
Destined To Love Only You

Having met Anisha more than a decade ago, Dylan never had a chance to express his feelings to her; and due to hidden acts by a person close to him, Dylan lost the girl. He tries in vain to find her; until one day, under unfavourable conditions, they meet again. While they are both fighting for their lives, without knowing whether or not they will see the light of the next day, they also try to get to know each other well, as their hearts fall in love. Coming from totally different worlds, the two have to fight all the obstacles that come their way. When Dylan is forced from all angles to leave the woman of his dreams, he finds himself caught in a corner between pleasing the people that he loves dearly, and keeping the love of his heart. He almost loses her again more than once, but sometimes destiny has an answer to the battles of the heart.

Ethel_Manyeruke · 现代言情
199 Chs



My eyes moved over to the sofa, and just behind that sofa, I saw it. The oval switch. I saw it, just like Dylan had told me. I needed to get to that switch no matter what. There was no way I was going to let Israel get away with it. I stumbled uncomfortably towards the sofa. The truth is, I was very capable of walking well, but I made it seem as if the long dress was hindering my steps. I clumsily allowed myself to fall, stretching my hands out to hold on to the walls, and at that moment, I did not miss my opportunity. I pressed the oval shaped switch!

Israel looked at me with a suspicious eye and said, "what was that?"

"I...I fell...the dress is too long. I stepped on it."

"I don't believe you! What did you do! What did you do!"

Israel looked at the switch on the wall and shot up into the ceiling in an enormous frenzy. The mad Israel, the one that I once witnessed during the kidnapping, was back in full force, displaying his maniac antics in furious no-going-back anger. The three of us screamed out very loud, and another bullet whizzed out of his gun; tearing apart a part of the ceiling above us.

Mrs Silva went down on her knees, with her hands covering her ears. Immediately the doors on all sides were pushed open, and armed security guards entered. I watched as a movie, to see up in the ceiling, at two adjacent corners, the ceiling giving way on its own, lowering down at once, and armed men descended with guns.

"Let her go!" the head of security ordered with confidence.

"Not so easily," Israel did not seem scared.

"Let her go!" he repeated, but Israel did not budge.

The head of security took a few steps forward and Israel commanded,

"Don't move! You move, she dies!" and with that, Israel started withdrawing towards the door. The two men behind Israel, the ones who descended from the ceiling, made as if to move towards him. As if he had eyes on his back, Israel commanded them to stop if they still wanted Ciera alive. The two men froze in their tracks, and for a while I wondered if it was worth hiring all those bodyguards if they were unable to take care of a single lunatic.

Israel continued to walk, dragging Ciera along with him. The two of them managed to get to the door that led to the kitchen. From the kitchen, Israel was going to have access to the outside doors, and I had no idea how many security guards were standing outside; but they sure were many..

He made it to the kitchen, constantly reminding everyone to remain in their spot. Mrs Silva's phone started ringing. It was in Israel's pocket, and he obviously ignored it. It rang two more times; he did not react.

We saw him and Ciera disappearing outside, and it was only then that the head of security started to move.

"Get him! The lady must live!" he barked his instructions in a thick voice.

Everyone got into action, running outside to see Israel, surrounded by the outside security guards. At that moment the inner gate opened automatically, and a police car drove in. An officer came out holding a gun. There were a total of three gates at the mansion, so the inner gate, as we all called it, was the one nearest to the mansion.

"You're surrounded, you can give up now!" the officer said.

"Not so fast, officer Fraser!" there was no trace of fear in Israel's voice.

"You know me!" the officer said.

"Of course I know you. You should know me too!" Israel spoke.

I could not help but wonder why the man was willing to give away his identity at such a crucial moment.

"If you know me, then it means you've broken the law one too many times," Officer Fraser said.

"You have no idea." Israel laughed.

He laughed out one of his crazy laughs, like how he used to laugh at the warehouse. The sound of that laughter sent chills down my spine. And I could tell that the moment he laughed that crazy laughter of his, officer Fraser instantaneously recognized him too. I mean, who else could have a laugh like that? It could only be Israel Bassard. Or was it Eden Salatto? Or Fletcher…

"Israel Bassard! We meet again! Or should I call you Eden Salatto?" the excitement in Officer Fraser's voice could not be missed.

