
Desire of Immortality

A ruthless businessman with a desire to live forever proceeds to inject himself with a serum when backed into a corner. He becomes a mindless monster that is soon killed by a nuclear missile is sent to the void as punishment for his actions. Eventually he would escape and transmigrate in a new world. This is a story of a man who desires power and Immortality and will do anything to achieve it. Inspired by Star Wars, Warhammer 40k and Stellaris.

Tenzing_Choeying_5139 · 科幻
38 Chs

The Academy

Four years have passed, inside the Blackburn manor, in the training area lies dead bodies of monsters. There were ogres, Vampires, Demons and Ghouls.

A lone figure sat on top of these mountains of corpses holding a black sword that glowed a red light.

This lone figure was none other than our protagonist Darius Blackburn and during these four years he gained a lot of experience in fighting.

He had grown a lot stronger, so strong that he didn't need to go to the Imperial Mage Academy but he still chooses to go as he would learn a lot from there.

During these four years, Darius recruited mercenaries and gave them his blood. They were his personal soldiers.

And now it was time to go to the Inperial Mage Academy.

Darius gets up and walked down the stairs of corpses, putting away his black sword and goes to the bathroom.

The bathroom was luxurious and it had a pool, Darius took off his clothes and relaxed in the pool. He thought about how far he had come.

Darius still had that scar in his right eye from his duel with Zack, he wondered how his family was doing. It had been four years since he last saw them.

Darius was informed by one of his puppet politicians that Zack was undergoing training by his grandmother.

As a result Darius trained harder as he knew how much of a powerhouse Seraphina was. He remembered the mere power by her presence only surpassed by Crawford.

Even after these four years of training it wasn't enough, he needed more. Darius heard the door opening and saw three maids.

They were there for stress relief, Darius quickly read their minds to see if they were assassins or not. They were not so Darius decided to indulge in his desires.

He got up from the pool revealing his hardened muscles and his scar filled body. The maids blushed heavily as they saw his naked body and huge dick. The bathroom was filled with moans of pleasures which made Crawford miss his penis.

Crawford wished Darius good luck against his elder sister and grandmother and hoped that he didn't lose his dick like he did.

Memories of his dick falling to the ground and him screaming in pain made him angry but Crawford regained his composure.

Moans of pleasure filled his ears so he decided put on some headphones and listened to some music while reading.

Darius POV

"OH YES YOUNG MASTER, YOU FEEL SOO GOOD" Screamed the last Maid as I fucked her doggy style, her eyes rolled back due to the sheer pleasure.

With one final thrust I orgasmed inside her which left her on the ground panting alongside the other two maids.

Semen was leaning out of their vaginas, I left and got dressed than came downstairs for breakfast, there was scrambled egg and sausages.

"So today is the day you enter the academy, to be honest I don't even need to say good luck." Said Crawford with pride in his voice.

I was curious on what the entrance exams was like. All I knew is that there were two parts.

The first was a written exam that I studied for and the practical exam where we all had to face monsters and seniors.

I finished my food and started packing my stuff like clothes, snacks and bags and got my sword in a scabbard. Then an aircraft arrived to pick me up.

"Alright Darius, this is goodbye for now. But remember don't let arrogance get the bests of you. You may be strong but arrogance has always been the downfall of many." Crawford warned

I nodded, Crawford was right, arrogance was a weakness, a weakness I exploited to my rival companies back in my past life. I got on the aircraft and looked out the window.

The citites had a numerous tall buildings and I could sense the emotions of the people, there was happiness, sadness, anger and envy.

I turned on the news on my phone. The rebellion launched an assault which ended horribly.

The assault was led by one of the rebel leaders Saphire who was a powerful sorcerers. She was charismatic too.

Using my telepathic link with one of my soldiers who was there during the assault I found out that the Rebels were in search of the book of necromancy.

They sought to destroy it but failed to do so, the book was going to be one of the rewards for winning the annual tournament.

Speaking of the tournaments, there was a tournament coming up this year. It was between the students at the mage academy.

Mainly between Mages and Psionics due to their rivalries, those who posses both powers are frowned upon. If anyone tried anything it won't end well for them.

I reached my destination and saw the academy for the first time and was once more reminded of the high tech world I was in.

The entrance was huge, there was statues of the headmaster who was a powerful mage and a trusted ally of Crawford.

The headmaster William was a commoner who was a talented mage but was looked down up due to his commoner status and the fact he was strong in Dark Magic.

No mage was willing to take him as their apprentice except for Crawford and couple other Dark Mages.

William's usage of Dark Magic lead to his family disowning which did gave him pain but he dealt with it and moved on.

Speaking of the headmaster, he was here giving a speech. William talked about the challenges we will face at the academy.

The students were doing different things, some were listening, some were not paying attention and some was glaring at William.

This also reminds me of the fact that some of my classmates have relatives that were part of the rebellion. Most of them were probably killed by the Federation.

Some were killed by Crawford alongside William, thus these students may harbour a grudge against the headmaster.

Not to mention I'm kinda infamous around here, news of me staying with my grandfather and not going with my parents reached the ears of the federation.

Billy being the one who told everyone this and how I traumatised Zack which boosted my infamy. Now everyone is staying away from me.

I could sense their emotions, fear, anger and curiosity.

"First you must do the written exams, if you pass you may move on to the practical exams. If you fail either of these exams you cannot enter the academy." Said William with a stern tone.

We were all escorted into a hallway and took our seats, sheets of papers with questions appeared on our tables.

There also these high tech cameras looking at us to make sure we don't cheat. I got out my pen and started writing.


After the practical exams were finished, Darius passed with full marks. There was a mixture of emotions.

The ones who cried was the ones who failed and the ones who barely passed sighted with relief.

There was short break until the practical exams was about to start.

Darius just opened up a bag crisps (sensations) and ate whilst thinking about enemies he will face in the future.

just to let you guys know, the mc is kinda OP during the academy arc where he surpasses some of the professors. Also there will be some highschool drama as well.

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