stay stuck there, and I understand that. I've seen what you're capable of and your strength, which is why I know it would be impossible to contain you in places like these." -Agata said gently, placing her hand on his.

"Was it that obvious?" -Mark asked, returning the smile.

"Quite, which is why I can't accept this money."

"Then let's do this: half and half, and I won't accept anything less. The children are still young, and you need to rest. That money will be useful to you."


"I won't take no for an answer; otherwise, I'll continue to worry, not knowing you're completely settled."

Seeing Mark's stubbornness, Agata could only accept resignedly.

Later, the children and Vincent also came in. The latter was not very happy to see him, almost trying to strangle him. Apparently, he had discovered from the doctors there that he had no illness but had been exposed to some stinging plant. 

He took it rather well, though.

"Stop running away!"

"You put down that wretched plant!"

"It's the same wretched plant you made me consume!"

The two played cat and mouse around the bed while the children burst out laughing at the scene. Even though Agata found the scene comical, they were still in a hospital and couldn't afford to create a disturbance.

"Aren't you two ashamed? We're in a hospital, and look at the commotion you're causing." -She said reproachfully.

"He started it." -Mark pointed out.

"I seriously want to punch you in the face." -He said, gritting his teeth.

"Vincent, come over here." -Agata said, maintaining her authoritative tone.

"Come on, Agata, I'm a grown man. You don't really have any authority over me." -Vincent said with a laugh.

"Oh, so you don't mind reimbursing the thirty thousand we used to pay for your citizenship?" -She said with a smile.

"Wait, I saved his life!" -Vincent protested.

"And he saved yours by bringing you here, protecting you along the way."

"...That's unfair."

"And you, young man." -She said, looking at Mark.

'Am I going to get a scolding even though I'm in my thirties?' -He wondered, speechless.

"Why did you do something like that?"

"Let's call it insurance against unforeseen events." -Mark said nonchalantly.

"How I want to punch that face." -Vincent commented on the side.

"Fine by me, but then I'll return the favor."

Vincent saw him smile, sending shivers down his spine. He had seen Mark take down terrifying monsters and had no desire to experience his strength firsthand, so he decided to be the good adult he was and let the matter go.

Later, they went out to explore the city. Initially, Agata was against it, but Mark was too curious to see it, and his injuries didn't hurt too much, so Agata eventually agreed.

"It's really a different story here."

Mark looked around curiously. Many people moved through the streets filled with various stalls and unique shops. Occasionally, he could see groups of soldiers patrolling the area, and he even had the chance to see dwarves and beastmen for the first time.

Apparently, Citadel 12 was strategically positioned geographically. It served as an entry and exit point for other citadels, so many merchants and adventurers passed through, using it as a hub for trade and rest. In terms of strength, it was relatively low, with only a handful of level 2s, but considering there were no immediate dangers nearby, they were more than sufficient.

After finishing their tour, Agata took Mark to the bank so he could receive his share of the money. Once there, he had to pay a small fee to receive a card that could only be used by him to access his account. Once he got it, Agata transferred his share to him.

From what Mark understood, these cards were used for large transactions, so he decided to carry some coins with him in case he wanted to buy something on the go.

After the bank, the next destination was the guild. The guild was an institution with various branches spread across the continent, with the main one in Orario. There, it was possible to post missions and accept them if one was already registered.

After arriving at the modestly sized but precisely decorated building, Mark decided to go in. He saw many people entering and exiting, especially adventurers who had come to accept missions or claim their rewards.

After taking a curious look around, he headed toward one of the girls at the counter to request some information.

"Good afternoon, I need some information."

The girl at the counter shifted her gaze from the papers she was working on, and as soon as she saw Mark's face, she threw aside everything she was doing and displayed the most cordial smile she had ever made.

"Of course, go ahead!" -She said excitedly.

"...I was wondering if there would be any caravans heading to Orario in the next few days."

"Give me a second." -The girl dashed off, leaving Mark speechless.

The strange thing, though, was that he felt watched. Whenever he glanced around, he could see the other clerks peeking at him, but when they noticed his gaze, they returned to their work.

"You're in luck. In two days, a merchant group will be heading to Orario." -The girl said once she returned.

'Two days... better this way. It means I'll experience the energy absorption phase the day before I leave.' -Mark thought.

"That's perfect." -Mark nodded.

"Can I do anything else for you? And I mean anything."

Mark could swear she was breathing creepily, but he had other questions.

"Actually, I would like to offer some information. Beyond the rocky stretch to the east, in the area of the earth golems, there's a war between them and the houndums and orthros. Moreover, it seems both have a leader, respectively a silver golem and a cerberus."

The entire area fell silent, and the clerk in front of him had her mouth so wide open it could touch the ground.

"I had heard rumors and that some lunatics had crossed the rocky stretch, almost getting crushed, don't tell me you—"

"Yes, I was with them." -Mark confirmed.

"Wow... anyway, the information you provided is heavy. Are you sure you saw it correctly?"

"I think it's pretty hard to confuse a giant three-headed dog and another completely covered in silver."

The woman nodded understandingly.

"I'll request an emergency scouting notice. Before I forget, if you have a blessing, tell me your level, and you can request a discount for the journey. Of course, this means you'll have to provide support."

"I'm a level 2."

"A level 2 at your age is a rarity, but for security reasons, I must ask you to place your hand on this device that will measure it."

'Then why did you ask me?' -Mark thought, but he complied anyway, and shortly after, the symbol "2" appeared on the device.

"Perfect, I'll mark your name on the list and note that you're a level 2, Mr...?"

"Mark... Mark Tormeto." -For the first time in over a month, Mark could pronounce his full name.

"Perfect, we're done." -The clerk smiled, handing him the paper he would need to show to the merchant group.

"Thank you very much."

