
Destined to be Master Mo's wife; Su Mao and her Triplets.

"My dear baby, look at what time it's; hurry up, or else we will be late." She answered back as she gulped some milk before glancing at the watch on her wrist. " Mother..." He pouted his lips sulking, he was spoilt and pampered the most among the three of them. " All right, all right.. stop whining and come over here.." he was the youngest one and his health has been complicated since birth since they were born prematurely, and had spent rather a better amount of time in the hospital that's why his health wasn't favorable. She lightly tapped on the vacant dining chair next to hers signaling him to shift over to get closer. Su Tang hastily climbed off his chair scurried over to the said chair and settled down beside his mother eying her either his puppy eyes that were adorably blinking, Su Mao bent over and carefully pecked his cheeks adoringly. "I love you, momma, you are the best." He cheered up before he heartily began having his breakfast. He had a special diet that was specifically meant for him due to health complications. "Mother.. you are being biased, this is total biasness you are doing momma.." Su Ting pouted her lips feeling aggrieved as her cheeks puffed out, why couldn't she also receive her kisses this early morning? they were all her babies, right? "Finish up first then I will give you a big one inside the car... Didn't you just say you are getting late?" She smiled brushing her off, she might be pouting and whining her lips but she was a deadly snake hiding in that childish face of hers. But deep down in her heart she knew that she had been treating them all equally, it's just that Su Tang was a bit dependent on her. "Humph..!" She grunted coldly ignoring her mother as she took her breakfast. They finished up before getting inside a low-key Mercedes Benz which had tinted glasses, and the body was painted black. She softly mumbled out while buckling her safety belt. "Rule number one" "Fasten the safety belt.." They echoed all together in response while doing exactly what they were supposed to. They hurriedly fastened their safety belts, Su Ting always sat on the passenger's seat while the boys sat down in the backseat. "Rule number two" Su Mao was done fastening her safety belt and now, she had switched the engine on. "Greet people in the car..." They echoed together as they began greeting themselves shaking hands. "It's good to have manners and greet your elders when possible so long as they respect you...." Su Mao never pressured them in any way, she gave them freedom, and at the same time, she let them be children as she never got to do that in her life. It was the most important phase in a child's life, she wouldn't deprive them of that. "Rule number three..." Su Mao twisted her head glancing at the boys in the back eying them, sometimes they were mischievous. "Geezzz mommy.. we have outgrown those rules, we are already so grown and big gentlemen...." Su Tong retorted back irritated, they were already this old but their mother treated them like one-year-old babies they were twelve years ago. ***************** Su Mao had just managed to occupy the Su company Presidential seat when she received a call from her half-sister... When she heard her voice, she understood that wherever she was, didn't have much time, thus she went over with the direction she had given her. Arriving there, her half-sister was on the brink of death and she had given birth to triplets... From being the Su company President to suddenly being a mom of triplets, with the sudden emergency, she had to make decisions... She was a young mom of three kids because she made a promise, but what kind of life awaits her? How would she manage to live her life fully after being driven out of the Su family and mansion? Was it worth sacrificing everything in the end?

Kim_Li_0078 · 奇幻言情
108 Chs

Chapter 37; All right mother, I heard you...

Su Tong shook his head and approached her, "Su Ting, you should know there are reasons why our mom doesn't accept being paired with the Su family and maybe they consist of a pair of terrible memories or maybe they could be the reason why she migrated.. try to be more considerate of her feelings next time.. alright?" Su comforted his sister.

He understood Su Tang's motive, only he would easily calm her down, he also could feel his mother was way more aggressive just now.

"All right." She nodded her head and blinked the tears away even though she was feeling indignant.

She settled down on the couch silently as she peeked towards the elevator from time to time accompanied by her brother.

 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

The entire fifth floor was painted with sky blue and grey colors that were cold and masculine.

They walked to the further end of the corridor where there was a huge bedroom with two beds.