
Desire of Immortality

A ruthless businessman with a desire to live forever proceeds to inject himself with a serum when backed into a corner. He becomes a mindless monster that is soon killed by a nuclear missile is sent to the void as punishment for his actions. Eventually he would escape and transmigrate in a new world. This is a story of a man who desires power and Immortality and will do anything to achieve it. Inspired by Star Wars, Warhammer 40k and Stellaris.

Tenzing_Choeying_5139 · 科幻
38 Chs

In hell

Hell was a realm of fire and darkness, the home of many demons. In one particular land, a magic circle appeared on the ground and out came two figures.

Lilith the queen of the Succubi and Darius Blackburn, he pushed Lilith back with Telekinesis sending her flying but she used her wings to fly in the air.

"Impressive young Darius, your similar to your grandfather but a bit more powerful. Let's see how much you can handle before tiring out." Lilith raised her and clicked her fingers.

Flames emerged and Demons came out, there were countless types of Demons.

Darius merely gives them a glance and in a blink of an eye decaptated them all.

Lilith was very impressed and decided to turn things up a notch, she summoned stronger Demons that Darius easily killed. She did this for a long time.

Darius summoned shadow spikes that killed the surrounding demons and in a blink of an eye charged towards Lilith with his leg raised for a kick.

Lilith who was still in the air was caught off guard at his sudden speed and was knocked down on the ground. Now Darius was in the air and he went down.

Darius raised his right hand was about to cast a spell when he sensed an attack coming up from behind and he dodged. It was Lucinda.

She rushed over to Lilith and tried helping her up but Lilith healed her injury. They both glare at Darius with both anger and lust in their eyes.

The two succubi charge at Darius but he Telekinetically pushes Lucinda away and fights Lilith. She has sharp claws that match Darius's black sword.

The fight was long but Darius was slowly gaining the upper hand, Lilith teleported away and was in the sky and was chanting something.

Darius was about to throw his sword when he dodged to the side and saw Lucinda throwing some eggs at him.

She gave him the middle finger and stuck her tongue out to him. Darius was about to throw his sword at ther but was engulfed in pink light.

Lilith descended to the ground and looked at Darius with a smug smile and so did Lucinda. As the pink light disappeared Darius felt horny, very horny.

The two succubi both hugged Darius, Lilith kissed him and Lucinda began kissing his neck.

'God I'm so hard, you know fuck it, il fucking these two so damn hard. They can't drain me thanks to the Sarcophagus.' He grabs Lilith by the ass and starts fingering her.

She moans in his mouth and clicks her finger, the trio was now in her chambers. Darius looks at her.

"Nice room you got, let's see if you can handle me." Lucinda looked shocked at what he said and Lilith growls.

"Oh my dear boy, oh are misaken. It's you that's being tested here not me, I will break your mind with pleasure and make you spurt cum over and over again." She starts stroking his hard dick that's trapped in his trousers.

Darius just sits on the bed and takes off his shirt, the two succubi watch with growing arousal.

"Are you two gonna stand there and stare or actually do something." Lilith just stared at him and laughed.

"You have guts boy, let's see if you maintain the bravado." She takes off his pants and Darius's huge dick smacks her on the face.

Lilith and Lucinda's mouth was wide open at the sight of his big dick then. "Are you two gonna stand there or start sucking?" Lilith just looked at Darius in the eye.

'I'm going to enjoy breaking you dear boy.' She wraps her boobs around Darius's cock and began sucking the tip, Darius groans and Lucinda starts making out with him.

This act of lust goes on until Darius cums, Lilith licks the cum from her tits with her long tongue, Darius grabs Lilith and throws her onto the bed and spreads her legs.

Lucinda watched with envy as she started touching herself, just as Darius was about to put his penis in Lilith's vagina. It gets stopped by magic shield.

Darius was confused and Lilith gives him a teasing look.

"If you wish to truly have sex with me you must prove yourself worthy. I'm still a bit angry you beat me and Lucinda so your going to earn out forgiveness." Lilith teleports Darius away.

Darius was now in a different part of hell still naked. He was still angry and horny, a dark energy swirled around him and formed clothes for him.

Darius could see a horde of Demons approaching and with a wave of his hand they were all cut to small pieces. Darius tried teleporting back home but failed.

Than he sensed a strong demonic presence.

Darius looked behind and saw a tall Demon clad in black armour and a helmet that had red eyes.

"So you are Darius, Lilith spoke much about you. Let us see if you are worthy of bedding the queen of the succubi. My name is Dazel, a Demon Arcduke." Darius asks him a question.

"Do you know where the exit is? I want to go back to earth." Dazel was caught off guard by Darius's question. "If you wish to leave than you are going to need the help of a high level demon."

"Will Lilith suffice." Dazel nods yes. Darius continues to speak. "In that case after I kill you I'll have to force her to take me home."

Before Dazel could react Darius was already in front of his face and punched him. The force of the punch sent him flying and broke his helmet.

Dazel tried standing up but was forced to the ground by Darius's Telekinetic power. 'This is starting to bore me, it's so hard to enjoy a fight. Guess this one of the consequences of becoming too strong.' Darius clenched his fist.

Dazel screamed in pain and anguish as he was crushed into a bloody ball. 'So much for an Archduke, when I read about them I was expecting a challenge. Now where the hell is Lilith.' Darius sensed Lillith's presence.

She appears in front of him and so did Lucinda. The two succubi give him a sweet smile.

"Well done Darius, you have proven yourself worth of us and our forgiveness. Now then finish off where we left off." She began walking towards Darius.

Darius unleashed his aura forcing Lucinda to her knees and shocking Lilith. "Listen here whore, I have no interest in having sex with you. All I want to is go home and your gonna take me back."

Lilith was far from happy. "Your rejecting me, fine than go back home. You will never get have me." A magic circle appeared underneath Darius and teleported him home.

Lucinda was shocked to see Lilith accepting to Darius's request. Lilith explained that if they fought than the Demon Queen will notice and it will lead to a problem.

Lilith and the Demon Queen didn't get along and she feared the queen. Lilith tried to overthrow her but failed miserably.

She looked at Lucinda. "That boy Darius could be useful against the Demon queen. One day when he is at his weakest I will appear to him and make him mine. I want him at my feet and his cock with be the throne I sit on."

Lilith shivered when she remembered Darius's huge cock, she wanted to punish him for causing harm to her. But now she regretted it.

The way he looked at her as if he was seeing some whore irritated her.

'Just you fucking wait Blackburn, you have yet to experience my holes.' Lucinda sensing her queen's lust goes over to pleasure her.