
DESTINED TO BE MINE ( Moved to a new link )

A girl called Luna Jones Lived with her rich billionaire father called Eric Jones and her twin sister Lucille Jones in Cape town. Their mother named Audrea. Jones lost her life in a car accident as the news took the streets of New York. Luna meets a mysterious stranger whose father was known to be a famous pop. star singer in New York City. She promised herself never to fall in love with a man, she had just met but fate crossed paths with them as she fell heads over. heels for him. A love that she never knew could ever exist became a reality for her as her dreams for finding true love became real. Things were going smoothly for the two lovebirds as they started getting closer and finding each other's hidden secrets in their past. Unfortunately, both parents didn't approve of their love despite so many efforts, challenges and promises they made to each other as they were wedded off based on a marriage contract on fame and status. They both seek to find a way to reunite but they face many obstacles which drive them further apart from each other. Blinded by greed and fame both parents will do everything in their power to keep their status no matter what it will take even if it includes the happiness of their children. Now both hearts are completely broken and shattered with the dream of getting back together all vanishing. Luna tries everything in her power. to make her dream a reality but a bridge makes it impossible for her to reach as She wanders helplessly with a hope that someday they will be together again. Asking themselves a question, were you destined to be mine? Who is this mystery man? What would happen to These lovers? Would they be able to come back to their happily ever after? Or would fate keep them further apart from each other? Keep reading to find out.

Kimberly_Obayi · 青春言情
5 Chs


Destined to be mine


Luna and Landon stared intensely into each other's eyes as words couldn't express how they actually felt but they were both sure about what thing and that was their undeniable feeling they have for each other. Lucille, still in shock could only stare clueless at both of them not until she broke up the silence.

"Uhm! I'm still here, you know?" she coughs dramatically getting their attention.

Luna and Landon quickly snap out and turn around to Lucille in an abrupt manner.

"Well, sis this is the guy i was telling you about Lucille meet Landon, Landon meet Lucille my twin sister." she said, with a wide smile back at Landon.

"Nice meeting you, twin sisters? Fascinating!" he said leaning on his car.

"Yeah? Fascinating like trying to kill me?!" Lucille busted out aiming at hitting Landon.

Luna notices her sister picking up a stone to hurl at Landon and quickly says;

"Ok sis, let's just put all of that behind, ok? Please?" she said, taking away the stone from her hand.

"Fine, only because of his pretty face." Lucille said, gazing back at her sister.

Landon quickly gives out a warm smile at the both of them and opens the door of his car offering to give them a ride to the restaurant, but Lucille declined and says.

"No, I'll pass, I think one of us has this special moment huh?" she turns to Luna who already knew what she meant.

"That's ok Lucille, i think you should go back to the hostel it's getting late now." She tells her sister and comes in for a hug.

"Yeah I know. Have a great time with hotness here and don't do what I wouldn't do." she whispers to her in her ear and gives out a wink and zooms off in a taxi.

Now Landon and Luna are left alone together. Suddenly Landon takes Luna's hand in his with a bright smile across his face and gently leads her into the front seat of his car, shutting the door behind her as he speeds up to the restaurant.

Few minutes later….

8pm in the night with the moonlight shining ever bright and the atmosphere calm and breathtaking they walk into the restaurant. Luna, mesmerized with the lovely view, couldn't be more happier spending this moment with the guy of dreams. Missed a step she strips and falls but luckily gets caught just in time before she hits the floor. Facing up she sees no one other than Landon as they both locked eyes and stared motionlessly at each other until Landon says.

"Hope you're, ok?" he says pulling her up into his arms.

"Y…yes I am sorry for being so careless." she tells him with a sad face.

"Hey now no need to apologies besides it's cute." he tells her and laughs.

"Cute? How is falling cute?" she says crossing her arms against each other.

"Well, I got to catch the most beautiful woman in the world, and she's called Luna." he tells her and pulls her in for a hug.

Luna couldn't help it but to smile uncontrollable and she wrapped her arms around him too. Closing her eyes, she felt so happy and wished this moment never ended. Having dinner and listening to pleasant melodious songs made their night unforgettable. With eating, dancing and hand holding their love grew even more.

Ticking 10pm it was time for Luna to head back to her dorm. Completely filled with happiness she turns to Landon who seemed focus in driving and speaks.

"Thank you for today, this is a night I'll never forget." she says slowly placing her hand on top of his own.

Landon notices her touch and quickly gases to her and speaks.

"Yes, me too, I love you." he tells her, holding her hand tightly in his.

"I love you too." She tells him and both lean for a kiss but gets interrupted with a call from Landon's phone.

Arriving at the school's dorm, Luna gets off from Landon's car and turns around to leave but Landon honks his car at her.