"You're welcome... and if you don't mind, I get off work pretty early tonight, if you want—"

She tried to look at Mark, but he had already stepped outside and had to shield his eyes with his hand from the sun.


"Sorry, I didn't see you." -Mark apologized after bumping into someone.

"No, no, it was me who was distracted, sorry." -The girl apologized as well and entered the guild.

With little else to do, Mark walked away, momentarily thinking about the person he had bumped into.

'It's curious, though. I've never seen someone with such distinct heterochromia, have you?'

[I thought you'd be more surprised by the new races.]

'That's true.' -Mark replied with a laugh.

Two days passed quickly. During that time, Mark spent most of his days with the others, enjoying peaceful moments, except for the night when he was tortured. They had visited much of the citadel, and Mark had taken the opportunity to buy better equipment since his was now unusable.

"This should do."

Looking at himself in the mirror in the room of their new house, Mark made sure he had everything. After ensuring he hadn't forgotten anything, he went downstairs where everyone was waiting for him sadly.

"What are these long faces for? I'm not disappearing forever." -Mark joked.

"Brother Mark, do you really have to leave?" -Ravi, the oldest of the children, asked with a trembling voice.

"Unfortunately, yes. There's something I want to accomplish, and it requires me to leave." -Mark said gently, getting down to his eye level.

"A-And you can't do it here?" -Ravi asked, still looking down.

"It's not something I can achieve here." -Mark said, shaking his head.

"But you know, I'm not sad. First, because we'll meet again, and second, I can leave knowing that all of you can live happily." -He said, looking at all of them.

"Have fun, play, find passions, and have dreams. Don't let anyone stop you. Now that you have the chance for a new life, make it full of happiness." -Mark said, patting each of their heads.

"Can we hug you?" -Ravi asked, starting to cry.

"What are you waiting for?" -Mark said, smiling and spreading his arms.

Like an avalanche, the children jumped on him, hugging him as tightly as they could, crying, while Mark gently patted each of their backs.

"Be good and always listen to Agata... You can ignore Vincent, though." -Mark joked.

"Hey." -Vincent said, pouting, making them laugh and reluctantly letting go of Mark.

After saying goodbye to the children one last time, he walked out of the house with Vincent and Agata, wanting to say goodbye to them separately.

"You know, I just can't seem to like you." -Vincent said while extending his hand.

"Really? I didn't think you were that bad." -Mark replied, shaking his hand with a smile.

"Vincent, I don't know what kind of person your daughter was, but I'm sure she'd be proud of everything you've done for them. I thank you from the bottom of my heart." -Said Mark sincerely, placing a hand on his shoulder.

"You know how to say the right words. Have a good trip, Mark." -Vincent replied, smiling.

"Agata..." -Turning his gaze towards Agata, there were many things he wanted to say.

He wanted to thank her for offering him a home, shelter, and the warmth of a family, but at the same time, he was ashamed not to tell her the truth. The idea of how she would feel upon discovering the truth terrified him, so he would continue to keep the secret.

"Dear, there's no need for all these formalities between us, right? Will you come to visit us from time to time?" -She said, smiling at him.

"Of course."

"Go and live your life, thanks to you, we'll be fine here." -Agata lovingly stroked his face.

"Thank you." -Mark said, taking Agata's hands and placing them on his forehead. He thanked her over and over again in his mind before letting her go.

"It's time for me to leave. In the past few days, I've paid for a fast mail transfer service in the guild. I'll update you once a month, and I hope to receive your news too. Before I forget, in case of an emergency, put a red sticker on the letter."

"Alright, dear, have a good trip."

Looking at Agata, Vincent, and their home one last time, Mark started walking without looking back.

Agata and Vincent continued to watch him until he disappeared into the crowd.

"So he's gone. Anyway, I doubt anything will happen to him. The way he is, even death wouldn't want him. I'm more worried about the people who will meet him." -Vincent said, trying to lighten the mood and managing to make Agata smile.

"It would be fun to see, but I would have liked to know his name."

"Hm? What do you mean?" -Vincent asked, confused.

Still smiling, Agata went back inside, and after looking at Agata and Mark, who had now disappeared, Vincent shrugged and went in as well.

Unaware of everything, Mark continued walking towards the meeting point, but even so, he occasionally sighed.


'It's incredible how someone can bond with someone else, isn't it?'

[It is, but this won't be the last time you see them.]

'That's why it's called nostalgia and not sadness. Besides, I can't deny that I'm curious about what Orario is like.'

[I'm sure you'll be surprised, even if it takes about a month.]

The only thing that got Mark unhappy was that fact. The journey to Orario would take a month, and although he wanted to speed it up, there wasn't much he could do.

'I'll use the opportunity to enhance the ring.' -Mark thought positively.

After walking a bit more, he approached the citadel gates, where a group of carriages was stopped, and several people were busy loading them.

"Excuse me, I requested transport through the guild. Who do I need to give this paper to?" -Mark asked one of the workers.

"The head of the merchant group is over there; you'll recognize him quite easily."

"Thank you."

After thanking the man and letting him get back to his work, Mark headed to the indicated spot, finding a stout man in elegant clothing and having an intense discussion with a girl nearby.

"Excuse me, I was sent by the guild. They told me to come here."

"Hmmm... Oh! You must be Mark, the other Level 2. It's an honor that you've chosen our company." -The man said excitedly.

"The other Level 2?" -Mark asked, confused.

"Exactly, who would have expected I'd have two Level 2s on this trip? It looks like we'll be in safe hands. The other Level 2 is a mage, and it's this girl right here." -The merchant said, pointing to the girl

 Mark was visibly surprised that it was the same girl he had bumped into a few days earlier at the guild.

"Nice to meet you, I'm Zoe Elpis." -The girl said, smiling.