
Desire of Immortality

A ruthless businessman with a desire to live forever proceeds to inject himself with a serum when backed into a corner. He becomes a mindless monster that is soon killed by a nuclear missile is sent to the void as punishment for his actions. Eventually he would escape and transmigrate in a new world. This is a story of a man who desires power and Immortality and will do anything to achieve it. Inspired by Star Wars, Warhammer 40k and Stellaris.

Tenzing_Choeying_5139 · 科幻
38 Chs


In the hospital, Zack was in a bed and was tended to by medical droids. His family watched with worry and Eliza was sobbing quietly.

The doctors had a very grim look on his face as he walked towards Tybur and Eliza who looked at him with hope burning bright in their eyes.

"Tell me doctor, how is my boy. Will he recover?" Asked Eliza with a hopeful tone.

The doctor sighed with sympathy.

"His condition is very bad, there is a very low chance that he will recover. His body isn't the only thing that's damaged, it's his mind. Zack keeps on muttering about a red eyes Demon." Said the doctor.

Tybur grimaced realising that Zack was talking about Darius who had red eyes.

"Look Me Blackburn, Zack's injuries is far from us to handle. Our healers tells us that his magic core is affected by some red aura. Like I said before his chances of recovery is slim." Said the doctor.

Eliza couldn't take it anymore and broke down crying at her son's condition and Darius's cruelty.

Tybur just sat down in a chair and was very quiet. Billy and Evie comforted their mother. Vivian had tears coming out.

'Why, why did this have to happen. It's because of Crawford this happened, he must have had something to do with the way Darius acts. Grandma, what do I do, I can't do this without you.' Thought Vivian.

As the family was taking in the news of Zack's condition horribly, the Imperial family was in a bit of a pickle.

In the Imperial castle there was The Emperor Neon and his wife Evangeline alongside prince Daniel and princess Rennala and Crawford.

Both Evangeline and Seraphina wanted to kill Crawford and he was prepared for the fight for his life.

"ENOUGH!!!" The voice of Emperor Neon stoped them all from fighting.

"Husband do you not see what had happened. The way that boy brutally tortured his elder brother. It's because of that bastard over there." Said Evangeline gesturing towards Crawford.

Crawford merely gives her a smirk.

Neon was a tall blonde man with a beard and his wife was tall blonde and a ten out of ten milf.

"Be that as it may he is an important asset to the Federation alongside Crawford. If Darius becomes as strong as Crawford than all the better. But fret not I will not allow Darius to go too far." Said Neon.

Rennala was both impressed and horrified, impressed seeing Darius's power and horrified to see him torturing his brother.

She felt a bit embarrassed when she saw Darius's good looks.

'How can that ugly man Crawford have a a grandson so handsome. They may have a similar behaviour but the looks are so different.' Thought Rennala.

Rennala wasn't the only one affected by his good looks, Evangeline also had a blush on her face and so did Seraphina.

The look they had when they found out the boy they were checking out was Darius Blackburn was quite funny.

And not to mention seeing him shirtless, seeing those rock hard abs awakened something in Rennala awakened. She had faced many incubus but Darius was different.

Although she never met Darius she had a hunch that there was something special about Darius.

Rennala chuckled when she saw her little sister Melony whom she loved and cherished pass out from a nosebleed when she saw Darius shirtless.

Than an idea slowly crept up in her mind, Crawford wasn't that loyal and was far too ruthless. Though Rennala was also ruthless Crawford was a bit too much.

That's the only thing she and her idiot brother Daniel agrees on. Speaking of Daniel, he's a blonde slim guy who was horrified at what he saw.

When Daniel saw his six pack he felt jealous as he Daniel didn't have Darius's good looks nor skills.

He was horrified and disgusted by what Darius had done to Zack and criticised Crawford. Crawford sneered on the inside and ignored him.

Anyways back to Rennala's idea, Crawford is a valuable asset but his loyalty and ruthlessness is a bit too much. So she though about Darius.

Perhaps she could use her body to sway Darius and increase his loyalty, he was quite handsome indeed. Rennala wanted to know how good Darius was in bed though.

Daniel wanted to know the condition of Zack.

"Mother, what is the condition of Zack?"Asked Daniel with a concerned tone.

Empress Evangeline looked grim and angry.

"Using my Psionic sight, I saw and heard the conversation between the doctors and Tybur Blackburn. Zack's condition is very bad and it's worsening by the minute.

Whatever Darius had done, it's effecting Zack both mentally and physically." Said Evaneline with sadness in her tone.

Seraphina had tears threatening to spill out but she recomposed herself.

"Damn my grandson really is powerful. I think it's time now." Said Crawford with determination.

The others looked confused and Neon asked what Crawford was talking about.

"From the day on forward, I Crawford Blackburn, declare Darius Blackburn as my successor." Declared Crawford.

The others were shocked, the heir was supposed to be Tybur but now things have changed.

Seraphina realised that if Darius is made heir, he will become just like Crawford. A monster with no morals.

She couldn't just barge into the Academy and demand Darius to stop being who he is. Seraphina had an idea on how to redeem Darius and she was confident it would succeed.

It consisted of a ritual that Seraphina and Evangeline came up with. It's called the Domain Of Judgement.

Crawford has no idea what Seraphina and Evangeline is coming up with.

And Seraphina and Evangeline has no idea how much this plan of theirs will backfire and make things worse.

The ritual will only serve as a stepping stone for Darius.

sorry if the chapter js short, I was too busy thinks about my results as today is results day, got a good score

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