"I would love to see you tomorrow; I have a surprise for you." he tells her and immediately zooms off before Luna could even ask.

The next morning…

Beautiful chirps of blue colorful birds sing melodiously waking up Luna, Lucille, Ava and Miya from their sleep. It's a very good thing because they were extremely late for school as their professor Mr. Leo hated tardiness and lateness whenever his teaching.

"Wake up girls! We're late!" screams Lucille who already jumped off from her bed and sped into the bathroom.

"Oh no! We're so dead! Mr. Leo is teaching today." says Miya panicking as she scattered her wardrobe for an outfit to wear.

Those two were really bothered but except Luna and Eva who couldn't care less but just laugh.

"What's so funny?" asked Lucille who got half ready picking up a brush to comb her hair.

"Nothing actually, I mean seriously. Why are you both getting worked up is just a lecture ok?" says Ava who got up from bed taking a bit of apple she picked up from her table.

"Yeah, a lecture that if you fail you would repeat a whole semester! Luna. back me up here." She turns to her sister who giggled endlessly swaying her hair.

Both Lucille, Eva and Miya were all confused to see such behavior from Luna as they all exchanged glances. Not long after Luna comes out from the bathroom and quickly dresses up for school.

"Well shall we get going? We're already late, aren't we?" she says making her way to the front door.

Lucille, Eva and Miya still didn't understand what was happening but say nothing and quickly left, following Luna behind.

In school…

Luna, Lucille, Eva and Miya luckily meet up just in time to join the class before Mr. Leo enters. The lecture started exactly at 9am and ended at 12pm and thank God it was the only lecture they had today. Luna notices her sister had already left before them and immediately follows her trail leading her to where she saw Logan talking to her.

"Hey Luna, funny bumping into you. How was the lecture?" he asked, carrying his back on his shoulders.

"It was ok. I just got really exhausted from all the long grammar and decided to buy a drink, you know, to cool off. What about you?" She said taking out her phone from her purse.

"Well, I was just heading to the football team. We have practice to do and I'm really running late. If you want to come, we could head there together?" He tells her waving to a friend of his who passed by.

"Hey dude don't forget; we need you as soon as possible." a friendly voice tells him and disappears off inside the crowd.

"I would love to, is just that I'm waiting for someone. You better start going before you get called again. Well see you soon. Bye!" she tells him and takes her leave to the cafeteria.

After an hour she checks her phone again but doesn't see a call or message. Disappointed and sad she decides to turn around to leave but before she could turn, she hears a familiar voice calling out to her.

"Hey, I'm sorry I'm late. Hope you're not upset with me?" Landon tells her, giving her a beautiful rose flower.

"What? Omg?! It's beautiful and smells really nice!" she says, throwing herself at him with a quick peek on his cheeks.

"I'm glad you like it. It's really nice seeing you smile and laugh." he tells her and kisses her on her forehead.

"I guess this is the surprise you talked about, right?" she said, smelling the beautiful rose.

"Well not really, the surprise actually was me but anything you say it's fine by me." he tells her leaning in for a second chance to kiss.

Luna notices his gesture and immediately closes her eyes waiting for the magical moment to happen but once again gets interrupted by Lucille who was furious.

"Luna! I can't believe you left me all for a guy! I was wondering where you had gone off to and decided to follow you to meet…him?" she yells coming out from her hiding spot.

"Lucille, not again! You keep ruining everything! Can you be happy for me?" she tells her sister, locking eyes intensely at her.

"Happy? Of course, I'm happy for you but we're sisters, aren't we?" she asked, taking a deep breath.

"Yes, of course I know. So?" Luna asked brushing a strand of hair from her eyes.

"So maybe I want my sister to always be by my side when I need her the most, ok? To talk to? Laugh, play and talk about silly jokes." Lucille tells her breaking down with teary eyes.

"Oh, grow up Lucille, we're not in high school or little babies anymore! If you don't have a social life as always, I do so please don't make it difficult for me as it is. ok?" She tells her sister brutally.

"Luna?! How could you say that to me?" Lucille asked, giving her a hot slap right across her face.

"What? How dare you?! You mustn't act so protective like mum was, ok?! Because we both know you can never be her?!" she yells in pain and anger.

Luna notices her sister in tears and immediately comforts her, whipping away her tears.

"I'm really sorry for the outburst, I…I didn't mean it. I'm so sorry." she wails continuously.

"It's alright, i understand you miss mum me too but remember we just have each other, Luna. Me and you, nobody else and we have to be strong for each other, ok?" She tells her and they both embrace themselves.

Landon felt the warmness of sincerity between the two sisters. His happiness and love for Luna became even stronger as the love within him was something he couldn't control but his only concern was her but remembering the family he came from he couldn't be so sure if he could hold on to his only happiness.