"It's Fletcher, this time around, officer! And you must admit, officer, that I'm good at what I do!" Israel beamed.

"Of course you are good! Now, let's get one charge dropped off your long list; let that lady go!" the officer entreated, taking a step forward.

"Stay in your lane, dear officer Fraser; or else she dies!" Israel reminded the officer.

Dylan's car drove in, screeching to an abrupt stop, for it almost bumped into the police car which was parked in the driveway. Chris and Dylan stepped out at the same time, and at that time, if it was not for Israel standing and holding my sister in law hostage, I would have run and thrown myself into Dylan's arms. Never in my life had I been so happy to see my husband. When I saw him, I felt like everything was perfectly fine. I felt like everything was going to be okay. The gun was still held to Ciera's ear, yet I felt a peace welling up from within, assuring me that it was all going to be OK.

"How much money do you need? How many millions? Billions?" Dylan's voice echoed through the silence.

"It's always about money with you, isn't it? That's the fault of the rich! There's more to life!" Israel shouted back.

A security guard standing behind Israel made a small movement and Israel screamed, 'I said DO NOT move! If anyone dares break this rule one more time, this woman will die!!"

Another car drove in…KJ and his driver. Keith Junior swiftly got out of the car and it took him a while to register what was happening.

"Everyone behind me, throw your guns down, kick them to me! Move! Move! I want to see everyone in front of me!" Israel gave his orders, and the security guards' guns were kicked towards him as per his word.

He instructed us to take one small step at a time, until he was satisfied, and he ordered us to stop. We all stood in front of him.

"Please don't hurt my wife. I will give you anything you need. Anything!" Keith Junior tried to beg for his wife's life.

"I don't want anything! You think money can solve everything? I have enough money of my own!!"

"What do you want? I can give you anything. Anything for her life, please. I can sign over K JNR PRODUCTIONS over to you now. I can get you anything you want. Please." KJ could not help but shed tears.

"What do you take me for? A fool? I don't want anything from you!"

Keith Junior started walking slowly, crying.

"Don't move!" Israel warned, followed by a shooting in the air.

Everyone gasped in immense terror. During that slight commotion, when people raised their arms to cover their eyes or ears; or both, Officer Fraser took the chance to fire at Israel. His shirt shred into threads just above his left breast, blood gushing out uncontrollably. Israel did not let out any sound but instead shot back, his bullet capturing Officer Fraser on the knee.

"Get him! We want the woman alive! I repeat, woman alive!" Officer Fraser shouted.

Several security guards fired in Israel's direction, and I heard Ciera's voice screaming "KJ!!".

When I looked in her direction, I saw her crawling on all fours, heading towards her husband who was also running towards her. Israel went down on his knees, and before he fell, he shot again, at no-one in particular. It must have been the last kicks of a dying horse. A bullet went through his head, smashing his face to leave nothing but a huge blood stain. I covered my eyes in vast trepidation.

"Cease fire! Cease fire!" officer Fraser ordered.

"He's down, I repeat, the culprit is down!" A police officer screamed.

"Get an ambulance as soon as possible!" Dylan screamed right behind me.

He pulled me and asked, "Are you ok?" I wanted to throw myself into his arms, yet he held me at arm's length.

"I...I am well," I stammered in tears.

"Did he beat you, are you hurt in any way?" He asked me, scrutinizing my whole body very fast.

"I am well," I assured him.

"Chris, get me that helicopter now!" Dylan ran towards his sister who was lying on the ground.

KJ was there too, crying; down on his knees. Dylan hurled Ciera and carried her in his arms "Helicopter now!" he ran towards the helicopter which was already roaring on the helipad nearby.

"Why...to where are they taking Ciera? What happened?" I must have missed something.

"Ma'am, Mrs Ciera Octavia has been shot." Mrs Silva sobbed.